C120 - HW1

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the procedure in which trained participants describe their experiences and thought processes in response to stimuli presented under controlled conditions is known as

analytic introspection

the field that studies how to make machines behavior in ways that would be deemed as intelligent, if a human were to show the same behavior, is called

artificial intelligence

you walk down the street and see your dream-car drive by; you notice many features such as its color, shape, location, rate of motion, etc. All of these different perceptual features are processed

in multiple locations in your brain

the first experiments in cognitive psychology were based on the idea that mental responses can be

inferred from behavior

which of the following statements is the most accurate with respect to the idea of specificity coding?

it is unlikely to be correct because there are too many stimuli in the world to have separate neurons for each stimulus

which of the following is a criticism of the use of introspection in physiological research

it produces variable results between participants

early neuropsychological research done by Broca and Wernicke provided evidence for

localization of function

recording from single neurons in the brain has shown that neurons responding to specific types of stimuli are often clustered together. these results support idea of

localization of function

by comparing RT across different tasks, Donders was able to conclude how long the mind needs to perform a certain cognitive task. He interpreted the difference in RT between conditions as indicating how long it took to

make a decision about the stimulus

recordings of APs from single neurons are done with which piece of equipment


groups of interconnected neurons are referred to as

neural circuits

groups of neurons or structures connected within the nervous system are called

neural networks

the investigation of how behavior is strengthened by presentation of desirable stimuli or conditions, or withdrawal of desirable stimuli or conditions (e.g. electrical shocks) is best know as

operant conditioning

If kittens were raised in an environment that contains only vertical stimuli, you would predict that most of the neurons in their visual cortices would respond best to presentation of

picket fence

Ebbinghaus's experiments were important because they

plotted functions that described mental operations

behaviorists such as BF Skinner hold that the presentation of ______ increases the frequency of a behavior

positive reinforcers

an important contribution to the field of psychology resulting from the founding of the first psychology lab was

producing PhDs who later established psychology departments in other schools, including the US

the fusiform face area in IT cortex is often damaged in people with


which of the following events is most closely associated with a resurgence in interest in the mind within the discipline of psychology

publication of the book 'Verbal Behavior'

if the intensity of a stimulus presented to a touch receptor is increased, this will tend to increase the ____ in receptor's axon

rate of action potential firing

the key structural components of a neuron are

soma, axon, dendrites

when conducting an experiment on how stimuli are represented by the firing of neurons, you notice that different neurons respond differently to different face. for example, Jamal's face causes neuron 1 to fire most, and neuron 3 to fire the least. Raja's face causes neuron 7 to fire the most and neuron 9 to fire the least. Emily's face causes neuron 2 to fire most, and neuron 7 to fire least. these results support the idea of _______ coding


The idea of a grandmother cell is consistent with the idea of

specificity coding

which of the following neuron structures odes not receive signals from other neurons

the axon

the textbook describes a 'cognitive revolution' during which dramatic changes took place in the way cognition is studied. this revolution occurred parallel to and in part because of the introduction of

the digital computer

the occipital lobe is

the first place in the cortex where visual information is processed

Haurmi is trying to speak to her husband, but her speech is very labored and slow, and her sentence structure is often jumbled. Harumi may have suffered a lesion in her

Broca's area

in a procedure called _______, the way in which _______ diffuses along the length of a nerve fiber is measured to determine how different nerves communicate with each other

DTI : water

which of the following does not characterize the information processing (IP) approach to study of cognition?

IP holds to the principle of behavior as a stimulus-response only relationship

Which lobe is important for perceiving and processing touch, pressure, and pain?


the founder of the first dedicated psychology lab was


Which of the following best describes how neurons communicate with one another?

a chemical process take places in the synapse

early studies of the brain tissues that used staining techniques and microscopes from the 19th c. described the 'nerve net'. this early understanding was in error in the sense that the 'nerve net' was believed to be

a continuous vascular system

Broadbent was the first person to develop which of the following?

a process model depicting the mind as processing information in stages

in Donder's experiment on decision making, when participants were asked to press a button on the left, or a button on the right, they were performing a _____ task

choice reaction time

the little Albert experiment involving the rat and the loud noise is an example of which of the following types of experiments

classical conditioning

a mental conception of the layout of physical space is commonly referred as

cognitive map

the study of psychological basis of cognition is known as

cognitive neuroscience

Using behavior to infer mental processing and mechanisms is the basic principle of

cognitive psychology

The relationship between ______ is not measured directly by cognitive psychologists

cognitive task and mental response

Newell and Simon were among the first to use computers to study cognition. Their program,

created proofs for problems in logic

brain imaging technologies have made it possible to

determine which brain areas are involved in what cognitive processes

the idea that specific functions simultaneous activate multiple structures in the brain is known as

distributed processing

according to Ebbinghaus's saving curve, savings is a function of

elapsed time

cherry's experiment in which participants listen to two simultaneous messages found all but which of the following

even deaf individuals can process auditory information, albeit unconsciously

The 'Cognitive Revolution'

extended over a period of time, in response to attacks on Behaviorism

the ____ lobe receives information from all of the senses and is responsible for coordination of the senses, as well as higher functions such as thinking and problems solving


the temporal lobe is

where primary auditory processing takes place

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