exam 3 KIN 301

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the angle formed by this intersection of these two lines at the patella is known as the ______


the patellofemoral joint is classified as a ______ joint due to the gliding nature of the patella on the femoral condyles.


covering the remaining surface of the acetabulum, as well as the femoral head, is _______ that may gradually degenerate with age or injury leading to osteoarthritis characterized by pain, stiffness, and limited range of motion

articular cartilage

limits the anterior displacement of the tibia relative to the femur in all positions of joint movement and limits excessive rotation

anterior cruciate ligament

the central line of pull for the entire quad runs from the _______ to the center of the patella

anterior superior iliac spine

weakest of lateral ligaments limits inversion in plantar flexion; limits anterior rotation of the talus

anterior talofibular ligament

what are the four compartments of the leg

anterior, lateral, superficial posterior, deep posterior

the thigh is divided into three regions:

anterior, posterior, and medial

anterior and posterior pelvic rotation occur in the ______ or ______ plane, whereas right and left lateral pelvic rotation occur in the lateral or ____ plane.

anterorposterior or sagittal plane; frontal plane

the lateral longitudinal arch is important for ______ and is located on the lateral side of the foot and extends from the calcaneus to the cuboid and the distal ends of the fourth and fifth metatarsals


the hip joint is a ______ joint that consists of the head of the femur connecting with the acetabulum of the pelvic girdle

ball and socket/ enarthrodial joint

strongest lateral ligament limits posterior talar displacement translation and talar external rotation

posterior talofibular ligament

the _______ serves as the point of insertion for the short muscles of the hip and as the origin for the three of the knee extensors

proximal thigh

reinforces the inferior and anterior capsule of the hip joint; limits excessive extension, abduction, and external rotation

pubofemoral ligament

the location of the patella allows it to serve the quads in a fashion similar to the work of a ______ by creating an improved angle of pull


primary for knee extension

rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus intermedius, vastus medialis

anterior compartment consists of

rectus femoris, vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and vastus intermedius

posteriorly the sacrum is located between the two pelvic bones and forms the _______

sacroilliac joints

the _____ is considered an extension of the spinal column with five fused vertebrae


flexion and extension of the knee occur in the _____ whereas internal and external rotation occur in the ______ plane

sagittal; horizontal

due to the shape of the medial femoral condyle, the knee must ______ to fully extend

screw home

primary for knee flexion

semitendinosus, semimembranosus, biceps femoris, gracilis, sartoris, popliteus, plantaris, gastrocnemius

the patella is a _____ bone contained within the quad muscle group and the patellar tendon

sesamoid floating

the medial longitudinal arch is important for ______; is located on the medial side of the foot and extends from the calcaneus to the talus, the navicular, three cuneiforms, and the distal ends of the three medial metatarsals

shock absorption

the pelvic girdle moves back and forth within three planes for a total of ____ different motions


the tibia and fibula form the tibiofibular joint which is a _____ joint

syndesmotic amphiarthrodial

the ___ is one of the few bones invovled in locomotion that has no muscle attachments


body weight is transferred from the tibia to the ____ and _____

talus and calcaneus

all pelvic girdle rotation actually results from motion at one of more of the following locations:

the right hip, left hip, and lumbar spine

why are the anterior and posterior cruciate ligaments named for?

they cross within the knee between the tibia and femur

the enlarged femoral condyles articulate on the enlarged condyles of the ____, somehwat in a horizontal line


the remainder of the hip muscles insert on the proximal _____ or ____

tibia or fibula

the ____ is the medial bone in the leg and bears much more weight than the _____

tibia; fibula

_____ originates on the medial aspect of the upper medial femoral condyle and inserts on the medial surface of the tibia.

tibial collateral ligament

the line of pull of the patellar tendon runs from the center of the patella to the center of the ______

tibial tuberosity

what muscles are behind the medial malleolus

tibialis anterior, flexor digitorum longus, flexor hallicus longus

the knee joint proper or ______ is classified as a ____ joint because it functions like a hinge

tibiofemoral; ginglymus

the ____ assists in adapting the foot to the ground and extends across the foot from the first metatarsal to the fifth metatarsal


the gastrocnemius and the soleus collectively are known as the _____ due to their three heads which together join to the achilles tendon

triceps surae

however, sometimes the tibiofemoral joint is classified as a ________ joint because of the internal and external rotation movemnets that occur during flexion

trochoginglymus joiint

there are ____ longitudinal arches


at the hip joint, there are seven ____ muscles that have one action at the hip and another at the knee

two joint muscles

the anterior portion of the talus is _____ than its posterior portion, and this is a factor in making the ankle more stable in dorsiflexion than in plantar flexion


the medial meniscus is the larger of the two and has a much more ______ c appearance than the rather _____ C configuration of the lateral mensicus

open; closed

at birth, the three pelvic bones are three distinct bones but as they mature, they are fused together to form one pelvic bone known as the _______

os coxae

both the medial and lateral meniscus are thicker on the ______ and taper down to be very thin on the _____

outside; inside

distally, the ______ serves as a major bony landmark to which all of the four quad muscles attach and ultimately insert on the tibial tuberosity via the patella tendon


although it is not essential for movement to occur in all three of these areas, it must occur in at least one for the _____ to rotate in any direction


what tendons are behind the lateral malleolus

peroneus brevis and longus

the _____ attaches to the anteromedial aspect of the proximal tibia below the level of the tibial tuberosity

pes anserinus

the ligaments provide static stability to the knee joint, and contractions of the quads and hamstrings produce ______ stability


the quads ______ the knee


this results in a greater mechanical advantage when performing knee _____


the _____ is the longest bone in the body


the fibula serves as the attachment for some very important knee joint structures, although it does not articular with the _____ or ___ and is not part of the knee joint articulation

femur or patella

______ originates on the lateral femoral condyle very close to the popliteus origin and inserts on the head of the fibula

fibula collateral ligament

the hamstrings ____ the knee


the ankle joint known as the talocrural joint is classified as a ____ joint

ginglymus or hinge

the _______ is the point of insertion for all of the gluteal muscles and five of the six deep internal rotators

greater trochanter

the femur projects out laterally from its head toward the ______ and then angles back towards the midline as it runs inferiorly to form the proximal bone of the knee

greater trochanter

what is the stance phase divided into

heel strike, midstance (loading response, midstance, terminal stance), and toe off

right transverse pelvic rotation and left transverse pelvic rotation occur in the ____ or ___ plane of motion

horizontal or transverse

what is swing phase divided into?

initial swing, midswing, and terminal swing

in addition to the ligaments supporting both of these joints there is a strong dense _______ between the shafts of these two bones

interosseous membrane

the _______ serves as the point of origin for the hamstrings which _____ the hip

ischial tuberosity; extends

triangular band of strong fibers that reinforce the posterior articular capsule of the hip joint; limits internal rotation

ischiofemoral ligament

extracapsular ligament; not part of the fibrous capsule of the knee; passes superficial to the popliteus tendon origin; provides lateral stability against varus stress

lateral collateral ligament

the ______ sits on the lateral tibial plateau to receive the lateral femoral condyle

lateral meniscus

the body part that moves the most is the ______ stabilized


muscles are able to exert greater force when _____ then when ______

lengthened; shortened

the _______ serves as the bony landmark for the illiopsoas

lesser trochanter

the _______, longest of all ligaments of the tarsals, originates on the plantar surface of the calcaneus anterior to the calcaneal tuberosity and inserts on the plantar surface of the cuboid with superficial fibers continuing forward to the bases of the metatarsal bones

long plantar ligament

these bony protrusions are known as _____ and serve as a sort of pulley for the tendons of the muscles that run directly posterior to them


the top of the medial and lateral tibial condyles known as the _______, serve as receptacles for the femoral condyles

medial and lateral tibial plateaus

composed of a superficial and deep layer; provides medial stability against valgus stress and external rotation

medial collateral ligament

because the femur projects at an oblique angle towards the midline, its _______ is slightly larger than the _____ condyle

medial condyle larger than the lateral condyle

the ______ is located on the medial tibial plateau to form a receptacle for the medial femoral condyle

medial meniscus

except for the glenohumeral joint, the hip is one of the most mobile joints of the body because of its ________ arrangement


supports the head of the talus and the medial longitudinal arch

plantar calcaneonavicular ligament (spring ligament)

just posterior to the patellar tendon is the infrapatellar fat pad which is often an insertion point for synovial folds of tissue known as ______


hamstring group is located in the _____ compartment


limits posterior displacement of the tibia relative to the femur in all positions of joint movement

posterior cruciate ligament

the ______ is a broad structure extending from the medial calcaneal tuberosity to the proximal phalanges of the toes. (STABILIZES THE MEDIAL LONGITUDINAL ARCH)

Plantar fascia

the hip or ______ is a relatively stable joint due to its ________, strong ligaments, and large supportive muscles

acetabular femoral joint; bony architecture

similar to the glenoid fossa of the shoulder joint, the _______ is lined around most of its periphery with a labrum to enhance stability and provide some shock absorption


the hip joint is formed by the femoral head inserting into the socket provided by the _______ of the pelvis


medial compartment consists of

adductor brevis, longus, and magnus, and pectinues, and gracilis

anteriorly the pelvic bones are joined to form the symphysis pubis, an ______ joint


all the hamstring muscles as well as the rectus femoris, satorius, gracilis are ______ muscles


posterior compartment consists of

biceps femoris, semitendinosus, semimembranosus

reinforces the ankle and subtalar joints; limits excessive inversion in neutral or dorsiflexed position

calcaneofibular ligament

extending inferior from the sacrum is the ________


the metatarsophalangeal joints are classified as ____ joints

condyloid type

triangular ligament on the medial side of the talocrural joint

deltoid ligament

the knee joint is the largest ______ joint in the body and is very complex


the _____ ends of the tibia and fibula are enlarged and protrude horizontally and inferiorly


the _______ is supported by the intrinsic muscles of the foot such as the lumbricals, adductor hallicus, and flexor digitorum minimu

distal transverse arch or metatarsal

the pelvic bones are made up of three bones:

ilium, ischium, and pubis

the pelvic bone is roughly divided into three areas, starting at the acetabulum: _________= upper two fifths, ________= posterior and lower two fifths, _________ =anterior and lower one fifth

ilium; ischium; pubis

the muscles of the pelvis that act on the hip joint may be divided into two regions:

illiac region and gluteal region

the ________ prevents hip hyperextension and is the strongest ligament of the body; reinforces the anterior surface of the articular capsule of the hip joint; helps maintain posture

illiofemoral ligament (Y ligament/ ligament of bigelow)

in addition to articular cartilage covering the ends of the bones, specialized cartilages, known as _______, form cushions between the bones


unlike the glenohumeral joint, the hip joint's bony architecture provides a great deal of ______, resulting in relatively few hip joint sublaxations


what is walking divided into?

stance and swing phases

inversion and eversion, though commonly though to be ankle joint movements, techincally occur in the ____ and _____ joints known as the choparts joint

subtalar and transverse tarsal

what are the two main functions of the foot

support and propulsion

occurs when the foot leaves the ground and the leg moves forward to another point of contact

swing phase

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