verb+preposition 5

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react to

реагировать на react...

lack smth He lacks the courage to confront his friends.

не хватать чего-то lack ... smth

ask smb for smth Don't ask me for money. I don't have any. I need to ask my boss about the topic?

просить кого-то о чем-то ask ... smb ... smth

forgive smb for I'll never forgive them for what they did.

простить кого-то за что-то forgive smb ...

work for I hate to work for this company. He works for an engineering company.

работать на work...

worry about The current British Prime Minister, David Cameron, graduated from Oxford University. The singer N. Baskov was worried about losing his voice or having it damaged, so he paid a large sum of money to insure it against these risks.

беспокоиться о worry...

send smb to(be sent to) He was sent to prison. An invitation letter has been sent to you by e-mail. When she was twelve, her parents sent her to school in Oxford.

быть отправленным куда-то send ... smb ...(be sent...)

climb smth It was an effort to climb the stairs.

взбираться на, подниматься climb ... smth

have/take a look at I'm not sure where we are. I'll have to look at the map.

взглянуть have/take a look ...

charge for I had to change those trousers I bought for a bigger pair.

взимать плату за charge ...

fall in love with He fell in love with a young German student.

влюбиться fall ... love ...

glance at I glanced at my watch to see what time it was.

глянуть мельком на glance ...

finish smth Have you finished with that magazine?

заканчивать finish ... smth

prepare for I tried to explain to the teacher that I did my best to prepare for the test.

готовиться к prepare ...

prohibit smth/smb from smth/smb(be prohibited from) I will prohibit him from leaving. Motor vehicles are prohibited from driving in the town centre.

запрещать prohibit ... smth/smb ... smth/smb(be prohibited ...)

know about smth/smb What do you know about this new car?

знать о чем-то/ком-то know ... smth/smb

pray for smb/smth We've all been praying for you after the accident.

молиться за pray ... smb/smth

punish smb for smth(be punished for) The charge was reportedly brought to punish him for his religious activities. He was punished for stealing. We approached this task in the wrong way, and we were punished for it.

наказать кого-то за что-то punish ... smb ... smth(be punished ...)

(ex)change smth for smth These shoes are way too big-I need to exchange them for a smaller size.

обменивать что-то на что-то (ex)change smth ... smth

!have a discussion about We had a discussion about what we should do.

обсуждать что-то !have a discussion ...

discuss smth with smb We discussed the problem, but we didn't reach a decision.

обсуждать что-то с кем-то discuss ... smth ... smb

graduate from

окончить учебное заведение graduate ...

base on Banks should base interest-rate decisions on detailed financial analyses.

основываться на base ...

part with You know how hard it is to get Simon to part with his money.

отдавать, расстаться с чем-то part ...

send smth to smb I forgot to send a birthday card to Amy.

отправлять что-то кому-то send ...smth ... smb

remove smth from Be sure not to remove the USB device from the computer until it is finished transferring all of the information.

передвигать, устранять, удалять remove ... smth ...

thank smb for smth He thanked me for helping him.

поблагодарить кого-то за что-то thank ... smb ... smth

subscribe to I'll subscribe to the website.

подписываться на subscribe...

consider smth "Now if you wish to consider your own case, Lance," Fougler went on.

полагать, считать, рассматривать consider ... smth

help with Can you help me with something for a moment?

помогать с help ...

send for I think we should send for a doctor.

посылать за send...

charge smb with(be charged with) She's been charged with murder. The paper charged her with using the company's money for her own purposes.

предъявить обвинение charge smb ...(be charged ...)

stare at The woman sitting opposite me on the train kept staring at me.

пристально смотреть на stare...

live on Sandra lives on bread and eggs.

прожить, выжить, питаться чем-то live ...

speak to/with sb about smth Can I speak to you a moment? There's something I want to ask you.

разговаривать с кем-то о чем-то speak .../... sb ... smth

conclude from You can't ask me and I can't tell you but don't conclude from what I'm saying it's what you think.

сделать вывод из conclude ...

doubt smth He may come back tomorrow with the money, but I very much doubt it.

сомневаться в чем-то doubt ... smth

report to smb on smth You will report directly to the boss. I was there to report on that story in cartoons. All visitors must report to the reception desk on arrival.

сообщить/доложить кому-то о report ... smb ... smth

argue with sb about sth I can't argue with you about that. Kids, will you stop arguing with each other?

спорить argue ... sb ... sth

ask smb about smth/smb Can I ask you a question?

спрашивать кого-то о чем-то ask ... smb ... smth/smb

fight with smb for/against smth They had to fight hard for improvements to the road system. He fought against racism. They fought with the North against the South.

сражаться с кем-то за/против что-то fight ... smb .../... smth

fight with smb about smth I had a stand-up fight with her about the phone bill.

ссориться с кем-то из-за чего-то fight ... smb ... smth

smile at She smiles at me at kissing her.

улыбаться smile...

praise smb for smth(be praised for) He was highly praised for his research on heart disease.

хвалить praise ... smb ... smth(be praised ...)

boast about He keeps boasting about his heroic actions, but he really didn't have that big of a role in the rescue efforts.

хвастаться boast ...

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