CA DMV Practice Test 5

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D. passing slower vehicles

On a road with three or more lanes traveling in the same direction, the leftmost lane is used for ... A. heavy trucks B. stoping vehicles in an emergency C. passing faster vehicles D. passing slower vehicles

C. not increase speed

The driver of the car being passed must _______ until the pass is complete. A. stop B. increase speed C. not increase speed D. move to the left

C. text messaging and talking on the phone

Things that can distract your attention from the road include . . . A. checking the traffic behind you frequently B. always checking mirrors C. text messaging and talking on the phone D. checking blind spots

D. the vehicles on the road are allowed through the intersection

This green traffic signal indicates that . . . A. the vehicles must stop at the intersection and proceed with caution B. the vehicles on the road must not proceed through intersection C. the vehicles on the road just come to a complete stop and make a right turn at the intersection D. the vehicles on the road are allowed through the intersection

D. A phone service is ahead

This guide sign indicates that . . . A. a hospital service is ahead B. a gas station is ahead C. a cell phone use area is ahead D. A phone service is ahead

B. the driver is making a right turn

This hand signal mean indicates that . . . A. the driver is making a U-turn B. the driver is making a right turn C. the driver is slowing or stopping his or her vehicle D. the driver is making a left turn

C. a hospital service

This sign shows the location of . . . A. a hill area B. an interstate highway C. a hospital service D. a handicapped parking area

A. a slow-moving vehicle

This triangular sign means . . . A. a slow-moving vehicle B. a fast-moving vehicle C. a high-occupancy vehicle D. a school bus

C. Reduce your speed by applying the brakes

To avoid skidding, which of the following should be done before you enter a curve? A. Increase your speed by pressing on the gas pedal B. Shift to a lower gear C. Reduce your speed by applying the brakes D. Turn on the headlights to have a clear view ahead

A. Only when you are in a carpool or HOV lane that has a designated entrance on the left

When can you drive to the left of two solid yellow lines on the pavement? A. Only when you are in a carpool or HOV lane that has a designated entrance on the left B. When you are passing another vehicle C. Only during certain hours D. Never

D. the outside lanes for turning and the center lanes for through travel

When driving on a one-way street with three or more lanes of traffic, you should use . . . A. the center lanes for through travel and turning B. the outside lanes for through travel and the center lanes for turning C. the outside lanes for through travel and turning D. the outside lanes for turning and the center lanes for through travel

B. you do not have much traction

When driving on gravel or dirt, you must slow down because . . . A. dirt may cover the windshield B. you do not have much traction C. it is unpleasant to drive fast D. your tires get more grip on dirt roads

C. turn off your high-beam lights

When following a vehicle at, always . . . A. turn off your headlights B. use you high-beam lights C. turn off your high-beam lights D. follow closely

B. the hand-over-hand technique

When making a right turn, look right and left, yield the right-of-way, and turn the steering wheel using . . . A. the single-hand technique B. the hand-over-hand technique C. the hand-off-hand technique D. the double-hand technique

D. the side, rear, and front No-Zones

When passing a truck or commercial motor vehicle, the passing automobile driver must watch for . . . A. the weight of the truck B. the length of the truck C. the large mirror of the truck D. the side, rear, and front No-Zones

B. one vehicle length

When stopped behind another vehicle on a hill, you should stay back at least . . . A. two vehicle lengths B. one vehicle length C. four vehicle lengths D. three vehicle lengths

A. hydroplaning

When there is water on the roadway, you must reduce your speed to avoid . . . A. hydroplaning B. traction of the tires on the road C. wear the tear D. overheating of the tires

B. the hand-over-hand steering technique

When turning at low speeds, when parking, or when recovering from a skid, drivers must use . . . A. the hand-to-hand steering technique B. the hand-over-hand steering technique C. the one hand steering technique D. the two-hand steering technique

D. The vehicle traveling uphill

When two vehicles meet on a steep mountain road where neither can pass, which vehicle has the right-of-way? A. The vehicle traveling downhill B. The vehicle that comes first C. Both vehicles D. The vehicle traveling uphill

A. if the solid yellow line is on your side

When you find both a solid yellow line and a dashed yellow line between opposing lanes of traffic, you must not pass . . . A. if the solid yellow line is on your side B. if the solid yellow line is not on your side C. if the dashed yellow line is on your side D. None of the above

B. both behind your vehicle and to the side

Whenever you want to change lanes, you must check for traffic . . . A. to the side B. both behind your vehicle and to the side C. neither behind your vehicle nor to the side D. behind your vehicle

D. Brake immediately

Which of the following must NOT be done if your vehicle is in an acceleration skid? A. Hold the steering wheel tightly B. Steer straight ahead C. Slowly ease your foot off the accelerator D. Brake immediately

C. it is not illegal to use audio navigation while driving

Which of the following statements is true? A. You can answer your cell phone while driving B. You can use the self-parking feature on your driving test C. it is not illegal to use audio navigation while driving D. If you are lost, you can quickly enter navigation instructions while driving

C. yield the right-of-way to the oncoming vehicle

While preparing to turn left at an intersection, you see an oncoming vehicle. You should . . . A. move into the adjacent lane B. warn the oncoming vehicle to stop C. yield the right-of-way to the oncoming vehicle D. move onto the shoulder of the road and yield the right-of-way

D. any of the above things

You must not pass another vehicle if you see . . . A. A hill or curve ahead where there is no clear visibility B. a school bus ahead with red flashing lights and an extended stop arm C. a solid yellow line next to your lane D. any of the above things

C. Exit ramps

___________ are designed to allow vehicles to slow down and leave the expressways. A. Acceleration lanes B. Roundabouts C. Exit ramps D. Turnpikes

C. passing is permitted on the side of the broken line, but not on the side of the solid line

A broken yellow line alongside a solid yellow line indicates that . . . A. passing is not permitted on either side B. passing is permitted on the side of the solid line, but not on the side of the broken line C. passing is permitted on the side of the broken line, but not on the side of the solid line D. passing is permitted on both sides

B. come to a complete stop

A driver must _______ for a school bus that is stopped with its red lights flashing on the opposite side of the road. A. not stop B. come to a complete stop C. move fast D. reduce speed

D. an acceleration lane

At the end of most entry ramps on a freeway, you will find _________ that allows you to increase your speed. A. a deceleration lane B. a slow lane C. an access ramp D. an acceleration lane

C. rubberneck

Do not _______ at crash scenes or locations along the highway where a law enforcement officer may have pulled a vehicle off the road. A. use safety belts B. stay concentrated C. rubberneck D. keep your eyes on the road

D. stop your vehicle within 5 feet of the crosswalk

If a blind pedestrian with a white cane or a guide dog is waiting at a crosswalk, you must . . . A. reduce your speed and proceed slowly B. increase your speed and move quickly C. use your horn to alert them of your presence D. stop your vehicle within 5 feet of the crosswalk

B. get out of the way

If a driver behind you repeatedly flashes his or her headlights, you should . . . A. switch on your high-beam headlights B. get out of the way C. switch on your low-beam headlights D. increase your vehicle's speed and move ahead

C. pull over to the curb and stop

If an emergency vehicle with red flashing lights or using siren is moving in your lane, you are required . . . A. proceed at normal speed B. increase your speed and clear the lane C. pull over to the curb and stop D. reduce your speed and continue slowly

D. do all of the above

If it feels like your tires have lost traction on the surface of the road, you should . . . A. keep the steering wheel straight B. not stop until your tires are gripping the road again C. ease your foot off the gas pedal D. do all of the above

A. come to a complete stop

If you approach an intersection at which the traffic lights are not working, you must first _________ before entering the intersection and then yield the right-of-way. A. come to a complete stop B. reduce your speed C. turn on your hazard lights D. increase your speed

B. yield the right-of-way to other traffic

If you are on a single- or two-lane road and come to an intersection with a divided highway or a roadway with three or more lanes, you must . . . A. make a left turn to merge into the traffic B. yield the right-of-way to other traffic C. stop and make a right turn to merge into the traffic D. do none of the above

B. four times

If you double your speed on a highway, your braking distance increase by . . . A. three times B. four times C. two times D. five times

B. nearest to the right side of the road

If you driving at a slower speed than other traffic on a highway or freeway, stay in the same lane . . . A. nearest to the center of the road B. nearest to the right side of the road C. farthest from the shoulder of the road D. nearest to the left side of the road

A. slow down or stop, if it is safe

If you see a stray animal in your path, you should . . . A. slow down or stop, if it is safe B. open your window and shout at the animal C. use your horn and proceed at the same speed D. increase your speed to pass the animal quickly

D. in all of the above situations

Making a U-turn is illegal A. near a crest of a hill or in a curve B. at railroad crossings C. on a divided highway D. in all of the above situations

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