Invitation to Computer Science Ch.1,2,3
a description of a problem or algorithm where the best known performance is ϴ(2ᵑ)
bin-packing problem
a difficult, probably intractable problem: given a list of objects and some bins, the task is to find the minimum number of bins required to contain the objects
Hamiltonian circuit
a graph problem that is probably intractable: the task is to find a path through the graph that visits each node in the graph once and returns to the start node
natural language
a language that is spoken and/or written by people in everyday life; e.g., English
pretest loop
a loop in which the continuation condition is tested at the beginning of each pass through the loop (ex. while...)
post-test loop
a loop in which the continuation condition is tested at the end of each pass through the loop (ex. repeat...until or do...while)
infinite loop
a loop that does not terminate
infinite loop
a loop where the continuation condition never becomes false
a named location for storing data values
a notation for describing algorithms that lies between a formal program and plain natural language; typically, is highly structured and uses well-understood and computable statements
polynomially bounded
a problem that has a known polynomial time algorithm
formal programming language
a restrictive language used to describe an algorithm in terms that a computer can execute
a sequential operation for presenting results to the outside world
a sequential operation for receiving data from the outside world
a sequential operation that calculates some value and saves the result
a set of steps that describe how to perform a task
approximation algorithm
a solution to a possibly intractable problem that is not guaranteed to give the best answer, but gives a good approximation to the best answer, in a tractable amount of time
selection sort algorithm
an algorithm for sorting a collection of values that repeatedly finds the largest values in the unsorted section of the list and moves them into the correct position
sequential algorithm
an algorithm that contains only sequential operations so that it is executed from top to bottom without any choice points or loops (a.k.a. straight-line algorithm)
exponential algorithm
an algorithm that runs in ϴ(2ᵑ) or worse
binary search algorithm
an algorithm that searches for a particular value in a sorted list of values, running in ϴ(lg n) time in the worst case
brute force algorithm
an algorithm that tries all possible solutions in order to find the optimal solution
an attribute of an algorithm that captures the cleverness and sophistication of the algorithm
an attribute of an algorithm that captures the time and space requirements of the algorithm
ease of understanding
an attribute of an algorithm that describes how easy it is to understand and modify the algorithm
an attribute of an algorithm that says that it solves the correct problem in the correct way
primitive operation
an operation that a given computing agent can perform
effectively computable operation
an operation that a given computing agent can perform, often called a primitive operation
conditional operation
an operation that chooses between multiple actions based on some specified criteria
unambiguous operation
an operation that has only one meaning, and therefore is well-understood
sequential operation
an operation that performs some calculation and exists in a sequence with other operations in describing an algorithm
iterative operation
an operation that specifies that a particular set of operations can be repeated multiple times
algorithm discovery
creating an algorithmic solution to a given problem
best case
for a particular size of input, the least work an algorithm could do, based on the configuration of the input values
worst case
for a particular size of input, the most work an algorithm might have to do, based on the configuration of the input values
control operations
operations used in an algorithm that alter the top-to-bottom flow of control; usually, conditional and iterative operations
the ability to separate the high-level view of an entity from the low-level details; a central intellectual tool in computer science
sequential search
the algorithm for searching an unordered collection of data for a particular value
order of magnitude
the general form of the curve that a particular function exhibits, for instance, linear, quadratic, polynomial, or exponential
primitive operation
the instructions we assume the computing agent for an algorithm understands and can execute
computing agent
the machine, the robot, the person, or thing carrying out the steps of an algorithm
the problem of finding a particular value in a list of values
pattern matching
the problem of finding one pattern within a larger string
the problem of ordering a collection of values into some specified order: alphabetic, numeric, etc
analysis of algorithms
the process of determining the time and space efficiency of an algorithm, resulting in a function described with ϴ notation
the process of timing an algorithm on a particular machine and system in order to determine how it performs; this process is usually used to evaluate a machine and system, rather than a particular algorithm
top-down design
the process of viewing an operation at a high level of abstraction, then later filing in the details required to implement the high-level operation
the repetition of a block of instructions
computer science
the study of algorithms, including their formal and mathematical properties, their hardware and linguistic realizations, and their applications
program maintenance
the task of maintaining and updating a piece of software once it has been created and released for public use
the formal criteria for a true algorithm
well-ordered, unambiguous, effectively computable, produces a result when executed, halts in a finite amount of time