CAE Key word transformation

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as long as you take

Providing you look after it carefully, you can borrow my laptop. LONG You can borrow my laptop __________ good care of it.

on your side even if

Regardless of the fact that you are my friend, I agree with you SIDE I'd be____________________you weren't my friend

since Robin last went back

Robin has not been back to his birthplace for over twenty years. LAST It is over twenty years ______________ to his birthplace.

to do is to take up

Ruby's ambition is to become an actor. TAKE What Ruby would like _______ acting as a career.

flatly refused to lend a

Sam said there was no way he was willing to help FLATLY Sam ____________________hand

is affected by environment is unclear

Scientists don't know to what extent environment affects our intelligence. UNCLEAR How far our intelligence _________ to scientists.

The reason why she left

She left her husband because he cheated on her. REASON __________________ her husband was because he cheated on her.

made the most of

She used her bike as much as she could MOST She__________________her bike

from stress ever since she

Since she became a teacher, she has never been so stressed EVER She has been suffering ____________became a teacher

to take care of makes

Some people are happy when they have a pet to look after. TAKE Having a pet __________ some people very happy.

had her house done up

Sue got the builders to repair and decorate her house this summer UP Sue _____________________this summer

down badly with

The audience didn't like the speaker's jokes. DOWN The speaker's jokes went _________ the audience.

has no intention of creating any

The company does not intend to create any redundancies NO The company __________________redundancies

we would have been able to

We arrived at the restaurant too late to order a full meal. ABLE Had we arrived at the restaurant earlier, _________________ order a full meal.

has been put off

We have postponed the lunch until next week OFF The lunch_________________until next week

had started by the time

We missed the start of the concert because we arrived at the venue late. BY The concert _____________ we arrived at the venue.

fewer than six people are required

We need at least six people for the team REQUIRED No____________________for the team

The place where we stopped for

We stopped in an absolutely beautiful place for lunch. WHERE _______________________________ lunch was absolutely beautiful.

came as a complete surprise

We were incredibly surprised when we found the letter. SURPRISE The discovery of the letter _________ to us.

taken aback when

We were quite surprised when Germany beat Spain ABACK We were rather ________________Germany beat Spain

used to find the idea

When she was at school, Sandra was fascinated by the idea of hypnotism. USED Sandra _________ of hypnotism fascinating when she was at school.

it that persuaded you not to

Why did you turn down the offer of a job? PERSUADED What was ________ accept the job offer?

rather we came

Would you prefer us to come another day? RATHER Would you...................................another day?

you attend the meeting doesn't

You can come to the meeting or not - I don't really mind. ATTEND Whether or not __________ really matter to me.

a great deal more

You don't realise quite how much sugar there is in coke DEAL There's__________________sugar in coke than you realise

likes English just as

Chris and I have the same liking for English JUST Chris __________________much as I do

highly recommended to me by

Clarissa told me how very good this anti-aging cream is. HIGHLY This anti-aging cream was _________________ Clarissa.

getting some milk on the way

Could you get some milk as you are coming home? WAY Would you mind ___________home?

so what I did was book

I need a weekend away, so I booked something on the Internet. did I need a weekend away _______________________________ something on the Internet.

What I object to is

I object to hanging around in airports. What ____________________________________ hanging around in airports.

did I manage

I only got my money back after weeks of calling. manage Only after weeks of calling ______________________________ to get my money back.

What I did was take

I resolved the problem by taking an extra suitcase. take ____________________________________ an extra suitcase.

caught a glimpse

I saw Jude Law for a brief second in the street GLIMPSE I _______________of Jude Law in the street

I had paid more attention

I should have concentrated more during the lesson ATTENTION I now wish _________________during the lesson

under the impression

I thought you wanted me to invite him. impression I was _____________________________you wanted me to invite him.

came as no surprise to

I wasn't surprised to hear that Martin had joined the gym. CAME It ____________________ me to hear that Martin had joined the gym.

unless I receive

I will only try acupuncture if my doctorapproves of the idea. UNLESS I won't try acupuncture _________________ my doctor's approval for the idea.

is bound to like the scarf

I'm sure your sister will like the scarf, it's just her style. BOUND Your sister............................ . It's just her style

made/got a name for

If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have become a famous art historian. Name If Marc hadn't taken up politics, he might have __________________________ himself as an art historian.

I would lie in the

In my youth I used to sunbathe every day WOULD In my youth _____________________sun every day

What worries me is that

It worries me that I don´t speak another language well. What ____________________________________ I don´t speak another language well.

strong likelihood that the concert

It's highly likely that they will cancel the concert. STRONG There's a _________ will be cancelled.

were probably held

It's likely they were delayed in a traffic jam PROBABLY They_________________up in a traffic jam

will have been married

It's our parents' 25th wedding anniversary next year. MARRIED Next year our parents _________________for 25 years.

have gained access to the building

It's possible that the burglars got into the building by forcing open a fire exit. GAINED The burglars may ____________ by forcing open a fire exit.

no chance of winning

It's very unlikely that Martin will win the 100 metres, as he's out of training. Chance Martin has almost _____________________ the 100 metres, as he's out of training.

hardly likely to take off

It's very unlikely that space tourism will take off in my lifetime. HARDLY Space tourism is ________ in my lifetime.

struck me that Jessica

Jessica is looking well these days, I suddenly thought. STRUCK It _________ is looking well these days.

greatest ambition was

More than anything else Grace wanted to start her own aromatherapy clinic. AMBITION Grace's _________ to start her own aromatherapy clinic.

have any recollection (at all) of

My grandfather had completely forgotten that he phoned me last night. Recollection My grandfather didn't __________________ phoning me last night.

never known a more hardworking person

My grandmother was the most hardworking person I've ever known. MORE I've ___________________ than my grandmother.

on the point of leaving

Nadia's friend arrived just as she was about to leave the restaurant. Point Nadia was just ________________________ the restaurant when her friend arrived.

cut down on the amount

Nick said we should reduce the amount of salt in our food. CUT We ___________________ of salt in our food, according to Nick.

attention is paid to

Nobody notices children who fail at school. attention No _________________________________ children who fail at school.

made it impossible for

Paul wasn't able to leave the house all day because of the terrible weather. Impossible The terrible weather ___________________ Paul to leave the house all day.

is said to be rich in

People say South Africa has a lot of natural resources RICH South Africa ____________________natural resources

are thought to have been disadvantaged

People think that bilingual children were disadvantaged in the past. thought Bilingual children_________________________ in the past.

apologised for cheating on

"I'm sorry I cheated on you ," said her husband FOR Her husband __________________ her

me not to forget to

'Remember to lock the door when you go to bed', Jack said to me. FORGET Jack told _______ lock the door when I went to bed.

know why Tom had acted so

'Why did Tom act in such an irresponsible way?' asked Chloe. SO Chloe wanted to ________ irresponsibly.

was delayed due to

A driver´s strike delayed our train. due Our train ____________________________ a driver´s strike.

It was a girl from my town

A girl from my town won the silver medal. IT ________________________ who won the silver medal.

delays to all flights because

A strike by check-staff led to all flights being delayed. BECAUSE There were __________ of a strike by check-in staff.

to put up with (any) rudeness

Delia said that she would no longer tolerate her colleagues being rude. Put 'I'm not willing ____________________ from my colleagues any longer,' said Delia.

it's time you looked

Don't you think you should start to look for a job? TIME Don't you think........................for a job?

considerably better today

Ed's golf round last week was nowhere near as good as today's CONSIDERABLY Ed performed_______________than he did last week

should be taught to

Everybody should learn how to speak a second language. taught A second language ___________________________everybody.

took it for granted that

Everyone assumed that Dennis would sell the haunted house he inherited from his uncle. GRANTED People ___________ Dennis would sell the haunted house he inherited from his uncle.

expected to hand in her resignation

Everyone expects Maura to resign at the end of the month. HAND Maura is widely ______________ at the end of the month.

was only when Emily arrived

Everything was fine before Emily arrived and then things started to go wrong. ONLY It _________ that everything started to go wrong.

she would not wear

Fernanda refused to wear her sister's old dress. Not Fernanda said that ___________________ her sister's old dress.

he was prevented from playing

He didn't play in the game because he'd hurt his back. PREVENTED As a result of his back injury ___________________ in the game.

appearances can be

He looks suitable for the job, but people are not always the way they look APPEARANCES He looks suitable for the job, but _______deceptive

insisted on (only) speaking

He refused to speak anything but English in meetings INSISTED He _____________________English in meetings

never imagine him refusing

He'll never refuse free tickets, I'm sure. IMAGINE I could ______ free tickets.

on behalf of

I am writing to you because my client asked me to BEHALF I am writing to you ____________my client

take back what I said

I didn't mean all those things about your sister - I'm sorry. TAKE I'm sorry, I ___________________ about your sister.

make any difference to me

I don't mind whether we go to the seaside or not this year. DIFFERENCE It doesn't ________ whether we go to the seaside or not this year.

should have given you

I don't think your lawyer gave you good advice SHOULD Your lawyer_____________better advice

The first time I met Serena

I first met Serena at a conference in Berlin. TIME __________________________was at a conference in Berlin.

near as bad as

I had expected the exam to be much worse than it actually was BAD The exam was actually nowhere _____________I had expected

have I come across

I have hardly ever come across such a strange man. Seldom _________________ such a strange man.

person I like best of all

I like my Aunt Emily best of all my relatives. PERSON The ________________my relatives is my Aunt Emily.

count on being

The company is unable to guarantee an allocated car-parking space to all employees. Count The company's employees shouldn't ______________________ allocated a car parking space.

who put forward the

The idea of going to the new health centre was Pat's suggestion. FORWARD It was Pat _________ idea of going to the new health centre.

my appetite as soon as

The moment I saw the horrible food, I no longer felt hungry SOON I lost ______________I saw the horrible food

thought to have made

The police now think he invented the story HAVE He is now ________________ up the story

a sharp rise/increase in the

The price of bread went up a lot last month SHARP There was _______________price of bread last month

was called off

The tennis match was cancelled OFF The tennis match_______________

gave an honest answer/honest answers to

The witness answered the questions honestly HONEST The witness______________the questions

are said to earn the highest

They say Brazilian players earn more than others HIGHEST Brazilian players _____________salaries

can afford this/the holiday as/so long

This holiday is within our price range, provided we don't go to the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre. Afford We _____________________ as we avoid the expensive restaurants in the tourist centre.

it will mean missing

Unless we get the early train we will miss lunch MEAN If we don't get the early train ___________lunch

up soon, it will mean

Unless you get here soon, we'll leave without you. MEAN If you don't turn ________ we'll have to leave without you.

far the friendliest school

VLEC is a much friendlier school than all the others in Huesca THE VLEC is by ___________________in Huesca

second to none

VLEC is the best language school of all SECOND VLEC is ______________as a language school

came as no surprise

We always expected Nadal to win SURPRISE Nadal's victory _______________to us

has to be pierced before

You have to pierce the plastic film first and then you can put the tray in the microwave oven. BEFORE The plastic film _________________ the tray is placed in the microwave oven.

happens is (that) you pick your

You pick your tickets up from the box office HAPPENS up from the box office

take more care

Your essay needs to be written more carefully CARE You should ___________with your essay

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