Calculating for mortality

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Calculation EX: Case fatality rate. In a multi-state outbreak of hepatitis A traced to lettuce from a restaurant, 758 cases were identified. Fifty of the case-patients were hospitalized and ten of the case-patients died as a result of their infections. What is the case fatality rate?


Calculation EX: Cause-specific mortality rate. Number of unintentional injury deaths in the entire population(106,742)/ estimated midyear population(288,357,000). *100,000.

37.0 unintentional-injury related deaths per 100,000 population

Calculation EX: infant mortality rate 1,300 infants death in 2008 among state residents, 150,000 live births in 2008 to state residents. always *1,000


Calculation EX: crude mortality rate. In the United States in 2003, a total of 2,419,921 deaths occurred. The estimated population was 290,809,777.

832.1 deaths per 100,000 population

Calculation EX: age specific death rate. 37 deaths among New Mexico children ages 1 through 14 during calendar year 2006. 381,910 = estimated 2006 mid-year New Mexico population aged 1-14.

9.7 unintentional injury deaths per 100,000 population aged 1 through 14 during calendar year 2006 in New Mexico

Calculation EX: Proportionate mortality. Calculate the missing proportionate mortalities for persons ages 25-44 years for the disease of the hearts, and assaults(homicide). All death causes for ages 25-44 is 128,924. The disease of heart deaths ages 25-44(16,283) Assault deaths ages 25-44(7,367).

Disease of heart:12.6% Assault:5.7%

Age-specific death rate

Mortality rate limited to a particular age group. Numerator is the number of deaths in that age group, denominator is the number of persons in that age group in the population.

Years of Potential Life Lost (YPLL)

a measure of the impact of premature death on a population, calculated as the sum of the differences between a predetermined minimally acceptable age (e.g., 65 years or current life expectancy) and the age at death for everyone who died earlier than that age.

Crude Death rate

is the mortality rate from all causes of death from a population.

infant mortality rate

the mortality rate for children aged <1 year, calculated as the number of deaths reported among this age group during a given period divided by the number of live births reported during the same period, and expressed per 1,000 live births.

Cause-specific mortality rate

the mortality rate from a specified cause for a population. always expressed per 100,000. so *100,000

Proportionate mortality

the proportion of deaths among a population attributable to a particular cause during a selected period. The denominator is all deaths instead of the population among whom the deaths occurred.

Case fatality rate

the proportion of persons with a particular condition (e.g., patients) who die from that condition. The denominator is the number of persons with the condition; the numerator is the number of cause-specific deaths among those persons.

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