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Benign Tumor Cells

Examples of these cells are moles, uterine fibroid tumors, skin tags, endometriosis, and nasal polyps.


MALIGNANT TUMOR. This occurs when cells become abnormal and keep dividing and forming more cells without control or order.

Cancer Cells

These cells are abnormal, harmful, and serve no function. These cells have NO SPECIFIC APPEARANCE OF PARENT CELL. As they become more malignant, they appear to be SMALLER and ROUNDER.

Cancer Cells

These cells are migratory, rapid growing, and have abnormal chromosomes.

Benign Tumor Cells

These cells are normal cells growing in the wrong place or wrong time. They still have specific morphology and look like their parent cell. These cells are tightly bonded by fibronectin.

Normal Cells


Stage 1-3

These stages of cancer is characterized by GREATER TUMOR SIZE at each stage and spread of CA cells to nearby lymph nodes or organs adjacent to primary tumor.


This CA tx involves removal of diseased or suspicious tissue. If cancer is confined to the removed tissue, THIS alone is a CURE for that CA.


This CA tx is the oldest form of CA therapy. It may be used for PROPHYLAXIS (taking out the tumor to find out if malignant or benign), DIAGNOSIS (by biopsy), CURE, CONTROL, PALLIATION, and RECONSTRUCTION.

Sentinel Node Biopsy

This is the first node draining a tumor and whether the node contains cancer cells predicts the status of the regional nodes. This involves the use of a dye to pinpoint the lymph node closest to the cancer site. This is used to stage lung, breast, and skin cancers.

Permanent Seed Implantation

This method of brachytherapy involves injecting approximately 100 radioactive seeds (< a size of a grain of rice) into the organ.

High Dose Rate

This method of brachytherapy is TEMPORARY. It is removed after 3 treatments (3 treatments in 24 hours; or 4-6 treatments over 1-2 weeks- fractionated). It Involves placing very tiny plastic catheters (18-25) into the organ, and computer-controlled machine pushes a single highly radioactive seed into the catheters one by one. Computer controls the amount of radiation given to each catheter. Catheters are removed after the implant so no radioactive material is left in the organ.

Stage 4

This stage of cancer is characterized by SPREAD of CA to other organs and tissues.

Stage 0 (in situ)

This stage of cancer is characterized by presence of tumor in the layer of cells where cancer began.


This stage of carcinogenesis happens when initiated cells' growth is enhanced by naturally occurring chemicals in our body such as hormones (estrogen) and insulin.


This stage of carcinogenesis is a phase when ONCOGENES (responsible for cell expression and are suppressed by suppressor genes for a controlled cell growth) are OVEREXPRESSED due to damage to suppressor genes by carcinogens.


This stage of carcinogenesis is characterized by breaking off of cancer cells from its original group. At this stage, SECONDARY TUMORS (tumors in OTHER affected tissue) are formed.


This stage of carcinogenesis is characterized by tumor, blood vessel penetration (vascularized tumor penetrates through the vessels and releases CA cells to the blood stream), and invasion and arrest. At this stage, the cells look less and less like the parent cell. Organs and soft tissues are most likely impaired in function.

Secondary Prevention

This type if cancer prevention focuses on EARLY DETECTION by screening.


This type of CA surgery CAN BE CURATIVE for early stage cancers. It involves the removal of the ENTIRE TUMOR associated WITH LYMPHATICS and a margin of the surrounding tissue. (usually late stages) [Definitive, Wide Excision, Extended Radical]

Extended Radical Excision

This type of CA surgery involves TUMOR ADJACENT TISSUE lymphatics adjacent organs and all tissues--(for no known distant mets) [Definitive, Wide Excision, Extended Radical]

Wide Excision

This type of CA surgery involves the TUMOR ADJACENT STRUCTURES LYMPH draining the area (small to moderate size tumor with loca invasion) [Definitive, Wide Excision, Extended Radical]


This type of CA surgery involves the application of liquid nitrogen to destroy malignant cells.

Wide Local Excision

This type of CA surgery is the removal of TUMOR and ADJACENT tissue.

Local Excision

This type of CA surgery is the removal of the ENTIRE TUMOR (usually small and localized)

Laser Surgery

This type of CA surgery uses high intensity light. This can be used to shrink or destroy tumors or precancerous growths. This is most commonly used to treat superficial cancers.


This type of CA surgery's goal is to reduce the tumor mass. It can increase the effectiveness of subsequent radiation or chemotherapy.


This type of CA tx uses high-energy ionizing radiation to kill cancer cells. The purpose is to destroy cancer cells with minimal damaging effects of surrounding normal cells. It is usually done locally with minimal damaging effects.

Primary Prevention

This type of cancer prevention focuses on AVOIDANCE OF EXPOSURE to carcinogens.

Clinical Staging

This type of cancer staging is done by assessing the PATIENT'S CLINICAL MANIFESTATIONS with evaluation of tumor size and possible spread.

Surgical Staging

This type of cancer staging is done by assessing tumor size, number, sites, and spread by INSPECTION or SURGERY.

Pathologic Staging

This type of cancer staging is the most definitive type when determination of tumor size, number, sites, and spread are done by PATHOLOGIC EXAMINATION OF TISSUES obtained in surgery.

Interstitial Implant

This type of implant radiation therapy uses a 3-D image of an interstitial implant for base of tongue cancer and right neck lymph node. The treatment catheters are aqua and the 100% radiation dose "cloud" is blue.

Intracavitary implants

This type of radiation requires the pt to be kept on BEDREST, HOB FLAT, ad FOLEY CATH IN PLACE.

Stereotactic radiosurgery

This type of radiation therapy is a highly precise form of radiation therapy initially developed to treat small brain tumors and functional abnormalities of the brain.

External Beam Radiation (Teletherapy)

This type of radiation therapy is delivered via machines. A simulator is used to visualize and define the exact treatment area. The patient is NOT considered RADIOACTIVE.


This type of radiation therapy painlessly treats tumors anywhere in the body without surgery or hospitalization. Using a computer-controlled robotic arm to precisely target tumors, it delivers high doses of radiation with extreme accuracy to destroy or shrink tumors, leaving healthy tissue untouched even if the tumor or patient moves slightly during the treatment session

Internal Radiation (Brachytherapy)

This type of radiation therapy uses radioactive isotopes either temporarily or permanently. Pt is considered radioactive.

Intracavitary implants

This type of radiation therapy uses radioactive isotopes that are loaded in the applicator and implanted in the pt. Implant is removed when the prescribed dose is delivered. This requires the pt to stay in the hospital IN A PRIVATE ROOM.

Shaped-beam surgery

This type of radiation therapy uses robotics, guided-imaging and highly sophisticated computer software, clinicians target radiation beams at tumors in the body with pinpoint precision. Tumor receives more uniform and precise doses of radiation, treatments are faster and more effective. Treatment time can last 15 to 45 minutes, and patients go home the same day.

Palliative Surgery

This type of surgery focuses on improving the quality of life during survival time NOT CURE. (ex. removal of tissue tumor that causes pain, obstruction or difficulty swallowing)

Reconstructive Surgery

This type of surgery increases the function, enhances appearance, or both. (ex. replacement of esophagus, revision of scars, cosmetic reconstruction)

Second Look Surgery

This type of surgery is a REPEAT EXAMINATION after treatment to assess the disease status in patients who have been treated and have no symptoms of remaining tumor. The results of this therapy is used to determine if the treatment is effective and whether or not to continue or discontinue.

Diagnostic Surgery

This type of surgery is the REMOVAL of ALL or PART of a suspected lesion for examination and testing. (ex. BIOPSY)

Curative Surgery

This type of surgery removes ALL CA TISSUES for tx.

Cytoreductive Surgery

This type of surgery removes a part or a "bulk" of CA tissues that decreases the number of cells thus increase the chance of successful therapies.

Prophylactic Surgery

This type of surgery removes the "at risk" tissue to prevent cancer development. (ex. removal of colon polyp before it progresses to colon cancer)

Primary Therapy

This type of therapy / tx plan indicates the best, most definitive treatment aimed at a cure for a given cancer. (Ex: surgery)

Adjuvant Therapy

This type of therapy / tx plan involves ("assisting or aiding")- other modalities are used after the primary treatment. (Surgery + Radiation)

Neoadjuvant Therapy

This type of therapy / tx plan uses other adjuvant modality before the primary, definitive tx. It is the treatment before the primary therapy (combo: meds, surgery, chemo, radiation)

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