Cancer Unit

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Stage 3a: Tumor is <____ cm but has spread to _______ nearby ______ _______, or the tumor is >_____ cm but has spread to _______ ________ near the _________ or ________

5, four, lymph nodes, 5, lymph nodes, breastbone, arm

One ________ that differentiates _______ cells from most other cells of the ________ is their ability to _____________ divide

characteristic, cancer, body, continuously

Metaphase: ___________ aligned at __________ equator _________ between __________

chromosomes, spindle, midway, poles

Mitosis occurs in a series of steps _______, _________, __________, _________, and _____________

interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

Stage 3b: Tumor, regardless of _______, has spread to either the ______ of the _______ or the ______ on the _______ has infected more than ______ lymph nodes

size, wall, breast, skin, breast, 9

Excess of cells may form _______ or increase the __________ of cells in the __________

tumors, number, blood

A cell can be divided into ______ major ______

2, parts

_________ in DNA which can cause ________ in the sequence of __________ can disrupt ______ that potentially cause a ______ to become __________

Alterations, changes, amino acids, genes, cell, cancerous

__________ belongs to a class of organic molecules called __________ which are responsible for ________ and _________ genetic ________. This information allows cells to produce ________ and ________that enable most ________ functions

DNA, nucleic acids, storing, processing, information. proteins, enzymes, cellular

________ of cancer has two categories: ___________ of whether an individual has an increased ___________ to cancer, and __________ by which cancer is actually ________ in the body

Diagnosis, determination, susceptibility, methods, detected

_________ where a cell spends the _______ of time. The ______ performs all of its _________ functions and also prepares for the _______ round of __________. ____ growth phases (___ and ____) are _____ by the ___ phase, a phase where ____ is replicated to prepare for ________. Some ______ enter a __________ phase (___) where they no longer _____ in the _______

Interphase, majority, cell, normal, next, cell division. 2, G1, G2, separated, S, DNA, division. cells, resting, G0, participate, cell cycle

_____ phase where ________ occurs. Has ___ parts. ______ (________ material is ______ divided) and _______ (_______ and _______ are divided to form ______ identical ________ cells)

M, cell division. 2. Mitosis, genetic, equally, cytokinesis, cytoplasm, organelles, 2, daughter

DNA microarrays/gene chips: _________ allow physicians or genetic counselors to look for specific ________ or _______ in gene ________ between _______ cells and ________ cells. For cancer diagnosis, researchers may place ________ ______ on the array that corresponds to known _________ in a single ________ or from a collection of ________-________ genes or _______-________ that are known to be associated with the _____. This method is a _______ and ______ way of determining which ________ an individual may posess

Microarrays, mutations, differences, expression, cancer, normal. synthetic, DNA, mutations, gene, tumor-suppressor, proto-oncogenes, cancer. cheaper, faster, mutation

Differences in __________: ________ in a given tissue have a ________ appearance, and it is usually _________ to pick out any differences between ________ cells because of cell ____________. Cell division makes them genetically __________.

appearance, cells, distinct, difficult, individual, division. identical

Cells function as _________ factories which are conducted by __________ and the __________ for making these ___________ are contained within the ________ which is in the _______ of a cell

biological, enzymes, instructions, enzymes, DNA, nucleus

Scanning the body: If the initial ______ tests suggest the presence of cancer, a physician may order an _________ scan such as a __________. _________ mammogram looks for any __________ and a _________ mammogram is a more__________ look at a a__________ area, usually because of a _________ lump. CT aka CAT scans take ________ of the ________ from different angles PET scans examines how the ______ of the body are __________ by providing them with _______ that contains a small amount of a _________ tracer. MRI also uses ______ waves and _________ to generate detailed pictures of the _________

blood, imaging, mammogram. screening, abnormalities, diagnostic, detailed, specific, suspicious. pictures, organs. cells, functioning, sugar, radioactive. radio, magnets, body

Testing the blood: Complete ________ count (CBC) looks for the _______ of _______ blood cells in their ________ amounts. Some ________, especially ______ cancers, may elevate the number of ________ blood cells in the body. If _______ has occurred, it may also be possible to detect the presence of _______ cells in the _______. Blood tests also provide info on ________ chemistry which helps _________ if the _______ of the body are functioning __________. It is also possible to detect _________ that the __________ system is producing against the ______ cells directly

blood, presence, normal, correct. cancers, blood, white, metastasis, tumor, blood. blood, determine, organs, correctly. antibodies, immune, cancer

Cancer cells cause _________ _________ to grow: The cells within the ______ are _______ dividing and require plentiful amounts of __________ and _________. As the ________ grows, the cells in the center of the tumor have a ____________ time getting the required __________ and so they release specialized _________ factors that cause the local __________ of the ________ system to grow towards the tumor (_____________)

blood, vessels, tumor, rapidly, oxygen, nutrients. tumor, harder, material, growth, capillary, circulatory, angiogenesis

Internal radiation treatment (_____________): Use of _______ deposits of __________ materials that are placed inside the ______ which is usually in the form of ________ aka _________. ______ are placed using __________ or __________ and they emit ____________ which damages the _________ of the surrounding _________ cells. ___________ brachytherapy: seeds are placed in _________ contact with ___________ or in it ___________ brachytherapy: _______ placed in a ____________ body ___________ (_______ ______ form)

brachytherapy, small, radioactive, body, pellets, seeds. seeds, needles, catheters, radiation, DNA, cancer. Interstitial, direct, tumor Interactivity, seeds, nearby, cavity, most common

Classes of chemotherapeutic drugs: Alkylating Agents: __________ that integrate into the _______, typically causing the _____ to ______ at ________ points. They are very ________ and may ______ into the ______ of any cell. These agents can ________ the rapidly dividing cells of the ______ marrow, where ______ cells are produced. Therefore, they can cause _________ where the ______ blood cells of the body reproduce _________

chemicals, DNA, DNA, break, specific. general, insert, DNA. damage, bone, blood. leukemia, white, rapidly

Alkaloids: ___________ naturally produced by some _______ and can work as a _________ drug by __________ with the ability of cells to form ____________ fibers which interferes with the cells ability to ____________

chemicals, plants, chemotherapeutic, interfering, spindle, divide

Prophase: ______ condensing. Each consist of ______ sister ________ held together at a ________. Outside the _________, the _________ begins to assemble between separating ________. Continues with disappearance of the ___________ and breakdown of _________ envelope. _________ fibers from each __________ attach to __________ on either side of _________

chromosomes. 2, chromatids, centromere. nucleus, spindle, centromeres. nucleolus, nuclear. spindle, pole, chromosome, centromere

External radiation treatment: Most __________ used. Patient is placed in a __________ position to maximize ___________ of the _________ beam and the process is accompanied with a _______ scan. Most _______ radiation therapies use _______, though depending on the ________ of the tumor, they might __________ higher-energy _______ rays. _________ rounds of this are performed over a couple of __________ to make sure the beam of _________ is delivered to the _______ location each time. Use of ________ can help with exact placement of _________

commonly. specific, effectiveness, energy, CT. external, x-rays, location, require, gamma. Several, weeks, energy, same. tattoo, beam

Cancer: _________ caused by an _________ of the body to ______________________

disease, inability, control cell division

Cytokinesis: _______ the _______ and ______ into two new ______ cells. Done so by ________ the ________ membrane inwards until the _______ cells form around the two new _________

divides, organelles, cytoplasm, daughter. pinching, plasma, daughter, nuceli

Chemotherapy: use of a _______ to treat a _________ which typically refers to the process of using ________ to either treat ________ or control the ________ of cancer in the body, or __________ the _________ caused by the presence of _______ in the body. For cancer, chemo works by __________ the _________ of fast __________ cancer cells. Because it affects all cells, It can interfere with any type of _________ dividing cells, such as the cells _________ our ________ system and ________ cells which is why ________ has so many _______ side effects

drug, disease, drugs, cancer, spread, reduce, symptoms, cancer. targeting, characteristics, growing. rapidly, lining, digestive, blood, chemo, negative

CRISPR: Uses an _________ that identifies the ________ sequence of DNA to be _________ via an _____ molecule that complementary base pairs to the ________ sequence. It may be used to either __________ nucleotides, _______ the gene, or ______ new nucleotides, changing the _______ of the gene. In cancer treatment, it has been used to ________ the cell cycle _______ genes that had ________ their ability to ___________

enzyme, specific, edited, RNA, DNA. remove, inactivating, insert, function. inactivate, control, lost, function

Interphase: _______ cell _______ the contents of the ________. _____ replicates in the _______. Duplicated ________ aren't ______ yet. Pair of __________ is outside of _______.

eukaryotic, duplicates, cytoplasm. DNA, nucleus. chromosomes, visible, centrioles, nucleus

Cancer begins when a cell or a small _________ of __________ disregard their _________________, loses their ____________, and begins to ___________________

group, cells, genetic programming, specialization, divide uncontrollably

Genetic testing: If family history suggests a _______ of breast cancer, a physician or genetic counselor may recommend _______ __________. This typically uses a simple _________ test to detect the presence of specific _________ in known _______ genes. Following the blood test, ______ is isolated from _________ blood cells and subjected to a process called a ________ (PCR) to make multiple ________ of the ________ of interest for addition studies

history, genetic testing, blood, mutations, cancer. DNA, white, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), copies, genes

Cancer cells are __________: ________ cells can only divide a _________ number of times before undergoing ____________ because with each cell division, the ______________ at the end of the chromosomes _____________. In ________ cells, an enzyme ____________, is active within the cell. __________ repairs __________ making the cell __________ which allows the cell to accumulate more _________ over time

immortal, normal, limited, apoptosis, telomeres, shorten. cancer, telomerase. telomerase, telomeres, immortal, mutations

Immunotherapy: Uses the body's __________ system to _______ and _______ cancer cells. Designed to _________ the ________ system to identify cancer cells as __________ and then use ________ treatment methods to _________ them for destruction (ex: cancer _________)

immune, identify, eliminate. convince, immune, existing, target, vaccine

Stage 3: Cancer has become more _________ and is beginning to affect more of the __________ of the _________ and surrounding __________, but hasn't _________ to distant ________

invasive, tissue, breast, tissue, spread, organs

Stage 2: cancer is considered ________, The ________ has ________ in size, but is still located ________ in the ________

invasive, tumor, grown, entirely, breast

There are ______ variations of ________ staging depending on the __________ of cancer and _________ in which it's found

many, cancer, type, tissues

Stage 4: Cancer is fully ___________ and has spread to _________ outside of the breasts (________, ________, _________, _________). This cancer is often ___________

metastasized, organs, lungs, heart, brain, liver. incurable

Cancer cells may ________ to other parts of the _________: When the ______ invades surrounding __________, it can come into ________ with __________ or ____________ which are part of the __________ system in the body. These _______ get transported throughout the ______ where they undergo ___________ and form new ____________

move, body, tumor, tissue, contact, capillaries, lymphatic vessels, transport. cells, body, angiogenesis , tumors

Radiation: ____________ of energy in the form of either __________ or particles. The longer the __________ the less energy is present. In ________ therapy, ______ and _______ rays are usually used, because these contain the ___________ levels of energy and are most easily ___________ against _______ cells. It works by __________ the ______ within a cell, with the intent of causing it to ______ down or ________ cell division, but it can damage _________ cells too. Often combine with ________

movement, waves. wavelength. radiation, x-rays, gamma, highest, directed, specific. damaging, DNA, slow, stop, healthy. chemo

Mutagen: agent known to cause _________ in the _________. If a mutagen is known to be directly associated with a _________ form of ________ it's called a ________

mutations, DNA. specific, cancer, carcinogen

Some ________ can affect the ________ of a _________. This can cause the _________ to fold ___________. Which can cause the __________ to function ____________.

mutations, structure, protein. protein, differently. protein, differently

Taxanes: __________ by the _____ tree and _________ the breakdown of __________ keeping the _______ chromatids attached to _______ fibers and _________ cell division. Both ________ and __________ are known to cause _______ damage, so they are only used in ________ doses

naturally, yew, prevents, microtubules, sister, spindle, preventing. alkaloids, taxanes, nerve, small

Physiology: _____________ function of a _______,__________, or structure

normal, cell, organ

Mutations: changes to the ________ sequence of a ______ molecule (causes: ________, radiation, __________)

nucleotide, DNA, chemicals, viruses

DNA structure made up of _________ which consist of: - a ______________ (deoxyribose) - a _________ group - a ________ containing base (____, _____, ____, ______) which form a ______ strand of _____ when linked _______

nucleotides, 5 carbon sugar, phosphate, nitrogen, A, G, C, T, single, DNA, together

These _______ contain the ________ needed to operate the functions of a ______ and the sum of all of this genetic information (genes) are called _________

nucleotides, information, cell, genomes

In both cases, as the __________ of cells increase, they cause ____________ ___________ that frequently interfere with the ____________ of a tissue or organ

number, physiological changes, operations

Telophase ______ of prophase: each new _______ has the _______ number and type of __________. They are ________ identical to each other. These steps serve to _________ the chromosome so that the sister _________ may be ______ and moved to each of the _______ forming ________

opposite, nucleus, same, chromosome. genetically. organize, chromatids, separated, newly, cells

Cancer disrupts ________ function, as the ________ begins to form it can take up ________ in the ________ which can block _______, ___________, or __________ vessels that are needed for the organ to ___________ (Ex: breast cancer that has metastasized in the ________ can block __________ reducing the amount of ______ available

organ, tumor, space, organ, ducts, blood vessels, lymphatic, function. lungs, airways, oxygen

Tumor cells need _________ and ___________ which leave _______ resources for other ______ which can upset ___________. Cancer also alters body ___________

oxygen, nutrients, fewer, cells, homeostasis. chemistry

For breast cancer, ___________ therapy is most often performed following surgery to _________ any ______ cells that may remain. It may also be used _______ to surgery to ________ the size of a _________

radiation, destroy, tumor. prior, surgery, shrink, tumor

Synthetic radiation treatment: __________ substances are either _______ or _________ into the blood. Use of specific _________ elements (ex: ____________ Use of _____________ molecules (ex: may use _________ designed to ________ specific _______ of the body_

radioactive, ingested, injected. radioactive, iodine. targeting, antibodies, target, cells

Checkpoints: _____ the speed at which the _______ moves through the ______ and ensures that the _____ is actually ready for cell __________. These ________ are under the control of _________ that check the ______ of the cell for specific __________

regulates, cell, cycle, cell, division. checkpoints, proteins, DNA, requirements

Anaphase: _________ chromatids separate and become ___________ chromosomes. As _________ fibers attached to the ___________ disassemble, each ______ receives a set of _________ chromosomes

sister, daughter. spindle, chromosomes, pole, daughter

Stage 2b: The ______ of the tumor has increased to _____-____ cm and ______ cells have been detected in _________ _________

size, 2-5, cancer, lymph nodes

Stage 3c: Tumor, regardless of ______, has spread to the area of the _________ or to more than ______ lymph nodes

size, collarbone, 10

Stages 0: The cancer cells are located in a very ________ area and has not yet ________ any ___________ tissues

small, invaded, surrounding

Cell: the ____________ unit of ____________ organization that has all the characteristics of life which include: - ability to acquire _________ and ________ - ability to ________ to its ___________ - ability to __________ - ability to maintain an ______________ - ability to adapt to its ___________

smallest, biological, materials, energy, respond, environment, reproduce, internal environment, environment

Cancer cells are less ____________: The _______ of our body becomes more ___________ over time which is accomplished by a complex series of _________ between the cells called cell _________ and ________ signals. These interactions turn sets of ________ off and others _____, which established the ________ and role of the cell, _________, or __________. ________ cells undergo a _______ process. As a cell accumulates __________, it becomes less ___________, and no longer functions as part of the ________ tissue. If the cell continues to ________ it will become a ___________

specialized, cells, specialized, interactions, signaling, chemical. genes, on, identity, tissues, organs. cancer, reverse. mutations, specialized, surrounding. divide, tumor

Homeostasis: ____________ of the _________ environment around these _________. In most cases, it's the result of ________ feedback mechanisms such as __________ from exercise

stabilization, internal, conditions. negative, overheating

Biopsies: ___________ procedure to __________ a small section of tissue to look for the presence of _______ ________

surgical, remove, cancer cells

Genome editing: ___________ of specific _________ in a ______ molecule for ______ which can be done via several methods (most widely used is __________). In the ________, genome editing, may be able to go _______ cells and ________ mutations that have set a cell on the ________ pathway, or ________ the function of a ________ cell

targeting, sequences, DNA, editing, CRISPR. future, into, correct, cancer, restore, mutated

Stage 2a: A _______ <_____ cm and ________ cells have been detected in __________ ___________ _________ or the tumor is ______-_____ cm but hasn't spread to __________ _________

tumor, 2, cancer, multiple lymph nodes, 2-5, lymph nodes

1b: The ________ is small < ____ cm (or _______ be ____________), but ________ groups of __________ cells are found in a _____ surrounding __________ _________

tumor, 2, cannot, detected, small, cancer, few, lymph nodes

If the __________ has begun to _________ surrounding ___________, this is stage 1 Stage 1a: the tumor is __________ <______cm and has not yet ________ to any nearby __________ ___________

tumor, invade, tissues. small, 2, spread, lymph nodes

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