Recruiting starts to see diminishing returns at what level of investment?
Quality Function Deployment Effort
Reduces R&D cycle time and enhances the effectiveness of the Promotion and Sales Budgets
GEMI TQEM Sustainability
Reduces labor and material costs from reducing environmental risk and recycling/material usage
CCE (Concurrent Engineering)/6 Sigma Training
Reduces material costs and labor costs;
Production decreases and automation increaes
Separation costs will be incurred when:
TQM initiative that reduces Admin costs
Year they are made and subsequent years
TQM investments pay off when?
Time of R&D / Demand for product
TQM shortens this and increases this?
Lower the labor cost
As the Productivity Index increases, you:
Lower labor and material costs, and benefit customer perception
Benefits of sustainability programs (UNEP and GEMI)
Complementary investments
Best approach to gain benefit from TQM is to make:
Bundle complementary initiatives
Best approach to get a higher total effect?
Can teams eliminate all recruiting costs?
Reduce material, labor, and admin
Cost impact and areas due to TQM?
Separated employees
Employees lost to downsizing and automation
Production runs increase and team hires more employees (needed complement)
Recruiting costs are incurred when
Hiring the needed complement will eliminate:
How much does training cost per hour?
How much more is 2nd shift and OT than 1st shift?
Reduce material costs
If you have high tech products, you should invest in TQM that seeks to:
QIT (Quality Initiative Training)
If you only wanted to lower labor cost, you would pick:
If you spend nothing on recruiting, the total amount spent will be?
Lower labor costs
If you're keeping automation low, you should invest in TQM that seeks to:
Channel Support Systems
Increases the effectiveness of the sales budget, and therefore demand
Reduce number of workers on second shift
Increasing capacity tends to:
Both, increase short term and decrease long term
Increasing training hours increases or decreases needed complement?
Diminishing returns
Investing in the same TQM round after round will give you:
Productivity index / Labor costs
Investment in recruiting an training raises ——— and lowers ——-.
Most impact you can make in a single round is at what level of investment?
Number of workers required to fill production shifts without overtime
UNEP Green Program
PMI that increases demand and removes waste, lowering material cost
Concurrent Engineering
PMI that reduces R&D cycle time and costs
QIT (Quality Initiative Training)
PMI that reduces labor costs
PMI that reduces material costs and admin
Business processes; efficiencies and cost structures
Process management initiatives improve ——-, which results in improved ——- and ——-
One or two shifts
Production runs can be scheduled in:
Fewer workers are required
The higher the productivity index, what impact on needed complement?
The number of workers in your workforce this year.
Needed complement
The number of workers required to fill the production schedule for the first shift without overtime
CPI (Continuous Process Improvement) Systems
This PMI reduces material cost and labor costs
Complement, caliber, and training
Three things that must be addressed when HR opens
Overtime and poor comp package
Turnover is increased by:
Decreases the productivity index
What does OT do to the productivity index?
Total Quality Management
What is TQM?
What level of investment maxes out TQM impacts?
Worker training is entered by the:
You will see no return on TQM if you invest less than?