Cardiac conduction steps

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What are the areas cardiac conduction travel through

1. SA node 2. AV node 3. Bundle of his 4 right and left bundle branches 5. Purkinje fibers

What happens after the impulses occur in the SA node

A inter atrial bundle of conducting fibers rapidly conduct the impulses to the left atrium, and both atria begin to contract

When does the impulse pick up speed and travel down the BUNDLE of his?

After passing through the AV node

Cardiac conduction 2nd thing to happen

Bundle of fibers rapidly conducts impulses to (L) atrium, and both atria begin to contract

Cardiac conduction 1st thing to happen

Cardiac impulse happens in the SA node

What is the first thing to happen in cardiac conduction

Normal impulses arise in the SA node from its spot in the right atrium

What happens after the av bundle branches into the right and left bundle branches

Punkinje fibers conduct the impulses throughout the muscle of both ventricles, causing them to contract almost simultaneously

Cardiac conduction 6th thing to happen

Purkinje fibers conduct the impulses throughout the muscle of both ventricles, causing them to contract almost simultaneously

Suck Ass Bitch Reading Papers

SA node AV node Bundle of his Right and left bundle branches Purkinje fibers

Cardiac conduction 5th thing to happen

The AV bundle branches Into the right and left bundle branches

Cardiac conduction 4 th thing to happen

The impulse picks up speed, and travels down the BUNDLE of HIS

Cardiac conduction 3 rd thing to happen

When it enters the AV node, it slows down a lot to allow the atria time to contract and the ventricles fill with blood.

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