Career Management 3.02
A feeling or guess based on intuition rather than known facts, gut feeling, origins cannot be explained by the individual.
Painful Decision Making
A lot of time and energy are spent, but a choice is not made.
Planful Decision Making
A step-by-step process is used to identify alternatives and to choose one.
Delaying Decision Making
The need for decision making is not recognized or, if recognized, it is put off for some future date.
Decision Making Process
The process of choosing between two or more alternatives or options; most logical way to make a decision.
Decision Making Style:
The typical manner in which a person makes a decision.
A balance achieved between two desirable but incompatible features; a compromise.
Impulsive Decision Making
A choice is made without adequately finding alternatives or collecting information about the self and alternatives.
A choice limited to one of two possibilities, as of things, propositions, or coursed of action.
Complaint Decision Making
The choice is made for you by someone else, with your permission.