Catcher in the Rye Questions and Quizzes

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What are three things that happen while Holden is at Central Park after meeting with Luce?

- He is concerned he will get pneumonia and die - he breaks the record - thinks about the rain and Allie's grave

How does Holden determine whether a book is outstanding?

A book is outstanding if after reading it, Holden wants to be friends with the author after reading the book

According to Stradlater, what makes a good composition?

A descriptive composition with the commas in the correct places is what makes a good composition for Stradlater

According to Holden, how can you identify a moron?

A moron never wants to discuss anything intelligent.

What does Bernice say that betrays how shallow she is? (Lavender Room)


What makes Holden so lonely that he wakes up Ackley?


Why do Holden, Brossard, and Ackley not go to the movies after all?

Ackley and Brossard had already seen the movie so they decided not to go

Why does Ackley not like Stradlater?

Ackley does not like him because he thinks he is conceited and because he said something about Ackley's teeth.

According to Holden, both Stradlater and Ackley are slobs. In what way are they different slobs?

Ackley looks like a slob and is a slob. Stradlater does not look like a slob but does things that make him a "secret slob", like never washing his razor.

Where does Luce go to school?


Who are Holden's favorite authors?

DB and Ring Lardner

Who is DB and why is Holden somewhat contemptuous of him?

DB is Holden's older brother. Holden is somewhat contemptuous of him because he thinks he is selling himself out by writing movies

Who is Lillian Simmons?

DB's ex girlfriend

How does Holden characterize the patrons at Ernie's?

Describes them as jerks from prep school

True or False: Holden's favorite character in Romeo and Juliet is Juliet

False; Mercutio

When Holden checks out of the hotel, where does he go for breakfast?

Grand Central Station

What article of clothing does Holden associate with "Ivy League Types"?

Gray suits and checkered vests

What does Holden do to the nuns at the very end of the chapter that he says is "very stupid and embarrassing"?

He accidentally blows smoke in their faces

Why is so interested in what happened on Stradlater's date?

He as worried that something had gone wrong or that Stradlater had slept with her

What favor does Stradlater ask Holden?

He asks him to write a composition for him

How does Mr.Antolini respond to Holden's telephone call?

He asks if anything is wrong and says that Holden can come and stay at his house anytime

What is Ackley's characteristic response whenever he is asked to go somewhere with the other boys?

He aways asks who else is going

Why does Holden go to Radio City after he leaves the drugstore?

He can't think of anything else to do

What does Holden decide when he leaves Ackley's room?

He decides he will leave Pencey and stay at a hotel

What does Holden decide to do after walking to Phoebe's school?

He decides that he is going to leave for the west and writes a note to Phoebe to meet him at the Natural History Museum for lunch so he can say goodbye

How does Holden describe the experience of dancing with Marty? (Lavender Room)

He describes dancing with her like dragging the Statue of Liberty across the floor

Why did Bob Robinson have an inferiority complex?

He didn't like when his parents didn't speak properly

How did Allie die?

He died of Leukemia

What does Holden discuss with the cab driver on the way to the Edmont Hotel?

He discusses where the ducks go in the winter

When Holden says someone is a "phony", what does he mean?

He does' always mean a fake person, but someone who just isn't real. Someone who is all into jocks, ivy league, people who only care about "hot shot" people or things, etc.

Why does Holden walk back to the hotel rather than take a cab? (after Ernie's)

He doesn't feel like getting in and out of another cab

What is it that Holden objects to about the crowd at Ernie's?

He doesn't like how much they are clapping and laughing

What is it about the ministers that Holden does not like?

He doesn't like their tone of voice

How does Holden feel about such social amenities as saying to someone, "Glad to have met you"?

He doesn't like them and feels like they are fake

How does Holden feel about "necking" with girls whom he does not really care about?

He doesn't like to do it

What excuse does Holden give for not committing suicide by jumping out the window?

He doesn't want everyone to see him all gory

What kind of job did DB have when he was overseas in the army?

He drove around a general all day

Does Holden express dislike or sympathy for Ackley at the end of chapter 5?

He expresses sympathy for Ackley at the end of the chapter

How does Holden feel while he thinks about Mrs. Aigletinger taking his class to the museum?

He feels depressed

How does Holden feel about associating with people who are not as wealthy as he is?

He feels embarrassed and sad

How does Holden feel after Faith Cavendish refuses to meet him for a cocktail?

He feels foolish and disappointed

How does Holden feel after he dances with Phoebe?

He feels happy and less depressed

What does Holden feel as he is walking down the street?

He feels like he is disappearing when he crosses the street and talks to Allie and asks him to not let him disappear

How does Holden feel as he is about to leave Pencey?

He feels lonely and sad

What does Holden find especially irritating about Ernie? (piano player)

He finds it annoying that Ernie sounds like a guy that won't talk to you unless you are a big shot

What is an example of something that Ackley considered very funny.

He finds someone being hit in the head with a rock funny.

Why does packing his ice skates make Holden sad?

He gets sad because he imagines his mom buying them a few days before for him and now he is getting kicked out.

What does Holden do when he reaches Penn Station?

He goes to a phone booth

How did the little boy walking with his family lift Holden's spirits?

He had a nice voice and was innocent while he was singing, which made Holden happy

What had Mr.Spencer brought and shown the boys when they were visiting him one Sunday?

He had bought a Navajo blanket

Why did Allie have writing on his baseball mitt?

He had writing on the mitt so that he would have something to read it no one was up to bat to stay entertained.

Why does Ackley not want to play canasta?

He has mass in the morning

Why does Holden say that he has to leave the house?

He has to meet Mr.Antolini

In Holden's opinion, what is inconsistent about DB's liking the novel A Farewell to Arms

He hated being in the army but liked the main character who was a lieutenant

What does Holden do when his parents get home?

He hides in the closet

Who Ossenburger?

He is a beneficiary of Pencey and he owns a funeral home

Who is Ernie?

He is a fat guy who plays the piano at the bar

Why is Stradlater nervous after hitting Holden?

He is afraid that he may have fractured Holden's skull

What excuse does Holden give to Mrs.Morrow for not being able to visit Ernest in the summer?

He is gong to South American with his grandma

In the movie, what happens to Alec that causes him to regain his memory?

He is hit in the face with a kickball

Name two outstanding characteristics of Harris Macklin

He is tall and intelligent

How does Holden know that Stradlater would not tell Jane Gallagher that he had been kicked out of Pencey?

He is the kind of guy who doesn't ask too many questions or give to many details

who is Holden Caulfield?

He is the protagonist of the story and is 17 years old

How did Mr.Antolini feel about DB going to Hollywood?

He is upset

How does Holden overstep the bounds of propriety with Bernice? (Lavender Room)

He kisses her on the forehead

Why does Holden decide not to call Phoebe? (at Edmont Hotel)

He knows she won't be up and doesn't want his parents to answer

Why did Holden leave Elkton Hills School?

He left because all of the students are fake

How does Holden feel about Phoebe?

He loves her and admires her?

What is it about Stradlater that makes him so dangerous on a date?

He makes girls thinks that he is sincere

Holden admits that there were times when he hated both Stradlater and Ackley. What else does Holden say about them?

He misses them sometimes

What excuse has Holden planned in order to get through to Jane on the telephone after hours?

He planned to say that he was her uncle and her aunt had died in a crash and that he needed to speak to her

What does Holden pretend after Maurice punches him in the stomach?

He pretends he has been shot

What does Holden do before looking in the mirror after his fight with Stradlater?

He puts on his red hunting hat

How did Jane and Holden get to be friends?

He said hello to the pool one day

Why does Phoebe get angry at Holden?

He said she can't come with him out west and she doesn't want him to leave

What excuse did Holden give Mr.Spencer for having to end the visit?

He said that he had to go back to the school gym to pick up his equipment

How does Holden say that Jesus chose his disciples?

He says he chose then at random

What excuse does Holden give Sunny for not wanting to have sex with her?

He says he doesn't feel like himself and that he is recovering from a spinal surgery

Why does Holden become angry with Ackley? (after fight with Stradlater in Ackley's room)

He says he doesn't know when Ely is coming back

What is Holden's explanation for going home on Saturday? (on the train with Mrs.Morrow)

He says he is going home to get an operation for a minor brain tumor

While awaiting the elevator, what does Holden say to Mr.Antolini?

He says he is going to start reading some good books

How does Holden know who is know who is knocking on his door even before opening it?

He says he is psychic

When Phoebe asks Holden what he wants to be, what does he say?

He says he wants to be the catcher in the rye. He talks about children playing in a field of rye on a cliff and how he wants to catch them and save them from going over the cliff.

What excuse does Holden give Mr.Antolilni for having to go to the train station to get his money?

He says his bags are there and he needs to get them

What does Holden say in defense of Stradlater?

He says that Stradlater didn't mean any harm and that he is actually very generous with certain things.

When Stradlater asks Holden to write the composition for him, what does he say regarding the level of quality he wants?

He says that he doesn't want it to be too good and he wants the commas to be in the wrong places throughout so that the teachers won't get suspicious

What does Holden say when asked whether he likes Pencey? (On the train with Mrs.Morrow)

He says that it isn't paradise, but isn't too bad.

When Ackley insists on hearing the reasons for the fight, how does Holden answer him?

He says the fight was about him

What does Holden see when he walks into the school? What does he do? What does he want to do to the person responsible?

He sees a **** you written on the wall and rubs it out. He is so angry that he says he wants to smash the person responsible's head into the pavement until he is dead

What does Holden do after leaving Mr.Antolini?

He sleeps on the benches at Grand Central Station?

After Sunny leaves Holden's hotel room, whom does he begin talking to you?

He starts talking to Allie

What advice did Dr.Thurmer give to Holden?

He tells Holden that life is a game and he needs to play it right

Because Holden likes Mrs.Morrow, what does he tell her about Ernest?

He tells her he is the most popular guy at school

Holden told Mr.Spencer not to worry about him. What reason did he give for not worrying?

He tells him not to worry because it is just a phase and he will be fine and get his life together soon.

How does Maurice respond when Holden says that he is going to scream his head off if Maurice roughs him up?

He tells him to go ahead but it would lead to his parents finding out that he spent the night with a prostitute

What is it that really upsets Ackley? (when Holden is in his room after the fight)

He thinks Holden is making fun of his religion

What does Holden think about as he lies in Ely's bed?

He thinks about Jane and Stradlater in Ed's car

What does Holden think about as he walks back to the hotel?

He thinks about what he would do if he knew who took his gloves at Pencey

What kind of drinker does Holden think he is?

He thinks he is a drinker with a high capacity for alcohol

Does Holden think that Stradlater seduced Jane?

He thinks he seduced her but didn't sleep with her

Why does Holden feel sorry for Ernie?

He thinks that ernie won't know when he is playing good or bad since everyone claps

What is Holden's opinion of the Edmont Hotel?

He thinks that it is full of perverts and is run down

What does Holden think about other students at Pencey?

He thinks that they are crooks

In Holden's opinion, why does Pencey Prep serve steak on Saturday night?

He thinks they serve steak on Saturday nights because the parents visit on Sundays so if the boys are asked what they had for dinner the night before, they will say steak, which makes the school look good.

What did Holden think about Mr.Spencers description of his parents as "grand people"?

He thought that it was an accurate description but did not like the word grand

What is it about Pheobe's liking to skate near the bandstand that Holden thinks is funny?

He used to skate in the same place

What does Ackley usually do when he comes to visit Holden?

He usually sits and talks about nothing or a long time

What does Holden wake up to in Mr.Antolini's house?

He wakes up to Mr.Antolini caressing his face

What did Stradlater wanted to borrow from Holden?

He wanted to borrow Holdens hounds-tooth jacket

Why does Holden smoke in bed in his dorm?

He wants to annoy Stradlater.

Although Holden is getting low on cash, he takes a cab to the park instead of the subway. Why?

He wants to get off Broadway as fast as possible

According to Ackley, what was it about Howie Coyle which made him a good basketball player.

He was a good basketball player because he had money.

Why does Holden punch Stradlater?

He was angry about the way he was talking about Jane

Why is Holden glad to see Ackley return to his room?

He was getting nervous about Jane and Stradlater's date

What was Holden thinking about when he said the following: "I told him I was a real moron and all that stuff. I told him how I would have done exactly the same thing if I'd been in his place, and how most people didn't appreciate how tough it is being a teacher."

He was thinking about the ducks of central park

Why does Holden not call Jane? (at the Edmont when he planned to call her after hours)

He wasn't in the mood

Why does Phoebe not want Holden to go away?

He will miss her school play

What does Mr.Antolini say that Holden will do once he decides what to do with his life?

He will start to apply himself at school

Why is Holden happy that the atomic bomb has been invented?

He would volunteer to sit on it

According to Holden, why was Ernest Morrow not elected president of the class?

He wouldn't let anyone nominate him

Why did Holden write Mr.Spencer a note at the end of his exam paper?

He wrote a note because he didn't want Mr.Spencer to feel bad for failing him.

What does Holden write about for Stradlater's composition?

He wrote about his brother's old baseball mitt

What does Phoebe give to Holden before he leaves?

Her Christmas money

What is it the Holden remembers about Gertrude Levine, his partner at the museum?

Her hands were always sticky and sweaty

Why is the young girl in the park having trouble tightening her skate?

Her hands were cold

What was it that made Jane cry when she and Holden were playing checkers?

Her stepdad eat asking her where the cigarettes were

How does Holden know about Ernie's in Greenwich Village?

His brother used to take him

From whom did he get Faith Cavendish's name?

His friend Eddie from a party

What type of rules does Holden have difficulty observing ?

His rules about sex

What is the substance of Ossenburger's speech?

His speech consisted of him telling a lot of corny jokes.

Who taught Phoebe to dance?


How does Holden's belief about Judas differ from that of his friend Arthur Childs?

Holden believes that Jesus would not send Judas to hell, and Childs thinks he would

What is it that Ackley does that Holden finds annoying?

Holden finds it annoying when Ackley goes through his or Stradlater's personal things

What does Holden say about Jane Gallagher's home life that piqued Stradlater's curiosity?

Holden mentioned that her stepfather used to run around the house naked while Jane was home

Is Jane pretty?

Holden says he wouldn't describe her as strictly beautiful

Explain the fight between Holden and Stradlater

Holden starts asking about Jane and gets angry at Stradlater's answers and punches him. Stradlater tries to placate him until Holden calls him a moron and he loses it.

What does Holden have to say about Stradlater's sense of humor?

Holden thinks that Stradlater has a good sense of humor.

Why was Holden trying to "feel" some sort of goodbye

Holden was trying to feel a goodbye because he wanted to know the place he was leaving for it to be official

What is the main theme of the first paragraph?

How lonely New York is and how lonely Holden feels

Why does Holden walk to the train station? (after leaving Pencey)

It is too late to cal a cab

What does Mr.Antolini say that a good academic education will do for Holden?

It will give him an idea of what size of a mind he has

Where does Holden plan to stay until Wednesday?

Mr.Antolini's house

Who is Mr.Spencer and why is Holden going to visit him?

Mr.Spencer is Holden's history teacher and he is going to see him because Mr.Spencer wanted him to come and say goodbye before he left Pencey

Did Holden agree with Mr.Thurmer's description of life as a game? Why or why not?

No because he thinks that if you end up on the good side with opportunities then it is a game, but if you end up on the wrong side, then you are screwed.

Was Pencey Prep really the fourth school from which Holden was asked to leave? Explain

No, because he was not asked to leave Elton Hills but quit

Do the girls invite Holden to sit down at their table? (Lavender Room)

No, but he sits with them anyways

Is Holden looking forward to his date with Sally?

No, he doesn't feel like meeting anybody

How important was necking in Holden's relationship with Jane?

Not important

How does Holden describe the bellman at the Edmont Hotel?

Old and depressing

Describe the conversations going on at the tables next to Holden at Ernie's?

One guy was telling his date about a football game and another was saying how a boy in his dorm almost committed suicide

Who is Dick Slagle?

One of Holden's former roommates from Elkton Hills; had the crappy suitcases

How popular was the sport of polo at Pencey?

Polo was not extremely popular

Why do you suppose that Holden prefers to meet Sally Hayes rather than Jane?

Sally is probably more predictable and easier to interact with. Holden also has deeper feelings for Jane so he doesn't want to spend time with her and mess anything up

Who is Selma Thurmer and why does Holden like her?

Selma Thurmer is the headmasters daughter and Holden likes her she doesn't try to promote her father or give the impression that he is a good guy.

What behavior of Charlene, the maid, does Phoebe object to?

She breaths on everything

Why is Holden so critical of the lady who sits next to him?

She cried for the entire movie What kind of job did DB have when he was overseas in the army?

Does Sally like school?

She doesn't enjoy it that much

Why does Mrs.Antolini not want Holden to look at her when she enters the room with the coffee and the cake?

She had just gotten out of bed

What kind of shows does Sally like to see?

She likes to see sophisticated shows

What was unique in the way in which Jane Gallagher played checkers?

She never moved her kings from the back row

How does Phoebe try to comfort Holden when he is crying?

She puts her arm around him

What trait about Holden's personality does Phoebe point out that really gets him thinking?

She says he doesn't like anything

Why is Mrs.Morrow concerned about Ernest (her son)?

She thinks he wouldn't mix well with others

What does Mrs.Morrow suspect is the reason that Holden's going home late on a Saturday night?

She thinks that someone in his family is sick

After Sally tells Holden that she loves him, how does she want to change him?

She wants him to change his hair

Why does Holden think that Sally really wants to go skating?

She wants to see herself in a small skirt

Why does Sally not talk much during the intermission?

She was busy being charming

From Lillian Simmons' point of view, what is most impressive about DB?

That he is in Hollywood

Where does Holden meet up with Carl Luce in NYC?

The Wicker Bar

Why does Stradlater not like the composition that Holden wrote for him?

The composition was supposed to be about a house or a room

What is the reality of Pencey Prep in contrast to the advertisements, as seen by Holden?

The contrast between the advertisements and reality is that the advertisements show boys on horses and claim they shape the minds of young boys when the reality is that none of the boys ride horses and there is no "shaping" that takes place

How did Holden react to Allies death?

The night he died, Holden slept in the garage and broke all of the windows in it with his fist.

According to Holden, what is there about Radio City that Jesus would really like?

The way the guy plays the drums

Holden says that the Lunts do not act like people or actors. What does he say they act like?

They act like they knew they were celebrities

What is it that Holden finds disturbing about Jesus' disciples?

They always let Jesus down

What religion are the children in Holden's family?

They are all atheists

Why do you think Holden enjoys talking to the nuns?

They are genuine and not judgmental. They are also innocent.

How do Holden and Sally's skating ability compare with the others on the ice?

They are the worst skaters on the rink

How does Holden know that the three girls at the next table are not from New York City? (Lavender Room)

They are wearing corny hats

What is the best thing that Holden can say about bores?

They don't say anything that hurts anyone

What does Holden thin about a girl's ability to control herself in the heat of passion?

They have very little control over themselves

What criteria does Holden say one must need in order to get a good grade in Oral Expression?

They need to stick to the point all the time

What makes Holden sad when he thinks about the nuns?

They never eat lunch anywhere fancy

Where did Stradlater go on his date with Jane?

They sat in the car

In Holden's opinion, how do girls defend a boy if they like criticizes him by calling him mean or conceited?

They say that he has an inferiority complex

How do the girls react when Holden asks them whether anyone wants to dance? (lavender Room)

They start to giggle

Where do Phoebe and Holden go after the museum?

They walk to the zoo and then Phoebe rides the carousel

Why do Maurice and Sunny return to Holden's room?

They want five dollars

Why does Mrs.Morrow keep calling Holden by the name Rudolf?

This is the name he introduced himself with when they met

Where does Holden go after talking to Luce?

To central park

True or False: Holden cries when Maurice attacks him


What does Phoebe change her middle name to?


How does Holden describe Horowitz's?

What the ducks and the fish in Central Park do in the winter

When does Holden begin to feel sorry for Sunny?

When he hangs up her dress

Where does Holden know Luce from?


Does Bernice enjoy dancing with Holden?

Yes, they are both good dancers

How much does Holden think it will cost him to get a prime table in the Lavender Room?(night club)

a dollar

Where does Holden find Phoebe? (when he goes home)

asleep in DB's bed

What is a synonym for Holden's yellow?


How does Holden feel when he arrives back at the hotel? (after Ernie's)


When Holden does die, what does he want his family to do with his body?

dump him in the river

What does Holden do with the hunting hat?

gives it to phoebe

why does Holden watch the game from the hill?

he forgot the fencing equipment on the subway so his team is mad at him

After talking to Luce, what does Holden pretend?

he pretends to be shot in the gut

What excuse does Holden give for agreeing to meet with the prostitute?

he says he wants to practice for when he is married or when he actually wants to sleep with someone he likes

Why is Holden depressed when he is sitting in the lobby of the Biltmore?

he wonders what happens to all of the girls that he sees in the lobby

Where does Phoebe say her prayers before she goes to bed that evening?

in the bathroom

Where does Holden find the third graffiti?

in the tomb in the museum

What was different about the second "**** you" on the stairs?

it was scratched on and Holden could not rub it out

Does Holden look forward to meeting with the prostitute?

kind of. He sees this as his chance to lose his virginity

Does Holden blame others for his flunking out of school?

no, he takes responsibility and acknowledges that he didn't try

How does Holden feel when the prostitute takes off her dress?

odd and kind of depressed

What kinds of books did Jane like to read?


What sports does Jane enjoy playing?


What is the sense of the quote from Wilhelm Stekel which Mr.Antolini writes down for Holden?

that it is better to be humble and mature than immature and prideful

According to Holden, what is the best thing about the museum?

that it never changes

After Holden leaves the skating rink, where does he go?

the drugstore

Where does Mrs.Morrow invite Holden to visit Ernest in the summer?

their home in Massachusetts

Why does Holden like Richard Kinsella's speeches better than anyone else

they are more interesting and he doesn't stick to the point all the time

What does Luce tell holden he needs?

to be psychoanalyzed

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