CE 281 Chapter 9 Quiz
S waves can travel through solid and liquid media.
Unconsolidated, water-saturated soils or sediments provide good foundation materials for buildings and other structures.
The ________ Magnitude is a measure of the total energy released. It does not directly measure the extent of building damage.
________ have the highest velocities.
Primary waves
Which one of the following statements is correct?
S waves travel through solids and P waves travel through liquids.
The ________ earthquake was accompanied by extensive fire damage.
San Francisco, 1906
Which one of the following is TRUE regarding tsunamis?
They occur in the open ocean, wavelengths are many miles or kilometers and wave heights are only a few feet.
Earthquakes result from the sudden release of elastic strain energy previously stored in rocks surrounding a zone of fault movement.
The time between the first P-wave and S-wave arrivals is a measure of the distance from a receiving station to the epicenter of the earthquake.
Tsunamis are caused by sudden displacement of large volumes of seawater.
Major earthquakes are often followed by somewhat smaller events known as ________.
P waves ________.
are faster than S waves and surface waves
The distance between a seismological recording station and the earthquake source is determined from the ________.
arrival times of P and S waves
The position on Earth's surface directly above the earthquake source is called the ________.
When an earthquake occurs, energy radiates in all directions from its source. The source is also referred to as the ________.
The asthenosphere is located ________.
in the upper mantle
The dense core of Earth is thought to consist predominantly of ________.
The instrument that records earthquake events is termed a ________.
Overall, this type of seismic wave is the most destructive.
surface wave
On a typical seismogram, ________ will show the highest amplitudes.
surface waves