Certified Rehabilitation Counselor Exam Prep

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Assessment instruments used in Holland's work personality theory

(1) Self directed search (2)Vocational preference inventory (3)career attitudes and strategies inventory (4) environmental identity scale assesses (5) position classification inventory

Two variations in the supportive employment model are:

(1) Train, Place, Train, follow up approach or the TPTF (2) Place, Train, Follow up approach or the PTF

Experiential family therapy

(1) Usually takes 2 therapist (2) it's important to be with the family

According to the code of professional ethics for rehabilitation counselors states that rehabilitation counselors may not abandon clients and must make appropriate referrals for clients being terminated:

(1) a client is not benefitting from counseling (2) client no longer needs counseling (3) counseling may harm the client or persons involved (4) client is not paying as agreed upon fees.

Therapist role on strategic family therapy

(1) acts as a consultant (2) is responsible for planning a strategy to resolve problems

Characteristics of the transitional stage of group counseling:

(1) anxiety and fears that inhibit open communication and lead to testing for safety and trustworthiness of members and leaders (2) defensiveness and resistance caused by a number of anxieties and fears (3) struggle for control between members and between members and leader (4) conflict and confrontation

2 key concepts of behavior and cognitive behavior family therapy

(1) are careful detailed assessments (2) specific strategies designed to modify contingencies of reinforcements

Therapist goals on structural family therapy

(1) attempts to create clear boundaries (2) increase flexibility (3) modify a dysfunctional family structure

Leadership styles in group counseling:

(1) authoritarian (2) democratic (3) laissez fairr

The CRCC code of ethics is based on 6 principles:

(1) autonomy (2) beneficence (3) fidelity (4) justice (5) nonmaleficence (6) veracity

The following are characterized as cognitive behavioral approaches to group counseling:

(1) behavior therapy (2) rational emotive therapy (3) cognitive therapy (4) stress inoculation (5) solution focused therapy

Techniques of behavior and cognitive behavior family therapy are:

(1) behavioral contracts (2) training in communication skills (3) active suggestions (4) homework

Social constructionism

(1) can be described as a narrative solution focused therapy (2) people are seen as actively shaping how they understand the world (3) what meanings they create to explain the world (4)how these meanings are constructed (5) key concepts is that meaning is constructed through a social interaction (6) the therapist is not seen as the expert but rather as a collaborator with the family

The leaders role on transitional stage on group counseling:

(1) challenge the resistance that is a barrier to working on issues with in the group (2) more risk taking (3) identification and processing of feelings, thoughts and behavior, and facilitate self expression to move forward with group work

In social learning theory cognitive strategies include the following:

(1) clarification (2) reframing (3) resolving (4) discrepancies (5)cognitive rehearsal

Characteristics of a authoritarian leader:

(1) communication is directed by the leader (2) in control of the group (3)likely to teach or direct (4) members my need to be prodded to communicate

The leaders role in the working stage of group counseling:

(1) continued to encourage facilitative norms and cohesiveness (2) reduce activity in structure and leading the group to allow for greater shared leadership (3) model direct communication, self disclosure, feedback, and constructive confrontation (4)supply direct communication, self disclosure, feedback, and constructive confrontation (5) identify explore common themes so as to link the work of different members (6) translate insight into action by encouraging the practicing of new behaviors, in the group and outside through homework assignments

The roles of the leader in the final stage of group counseling:

(1) deal with the members feelings about ending the group (2) recognize and deal with unfinished business (3) identify and reinforce growth, changes, and achievements (4) help members transfer changes and achievements to real life (5) reemphasize confidentiality (6) evaluate members growth and change , along with strengths and weaknesses of the group

Leaders role in the initial stage of group counseling:

(1) deciding on an optimal degree of sharing of leadership responsibilities between the leader and members (2) deciding on an optimal degree of structuring on the part of the group leader and the nature of that structure

The goal of psychoeducational approach in group counseling is to:

(1) develop prognostic coping strategies (2) to exchange social support with others who have similar experiences

2 main concepts in bowen's family system theory:

(1) differentiation of self And (2) triangulation

The following characterized a psychoeducational approach in group counseling:

(1) educational groups (2) support groups (3) self help groups

Basic tenets of empowerment are:

(1) every individual has worth and dignity (2) every individual should have the same opportunity to maximize his or her potential (3) people generally strive to grow and change in positive directions (4) individuals should be free to make their own decisions about the management of their lives

In Super's Life Span theory the life stages are age related that individuals typically go through a temporal order of the following stages

(1) exploration (2) establishment (3) maintenance (4) decline or disengagement

When terminating counseling in a group setting the following should occur:

(1) facilitator must discus any unfinished business with the groups (2) the counselor needs to tell the group in advance that the group is ending soon (3) review what the group has learned and any changes (4) discuss how the client can take what they learned in the group to the outside world.

Techniques of a structural family therapist

(1) family mapping (2) enactments (3) reframing

Key concepts of structural family therapy:

(1) family structure is the invisible set of rules that organize the way members relate to each other (2) family subsystems include spousal, parental, sibling and extended family categories (3) boundaries are emotional barriers that protect and enhance the integrity of families

The characteristics of the final stage in group counseling:

(1) feelings of anxieties, sandy, separation, fear may be evident (2) concerns about unfinished business (3) concerns about what comes next

Characteristics of psychoanalytical family therapy:

(1) founded by Nathan Ackerman (2) problems are identified within people, rather than between people (3) goal is to free family members from unconscious restrictions

General employability skills are known as

(1) general work personality (2) are not job specific (3) are required in every job

Krumboltz's 4 factors that influence career decision making are

(1) genetic endowment (2) environmental conditions (3) learning experiences (4) task approach skills

The following are theories that are characterized as experiential approaches in group work:

(1) gestalt therapy (2) reality therapy (3) existential therapy (4) person centered therapy

General employability skills include

(1) grooming (2) hygiene (3) attendance (4) punctuality (5) safety (6) interpersonal relationships (7) frustration tolerance (8) work stamina (9) productivity

Common techniques in the cognitive behavioral approach in group counseling include:

(1) group role plays (2) systematic desensitization (3) realization (4) meditation (5) assertiveness (6) time management training

The client centered placement approach is a subset of psychoeducational counseling which helps the client with the following:

(1) helps the client become self directed (2) helps the client be self motivated with a can do attitude

Salomone advocated the use of client centered placement because he felt the selective placement approach of doing things for the clients would:

(1) impair the clients dignity (2) impair the clients independence (3) impair the clients self confidence

The assessment techniques commonly used to evaluate adults with specific learning disabilities fall into three categories

(1) informal tests and observational measures (2) standardized psychological tests, and (3)neuropsychological test batteries.

Stages of group development:

(1) initial stage (2) transition stage (3) working stage (4) final stage

Specific employability skills include the following:

(1) intelligence (2) aptitudes (3) temperament (4) physical ability (5) job knowledge (6) skills

Rehabilitation counsel must be prepared to make ethical decisions by using an ethical decision making model. Integrative decision making model has 4 steps:

(1) interpret the situation (2) formulate an ethical decision (3) select an action (4) plan and execute the course of action

Bowen's family systems theory:

(1) introducer (2) referred to as the multigenerational or trams generational family therapy (3) analyzes the family from a 3 generational perspective

What employment focuses distinguish the supported employment model placement from other placement approaches:

(1) it focuses on job Site training (2) advocacy (3) it focuses on long term job retention (4) it focuses on continued follow up throughout the employment

The 4 major components of the Place, Train, Followup approach in the supported employment model that involve particular activities that must be performed by the counselor:

(1) job placement (2) job site training (3) ongoing assessment (4) job retention

Supported employment model placement approach highlights the following:

(1) job preparation for placing individuals with severe disabilities in competitive employment settings (2) it requires continued follow up services during the course of employment

When providing job placement assistance the counselor should include

(1) job seeking skills training (2) direct placement (3) job development (4) supported employment (5) demand side job placement

These are the deficits that some clients have while job seeking:

(1) lack of awareness of technology needed to secure job leads (2) difficulty explaining the significance of their educational background (3) inability to discuss disability issues and needed accommodations (4) failure to job search on a regular basis (5) failure to dress appropriately for an interview

Characteristics of a laissez fairr leader:

(1) leadership is with the members (2) leaders are nondirective (3) communication is mostly between members (4) members may get frustrated or confused (5) production may be slow (6) participation between members my be uneven

2 types of Trait and Factor Theory in Career development

(1) person environment interaction (2) work adjustment theory

Job seeking skill training is designed to do the following:

(1) provide practice opportunity (2) to teach clients to determine job suitability (3) to teach clients to identify vocational strengths and limitations (4) to teach the clients to prepare a resume (5) to teach the clients the proper techniques to conduct an interview (6) to teach the clients the best practices in securing a job lead.

Psychodynamic approaches to group counseling include:

(1) psychoanalysis (2) object relations (3) interpersonal theory

In social learning theory the behavioral strategies may integrate the following techniques:

(1) reinforcement (2) role models (3) role playing (4) simulation

Techniques of brief family therapy include:

(1) setting limited goals and an endpoint (2) reinforcing family strengths (3) assigning homework (4) assigning homework (5) miracle question

Characteristics of a democratic leader:

(1) shared leadership between leader and members (2) leaders guide the group (3) are receptive to the members ideas (4) majority of the decision are made by the members (5) members are more active in group

When can a counselor release or break confidentiality include:

(1) sharing information with parents/guardians of a minor or person with an intellectual or psychiatric disability (2) when a client is at risk of harm to self or others (3) when a counselor is legally mandated to release information by court order that

Therapeutic approaches to family counseling:

(1) social constructionism (2) psychoanalytic family therapy (3) bowen's family system theory (4) experiential family therapy (5) behavioral and cognitive behavioral family therapy (6) structural family therapy (7) strategic family therapy (8) brief family therapy (9) family counseling strategies

What abilities must a client with a disability develop appropriately to obtain and retain competitive employment in an integrated setting?

(1) specific employability skills (2) general employability skills (3) place ability skills

Frank Parson's career development theories described the career development process in three stages:

(1) stages invoke self (2) work (3) the interaction between self and work

The Train, Place, Train, Follow up is composed of 4 major parts:

(1) surveying potential employers to establish significant vocational and social survival skills that require training (2) training individuals with the purpose of performing these skills (3) placing trained clients in competitive employment settings (4) supply long term follow up to the clients

2 main goals of Bowen's family system theory:

(1) to decrease anxiety (2) to increase the level of differentiation of self

What are 3 ways counselors can shift the perspective from tryouts change individuals behavior to focusing on the family system:

(1) transition from indicator to systems dynamics (2) shift from linear to circular causality (3) distinction between content and process dynamic

Cultural competency includes the following

(1) understanding of one's own worldview (2) understanding of one's attitude and biases (3) knowledge of different cultural practices and worldview scrim ones own

Rehabilitation counselor counseling skills include:

(1) working alliance (2) core conditions of counseling (3) attending and listening skills (4) envouragers (5) paraphrasing (6) summarizing (7) reflection of feeling (8) open ended questions (9) closed ended questions (10) clarifying questions

Characteristics of the working stage in group counseling:

(1) working on issues and attempting to accomplish goals (2) commitment on the part of members to explore and deal with problems, along with their attention to dynamics of the group (3) trust , cohesion, and a sense of inclusion (3) open communication, self disclosure, and taking risks (4) shared leadership with the leader carrying a less load (5) interpersonal conflict control and power issues recognized and effectively dealt with (6) direct communication among members giving accepting and confronting feedback (7) feels of supplant hopefulness (8) willingness to work outside the group to test what has been learned

Types of Trait and Type theories

(1). Person environment interaction theory (2) Work adjustment theory (3) Work personality theory

Interviewing skills include

(1)Working alliance, core conditions of counseling, attending and listening skills, Encouragers, paraphrasing, summarizing, reflection of feeling, open ended questions, closed ended questions, clarifying questions

Characteristics of the initial stage in group counseling:

(1)getting acquainted (2) learning how the group functions (3) develop unspoken norms to regulate group behavior (4) exploring fears and hopes related to the group and participation in group (5) clarifying expectations (6) identify personal goals (7) determining the degree of safety in the group

Key roles in Krumboltz's social learning theory

(1)the client needs to express their capabilities and interest (2) clients need to prepare for changing work task (3) clients need to empower to take a stance (4) the counselor will provide the client with vocational counseling at all career stages

Characteristics of The WRAT 4 :

1. 2 forms 2. 4 subtests: sentence comprehension, word reading, spelling, and math computation 3. Yields raw scores, grade equivalents, standard scores and percentile ranks 4. Takes about 30-45 minutes to administer

The strong interest inventory has a profile that is divided into 4 major sections:

1. 6 general occupational themes 2. 30 basic interest scales 3. 244 occupational scales 4. 5 personal style scales

Cultural affiliation

Attributes, beliefs, experiences, and traditions, that bond a group of people to each other.

Psychological assessment results help to determine:

1) Appropriateness of long term vocational training 2) the need for adjustment services 3) the need to confront the consumer regarding unrealistic vocational choices

The perceptual reasoning index comprises five subtexts:

1) block design 2) matrix reasoning 3) visual puzzles 4) picture completion 5) figure weights

Working memory index (WMI) is obtained from 3 subtests:

1) digit span 2) arithmetic 3) letter number sequencing

Medical evaluation is required by all public state rehabilitation agencies when working with a consumer with a physical disability or chronic illness. A medical evaluation is used to:

1) establish the presence and extent of the disability 2). Provide information on the physical functioning of the consumer 3.) determine the types of activities precluded by the disability 4.) identify any additional medical evaluation necessary for achieving the first 3 purposes

Four types of validity evidence:

1) face validity 2) content validity 3) criterion validity 4) construct validity

The Stanford Binet 5 yields :

1) full scale intelligent quotient 2) verbal IQ 3) nonverbal IQ scores 4) 5 factor indexes: fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual spatial reasoning, and working memory

2 broad scores are generated by the Wechsler adult intelligence scale 4:

1) full scale intelligent quotient ( FSIQ) 2) general ability index ( GAI)

Purpose of vocational evaluation is to provide reliable and valid data to:

1) generate information about the consumer's current vocationally relevant levels of social educational, psych lot,and physiological functioning 2) estimate the consumers potential for behavior change and skill acquisition 3) determine the consumer most effective learning style 4) identify possible jobs the consumer can perform without additional vocational services 5) identify education or special training programs that might increase the vocational potential 6) identify potentially feasible jobs for the consumer with further vocational services 7) identify the community support services that might augment job retention following a successful consumer placement

3 issues to which group rehabilitation counselors need to attend when working with clients from minority backgrounds:

1) knowledge of the culture with which the client identifies 2) an awareness of the clients worldview 3) it is critical to be sensitive to clues such as values, rate of conversation, style of nonverbal cues, and expectations that members often give indicating that they would like to talk about some aspect of how their culture is affecting their participation in the group

Four measurement scales:

1) nominal 2) ordinal 3). Interval 4) ratio

Types of Score interpretations:

1) self referenced interpretation 2) criterion referenced interpretation 3) norm referenced interpretation

The verbal comprehensive index includes four subtexts:

1) similarities 2) vocabulary 3) information 4) comprehension

Processing speed index (PSI) includes three subtests:

1) symbol search 2) coding 3) cancellation

Ways to estimate a test's reliability:

1) test retest reliability 2) split half reliability 3) parallel forms reliability 4) cronbach's alpha

The Wechsler adult intelligence scale consist of 10 subtlest and 5 supplemental subtexts and generate 4 indices:

1) verbal comprehensive indexes 2) perceptual reasoning index 3) working memory index 4) processing speed index

Focus of intake interviews:

1). Determine the person's reason for rehabilitation services 2). Provide the individual with necessary information about the role and function of the agency 3). Develop adequate rapport 4) initiating the diagnostic process 5) informing the consumer of any psychological evaluation that must be completed and purposes of such evaluations

Intake interview focus:

1). Determining the person's reason for rehabilitation services 2) providing the individual with necessary information about the role and function of the agency 3.) developing adequate rapport 4.) initiating the diagnostic process 5.) informing the consumer of any medical, vocational, or psychological evaluations that must be completed and the purpose of such evaluations

The following are objectives of managed care case management process

1). Education of claimant, family, and payer 2). Contained spending 3). Avoidance of complications

How is a medical evaluation used?

1). Establishes the presence and extent of the disability 2) provides information on the physical functioning of the consumer 3) determines the types of activities precluded by the disability 4) identify any additional medical evaluation necessary for achieving the first three purposes

CRCC and CORE suggest the following for rehabilitation counselor's

1). Ethically obligated to act in beneficent ways to empower persons with disabilities with resources that lead to the best possible outcomes in the least restrictive environment 2). Facilitate the rehabilitation process using a unique set of holistic skills assisting persons to reach their highest level of psychosocial adjustment 3). Should embrace a philosophy that ultimately results in clients achieving personally fulfilling socially meaningful emotionally healthy, independent, and productive lives

Term individuals response to disability communicates that:

1). The disability itself does not define the individual rather it is the meaning ascribed by the disability and how the individual views his or her residual functional capacity 2). Adjustment does not represent a total life experience or final endpoint of the individual rather it reflects a range of experiences that include physical, psychological, emotional, cognitive, social, occupational and spiritual response to disability 3). Adjustments, adaptation, and acceptance tend to pathologize the experience of disability and make the assumption that only those individuals who have a disability go through adjustment but really all people with a distant go through adjustment

Potential complications associated with SCI

1. Altered symptoms of illness 2. Pressure sores 3. Urinary tract complications 4. Contracture a 5. Spasticity 6. Osteoporosis 7. Cardiovascular complications 8. Autonomic dysreflexia 9. Pneumonia other respiratory disorders 10. Other neurological complications Sexual dysfunction 11. Psychological issues

3 ways aptitude test are used:

1. Assess individuals skills and abilities 2. Measure more specific focused areas that predict the likelihood to learn and master knowledge or skills needed for success in specific vocations 3. Predict how successful an individual will likely be at learning different aspects of a formal training program

The medical exam provides information on the following:

1. Clarifying the consumer's general health at present time 2. Describing of the extent stability and prognosis the present disability as well as any recommended treatment 3. Assessing present and future implications of the disability and its potential effects on performance of essential job functions 4. Reporting the presence of any residual medical conditions that could impact the individual during the rehabilitation process

McCarron Dial evaluation system :

1. Developed to predict an individual ability for community based employment 2. Consists of 8 separate instruments that assess 5 factors 3. Takes 3 hours to administer 4. Battery takes 5 days to complete

2 aspects of informed consent

1. Disclosure and awareness of all pertinent information the client needs to make a decision 2. Possessing free consent to engage in an activity or intervention without coercion

Myers Briggs Type Indicator is scored on 8 scales yielding 4 bipolar dimensions

1. Extroversion vs. introversion 2. Sensing vs. intuition 3. Thinking vs. Feeling 4. Judgement vs. Perception

Commonly used interest test in the vocational rehabilitation process:

1. Self directed search 2. Strong interest inventory 3. Reading free vocational interest inventory 2nd edition

The ASVAB consists of 10 subtests:

1. General science 2. Work knowledge 3. Paragraph comprehension 4. Electronic information 5. Code speed 6. Arithmetic reasoning 7. Mathematics knowledge 8. Mechanical comprehension 9. Auto shop information 10. Numerical operations

The strong interest inventory was developed to:

1. Give individuals information about themselves and their preferences that will help them make sound career decisions 2. Provide information to professionals 3. Help in studying groups of individuals 4. It yields scores and scales on the Holland's RIASEC

SCI at C6

1. Gross motor movement of upper extremities 2. Some independence with self care such as feeding and dressing with the aid of orthotic equipment 3. May be able to use manual wheelchair with modified wheel rim but most use electric chair 4. Hand splints to eat and write 5. Driving is possible with vehicle modifications and adaptive devices

In the ICF disability and functioning are viewed as outcomes of interactions between:

1. Health conditions 2. Contextual factors

The following are important for an An individual with a spinal cord injury to adjust positively

1. How they conceptualize losses 2. Their individual coping style 3. The amount and type of social support

The MMPI-2 assess these 10 clinical scales:

1. Hypochondriasis 2. Depression 3. Conversion hysteria 4. Psychopathic deviate 5. Masculinity and femininity 6. Paranoia 7. Schizophrenia 8. Psychasthenia 9. Hypomania 10. Social introversion

The self directed search

1. Is based on Holland's theory 2. Is self administered 3. Self recorded 4. Self interpreted vocational counseling tool 5. 2 forms 6. Form R requires at least a 7th to 8th grade reading level 7. Form E requires at least a 4th grade reading level 8. It consists of an assessment booklet and occupational finder 9. Booklet has 5 sections

Manifestations of a stroke:

1. Weakness or paralysis in an extremity (hemiplegia) 2. Loss of coordination (ataxia) 3. Loss in sensation in half of the body (hemiparesis) 4. Visual defects 5. Loss of perception of visual depth and distance 6. Auditory or other sensations (agnosia) 7. Inability to organize and sequence muscle movement (apraxia) 8. Difficulty with speech ( aphasia) 9. Cognitive losses 10. Bowel and bladder dysfunction

3 levels in the ICF of human functioning can be classified as

1. Level of the body 2. The whole person 3. The whole person in social context.

The Peabody individual achievement test yields 6 final scores in the following:

1. Math 2. Reading recognition 3. Reading comprehension 4. Spelling 5. General information 6. Total score * usually only takes 30-40 minutes to administer and it is given individually

Models of disability:

1. Medical model and 2. Social medical model 3. Bio psychological model

Commonly used personality test

1. Minnesota multiphasic personality inventory (MMPI-2) 2. Myers-Briggs- Type Indicator 3. 16 Personality Factor Form E

Self directed search booklet has 5 sections:

1. Occupational daydreams 2. Activities 3. Competencies 4. Occupations 5. Self estimates

Types of seizures:

1. Partial seizures 2. Generalized seizures 3. Status epileptuicus

Factors that could influence an individual with a SCI employment status

1. Pre injury education 2. Vocational interest and skills 3 congruence with the level of functional capacity 4. Age 5. Presence of financial disincentives

Types of partial seizures

1. Simple partial 2. Complex partial

6 criteria for determining professional maturity :

1. They can clearly define their role and have a defined scope of practice 2. They offer unique services 3. They have special knowledge and skills 4. They have an explicit code of ethics 5. They have legal right to offer the service 6. They have the ability to monitor the practice of the profession.

The following play a part in how the individual with a disability adjust:

1. Time of onset 2. Type of disability 3. Individuals perception toward their disability 4. Cultural attributes and context of the disability 5. Continuum of disability 6. Psychosocial reaction or response of disability 7. Counseling from a coping skills and resiliency focus 8 . Understanding the disability experience 9. Recognize the individual as a survivor

When to use an intelligence test:

1. To determine need for more in depth evaluation 2. To identify intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, or gifted was 3. For placement selection into specialized academic or vocational programs 4. As part of a comprehensive clinical evaluation

When to use an achievement test

1. To identify academic strengths and weaknesses 2. For placement and selection into specialized academic or vocational programs 3. To track achievement over time 4. To evaluate instructional objectives and programs 5. To identify learning disabilities 6. As part of a comprehensive clinical evaluation

When to use an aptitude test:

1. To predict future performance 2. For placement or selection into specialized academic or vocational programs 3. For job placement decisions 4. As part of a comprehensive clinical evaluation

The final scores are given on the 16 personality factor test in 16 primary factors:

1. Warmth 2. Reasoning 3. Emotional stability 4. Dominance 5. Liveliness 6. Rule consciousness 7. Social boldness 8. Sensitivity 9. Privateness 10. Apprehension 11. Openness to change 12. Self reliance 13. Perfectionism 14. Tension 15. Vigilance 16. Abstractedness

SCI at C5

1. some gross movement of the upper extremities 2. Use of hand splints 3. Independent wheelchair ambulation may be possible

2 goals with the 3 stage helper modal:

1.) recognize how clients manage specific problems in their day to day life 2.) relates to clients general ability to manage their problems, develop better coping skills, and recognize opportunities for everyday living

The general aptitude test battery (GATB)

1.) was developed by the U.S. Department of labor on 1947 2). Measures 8 aptitudes via 12 times tests 3.) 2 hours to administer 4). Yields 3 composite scores ( cognitive, perceptual, psychomotor scores) 5). Aptitude factor scores are based on the 12 subtests 6). Standard deviation of 20 mean of 100

Beck depression inventory

21 question multiple choice self report inventory that is one of the most widely used instruments for measuring the severity of depression. The most current version of the questionnaire is designed for individuals aged 13 and over and is composed of items relating to depression symptoms such as hopelessness and irritability, cognition a such as quilt or feelings of being punished as well as physical symptoms such as fatigue, weight loss, and lack of interest in sex.

Stanford Binet 5 consists of :

5 verbal subtests and 5 nonverbal subtest

Chemical dependency

A physical or mental addiction to drugs and or alcohol. Chemical dependency is a disease. It can be fatal without treatment

Qualified individual with a disability

A person with a disability who satisfies the requisite skill, experience, education and other job related requirements of the employment position such individual holds or desires and who , with or without reasonable accommodation can perform the essential functions of such positions

Anxiety disorders

A category of mental disorders with the common symptoms of excessive, irrational fear or dread. People living with anxiety disorders frequently have co occurring disorders which can make diagnosis and treatment complicated. Panic disorder, ptsd, social phobia, agoraphobia, and obsessive compulsive disorder are examples of anxiety disorders.


A characteristic necessary for successful job performance

Multiple sclerosis is

A chronic and unpredictable disease that attacks the central nervous every system Multifaceted progressive conditions of the Central nervous system with a myriad of physical, psychological, social, vocational, and economic consequences

According to the ICF universality is

A classification of functioning and disability should be applicable to all people irrespective of health condition. Therefore ICF is about all people. It concerns everyone's functioning. This, it should not become a tool for labeling persons with disabilities as a separate group.


A cognitive structure or set of related ideas or concepts that people use to function in and respond to situations in their environment

The family is viewed as a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, rather than

A collection of individuals

Working alliance

A connection involving trust, respect, and acceptance among counselor ,client, and all members of the rehabilitation team

Under the the HIPPA privacy rule

A covered entities may release certain P H I to a business associate only if they obtain the business associates assurance that it will safeguard the P H I and assist the covered entity in complying with the privacy rule

Coronary heart disease

A disease caused when there is a build up of plaque or fatty tissue in the arteries to the heart. When the plaques builds up to the point that arteries become stiff and blocked , the heart muscle does not get enough oxygen to do its job and the result can lead to a heart attack.

Fetal alcohol syndrome

A disorder that is caused when a women drinks when she is pregnant. It affects the central nervous system and causes birth defects such as mental retardation, poor motor skills, poor eye hand coordination, and be habitual and learning problems.

Lofquist and Dawis defined work adjustment as:

A dynamic ongoing process by which the worker seeks to achieve and maintain congruity with the environment

Developmental disability

A federally defined term to help identify who is eligible for funding or services which is a severe, chronic disability of an individual 5 years or older that is attributed to a mental or physical impairment or combination of mental and physical impairments; is manifested before the individual attains age 22; is likely to continue indefinitely; and results in substantial functional limitation in 3 or more major life activities.

Applied behavior analysis

A field of study that: uses the science and technology of behaviorism, as it applies to behaviors thought to be voluntary, and uses the technology to change or understand socially important problems or issues.

Cognitive behavioral therapy

A form of skilled therapy that helps people reorganize distorted or inaccurate thoughts that lead to anxiety , anger, or depression and replace them with more accurate thoughts that empower.

Huntington's disease

A genetic brain disorder that attacks the body's functioning and breaks the body down, eventually resulting in death.

Cystic fibrosis

A hereditary disease which results in thick mucus affecting a person's pancreas lungs and digestive system

Test retest-

A measure of consistency over time. Test retest correlations indicate relationships between scores obtained by individuals within the same group on two administrations of the test.

Split half reliability:

A measure of internal consistency. Split half correlations indicate consistency of scores obtained by individuals within the same group on two different parts of the same test.

Bipolar disorder/ bipolar affective disorder

A mood disorder in which the person can swing from depression to emotional highs. The frequency and symptoms are variable from person to person with some being more often depressed and differences in how often the mood cycles.


A neurological disorder which affects about 1% of the population in which people experience seizures. Seizures are very sudden attack on the brain caused by electrical dysfunction or disturbances resulting in unconscious or violent movement.

Parallel forms reliability:

A parallel form correlation indicates the consistency of scores of individuals within the same group on two alternates but equivalent forms of the same test taken at the same time.

The CRC COde mandates the rehabilitation counselors cannot have sexual or romantic relationship with former clients for

A period of 5 years

Nonverbal reasoning

Ability to solve tasks using spatial ability and visualization

According to the ICF impairment is

A problem in body function or structure such as a significant deviation or loss

The rehabilitation counselor should facilitate empowerment and client rights. Empowerment is

A process of increasing personal , interpersonal, or political power, so that individuals can take action to improve their life situations


A psychiatric medication prescribed by a doctor or psychiatrist used to treat depression. Can take several forms including: selective serotonin reputable inhibitors SSRI, tricyclics and mono amine oxidase inhibitors MAOI

Bidet line personality disorder

A serious illness characterized by difficulty in regulating emotions, volatile, relationships, rapid and frequent moods swings, and an unstable sense of self. BPD responds well to treatment. Evidence suggests it is a biologically influenced mental illness like anxiety, depression, and other major mental illnesses.

Federal insurance contribution act.

A specific United States tax taken out of the pay check of every working citizen. The contribution go toward paying for social security program.


A specific learning disability that affects a person's ability to read.

To promote test fairness

A test should be administered under the same conditions that were established in their standardizations. In accommodating a consumer with a disability attention must be given to ensure appropriate assessment methods so as to not compromise the validity and reliability of the test.

Evidence based

A thoughtful integration of the best available evidence combined with clinical expertise


A type of supported employment option where groups of people with disabilities work together in a community setting. These groups typically vary in size from 2-15 people. This is advantageous for people who may not be able to work consistently enough to maintain a daily job. Disadvantage group settings make social contact with others without disabilities less likely to occur. There is also a possibility of stigmatize

Verbal comprehension

Ability to understand words, sentences, paragraphs

Abstract reasoning

Ability to use concepts and symbols to solve problems

Work samples are used to measure:

A variety of constructs including vocational aptitudes, worker temperaments, vocational interests, hand dexterity, tolerance for standing or sitting, work habits and behaviors, learning styles, and understanding of written and oral instructions. There are 2 main evaluations: McCarron Dial evaluation and VALPAR

The co-occurrence of mental health issues with medical problems among the elderly is best described as follows

A variety of factors associated with medical problems seem to increase the risk for mental health issues

Spatial ability

Ability to visualize and manipulate visual images, geographic shapes, or objects in three dimensions

The MMPI-2

Consists of 567 statements to assess major psychological characteristics and is designed for adults ages 16 and older.

Cognitive abilties

Abilities related to thought processes, including memory , organization , planning, adaptive behavior, and knowledge

Inferences may be drawn on the client to find the clients

Abilities, interests, personality, likely behavior, satisfaction, and likely responses

Perceptual ability

Ability to perceive understand and recall patterns of information


Ability to recognize and recall information such as numbers, letters, and words

Numerical reasoning

Ability to solve problems with numbers or numerical concepts

The WRAT 4 assess

Academic achievement when the consumer has not had recent educational experience and the rehabilitation counselor wants to determine basic reading and arithmetic capabilities for training

Situational assessments focus on assessing the consumer's work potential in regard to factors such as ability to:

Accept supervision Get along well with others Stay on tasks Sustain productivity for 8 hours Tolerate frustration

If you are involved in group work with culturally diverse population, it will be important for you to

Accept the challenge of modifying your strategies to meet the unique needs of the members

This occurs only after a period during which the old schema are seen to be insufficient and results in the development of a new schema.


Major accommodation for an individual with hepatitis is

Accommodation for fatigue and weakness

Active/reflective learners

Active learners retain and understand information best through activity, such as discussing, applying, or explaining the information. Reflective learners prefer to think through the material and tend to prefer to work alone.

Leadership techniques:

Active listening, restating, clarifying, summarizing, questioning, interpreting, confronting, reflecting feeling, supporting, empathy, facilitating, initiating, goal setting, evaluating, giving feedback, suggesting, protecting, disclosing oneself, modeling, linking, blocking, and terminating

This term refers to the dynamic process that a persons with a disability experiences to achieve the final state of optimal person environment congruence


A case manager should ensure that the client has all of the following

Adequate medical care, adequate access to the case manager, and viable treatment plan.

The group counseling theory based on the holistic view of the person is


Generalized seizures

Affect the entire brain and are classified as tonic clonic or absence seizure. Most familiar and recognizable type of seizure.

Augmentative and alternative communication

All forms of communication that enhance or supplements speech and writing. Communication boards, manual gestures or signs,

Accommodations for COPD

Allowing access to supplemental oxygen and avoiding placing patients with chronic cough close to others, avoid work environments with pollutants, time for medication treatment or breathing treatments

SCI at the sacral level S1-S4

Ambulation is possible with little or no equipment. Bowel and bladder impairments may still exist to some degree.


American association on intellectual and developmental disabilities


American counseling association


American rehabilitation counseling association

Wechsler adult intelligence scale 4 is

An IQ test to measure adult and adolescents intelligence


An abnormal swelling or bulging of a blood vessel in the body

Undue hardship

An action that requires significant difficulty or expense in relation to the size of the employer, the resources available, and the nature of the operation.


An apparent separation of a person's thoughts and feelings from their body. A sense of being disconnected from what is happening in the here and now

Autonomic hyperreflexia which is a potentially life threatening problem for individuals with injuries about the T6 level is

An episode of extremely high blood pressure

Substantially limiting

An impairment is only a disability under the ADA If it substantially limits one or more major life activities. An individual must be unable to perform or be substantially limited in the ability to perform, an activity compared with an average person.

Major life activity

An impairment must substantially limit one or more major life activities to be disability covered by the ADA. These are activities that an average person can perform with little or no difficulty

Standard occupational classification

Arrangements used for job surveys primarily in the manufacturing industries

The international classification of functioning, disability and health (ICF) is based off of the bio psychological model, which is:

An integration of medical and social. Provides a coherent view of different perspectives of health, biological, individual, and social.

Cronbach's alpha:

An internal consistency statistic calculated from the pair wise correlation between items.


An objective and standardized measure of a sample of behavior

Dual diagnosis

An old term used to describe having 2 disorders that cause significant impairment. It was often used to describe having both mental illness and chemical dependency. It was also used to describe having both an intellectual disability and mental

The Peabody Picture vocabulary test 3 is

An untimed easily administered , oral test of intelligence. It can be administered in about 11 minutes. Reading is not required for this test and item responses are made by pointing. It can be applicable for people with intellectual disabilities

According to the ICF Body structure are

Anatomical parts of the body such as organs limbs and their components

The most prevalent of all psychiatric disorders is

Anxiety disorders

Functional assessment

Any systematic approach to describing an individual's functioning in terms of skills, current behavior, or both. It's typically conducted with the aid of scales, with the items representing comprehensive listings of areas of functioning so that each can be rated evaluated or described comprehensively.

Assessment can be defined as

Any systematic method of obtaining information from tests and other sources, used to draw inferences about people, objects, and programs.

Loss of ability to use or understand language is


Time management for rehabilitation counselors includes the following

Appointments, travel coordination, and to do lists.

Face validity:

Appraisal of tests content based on the face of the test. Looking at the content

Work sample assessments

Are an assessment approach whereby the consumer is observed performing a simulated or actual work activity usually in a rehabilitation center or vocational evaluation unit

Body structure

Are anatomical parts of the body such as organs, limbs, and their components

Personality test

Are defined to measure an individual's emotional, motivational, and attitudinal characteristics

According to ICF activity limitations

Are difficulties an individual may have in executing activities

Activity limitations

Are difficulties an individual may have in executing activities

Aptitude test

Are future oriented , predicting what an individual is capable of doing with further training and education

Caseloads of rehabilitation counselor's

Are higher on the public sector than private

Negative attitudes

Are invisible barriers from the environment that impact opportunities, access, help seeking behavior, and overall rehabilitation success for persons with disabilities

Job tryouts

Are observations of individuals functioning in real work or living environments. These can be viewed as the most definitive of all assessment approaches in determining potential skills, and behavior related to functioning in that specific environment or other similar environment

Participation restrictions

Are problems an individual may experience in involvement in life situations


Are problems in body function or structure such as a significant deviation or loss


Are rank order scores indicating the percentage of persons in the comparison group who attained a lower score

HIPPA defines a business associate

As a person or entity that provides services to covered entities or performs functions or activities for covered entity that involve the use or disclosure of P H I

A self directed search can best be described as

As a self administered interest inventory based on Holland's career theory

Cognitive dissonance theory is based on the

Assumptions that when an individual has contradictory thoughts or ideas within an established behavior pattern, discord occurs.

1972 CORE was established:

As the national accreditation body for rehab counselor education programs to promote the effective delivery of rehab services to individuals with disabilities by promoting and fostering continuing review and improvement of masters degree level programs. The oldest


As the use of assessment instruments in addition to methods and techniques of understanding human behavior in relation to coping with adapting to or changing life situations

Career attitudes and strategies inventory and Environmental identity Scale both

Assess work attitudes

How is assessment more complex than testing?

Assessment typically requires integrating information from multiple sources and clinical judgements that go beyond psychometric data.

Nominal scale:

Assigns numerals but does not distinguish size or amount. Example is ethnicity or gender

According to piaget's theory, cognitive development involves alternating processes of

Assimilation and accommodation

In social learning theory the cognitive and behavioral strategies that have been developed to

Assist clients with career development

This is an evaluative statement that is favorable or unfavorable related to a person, object, or event.


The leadership style characterized by group leadership and control concentrated in the leaders, with the leader functioning as a teacher/director is :


Type 1 diabetes is a

Autoimmune disorder

The process of seeking informed consent operational uses the principle of



Development is a series of steps with clear cut , qualitatively different changes occurring from one phase to the next

The general ability index (GAI) is

Based on the six subtlest that comprise the verbal comprehensive index (VCI) and the Perceptual reasoning index (PRI)


Development occurs as a process of smooth, gradual, and incremental change

Why is brief family therapy becoming increasingly popular?

Because of economic limitations to the client and clinicians. Along with the introduction of managed care

Why is a neuropsychological evaluation essential when developing an IPE for an individual who has epilepsy?

Because person's with epilepsy are likely to have diverse patterns of cognitive impairments

This model of disability defines disability as a pathology that lies within the individual

Bio medical model

Chronic pain is best understood from which model

Bio psychosocial

The final question that SSA asks to determine if someone is disabled is

Can you do any other type of work

Combined perspective

Both nature and nurture have relative influence on human development

A slow heart rate is called


Council on rehabilitation education

CORE PROvides standards for professional masters level graduate rehabilitation counseling programs of study

Simple partial seizures

Called a focal or Jacksonian seizure and usually affects one side of the body or a particular limb. Characterized by tingling, stiffening, and or jerking movement of that part of the body. There is no loss of consciousness and the individual usually can resume the activity they were doing before the seizure began


Can be found in a group of people whose members differ in such things as age, race, or beliefs


Can be understood as the extent to which meaningful and appropriate inferences can be made from the instrument

SCI at C7

Capable of straighten their arm and are able to sit up in bed, dress themselves, and transfer. Total independence with some adaptations in their environment may be achieved. Fine motor movements are impaired but writing may be possible with the use of special devices. Driving is possible with hand controls

The most common cause of disability in the United states

Cardiovascular disease

Experiential family therapy key figures are:

Carl Whittaker and Virginia Satir.

Predictive , concurrent, convergent, and discriminate validity are all types of what kind of validity?

Criterion oriented

Centers for independent living

Centers for independent living are organizations run by and for individuals with disabilities in local communities across the country. Founded by Ed Roberts these centers provide an array of supports and services to help individuals live and work in the community of their own choosing

What are the 6 major life roles in Super's life span theory:

Child, student, leisurite, citizen, worker, and homemaker.

What is the theory underlying the practice of reality therapy?

Choice therapy

Biological differences between men and women include

Chromosomes, hormonal production, and reproductive capabilities

The most common stressors for older adults are health related issues due to

Chronic illness Diminished functioning

This refers to the idea that everyone's behavior affects everyone else's behavior:

Circular causality

The human body has 13 systems:

Circulatory system Digestive system Endocannabinoid system Endocrine system Integumentary system Immune system Lymphatic system Musculoskeletal system Nervous system Reproductive system Respiratory system Urinary system Vestibular system

Standard industrial classification

Classification of business , industrial or manufacturing according to the type of activity that is performed at each setting. Used for job analysis and surveys

Position classification inventory

Classifies positions by Holland's type

Empathy, genuine as, and unconditional positive regard are considered necessary and sufficient for change to occur in which counseling theory?

Client centered

The ethical code to which all certified rehabilitation counselor's are bound is the

Code of profess ethics for rehabilitation counselors

The general ability index can be used as a measure of :

Cognitive abilities that are less vulnerable to impairment


Commission on the certification of rehabilitation counselors

Dual diagnosis refers to:

Comorbid psychiatric and substance abuse disorder

Criterion or predictive validity

Comparison of the test with a related outcome measure

SCI at C3/C4

Compromised ventilatory capacity and require special respiratory equipment. They will depend on others for self care

Some clients with substance related disorders are reluctant to become involved in the therapeutic process. The psychodynamic view of this reluctance is that it is a sign of

Conflicted feelings regarding change

Reliability means that a measure is


Interventions for changing negative attitudes

Contact of personal experience Disability simulation Classroom lecture

The intent of a psychological measurement is to

Convert characteristics of people to quantifiable data or numbers

This refers to the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral responses that persons with disabilities use to mediate the stressors associated with a disability


What is one of the most difficult task a family has to confront when a family member has a disability??



Council for accreditation of counseling and related education programs


Council on rehabilitation education

Rehabilitation counselors shall explain assessment procedures, purposes , and results of assessment tools in a way that is

Culturally appropriate and understandable to the client.

Gottfredsons theory of circumscription and compromise is a

Developmental theory

Super's theory is a

Developmental theory

Thoughts, feelings, and behaviors characteristic of group members during the transitional stage of the group process include:

Defensiveness and resistance, anxiety and fear, struggle for control, conflict and confrontation

This is the most frequently used classification system and diagnostic tool used for determining mental disorders is


Long term complications of type 2 diabetes

Damage to the eye (retinopathy), kidney , and nerve function, cardio vascular disease, peripheral vascular disease,

The independent variable is believed to affect or cause changes in the

Dependent variable


Describes an individual's satisfaction with his or her own work performance

The goal of experiential approach in group counseling is to :

Develop a realistic and person centered understanding of self and to empower group members to change and take responsibility for their lives

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing

Developed in 1989, and has been used to treat people with post traumatic stress disorder.

Reading free vocational inventory 2nd edition:

Developed to provide information about vocational preferences for people with cognitive and learning disabilities through the use of illustrations of individuals engaged in various occupational task

The eye disease that leads to the most visual disability is

Diabetic retinopathy

D O T is the

Dictionary of occupational titles

Holland's model stated that

Different personality types are best suited to certain careers

According to the ICF participation restrictions are

Difficulties an individual may have in executing activities


Difficulty in breathing

A major problem for individuals with a psychotic disability who return to work is :

Difficulty relating to co workers

Social model of disability

Disability is the result of a social structure that excludes certain people from accessing employment, social resources and positive identities. Dissatisfied not an individual possessive trait but rather an external socially mediated phenomenon

This is the action carried out based on prejudice


Drawback to the Onet is that it

Does not contain as much information as the DOT does

Workers compensation is regulated by

Each state.

Characteristics of the strong interest inventory :

Easy to administer, requires at least a 6th grade reading level, takes about 30 minutes to complete


Emotional disturbance and confusion caused by brain disorder. Condition of deterioration in a person's mental ability, affecting areas such as memory , reasoning , and emotional functioning.

Core conditions of counseling

Empathy, warmth, and genuineness

Clerical aptitude test

Emphasize perceptual speed and detail orientation

Ecological assessment

Emphasizes the use of real environment and has been advocated as a preferred method of assessment for individuals with disabilities, particularly more severe disabilities. Minimizes the use of traditional standardized tests and simulations of tasks and work environments in favor of interviews and observations with clients or consumers and others who have had opportunities to observe them in various situations, along with careful analysis of potential work and living environments in relation to individual characteristics identified.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease occurs in two types

Emphysema and chronic bronchitis

What approach to rehabilitation counseling requires a focus on a client's capabilities, capacities, and opportunities versus deficits and limitations?

Empowerment approach

Randolph Shepard act of 1936

Enable individuals with blindness to operate vending machines on federal property

The ecological assessment in supported employment allows the counselor and consumer to :

Engage in a closer working relationship at the job site to identify job modifications, supports and training required to enhance the person job match

The knowledge of the match between the consumer aptitudes and abilities and skill demands of a job will :

Enhance the prediction of the likelihood of a consumer 's satisfaction with with a given job

Social support, architectural barriers, available health care and other institutional resources, and accessibility to workplace are considered what factors that contribute to response to disability


Contextual factors are external and internal.

Environmental factors are the external factors and the internal factors are the personal factors

Interval scale:

Equal intervals on the scale example would be temperature

Social security act of 1935

Established the vocational rehabilitation acts state federal vocational rehabilitation as a permanent program

Content validity

Evaluation by subject matter experts of test items representativeness of the construct being measured

Gestalt therapy, reality therapy, and person centered therapy are examples of what type of approach to counseling?


Vocational assessment involves

Exploring a person's strengths, weaknesses, and preference, and discovering how the individual's potential for vocational adjustment can be enhanced.

Construct validity

Extent to which the measure actually measures the theoretical construct

What occurs when reinforcements is withheld from a previously reinforced behavior to decrease the undesirable behavior?


The type of nonstatistical validity evidence based on a subjective appraisal of a test's content is

Face validity


Fixed beliefs that are note based on reality.

What is a group of 2 or more individuals related by birth, marriage, or adoption?


The theory that states that problems within a group may serve a function for the group, may be a function of the groups inability to operate productively, and may be a symptom of dysfunctional patterns that are handed down across generations is:

Family system theory

1954 vocational rehabilitation act amendments

Federal grant support was provided to universities and colleges to develop graduate pre service training programs to prepare rehab counselor's for employment in the public and private rehab sector

Criticism of Freud's theory of development through the psychosexual stages

Few of Freud's developmental processes can be tested using the scientific method

Accommodations for SCI include:

Focus a ADL, workstation access, worksite access, alternative travel to and from work.

Accommodations for individuals with chronic pain are

Focus on daily living activities, depression and anxiety, fatigue and weakness, and muscle stiffness

Accommodations for individuals with cancer

Focus on fatigue. Reduce physical exertion, scheduled rest breaks, allowing time off for medical treatment

Diagnostic and screening interviews

Focus specifically on formulating a diagnosis and prognosis, they usually follow structured, standardized interview protocol.

School to work transition was initially developed to prepare students with which disability life roles?

Mental retardation

The growing consensus is that rehabilitation counseling is best practiced how?

From an empowering perspective that involves addressing the environmental context of disability and working to improve the physical and social environment in which people with disabilities live and work

1990 Americans with disabilities act

Furthered self determination by individuals with disabilities by ensuring rights in the areas of employment, transportation, public service, and public accommodations

1992 and 1998 amendments

Furthered supported consumer empowerment and self determination through client informed choice guarantees regarding qualified service

The focus of assessment in rehabilitation is to

Gather relevant data to assist in making useful recommendations for service planning.

The general aptitude test battery 9 aptitude factors:

General learning ability, verbal aptitude, numeric aptitude, spatial aptitude, form perception , clerical perception, motor coordination, finger dexterity, manual dexterity

The following categories of factors influence career decision making in Krumboltz's theory

Genetic endowment, learning experiences, task approach skills, and environmental events and conditions.

Key figures in behavior And cognitive behavior family therapy:

Gerald Patterson and Neil Jacobson

The empty chair technique is associated with



Include the strengths of the individuals and his or her surroundings situation that may facilitate the accomplishment of rehab goals and thus may be relevant to rehab planning

Universal design

Is the design of products and environments to be usable by all people to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design


Is the execution of a task or action by an individual

Health insurance portability and accountability act

Governs disclosure of medical information by a covered entity. A covered entity is a health care provider; or health care clearing house

In relation to content versus process dynamics in group counseling process refers to

How the issue is portrayed in the family's interaction

Holistic approach

Handling or dealing with a person as a whole rather than focusing on only specific parts of the individual such as diagnosis , history, it needs.

If a consumer has a significant visual impairment who is referred for intelligence testing to determine his cognitive functioning. His counselor recommends that the consumer take the verbal comprehensive subtests of the WAIS 4 but is not sure how to measure performance based intelligence. What test should be recommended?

Haptic intelligence scale

Cancer survivors who return to work:

Have reduced opportunity for advancement

Title 1 of the ADA Applies to employers:

Having 15 or more employees. Indict who would be unable able to file a claim against an employer under the ADA due to small size of the business should determine their claim is viable under state law

Job seeking skills training seek to teach clients:

How to prepare a resume, how to secure job leads, and how to perform interviews


Hypochondria , health anxiety, or illness anxiety disorder, refers to worry about having a Serious illness

The international classification of functioning disability and health conceptualizes

Health as the interaction between people with health conditions and the environments in which they live

Stanford Binet 5 nonverbal subtests can be used for people with :

Hearing impairment Communication disorders Limited English language background

The most common cerebral vascular accidents are

Hemorrhage strokes

Nativist perspective

Hereditary, genetic, or biological factors are the primary influence on development

Scope of assessment includes the

Identification of specific and potent problems relevant to achieving career goals, the development of career goals, and the planning of strategies to resolve problems and attain established objectives.

The goal of cognitive behavioral approach in group counseling is to:

Identify maladaptive behavior and patterns of thinking and to replace them with adaptive behavior and rational cognition

The purpose of personality testing in rehabilitation is to:

Identify personality strengths and weaknesses that might impact job acquisition and retention

SCI at C8

Individuals will have some sensation in their hands and may become totally independent with a modified environment and some adaptive devices

The final step in conflict resolution is

Implementing solutions for resolve conflicts

The Minnesota theory of work adjustment was originally developed in the 1960 to:

Improve the work adjustment of vocational rehabilitation clients

Symptoms of type 1 diabetes

Polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss

Counselors must provide counseling to clients

In their native language

Accommodations with individuals with psychiatric disorders

Include a later start in the day due to drowsiness from the medications and time off for therapy.

According to Salomone the negative consequences of selective placement include

Increase client dependence, decrease self confidence, and impair dignity.

The major goal of the experiential family therapy is to

Increase family members capacity to experience their lives more fully by sharing their struggle itch the here and now. I

In which research design are participants randomly assigned to groups?

Independent groups

The condition that is being studied for its effect on another condition is the

Independent variable

Ordinal scale:

Indication of ordering, but no indication of distances between objects on the scale. Exampl 1st, 2nd, 3rd

What is the difference between potential to develop skills and current mastery of skills?

Indicators of aptitude assist in determine potential to develop skills, if given appropriate opportunities through training or other experiences ; in contrast indicators of skills or achievement can assist in determine current mastery of skill.

SCI at or below T1:

Individual is able to attain total independence. They may use a wheelchair for ambulation. They are able to transfer on their own.

The counselor theory posits that humans are primarily motivated by socialization

Individual psychology

Linear versus circular causality the therapist are forced to examine the family's self perpetuating cycles of interaction rather than:

Individuals cause and effect on relationship

Job analysis

Information gathering process that identifies essential job skills, knowledge, and attitudes required of the person doing the job. It includes identification of essential functions, performance levels, and physical capabilities as well as job expectations and requirements

Some group building and maintenance roles that are central to the group process are

Information seeking, recording, opinion giving, elaborating and orienting

The 1992 and 1998 amendments to the rehabilitation act

Institutionalized only masters degree preparation but certification as a rehabilitation counselor at the highest national or state level to be employed within the state federal program as a counselor

Comprehensive assessment begins with the information collection process called

Intake or initial interview

The purpose of assessment in rehabilitation is to

Integrate information from multiple sources to plan a course of action.

Psychological assessments yield information regarding the following about the consumer:

Intelligence Aptitudes Achievement Personality Interest Adjustments related to vocational functioning

Intelligence quotient

Intelligence quotient. The numerical measure of a person's intelligence as measured by standardized tests and administered by a trained professional, often used in definitions of mental retardation

The WAIS is a

Intelligence test

Standardized test are classified in the following:

Intelligences, aptitude, achievement, personality, and interest

Ecological models of adaptation are based on the idea that the personal, social, and environmental resources and demands

Interact to influence individual adjustment

Clients can acquire important information about their career decisions through:

Interest values and performance measures

Temperature is an example of

Interval scales

What is the most widely used of all assessment methods?



Interviewing technique that allows the counselor to provide an overview of a part of or entire counseling session


Interviewing technique where the counselor restates what the client has said using counselor's own words and key words from the client

Qualitative research collects data through


Assessment procedures include:

Interviews Standardized test Inventories Observations Job try outs Simulated work Medical exams

The self directed search yields a total score of each 6 personality types:

Investigative Social Realistic Artistic Enterprising Conventional. The highest 3 summary scores determine a 3 digit personality type.


Involved the beliefs , customs, practices, social behaviors, and set of attitudes of a particular nation or group of people

According to the ICF participation is the

Involvement in a life situation


Involves being faithful to the client by keeping promises and honoring the trust placed in rehabilitation counselors


Involves respecting the clients to be self governing within their social and cultural framework


Is partial paralysis and indicates that some function remains below the level of injury.

Transferable skills assessment

Is predicted on trait factor theory and considers an individual's work history to identify factors such as occupational preferences, aptitudes, interest, and demonstrated skill levels


Is the act of being authentic and honest via effective communication methods, such as self disclosure, that does not detract from attention to client and uses language that is accessible to clients and rehabilitation team members

Universal design

Is a comprehensive approach to the increase maintenance, or improvement of the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities

Competency based training:

Is a comprehensive approach to training that aligns job skills and work expectations with job descriptions and performance evaluations as well as with the mission, vision, and values of the employer.

Assertive community treatment (ACT)

Is a model of mental health care. ACT services are available to a person with serious mental health conditions as needed and on a regular basis in the community. Members of an ACT team are multidisciplinary and provide service ranging from medication management to rehabilitation support. ACT is a promising Mendel that improves outcomes for people. It is refinished as an evidence based practice


Is a physical, intellectual and or emotional condition that limits a person's daily activities or abilities in some way.


Is a provider of vocational evaluation services that uses a criterion-referenced approach in accordance with the US department of labor's job standards


Is a psychological disorder characterized by phobia, obsessions, compulsions, or excessive anxiety

Rehabilitation counseling

Is a speciation within the profession of counseling that assist individuals in achieving optimal levels response to their psychological, emotional, sociocultural, medical, physical, career, vocational, environmental, and independent functioning

Triangulation in bowen's family system theory:

Is a triangle is the smallest stable relationship system. A 2 person system is unstable and forms into a 3 person system under stress. The 3rd person can be a substitute for conversation or a messenger.


Is a way to show that there is respect between counselor, client, and other members of the rehabilitation team by being nonjudgmental, showing praise when appropriate, and expressing appreciation for work put in by all people involved in the rehabilitation process.

The Peabody individual achievement test R

Is a wide range screening measure of achievement in the areas of math, reading, spelling, and general information

Adult Basic Learning Exam 2

Is an achievement test used to determine the general educational level of adults who have not completed a formal 8th grade education to diagnose individual strengths to assist in the development of educational planning

Slosson intelligence test revised 3

Is an easily administered, individual oral test of verbal intelligence. It can be administered in about 15-20 minutes. It is designed as a quick screening test intelligence and can be used for individuals with visual impairments, reading difficulty, and physical disabilities.


Is an operational characteristic of an individual

Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Is based on Jung's concepts of perception and judgement


Is defined as being fair in the treatment of all clients and to provide appropriate services to all

Adaptive behavior

Is functional behavior. Adaptive behavior is shown by being able to take care of yourself. It is shown by completing daily tasks and interactions in effective and expected ways


Is involvement in a life situation

A key component of ecological assessment

Is observation of individuals in real environments of interest, where congruence between the individual and the environment can be assessed in order to identify methods of accommodation and otherwise resolve discrepancies beaten environmental demands and the capacities, skills, and other characteristics of the individual.

Focus of structural family therapy

Is on interactions of family members as a way of understanding the structure of the family

The focus of group work in the experiential approach in group counseling :

Is on present feelings and responses

The strong interest inventory

Is one of the oldest and most scientifically developed interest surveys

Chronic disability

Is one that is of long or indefinite length.

Fragile X syndrome

Is the most common inherited form of intellectual disability. It occurs in about 1-3600 males and 1-4000 to 6000 females. Males of fragile x syndrome are more likely to have significant intellectual disabilities as well as some of the following physical or behavioral characteristics: enlarged ears, long face, attention deficit disorder, speech disturbances, hand biting, hand flapping, poor eye contact, and unusual responses to sensory stimulation.

The armed services vocational aptitude battery ( ASVAB)

Is the most widely administered multiple aptitude battery to classify and select potential military recruits

The MMPI-2

Is the most widely used personality inventory in general

Case management

Is the process of coordinating and integrating case services and involves such functions and processes as intake interviewing, assessment and evaluation, planning, evaluating, services, and recording and reporting of case information

Complete spinal cord injury

Is the total severance of the spinal cord. So there is no nerve function below the level of injury

The goal of brief family therapy:

Is to be solution focused and encourages clients to shift from talking about problems to talking about solutions

Purpose of CORE

Is to both promote excellence in education and protect consumers who will ultimately be recipients of services

The goal of the ecological assessment:

Is to evaluate the individual's capacity to meet the productivity demands of that setting at present or near future through the provision of training or on the job supports

Mission of disabilities studies

Is to examine the meaning of disability through an analysis of the experiences of people with disabilities in social, political, and cultural contexts.

The goal of behavior and cognitive behavior family therapy

Is to modify the specific behavior or thought pattern to alleviate symptoms

The differential aptitude test 5th edition

Is used for vocational and education counseling guidance

Work sample

Is used to refer to simulation of the tasks in a particular job or cluster of jobs, thus having a direct, one to one correspondence with that job or cluster.

Self referenced interpretation

Is when a score is compared with a internal frame of reference. Example changes in an individual's performance on a test over time

Criterion referenced Interpretation

Is when a score is compared with an absolute standard, external frame of reference. Example meeting a proficiency standard

Norm referenced interpretation

Is when a score is compared with scores obtained by other individuals, external frame of reference. Example. Percentile comparison to norm group


Is when people advocate together it is a process of speaking up for and working to get equal rights for yourself and others. It means working for equal opportunities and respect for yourself and others.

Place ability skills are an important factor to evaluate in rehab because

It addresses a person's ability to obtain a job

Multiple sclerosis affects both the individual and close family members. Why is social support important?

It can be a strong predictor of the family's ability to cope and function effectively

Characteristics of the Reading free vocational inventory test:

It can be used with people 13 years and older with an intellectual disability and it consists of illustrated depictions of occupations in a forced choice format presented in 55 triads throughout the booklet

How can the adult care concerns inventory (Super) can assist counselors?

It can identify life stages. After life stages and role assessment counselors are able to provide appropriate individual career development services.

Situational assessment provides valuable insights how?

It gives the counselors insights regarding the consumers general employability behaviors

VALPAR analyzes most of its work samples using the methods time measurement standards, which is?

It is used in the VALPAR. It is an approach to analyze tasks to determine how long it would take an experienced employee to repeatedly perform the exercise over an 8 hour workday

What does direct placement intervention require?

It requires the aggressive marketing of the benefits of hiring people with disabilities to pets and the ability to supply employers with qualified candidates with disabilities using selective placement

In the cognitive behavioral approach in group counseling how can group role play, structured experience, inoculation, reframing cognitive distortion, and a problem solving approach help people with disabilities:

It's helps to redefine disability and assist people in identifying and expanding adaptive strategies and strengths

Rehabilitation counselor supervision differs from other types of clinical supervision by

It's primary focus is on psychological aspects of disabilities and chronic illness

Strategic family therapy key figures:

Jay Haley

The key figure in strategic family therapy is

Jay haley

The following are services provided by a one stop center

Job search assists, assessment, and career exploration

The guide to occupational exploration

Job titles clustered by interest, good for career exploration

Occupational outlook handbook

Jobs arranged by title, salary, and labor market.

Industrial designation

Jobs arranged by work activity or product, found in the classification of jobs, materials, products, subject matter and services. Job clusters by similarity to materials, products, subject matter, and services.

Wagner ODay Act of 1932

Provided ongoing vocational guidance and placements to all unemployed United States citizens through the United States employment service

How does Krumboltz's social learning theory relate to Bandura's applications?

Krumboltz's Social learning theory reflects Bandura's earlier applications in social learning related to career development.

1978 rehabilitation act amendments

Provided that individuals with disabilities be guaranteed more substantial involvement in the policies governing their rehabilitation

Rehabilitation counselors cannot serve in a forensic capacity for current or former clients unless:

Legally mandated


Provides an estimate of how well a test measures what it's purpose is to measure

The vocational preference inventory

Provides objective assessment of personality types

The primary function of the Smith Fess act of 1920 was to

Launch the civilian vocational rehabilitation program in the United states


Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Questioning Queer Intersex Asexual

The adult basic learning exam 2 contains 3 levels:

Level 1 grades 1-4 test time is 2.5 hours Level 2 is for grades 5-8 test time is 2.5 hours Level 3 grades 9-12 test time 3 hours.

The differential aptitude test 5th edition features 2 levels:

Level 1 is used for 7th-9th grade and level 2 is used for grades 10th-12th. Both levels can be used with adults. Testing time is about 156 minutes. Consists of eight subtests: verbal reasoning, numerical reasoning, abstract reasoning, perceptual speed and accuracy, mechanical reasoning, space relations , spelling , and language usage.

Family counseling strategies which were introduced by Marshak and Seligman. They introduced the 5 level qui dance of intervention for conceptualizing the intensity of counselor interface with the family needs and preferences.

Level 1: focus on the individual client Level 2: provide information for the family Level 3: provide emotional support for the family Level 4 : provide structured assessment and intervention Level 5: provide family therapy

Under which level of assessment does vocational evaluation fall?

Level 3

Which level of training is necessary to administer and interpret complex test like the WAIS?

Level C


License Practical counselor

The two key tenets of Super's life span development theory are

Life Role and life stages

Career development is a

Lifelong process

What is a reasonable accommodation for sue who has a visual impairment

Lighting, large print, Braille, audio tapes, jaws , zoom text.

Counselors should practice within their own :

Limits of competency and represent their own effectiveness and seek consultation and evaluation on a regular basis.

Closed ended questions

Questions that are specific and typically have short or one word answers

Techniques of psychoanalytical family therapy:

Listening, empathy interpretation & analytic neutrality

Symptoms of type 2 diabetes

Loss of energy, nighttime urination, and vision difficulty

Brief family therapy key figures are

Luigi Boscolo and Granfranco Cecchia

You are working with a client who has a brain injury. What type of neurological test would you most likely see the results of when you refer the client for a neurological evaluation?

Luria Nebraska

You referred a client for a psychological exam because you suspect that the person may have a personality disorder. Which personality test will the psychologist likely give ?


The Barden LaFollette act of 1943

Made persons with mental Illnesses and persons with mental retardation eligible for state VR services

Key concepts in ADA

Major life activities Substantially limiting Qualified individual with a disability Essential function Reasonable accommodation Undue hardship

Environmental factors

Make up the physical , social and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives.

According to the ICF environmental factors

Make up the physical, social and attitudinal environment in which people live and conduct their lives


Means doing good to others and promoting the well being of clients


Means to be honest

Intelligence test

Measure an individual's current intellectual ability level

Achievement test

Measure past learning

Achievement tests

Measure what an individual knows or can do right now, in the present

This is defined as a clinically significant behavioral, psychological syndrome, or collection of symptoms that causes an individual stress, disability, or an increased risk of suffering death, disability, pain,or loss of freedom:

Mental disorder

Durable medical equipment

Medical equipment used to aid individuals in everyday life.

Damage to the frontal lobe of the brain is likely to result in

Memory problems

Individuals who experience disability at this developmental stage May experience loss of identity, loss of status, and loss of economic security

Middle adulthood

SCI at the lumbar level L1-L5

Most upper body and leg muscles are working properly. Ambulation long distances can be achieved with the use of braces or a cane. Total independence is expected. Hand controls may be needed to operate a vehicle safely

Merck Manual of diagnosis and therapy

Most widely used medical text in the world. Lists symptoms and signs of disorders along with current treatment protocols

Why do individuals with multiple sclerosis experience problems with underemployment and unemployment?

Multiple sclerosis is usually diagnosed during peak years of employment and it can significantly affect the individual's ability to remain in the workplace, educational attainment, manifestation of severity, and the presence of cognitive limitations appear to be significant predictors for employment status

Most spinal cord injuries result from

Motor vehicle crashes


Movement disorder. Can be a side effect of antipsychotic medication. It involves physical agitation. A person may pace or fidget. Mild to serious feelings of sensitivity.


Movement disorder. Can be a side effect of antipsychotics medication. It involves a slowing or stiffening of movement. A person may sit still for long periods of time. Could be a sign of Parkinson's disease.


Movement disorder. It can be a side affect if antipsychotic medication. It is an involuntary spasm of muscles. It can be painful.


Movement disorder. It can be a side effect of antipsychotic medications. It involves abnormal and involuntary movements of the body. It may affect many different parts of the body. The person may roll his or fingers. Early onset of this disorder from medication is usually reversible.

School to work transition focuses on

Movement from school to appropriate post school activities


National board for certified counselors


National council in rehabilitation education

Key concepts in developmental ideas and debates related human development

Nativist perspective Naturist perspective Combined perspective Continuity Discontinuity

Case managers in managed care

Need to be crossed trained in medical and vocational rehabilitation concepts

A scale that classifies variables based on categorical information without distinguishing size or amount would be classified as:


Attending and listening skills

Nonverbal skills involving physical orientation of counselor toward client, open and nondefensive body position, with a slight lean forward, moments of silence and eye contact

An interpretation of a test score, such as a percentile score, that is based on the individuals performance relative to scores obtained by a group of individuals, would be considered a :

Norm referenced interpretation

Situational evaluations involve

Observation and evaluation of performance on a real job

Behavioral observations

Observing how many times a behavior occurs in a particular time period. May be recorded by the individual or an observer

Revised every 2 years, this occupational information resource describes job duties, working conditions, training and educational requirements, earnings, and job outlook. It is available online and hard copy.

Occupational outlook handbook

Down syndrome

Occurs in a baby when the baby had one extra chromosome in each of his or her millions of cells. Number 21 chromosome that does not separate right Trisomy 21.

Partial seizure

Occurs in a specific part of the brain. Varies greatly depending on what part of the brain is affected.

The focus of behavior and cognitive behavioral family therapy:

On discrete problem areas defined by clear behavior patterns rather than character change and insight

Tonic clonic

Once referred to as grand mal seizure. Affects the whole brain. Loss of consciousness followed by a stiffening and jerking of the body. Breathing may be affected urine and bowel accidents may occur, confusion and tiredness are common after this type of seizure.


One of three brain chemicals believed to be linked to depression when they are imbalanced. The others are serotonin and none norepinephrine. People living with schizophrenia often have high levels of dopamine which affects emotions and motivation

Reinforcements and punishment are key components of what form of learning

Operant conditioning


Paralysis of both upper and lower extremities

SCI at T1-T12 result in paraplegia which is:

Paralysis of the lower extremities.

Trait and type theories were started by



Part of the brain associated with consolidating memories and emotional memory

Emphasis of experiential family therapy is to

Placed on the mutually experience of the therapist and family

The Minnesota theory of work adjustment asserts that

People requirements of their environment and the environment has requirements of the people

According to legislation 51% of CIL staff need to be

People with disabilities

Raw score is

Performance on a test. Example percent of items correct.

What does rehabilitation counseling build on?

Personal counseling by focusing on unique issues related to individuals with disabilities

Learning styles are part of a person's


The California psychological Inventory is an assessment that would be considered in a measure of:


The rehabilitation act of 1973 mandated the following as a high priority state federal program rehabilitation service

Persons with severe disabilities

Absence seizure

Petit mal. Are characterized by brief loss of consciousness along with a facial tic, oral movements, or eye glittering. The individual usually resumes activities as if nothing happened when the seizure is open. Very brief.

According to the ICF BODY function refers to

Physiological functions of body systems

Body functions are

Physiological functions of the body system

Ratio scale:

Possesses a no arbitrary zero point. Example measures of weight

An important service rehabilitation counselors can provide to employers is

Post placement and follow up

Accommodations for individuals with vision problems:

Provide information in large print, magnifying devices, frequent breaks to rest the eyes, lower wattage overhead lights, flicker free lights, document readers

Aptitude test

Predict future performance

General employability behaviors and skills are important because they:

Predict job maintenance behavior

Vocational behavior is specific employability is important because it

Predicts job performance

Effect psychodynamic approach group leaders recognize that misperceptions of abilities, the spread of disability to all aspects of life, lowered expectations for adaptation, and social isolation may be enacted in the group which can:

Provide opportunities to practice alternative responses to develop social competence and proper social skills.

A reliable procedure is one that

Produces similar results when repeated

The international classification of functioning disability and health has an environmental factors classification list:

Products and technology, natural environment and human made changes to environment, support and relationships, attitudes, services, systems, policies.

The rehabilitation act of 1973 mandated

Program evaluation for state federal rehabilitation agencies. Endorsed more consumer control over the process by requiring the counselor and consumer to jointly create the IWRP ( IPE) for reaching rehab goals. Mandated consumer involvement in state agency policy development.

The method by which the impact of rehabilitation services can be assessed is

Program evaluation.

Holland's work personality theory

Proposes that an individual's career choice is based on his or her personality type

Both freud's and piaget's theories of development would both be best described as

Proposing development discontinuity

The goal of psychodynamic intervention in group counseling is to:

Provide a climate in which clients may reexperience relationships with others

Achievement testing is used to:

Provide an evaluation of the specific information that individuals have learned throughout their education and life experiences to date.

The primary purpose of workers compensation is to

Provide prompt reasonable income and medical benefits to insured workers regardless of fault

Privacy rule under HIPPA:

Provides that a covered entities must obtain the subject individuals permission to use or disclose psychotherapy notes except when using such notes for the treatment of that individual or for other specified circumstances generally pertaining to the training of the covered entity , the need to protect the health or safety of that individual or others in the community or under when necessitated by law

How does a stroke create a psychosocial crisis for the family?

Psychosocial crisis is present because of the functional consequences experienced by the individual and with the resulting increase caregiving responsibilities that family members must assume with little or no training

SCI at C1-C8 results in the following


Open ended questions

Questions that allow the client to respond using more than one word and encourage the client to elaborate and say more

Clarifying questions

Questions that allow the counselor to gain a fuller understanding of a topic in which the client has provided vague information


Refers to the process of taking in new knowledge and information and interpreting it so as to fit in the existing schema or view of the world

Irrational thinking is most closely aligned with which counseling theory

Rational emotive behavioral theory

The ABC method was developed from what counseling theory?

Rational emotive behavioral theory

According to Holland's theory, personality types and work environments can resemble six types which are

Realistic, artistic, social,enterprising, and conventional.

Reasonable accommodation

Reasonable accommodation is a modification or adjustment to a job, the work environment, or the way things usually are done that enables a qualified individual with a disability to benefit from equal employment opportunity

Inductive reasoning

Reasoning in which inferences are drawn about individual bits of information and apparent consistencies between them. To the extent that inconsistency appears, inferences are revised in an attempt to resolve the inconsistency, seeking broader inferences to incorporate more and more of the information available and building an increasingly sophisticated working model of the person

Deductive reasoning

Reasoning is I used to formulate and test hypotheses regarding the usefulness of the working model in accounting for already available information and for making future predictions. Hypothesis do not account for information in the accurate predictions. Then the working model would be revised

When the following 3 factors external stimulus, external reinforcement, and cognitive mediation processes interact to explain behavior this is called

Reciprocal determinism

Autistic individuals have impairments in:

Reciprocal social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and imaginative activity restricted and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interest or activities

Relationship skills

Refer to the capacities to build rapport with and express empathic understanding to families.

Structural skills

Refer to the counselor's ability to identify problems or needs define outcomes, and alternatives and confront family members resistance


Refers to the dependability, consistency, and precision of an assessment procedure. Measure of consistency.


Refers to the employer's satisfaction with the person's performance

Public and private rehabilitation agencies differ on

Rehab goals

State rehabilitation agencies were mandated to increase the utilization of rehabilitation engineering by persons with disabilities by the

Rehabilitation act amendments of 1992

The professional who have the primary responsibility for providing vocational rehabilitation services and assistance to enable people with disabilities meet their needs for equal employment opportunities and quality of life satisfaction are

Rehabilitation counselors


Related to the ability to think

individuals with psychiatric disorders may have difficulty in the following:

Relating to others, socially isolated, limited social support, limited tolerance to stress, function poorly in emotionally charged or socially critical situations

What do initial interviews focus on?

Relationship building, attending to client behaviors, and developing a begin inning picture of the clients cultural context, circumstances, values, needs, aspirations, and goals.

Aptitudes are regarded as:

Relatively stable abilities that are innate and developed over a long period of time


Represent the individual's likes and dislikes interests and needs, which are significant in developing rehab plans that will be satisfying to the individual


Represents those characteristics that may serve as a barrier

Rehabilitation act amendments of 1984

Required each state rehabilitation agency to have a client assistance program

Rehabilitation act of 1973 section 501

Requires affirmative action and prohibits discrimination in employment by federal agencies of the executive branch of government

A democratic leadership style is likely to impact the group by

Resulting in more active participation, greater enthusiasm, more responsibility and initiative, and a greater sense of ownership of the group members

Some of the techniques in group work with the experiential approach are:

Role playing and journaling

Medicaid is provided to most people who get


What benefit is reduced by $1 for every $2 earned after a $65 disregard?


Structural family therapy key figures:

Salvador Minuchin

The two main concepts of work adjustment theory are

Satisfaction and satisfactoriness

The most severe of all mental illnesses is


In an effort to encourage employers to hire workers who have been injured on the job previously some states have

Second injury fund

Work samples are designed to

See whether the individual follows the procedures and uses the tools and materials involved in actual jobs appropriately

This refers to persons with disabilities taking control of their own lives, speaking up for themselves, being in control of their own resources, and having the right to make life decisions with out undue influence from others

Self advocacy

What concepts of social cognitive theory of career development are borrowed from Albert Bandura's?

Self efficacy and outcomes expectancies

Sexuality is important to the rehabilitation process because of its relationship with

Self esteem Body image Well being

Parsons three development stages

Self understanding Awareness of work requirements and conditions Reasoning on the interaction of self knowledge and vocational information.

Incomplete spinal cord injury

Severance of the cord is not complete. The individual has some motor or sensory function below the level of injury

For many individuals with cancer the most prominent side effect of cancer treatment that can last for months is

Severe fatigue

Over the past 20 years the social model has become the predominant model used for:

Sexuality and disability studies

Sensing/intuitive learners

Sensing learners prefer learning facts, whereas intuitive learners prefer discovering possibilities and relationships

Sequential/global learners

Sequential learners gain understanding in logical, linear steps. Global learners absorb material in terms of the big picture

HIPPA security rule

Sets forth the standards to which covered entities must adhere in order to maintain the confidentiality and integrity of P H I that is stored or transferred electronically

The consumer scores in the 92th percentile on a reading comprehension exam, meaning :

She scored higher than 91% of the other test takers

Typical order of the stage process of adjustment to disability

Shock Denial Anger Depression Adaptation

Which disability model states that disability is not a personal attribute but caused by society?

Social model

Family caregivers to individuals with a traumatic brain injury report

Social aggression as more problematic than the presence of physical disability

Accommodations for hearing impaired:

TDD, closed caption decoders, flashing smoke detectors, vibrating beds, qualified interpreters, signaling devices, amplified telephones, flashing lights and alarms, enhanced lighting, vibrating pagers, modified acoustics

Focus of strategic family therapy

Solving problems in the present

Super hypothesized that individuals will identify importance of work differently at

Varying periods of their life.

Extrinsic motivation

Something created outside the individual such as money, rewards, or recognition that compels a person to do good.

Differentiation of self:

Springs from the idea that social groups tremendously influence the way an individual thinks. The less developed and differentiated a person's self is the more they have an unhealthy dependence on and are controlled by others

3 stage skilled helper model:

Stage 1 : what's going on? Stage 2: what solutions make sense? Stage 3: what do I have to do to get what I need or want?

All of the following are best classified as vocational interest inventories:

Strong interest inventory Kuder career search Self directed search


Substantial gainful activity

How is job analysis essential in a successful selective placement?

Successful selective placement (1) is used to determine person job fit (2) modifications can be made to enhance the appropriate job fit

Ecological assessments occur in the natural setting:

Such as an actual worksite where the individual could be potentially be long term employee

1999 Olmstead Supreme Court decision

Supported the right of individuals with disabilities to live in the least restrictive environment. There are state and federal funds to assist individuals with disabilities to transition out of institutional care facilities and into the community

When developing a rehabilitation plan for a client who has recently been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, the rehabilitation counselor should consider that

Symptoms can abate and recur with increasing frequency and severity for many years.


Systematic procedures to obtain information from a variety of sources to draw inferences about people

Personality traits that are needed for a given job are commonly referred to as


Complex partial seizures

Temporaral live or psychomotor seizure. The individual suddenly stops ab activity, appears dazed, and engages in some type motor activity. When it ends the individual appears confused or irritable.

Purpose of the aptitude test:

To measure talents or performance abilities prior to instruction. Orientation is for the future

Why should performance based test be administered first?

To minimize consumer's anxiety and time commitment.

A power test is a

Test that most people finish within the time limit

Damage at the cervical level of the spinal cord will result in


Life span theory started by Super has explained the following

That career development stages of the life span have infiltrated most of the current career counseling in the United States.

Individuals with hemophilia should avoid jobs

That have a direct threat to injury

Krumboltz's social learning theory can be described by

That the individual can make career decision based on cognition and behavior

What is the difference between the ADA and workmans compensation?

The ADA focuses on removal of barriers to employment through a common the work place; workmans comp. views impairments as causing work limitations

One major goal of behavioral and cognitive behavioral family therapy is

To modify the specific behavior or thought pattern to alleviate symptoms

Commonly used achievement tests in vocational rehabilitation:

Wide range achievement test 4 (WRAT-4) Peabody individual achievement test-R Adult basic learning exam 2


The accumulated fund of general information


The act of knowing and understanding the client's experience via the client's perspective


The action of seeking to understand another person's feelings or experience. Recognizing that actions and situations affect others beside yourself.

Measurement is defined as

The assignment of numbers to attributes of persons according to rules stated explicitly.

Maximum performance

The behavior of a client when performing at his or her best

Social cognitive career theory. In the 1980's theorists began applying Bandura's concepts of self efficacy to career development. Self efficacy is :

The belief that one ca. Accomplish tasks successfully

Test taker rights in assessment:

The client must know that they are being tested. The client should be able to participate in the scheduling of the assessment The client should be tested in an area with no distractions The client should be tested with the most appropriate instruments and techniques. The test should be explained to the client. The scores should be interpreted so the client understands. The clients confidentiality should be protected. Further counseling or resources should be offered.

In state federal rehabilitation program, the development of the individualized plan for employment is guided primarily by

The client's objectives.

The Myers Briggs Type Indicator is summarized in 4 letters

The combination of letters indicate the direction of the person's preference on each of the 4 dimensions. All possible combinations of the 4 paired scales results in 16 different potential personality types. Often used along with interest inventories and other psychological test results.

Supported employment model is a

Wide range selective placement approach

In relation to content versus process dynamics content refers to

The concrete issue being discussed

Krumboltz's social learning theory :

The counselor should provide vocational services during the initiation of services, ongoing, and follow up services

Place ability is known as

The degree of sophistication in job acquiring skills


The development or evolving of new schemata to fit existing and new information and resulting in new understanding of the world

Nurturist perspective

The environment shapes behavior and can modify genetic inclinations

Situational assessments offer a work assessment approach that:

The evaluations where consumer's job performance and work behaviors are systematically observed in a realistic and controlled working environment

According to the ICF an activity is

The execution of a task or action by an individual

SCI at C1/C2 are often fatal because

The functioning of all muscles including respiratory are lost

On the job evaluations assess:

The functioning of individuals with disabilities in actual work setting where they are involved in activities presumed to be compatible with their vocational interests and skills

Emotional dysregulation

The inability to manage emotions in healthy or effective ways. It may include those with extreme moods or rapid mood swings. It may include those with poor ability to control impulses. It may also include those who are confused or overwhelmed.

SCI at T1:

The individual has a slight weakness and flexibility issues of the hands

SCI at T7-T12

The individual may be able to walk with the use of long leg braces but the individual will not be able to walk long distances

SCI at T1-T3

The individual may need a brace or other support to maintain posture in an upright position because their muscles of their trunk are paralyzed

Privileged communication

The legal right that exists by statute and protects the client from having his or her confidence revealed publicly from the witness stand during legal proceedings without her or his permission

Research on adaptation to disability has consistently shown that positive psychosocial outcomes are strongly associated with

The level of social support


The loss of muscle control

Processing speed

The speed of performing basic cognitive operation

The North America industry classification system is

The standard used by the federal statistical agencies in classifying business establishment in over 20 business sectors

Supported employment assessment focuses on :

The need for work sire accommodations and supports The level of the person's independent living skills The types of continuing services the person will need


The perception or feeling which can be visual, auditory, or sensory that a person feels or knows to be real but is not based on reality.

Ticket to work

The person has to work off benefits or return the ticket, the trail work period does not apply, medical reviews are put on hold

Essential function

The position exists to perform the function There are limited number of other employees available to perform the function or among whom the function can be distributed. A function is highly specialized and the person in the position is hired for special expertise or ability to perform it

Selective placement can be defined as

The precise and detailed matching of the person's abilities with the work environment and the requirements of the job.

Assimilation is

The process of taking in and interpreting new knowledge to fit in the existing schema or view of the world.

Criticism of Freud's theory of development through the psychosexual stages

The psychosexual stages are based on the social norms, structures, and biases of the era in which Freud developed his theory. Aspects of the theory have been criticized for being sexist.

The rehabilitation model addressing how a family adjusts and adapts to disability is

The resiliency model


The result of awareness that current observations cannot be made to fit within the existing schema

Clinicians that practice Super's Life span theory can administer the Salience Inventory to assess

The salience of roles at any given point in time


The same as athetoid cerebral palsy and is characterized by the same involuntary body movements.

The first piece of rehabilitation legislation enacted supporting of the practice of vocational rehabilitation was

The soldiers rehabilitation act of 1918

How do the therapist and client work together in brief family therapy?

The therapist and client work together by discussing resources goals and exceptions to the problem

What main feature of the job club is different from other job seeking skills program?

The use of a buddy system

Frank Parsons was the founder of

The vocational guidance movement

Community based employment

This term refers to the traditional type of employment where individuals are employed and paid by the company which hired them. Additionally the work takes place in the actual work setting and is performed independently or with support of co workers and support staff.

According to the ICF Parity is defined as that

There should not be , explicitly or implicitly, a distinction between different health conditions as mental and physical that affect the structure of content of a classification of functioning and disability. In other words, disability must not differentiated by etiology

Vocational rehabilitation counselors are interested in the assessment of the verbal and numerical skills of the consumer because:

These skills are important areas related to job efficiency

Counselors should not take clients that

They have been romantically involved with in the past

Accommodations for individuals with burns:

They need to avoid working in areas of extreme temperatures or outside work due to sun exposure

What is true about clients who choose their own goals

They spend more time in training, they have higher earnings at closure, and it encourages commitment

as a systematic study of the worker in terms of what the worker does, the methods and techniques one employs, the resulting products or services one produces, and the traits necessary to accomplish the job.

This is how the United States department of labor defined job analysis

No discrimination in employment practices is mandated by which title of the ADA

Title 1

Instruments used in person environment interaction theory

To asses Values you should use the study values and values scale To assess Personality you should use the California psychological inventory and 16 personality factor questionnaire

Instruments used in person environment interaction theory

To assess Aptitude you should use the differential aptitude tests or United States employment service general aptitude test battery

Instruments used in person environment interaction theory

To assess Interests you should use the Kuder career search, the Strong interest inventory, or the California occupational preference survey

What is one of the rehabilitation counselors most important jobs?

To assist the client with job placement

The role of the therapist in experiential family therapy

To create turmoil and then coach family members through the experience

Reasonable accommodation 3 aspects

To ensure equal opportunity in the application process, to enable a qualified individual with a disability to perform the essential functions of the job, to enable an employee with a disability to enjoy equal benefits and privileges of employment

Purpose of the Intelligence tests

To measure a broad spectrum of cognitive abilities. Orientation is present and future.

Purpose of the achievement test:

To measure knowledge and skills learned as a result of instructions. Orientation is present

Goal of strategic family therapy

To resolve a problem by focusing on behavioral sequences, rather than insight.

One of the ethical responsibilities of the rehabilitation counselor is

To safe guard clients from unauthorized disclosure of information given in the therapeutic relationship that is confidential

Social security proceedings must be made as :

To whether an individual is prevented by disability from engaging in substantial and gainful activity in jobs that are available in significant numbers in the national economy without regard to reasonable accommodation

SCI at C3-C4

Will require wheelchair ambulation

The first career development theory was:

Trait and Factor theory

Person -environment-occupations model:

Transactional relationship between the person and his environment, including occupations as a third force

Competitive employment

Typical employment in which a person is placed in a job and requires no additional support or supervision other than that which typically provided by that employer

The concept of undue hardship includes any action that is

Unduly costly Extensive Substantial Disruptive Or that would fundamentally alter the nature or operations of the business

The prevalence of mental illness among older adults

Varies considerably depending on one's form of residence

Electro convulsive therapy

Used to treat some mental illnesses. It is medical procedure during which small amounts of electric currents are passed through the brain that triggers a brief seizure. Used with severe depression or phychosis

Vocational evaluation

Uses work, either real or simulated as the focal point for assessment and vocational exploration

Techniques of strategic family therapy

Using directives, paradoxical techniques and reframing

Specific employability skills are job specific and

Vary from from one job class to another


Verbal and nonverbal cues that show the counselor is hearing the client and prompts the client to say more

McCarron Dial Evaluation system consist of 8 separate instruments that assess the following 5 factors:

Verbal cognitive Sensory Motor Emotional Integration

Reflection of feeling

Verbal statements whereby there is a recognition of the client's emotions by the counselor using key emotional words stated by the client

Visual/verbal learners

Visual learners remember best what they see. Verbal learners remember words best, both written and spoken

The assessment of vocational interests :

Vocational interest inventories help consumers identify jobs which the consumer is likely to experience greater job satisfaction

The work adjustment theory is the career development theory that was initially designed for;

Vocational rehabilitation clients

Which of these is an achievement test that can be administered to a group quickly


16 Personality Factor Form E:

Was designed to provide information about an individuals primary personality factors. It has 128 items and requires a 3rd to 6th grade reading level.

Who devolved the first reliable and valid battery of tests to measure intelligence


Supported employment is an assessment to predict:

What a person can do in a specific job setting with the necessary social and vocational support system in place

Status epileptucus

When a person has repeated seizures one right after another that do not stop or respond to usual medical treatments. Although this condition is rare it can be life threatening due to possible loss of oxygen to the brain. Get medical help.


When disability is perceived to be the sole aspect of an individual with a disability's identity and all other aspects of the person are discounted or underrated

When can a rehabilitation counselor breach confidentiality

When it is clear that a third party will be severely injured by the client

When is a medical exam required by all public agencies?

When the consumer is seeking services for assistance for a physical or chronic illness

Complex regional pain syndrome develops

When the nervous system becomes over reactive after an initial localized injury

According to the ICF NEUTRALITY can be described as

Wherever possible, domain names should be worded in neutral language so that the classification can express both positive and negative aspects of each aspect of functioning and disability


Which involves doing no harm to others

How is work adjustment different from other Trait and Factor theories?

Work adjustment theory underscores job tenure and job performance

According to hershenson's theory of work adjustment the following are domains that develop and interact with the others

Work competencies, work personality, work goals.

This is considered fundamental to development of a counseling relationship and involves a connection or positive bond with the clients and other treatment team members that are involve mutual trust respect and acceptance.

Working alliance

All of the following are among the index scores generated by Wechsler Adult intelligence scale 4:

Working memory index Perceptual reasoning index Verbal comprehension index

This refers to the framework of ideas and beliefs through which an individual interprets the world and interacts with it based on their philosophy, values, emotions, and ethics?


What is a reasonable accommodation for Mike who is a factory worker who has a learning disability

Written instructions, quiet place to work with no distractions, lower quota for the day, check list to make sure he has followed all the steps.

The adult basic learning exam 2

Yields scores in 5 areas: vocabulary, reading, spelling, computation, and problem solving.

A standard score based on the normal distribution curve with a M equal to 0 and a Sd equal to 1 is



a brief measure of fundamental academic skills

Assessment of Personality, Personality is defined as:

the system whereby individuals characteristically organize and process biophysical and environmental inputs to produce behaviors in interactions with the larger surrounding system

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