Ch 1 SmartBook concepts

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______ change is a lifestyle management process that involves cultivating healthy lifestyle habits and working to overcome unhealthy ones.


Which of the following is true regarding a person's locus of control?

Having an internal locus of control reinforces motivation

Which of the following would be good strategies for successful behavior change for good health?

Lay out a long-range plan. Continue to tackle more behavior change projects as time goes by. Be inspired by the positive feelings you have about yourself as you see progress.

Diabetes is a special concern for many groups of American Indian T or F


Most often, people do not progress through the stages of change in a straightforward way


Access to preventive health care is important because it provides a person with

vaccinations that can prevent infections

About how many genes do we have in each of our cells?


What would be considered the minimum length of time for the maintenance stage?

6 months

Which of the following statements most closely represents the main idea of the transtheoretical model of behavior change?

As you change your behavior, you move through distinct stages of action.

Which of the following are steps for devising a plan of action?

Control related habits. Modify your environment. Get what you need.

Your _____ includes conditions in your home, workplace, and community.


Using the SMART criteria, how might you set a goal to increase physical activity if you are currently out of shape?

For the first week, walk briskly for 20 minutes every day.

Saying which of the following to yourself would be the best example of how self-talk can be beneficial to behavior change?

I am a capable person, and I can maintain this behavior change.

A friend wants to stop cracking their finger joints, so they have begun to monitor that target behavior. Which of the following would be useful data for this person to record for that purpose?

I cracked my knuckles tonight during a suspenseful episode of The Walking Dead. I was talking to a friend who was making fun of a mutual acquaintance when I cracked my knuckles. I was feeling very nervous when I cracked my knuckles this afternoon.

Which of the following statements is true about relapses as people move through the stages of change of the transtheoretical model?

Most people need to make several attempts before changing a behavior successfully.

Which agencies at the federal level in the United States are charged with promoting the public's health?

National Institutes of Health (NIH) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

Which of the following statements about health factors in rural areas is true?

People living in rural areas are less likely to be physically active.

What actions should you take as you put your plan for behavior change into action?

Reward yourself often. Get as much support as possible from supportive people. Remember that you are in control of the behavior change.

You decide you want to change one particular behavior and focus your energies on changing that behavior. That behavior is defined as a(n) _____ behavior.


What is the characteristic feature of the precontemplation stage of the transtheoretical model of behavior change?

The person has no intention of changing their behavior

Which of the following statements regarding people with lower income and levels of education are correct?

They have higher rates of traumatic injury. They are more likely to eat poorly and have other negative health habits. They have less access to health care services.

Which two of the following statements about Asian Americans and their health, as compared to the general population, are true?

Vietnamese women have higher rates of cervical cancer They have a lower rate of coronary heart disease.

Which of the following takes place during the action stage of the transtheoretical model?

You change your behavior and your surroundings to pursue your goal.

Which of the following would be an example of a health-related problem related to human biology rather than culture?

a child born with downs syndrome

Which of the following would be an example of an external locus of control?

a woman who doesn't bother with screening tests because she believes she is destined to get breast cancer

How does access to health care help improve a person's life?

appropriate treatment of diseases preventive care

To move forward in the precontemplation stage, you should try raising your


Which is true about the poor health habits of many Americans?

bad habits mainly start before adulthood

Which of the following are reasons you should make a personal contract?

better change of follow-through help prevent procrastination reminder of your personal commitment to change

Of the following behaviors, which may require professional help for successful change?

binge eating, alcohol abuse, and depression

Differences that have important implications for wellness may be what?

biological or cultural

Which of the following are components of the contemplation stage of the transtheoretical model?

cost-benefit analysis be aware of the possible costs to behavior change Identify barriers to change engage your emotions

Which of the following are included in the preparation stage of the transtheoretical model?

creating a plan, though being uncertain about being able to fulfill it practicing visualization and self-talk planning to take action within a month

Pacific Islander Americans have a higher overall death rate than the general population and higher rates of which of the following?

diabetes, asthma, smoking and obesity

Compared to women, men are likelier to:

die from suicide

That women have a higher rate of breast cancer than men is an example of a health _______


Feeling like your life is controlled by your parents and that you have no power to do anything about it is an example of:

external locus of control

Which of the following statements about finding help to overcome a target behavior are true?

for college students, consulting the student health center or campus counseling center may be helpful you may need to seek help to overcome a particularly challenging target behavior

Aras of concern for Latinos include what?

gallbladder disease, obesity, diabetes, and lack of health insurance low rates of heart disease, cancer, and suicide

______ consists of the roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society associates with men and women.


some diseases are concentrated in particular ____

gene pools

The complete set of genetic material in an individual's cells is known as:


Identify the recommended personal health behaviors for a woman with a family history of breast cancer.

getting mammograms, control weight, exercise

Which of the following would be typical short-term benefits of an inactive lifestyle?

getting to hang out more with friends being able to use more social media having more time to watch videos

Health differences linked with social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage are called BLANK

health disparity

Latinos on average have lower rates of which of the following compared to the general population?

heart disease, cancer, and suicide

Which of the following health disparities are of special concern among African Americans?

high infant mortality, high blood pressure, stroke, diabetes, asthma, and obesity, men-prostate cancer lower rates of suicide and osteoporosis

People with lower income and levels of education experience which of the following?

higher rates of diabetes and tuberculosis

Compared to the general population, which of the following health concerns are more prevalent among American Indians and Alaska Natives?

higher rates of early death from smoking and alcohol, from injuries and cirrhosis, and diabetes

A personal contract for changing your behavior should include details such as:

how you plan to measure your progress the dates you will start and finish strategies you will use to promote change

Your environment includes substances and conditions where?

in your community. workplace, and home

How long we live is our BLANK span; our BLANK span is how long we stay healthy

life; health

What do we call the extent to which we believe we have control over the events in our lives?

locus of control

In the transtheoretical model, which of the following is not part of the contemplation stage of behavior change?

making change to discourage the unwanted behavior

Which of the following behaviors are part of the action stage of the transtheoretical model?

monitoring your progress making changes to discourage the unwanted behavior rewarding yourself

Which gender-related characteristics are true of transgender people?

more likely to experience violent crime higher rates of smoking and drinking

Compared to the general population, Asian Americans have lower rates of which of the following?

obesity and coronary heart disease

Which of the following are of special concern for Pacific Islander Americans?

obesity and smoking

The preparation stage involves:

planning to take action

the preparation stage involves:

planning to take action

African American men are at significantly higher risk of Blank______ cancer than men in other groups.


Which of the following are effective ways to promote wellness in the world?

providing nonalcoholic drinks at parties asking for more nutritious foods supporting nonsmoking policies for public places

Which of the following are included in the maintenance stage of the transtheoretical model?

quickly reestablishing the desired behavior if lapses occur maintaining the behavior change for at least six months being vulnerable to lapses occurring

Which of the following actions would be useful if you wanted to record a target behavior?

recording your progress in a journal reflecting on how the behavior made you feel

Which of the following actions would be useful if you wanted to record a target behavior?

reflecting on how the behavior made you feel recording your progress in a journal

Which of the following would be helpful in creating a plan of action for behavior change?

rid your environment of external cues related to the behavior control habits that contribute to the target behavior get any needed resources right away

In general, Americans living in which of the following areas are least likely to use seat belts, get screening tests, or have access to timely emergency services?


Defining a man as someone who has an XY pair of chromosomes would be identifying him by his:


Ethnicity, education level, and economic status are examples of ______ health determinants.


What is a long-term cost of an inactive lifestyle?

stroke, premature death,

which of the following is a method that provides an effective approach to changing behavior by stages?

the transtheoretical or "stages of change" model

ways of obtaining health insurance coverage in the United States?

through health exchanges through an employer through a professional group

What is the primary goal of the SMART criteria?

to establish goals that are realistic and achievable

What are factors that may have ethnic components?

traditional diets attitudes toward tobacco and alcohol health beliefs and practices

All the following habits would be considered healthy except:

venting anger by snapping at ppl

Which of the following is true about the benefits of visualization?

visualizing yourself performing a new, healthy behavior can boost your self-efficacy.

Which of the following are true statements about behavior and behavior change?

you have both health and unhealthy behaviors cultivating healthy behaviors and working to overcome unhealthy ones changing an unhealthy habit can be harder than it sounds, but will gain confidence as you progress

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