ch 11-finial social work

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residual poor

"the underclass"

One president of the united states who attempted to move....

Bill Clintion

The earliest organized social welfare activity of the Christian church was:

Burial societies

Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations is considered the bible of:


Outdoor relief:

Direct aid to poor families

Some people are homeless by choice. They don't like the restrictions of family, are suspicious of authority, and resent bureaucracy. This is



Emphasize tradition

What is a personality or social trait that may lead to a parent's maltreatment of their child?

Excessive dependency

The first of Roosevelt's New Deal legislation was:

Federal Emergency Relief.

The health insurance protability and accountability Act of 1996

Improved health insurance for employed Americans by making it more likely that they could maintain their health covereage after they switched jobs Did not mandate that all employers provide health insurance to their employees

Among the philosophical underpinnings of social work are all but:

Individual rights and freedom

Among the philosophical unterpinnings...

Individual rights and freedom

Labeling Theory

Makes the assertion that committing a crime is not what makes a person a criminal

A conservative approach to social work's task reflects this major...

Preference for private rather than public...

One social work method emerging from the settlement...

Social casework

What is parens patria?

The state is the parent to all children

how do liberals approach the topic of old age?

They see services such as social security and medicare as basic rights of all citizens. Liberals also stress the need for Governmental regulation of private programs, such as nursing homes and home health care

Which of these statements is true? Trends in the distribution of wealth and income have shown that the wealthy and the poor are maintaining stagnant levels of financial growth. Trends in the distribution of wealth and income have shown that the wealthy are getting substantially wealthier. Trends in the distribution of wealth and income have shown that the poor are getting substantially wealthier. None of the above

Trends in the distribution of wealth and income have shown that the wealthy are getting substantially wealthier.

The very first type of social insurance passed was:

Workmen's Compensation.

Among the variables the Census Bureau uses to describe the poor are:

all of the above.

The settlement house movement:

began in Victorian England as part of a broad attempt to preserve human and spiritual values in an age of urbanization and industrialization.

The Charity Organization Society was:

begun by a minister and often directed and staffed by clergy.

In response to challenges to affirmative action policies in higher education, colleges and universities have:

broadened the concept of diversity.

The earliest organized social welfare activity of the Christian church was:

burial societies.

What is medicare?

comprehensive, federally financed medical insurance for the elderly and others recieving SS

The proportion of non-citizens falling below the poverty line is:

probably understated.

The term "cross section or snapshot data" implies that the data collected

provides a series of statistical pictures at certain points in time, but it does not tell us much beyond a general description of the situation at that time.

All of the following have been major contributors to an increase in poverty, except:

psychological depression.

The concept of "multi-problem families" most closely aligns with:

the expectancy model.

People who are poor because the plant closed and they can't find another job are the:

transitional poor

People who are poor because the plant closed and they can't find another job are the:

transitional poor.

Human Capital

"An individual's productive skills, talents, and knowledge. It is measured in terms of the value of goods and services produced." In other words, how much is an individuals labor worth?

marginal poor

"the working poor"

If income were distributed equally in this country, every household would have received about how much in 2005?


If income were distributed equally in this country, every household would have received about how much in 2005?



- 44% of poor nonhispanic whites - much greater portion of minorities fall under poverty line -1/12 non-hispanic to 1/4 african or hispanic

Indoor relief:

- Poorhouse - Gained favor because belief in institutions as answer to problems - Alleviating and preventing poverty by having a routine imposed on them

What are some problems with Crime Statistics

- The statistics are collected and fragmented and on coordinated manner -The crimes reported are not representative of the actual amount and pattern of offenses -The definition is used very among the jurisdictions and often change from one year to another -The official statistics may be subject to out right fraud and manipulation


- fairly even distribution - slightly higher in south and west


- high level of poverty in illegal citizens - naturalized citizens poverty rate are about the same as natural born


- largest group of poor is under 18 - highest in very young to very old

family type

- married couples: 5.5% - female head: 6 times as much, 28.7% - single individuals: 20.8%

Other than workman's compensation, other forms of social insurance were developed for:

- the elderly - mothers of young children - the blind

the feminization of poverty

- women are much more poor than men - 25% number of families with women and under 18 children in USA

According to Maimonides, the highest degree of charity is:

The prevention of poverty

The libertarian Party most accurately represents

The reactionary perspective

In Islam, social justice and charity are differentiated. The Zakah is

The requirement of Muslims to contribute 2.5% of his or her net wealth each year for the support of the needy

Which of the following statements is NOT a factor in the growth of the international perspe...

The shift of focus within the profession of social ...

Define "parens patria."

The state is the parent to all children when biological parents abdicate parental responsibilites

Define "parens patria."

The state is the parent to all children.

When does housing become a social welfare problem?

There is not enough of it It is too expensive for people to afford its design, location, or quality cause problems for those who live in it

What is the Conservative Perspective when talking about the Criminal Justice system? What are the 5 major issues?

They believe that individuals are fully responsible for their own actions. Tradition and authority Issues: 1. Our system is characterized by excessive leniency toward lawbreakers 2. System tends to favor the rights of the law breakers more than the rights of their victims 3. What they see as a general erosion of both discipline and respect for duly constituted authority 4. Cost of crime 5. Excessive permissiveness

The earliest development of the Charity Organization Society Movement can be traced to:

Thomas Chalmers.

What is meant by crime as a social welfare problem?

Two major ideas Society's response to crime simply should be to punish the offender Society should do something to rehabilitate the offender

Which of these is NOT a factor of poverty as a result of individual characteristics? A. Genetic Inferiority B. Unsupportive Environment C. Human Capital D. Psychological Problems


Victim-Offender Mediation

Victim-offender reconciliation projects A new frontier for social work in criminal justice: The innocence Movement

What is the rehabilitation approach

Views law breakers as people in need of rehabilitation. People who are demonstrating a serious adjustment problem

Patterns of Crime

Volume of Crime One murder every 32.3 minutes, one forcible rape every 5.9 minutes, one robbery every 1.2 minutes, One aggravated assault every 37.8 seconds, property crime 3.2 seconds Gender Into thousand eight, 75.4% of all persons arrested were male Age 77% of all arrests are of people under the age of 40 Race African Americans and American Indians are overrepresented

The first federal involvement in housing came

When mortgage interest became deductible from federal income taxes

Define "family preservation services."

When out-of-home placement appears to be imminent, it is possible to prevent placement by the provision of intense services delivered in the child's home over a brief, time-limited period.

Social casework

Which of the following social work techniques can be traced to charity organizations?

Adolph Meyer

Who envisioned community mental health programs as a social work domain?

Which of these groups have difficulty accessing appropriate and adequate health care?

Women, members of minority groups, the elderly

In the 1930s, tenement housing in the industrial cities was getting ________ as more workers came seeking jobs


The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

___ _____ ______ __ __ ______ __ ____ ____ is an African-American civil rights organization in the United States, formed in 1909 by Moorfield Storey, Mary White Ovington and W. E. B.

The Freedmen's Bureau

___ _______ ______ provided food, housing and medical aid, established schools and offered legal assistance. It also attempted to settle former slaves on Confederate lands confiscated or abandoned during the war.

National Urban League

____ _____ ____ is a nonpartisan civil rights organization based in New York City that advocates on behalf of African Americans and against racial discrimination in the United States. It is the oldest and largest community-based organization of its kind in the nation.

The National Mental Health Act

____ ______ _______ ______ ______ is the largest research organization in the world specializing in mental illness. Thomas R. Insel is the current Director of NIMH. The institute was first authorized by the U.S. Government in 1946, when then President Harry Truman signed into law the National Mental Health Act, although the institute was not formally established until 1949.

The Great Society

____ _______ ______ was a set of domestic programs in the United States launched by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1964-65. The main goal was the elimination of poverty and racial injustice.

The Lorenz Curve is

a curve that shows the percentage of total household incomes received successively larger fractions of the population, starting with the poorest group.

Higher Criticism is:

a reference to the intellectual analysis of the Scriptures, which includes interpreting them in relation to the social and historical context in which they are written, as well as the motivations of the authors.

What proportion of adults with either mental health or substance abuse issues recieve care?

about half

Definitions of poverty based on calculations derived from minimum costs of food, housing, clothing and transportation are:

absolute definitions.

The charity organization society was associated with

all of the above

"Workingman's Insurance" was a reflection of increasing urbanization because: people in the city had no garden. people in the city had less reliable neighbors. people in the city lived from paycheck to paycheck. all of the above.

all of the above.

An individual explanation of poverty is: genetic inferiority. the expectancy model. human capital theory. all of the above.

all of the above.

Christianity added the following to the Jewish Traditions from which is sprang: an emphasis on compassion. a view of charity as a practical necessity. the law of obedient love. all of the above.

all of the above.

One of the explanations for increased reporting of child maltreatment in recent years is: strengthening of State reporting laws. implementation of 24-hour hot-lines. increased awareness. all of the above.

all of the above.

The psychological-developmental model of mental illness views mental disorders as...

an outgrowth of an individual's personality development

In the United States, the relative poverty line is set

as a percentage of median income

In the United States, the relative poverty line is set:

as a percentage of median income.

Among the historical factors contributing to the emergence of concern for children in the 19th century are all but:

changing conceptualizations of the child. breakdown of the family's and church's ability to manage child dependence. the lengthening of childhood. ----------->>>>!!!!!Correct!!!!! increasing tolerance of violence.

All of the following have been found, except: child maltreatment occurs about equally across all social classes. more than half of children removed from their homes because of child maltreatment come from families receiving public assistance. the likelihood of fatalities and serious injuries in children is highly correlated with poverty. poor people may be overreported for child maltreatment.

child maltreatment occurs about equally across all social classes.

According to Census Bureau data, which is the largest single age group among the poor?


The political perspective that posits that the United States is an open society with no systemic barriers to success is:


Factors which interact to cause child abuse include all but the following:

ethnic factors.

Parents who abuse their children often have the belief that events are determined by chance or outside forces. This concept is called:

external locus of control.

____________________ is a general term that refers to children whose growth deviates significantly below the norms for their age and sex.

failure to thrive

transitional poor

generally the result of some life change or misfortune

New Structural Poverty is the theory that:

government welfare programs encourage able-bodied working-age persons to sink into a lifestyle of welfare dependency and consequently permanent poverty.

residual poor

hard to reach and often seems immune to help

Social workers employed at private agencies usually ________.

have graduate training and occupy therapeutic roles.

What is the conservative point of view of housing?

housing can best be provided by market forces

As the apprenticeship system declined and the number of dependent children increased during the early nineteenth century where were children placed?

in poorhouses

In the 1950s, the population of the United States grew by an additional 30 million. This increase was caused by:

increase of birth rate (baby boomers)

Among the factors leading to increasing secularization of social work are all but:

increasing diversity of religion in the United States.

An indicator of the reversal of secularization within social work is:

increasing numbers of articles in social work journals on the subject of religion.

Among the historical factors contributing to the emergence of concern for children in the 19th century are all but:

increasing tolerance of violence.

When a belief in white supremacy becomes deeply ingrained in the dominant culture, becomes embodied in customs and laws, and leads to discriminatory patterns that many take for granted, it is called:

institutional racism

Reactionaries believe the government and economic system:

is inherently evil and should be active as minimally as possible

What was the most important factor concerning the feudal system?

it provided basic needs.

What is the prevailing definition of mental illness

its as stemming either from organic conditions or from elements in a individuals psychological development

"Generous welfare benefits help families maintain basic financial and health care standards they would not otherwise enjoy," is a __________ viewpoint.


An environmental factor that relates to child maltreatment would be:

living in poverty.

Panel Studies are:

longitudinal studies

Someone who has a low-paying and insecure job might be referred to as:

marginally poor.

What proportion of adults in the criminal justice system is on probation at any given point in time?

more than 50%

There are many differences in the aging population when they are analyzed by gender... one

older women far outnumber older men

One of the reasons that increasing urbanization contributed to problems of poverty was:

people in the country had access to more resources. people in the city had fewer close relationships. people in the city were wage earners.

The expectancy model is most closely aligned with the idea that:

people who don't have developmental needs met as children are more likely to be poor.

The following condition must be met for a situation to be defined as child maltreatment:

physical or emotional harm to the child caused by parental behavior. harm to the child which stems from parental omission of behavior. social worker opinion that intervention is necessary.

major societal changes that took place during 14th century England and its impact on the nation:

plague, war, taxes, bad government, schism in the church, catholic church done away with and poverty, Elizabethan Poor Law impact on the nation: - feudal system declined - mercantilism arose - there were many poor - then elizabethan poor law

marginal poor

poor jobs due to low education and few skills

An example of a cognitive distancing belief would be that

poor people are dishonest

The 1960 Census revealed the following:

poverty was far more common than thought.

By the time of the civil war, public attitudes against public outdoor relief were very high. Among the reasons for this attitude were all but:

public agencies were not trustworthy. use of public money to keep people in their homes threatened the economy. ------>>>>>>>>!!!!!Correct!!!!! outdoor relief was more expensive than indoor relief. private charity gave opportunities for salvation for donations.

Among the variables the Census Bureau uses to describe the poor are:

race, age and region

The Social Service Amendments of the Kennedy administration:

reflected the conservative assumption that poverty was caused by problems in individuals.

What is the radical perspective of health care?

rejects the market model entirely and argues for a complete restructuring of health care in America. Such restructuring is necessary to redistribute power over health care planning and provision from the few to the many.

Mental health parity act of 1996

requires insurers who offer mental health benefits to establish equal annual payment limits and lifetime caps for coverage of mental and physical illnesses

The idea that social welfare is not an institution but an emergency back-up system is called the:

residual conception

Those who remain in poverty over an extended period of time are referred to as the:

residual poor

Those who remain in poverty over an extended period of time are referred to as the:

residual poor.

The General Social Survey found that:

respondents set a relative poverty line that was much higher than the official level. respondents thought single mothers needed more money. respondents thought two parent families needed the same amount per capital as single mothers. ----->>>none of the above.

marginal poor

rising out of poverty and sinking back is long term patterns

Sometimes parents consciously or unconsciously disavow the responsibilities of parenting, often because they didn't want the child. This type of problem has been termed:

role rejection.

Often, one child in a family becomes the focus for anger and aggression. Other family members "take out" their rage and aggression on the designated child. This is known as:


Often, one child in a family becomes the focus for anger and aggression. Other family members "take out" their rage on a designated child. This is known as:


Often, one child in a family becomes the focus for anger and aggression. Other family members "take out" their rage and aggression on the designated child. This is known as:


Changes in a family's social situation which may increase likelihood of abuse are known as:

situational stressors.

How much more likely are female-only headed households than married-couple households to be in poverty?

six times

One social work method emerging from the settlement house..

social casework

Herrnstein and Murray, in their book The Bell Curve, posited that:

social standing is based on inherited differences.

How were most public antipoverty efforts in the 1850's funded?

state and local governments

How were most public antipoverty efforts in the 1850's funded? state and local governments donations Both A and B Neither A nor B

state and local governments

One of the explanations for increased reporting of child maltreatment in recent years is:

strengthening of State reporting laws. implementation of 24-hour hot-lines. increased awareness.

Liberals and radicals tend to view poverty in terms of... environmental characteristics structural characteristics genetic characteristics individual characteristics

structural characteristics

The mission of the New York Children's Aid Society established in 1853 was to:

take homeless children from the streets of New York and transport them to rural regions of the country to be placed with farm families.

The strong belief that work is innately good and that hard work indicates a person of quality is called:

the Protestant Ethic.

Activity theory predicts that...

the elderly will derive the most satisfaction from staying active and resisting isolation

The radical perspective is sometimes referred to as:

the far left

"The colonial approach to poor relief was characterized by another idea that reflected the development of a unique culture in the New World." What was this idea?

the importance of work ethic

Gentrification is good for everyone except for

the original tenants

Most media discussion of the problem of poverty in the United States focuses on the population known as:

the persistently poor, residual poor, "underclass"

Among the developments leading to the passage of the Statute of Laborers in England were:

the plague.

According to Maimonides, the highest degree of charity is:

the prevention of poverty.

In Islam, social justice and charity are differentiated. The zakah is

the requirement of Muslims to contribute 2.5% of his or her net wealth each year for the support of the needy.

The seminal ideas of family preservation include all but:

the rights of parents to raise their children.

The seminal ideas of family preservation include all but: the rights of parents to raise their children. the family as the ideal developmental context for the child. shift of focus away from identifying family psychopathology. creating more supportive environments for families.

the rights of parents to raise their children.

The Great Depression caused many shifts in beliefs about the poor. The only one that the Depression did not cause was that:

the same factors that cause poverty during hard times also cause some people to be poor during times of economic prosperity.

expectancy model is based on the theory that:

there is a relationship between confidence, a sense of control, & success. Those who are successful gain confidence, and this leads to a sense of control over their lives, which in turn results in more success.

residual poor

they remain in poverty over an extended period of time

A recent Gallup Poll indicated that the majority of Americans:

think that the government is responsible for social welfare.

transitional poor

those who experience poverty is only temporary and brief

Social welfare is the institution in society that manages dependency:

through the provision of opportunity

Among people identifying themselves as social conservatives on the General Social Survey, what proportion expressed support for government social service efforts?


What happened during the 14th century in England that devastated the country on a wide scale?

various calamities including famine, crop failures and the bubonic plague

The Statute of Labourers

was a law created by the English parliament under King Edward III in 1351 in response to a labour shortage, designed to suppress the labor force by prohibiting increases in wages and prohibiting the movement of workers from their home areas in search of improved conditions.

List the Liberals major issues

1. Labeling and stigmatization: The main thing that makes a person a criminal is the fact that he or she is labeled as one. The system itself creates criminals 2. We lock up too many people and that this does more harm than good 3. Discriminatory bias to the system 4. Over criminalization

What percentage of current medical school graduates are from racial and ethnic minorities?


Before medicaid, what proportion of poor people in the US had never been seen by a doctor?


In 1996, the Urban Institute estimated that as many as ____% of homeless people are using some sort of service for homelessness did not use shelters


in 2004, what perentage of African Americans aged 25 or older had a collect...


The National Mental Health Act was passed in:


What percentage of the US population is affected by mental retardation?


The bottom 20% of the population in the United States receives:

3.5% of the income.

The number of undocumented immigrants entering the country each year is about:


What proportion of children's health care bills is paid for with public funds?


In 2004, the top 1% of families in the United States owned:

33% of all privately held wealth

In 2004, the top 1% of families in the United States owned:

33% of all privately held wealth.

How many Americans are living below the poverty line?

37 million

At its peak, how many children were placed in foster care per year by the Children's Aid Society?


Immigrants make up what percentage of New York City's...


Families with children constitute what proportion of the homeless


By 2050, what proportion of the residents of the United States will be people of color?


What proportion of poor families is headed by women?


Of licensed practicing social workers, what percentage feel it is important to deal with the religious/spiritual issues of their clients?


Of licensed practicing social workers, what percentage feel it is important to deal with the religious/spiritual issues of their clients?


What proportion of American adults will have a serious mental illness in a given year?


What proportion of parents involved in the child welfare system are in need of substance abuse treatment?


What proportion of parents involved in the child welfare system is in need of substance abuse treatment?


What percentage of social welfare funding comes from governmental sources?


If income were distributed equally in this country, the Lorenz curve would be:

A diagonal line rising from left to right.

Which is a more accurate statement of how social workers with...

A social worker's main function is helping individuals and families..

Which one of these statements is NOT true?

A. Liberals, a group that includes most social workers, were generally opposed to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act and the TANF program it instituted. B. The Family Support Act of 1988 and the TANF program that replaced it represented a new approach to the problem of public dependency. C. The first major effort toward welfare reform climaxed in 1988 with the passage of the Family Support Act. D. None of the above.

Definitions of poverty based on calculations derived from minimum costs of food, housing, clothing and transportation are:

Absolute Definitions

Social psychological theory of aging

Adult development is a series of different periods or phases, personality and behavior are shaped by socialization experiences and assigned social roles

The mental hygiene movement established several significant new programs for the treatment of mental illness including...

Aftercare programs Psychophathic hospitals Child guidance clinics

What was a contribution of the Social Security act of 1935?

Aid for means-tested public assistance for the elderly Established a social insurance system for individuals age 65 and older, regardless of financial need Matched funds spent by the states for needy elderly, who could be considered among the "deserving" poor

In regards to government intervention with economic systems:

All of the Above

Which of the following is setting which social workers practice...

All of the Above

The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 helped bring people...

All of the above

When exploring if the poverty line should be based on net disposable income, the growth of the working poor creates two major inaccuracies in the povery measure. even after taxes, the income is further reduced by work-related expenses, primarily child care. both liberals and conservatives agree that something should be done to to base the poverty line on actual disposable income rather than gross income. All of the above

All of the above

Which of the following is setting in which social workers practice...

All of the above

Conservatives believe that ____________. parents should be arrested and prosecuted for the maltreatment of a child. child maltreatment is done by parents who choose to do it. if the abuse is due to a parent's mental illness they should be given psychological services. All of the above.

All of the above.

Why are conservative Christians seen as rejecting social change? They see the bible as the word of God and this has caused them to withdraw from worldly concerns such as social justice and equality. Social change is associated with communism and socialism, both of which reject the church. Conservative Christians have an unquestioned acceptance of capitalism as the Christian's economy. All of the above.

All of the above.


All the aspects of society essential for the well-being of children.

Define "child welfare."

All the aspects of society essential for the well-being of children.

The first organization to attempt to standardize social work...

American Association of Schools of Social..

Radical Criminology

American society is based on an advanced capitalist economy The state is organized to serve the interests of the dominant economic class, the S ruling class Criminal law as an instrument of the state and ruling class to maintain a perpetuate the existing social and economic order Crime control in a capitalist society is accomplished through a variety of institutions and agencies established and administered by a governmental elite representing ruling class interests for the purpose of establishing the domestic order

Social Security Act

An act meant to alleviate financial dependency through two lines of defense: contributory social insurance and public assistance.

What was the Social Security Act of 1935?

An act meant to alleviate financial dependency through two lines of defense: contributory social insurance and public assistance.

What is the legal definition of Crime?

Any behavior that is against the law

When exploring human nature, radicals take the view that people:

Are basically good, and are inherently industrious and creative

Which of the following is NOT a factor in the initial rise of the Charity Organization Society movement...

Asylums and reformatories were overcrowded...

People who glorify power, view people as good or bad, repress..


Which of the following scholarly journals cater to the interests of Catholics in social work? A. Social work and Christainity B. Social thought C. Journal of Jewish Communal Service D. None of the above

B. Social Thought

Which of these statements is NOT true? A. Trends in the distribution of wealth and income have shown that the wealthy and the poor are maintaining stagnant levels of financial growth. B. Trends in the distribution of wealth and income have shown that the wealthy are getting substantially wealthier C. Trends in the distribution of wealth and income have shown that the poor are getting wealthier D. None of the Above

B.Trends in the distribution of wealth and income have shown that the wealthy are getting substantially wealthier.

Prisions - The first Reform

Before the late 1700s there were no presents that were places were people were incarcerated for long periods of time for either punishment or rehabilitation

Neoclassical control theory

Believe that rehabilitation programs are totally without merit and that the criminal justice system should return to the practice of responding to crimes, not criminals

The conflict of values of the secular and the sectarian realms of social work are nuanced, with a belief that: social workers were previously seen as moral agents of society, and are now ascribing to a libertarian philosophy in which people should be free to choose their own lifestyles, vaules and moral norms. the social work professionshould advocate and support the social redefinition of previously labeled deviant behavior (divorce, use of alchol or drugs, premarital sex, etc.) to a more open definition which recognizes the behaviors as rightful, viable options for people in our society. Both A and B Neither A nor B

Both A and B

Which of the following statements is true? The Egyptian concept of charity mainly meant the avoidance of doing harm to others. The Jewish concept of charity added the obligation to do positive acts of good. Both A and B Neither A nor B

Both A and B

Which statement is more accurate? The top 1% of families own nearly 34% of all privately held wealth. The bottom 17% of the population own nothing at all. Both A and B Neither A nor B

Both A and B

In response to challenges to affirmative action policies in higher education...

Broadened the concept of diversity

When exploring if non-cash benefits should be counted A. Conservatives argue that in-kind benefits should be counted as income B. Liberals argue that in-kind benefits should be considered when we define and measure poverty C. Both A and B D. Neither A nor B

C. Both A and B

The founder of the Children's Aid Society was: A. The Ursuline Sisters B. Johann Hinrich Wichern C. Charles Loring Brace D. William Alfred Passavant

C. Charles Loring Brace

"Generous welfare benefits help families maintain basic financial and health care standards they would not otherwise enjoy," is a __________ viewpoint.


At present, older people tend to be concentrated in certain areas of the country, including the state of


The religious roots of the settlement house movement can be traced to:

Canon Samuel A. Barnett.

What factors in the increase of the number of elderly people in institutions?

Changes in family life Diminished resources among the elderly

The founder of the Children's Aid Society was:

Charles Loring Brace.

The Elizabethan Poor Law included all but which of the following provisions? People were responsible for their children and parents up to 3 generations. The unemployed were put to work. Vagrants could be executed. Children were kept in school.

Children were kept in school.

Which of the following is a reflection of the residual....

Community care, a temorary, market.....

A type of community group which works to rehabilitate or build housing for low-income members of the community is a

Community development corporation

The political perspective that posits that the United States is an open society...


Biological control Theory

Criminals are innately inferior people who have not inherited the ability to control their aggressive impulses and behave in responsible Waze

When poverty is defined as both a lack of money and as a lifestyle, it is a:

Cultural Definition

A social worker who works in a religious-based social service agency and is asked to do something they feel good conscience they cannot do have the options to A. Refuse to carry out the tasks and be fired B. Resign from the job C. Ignore their conscience and complete the task anyway D. All of the Above

D. All of the Above

Christianity added the following to the Jewish Traditions from which is sprang: A. An emphasis on compassion B. A view of Charity as a practical necessity C. The law of obedient love D. All of the Above

D. All of the Above

Why are conservative Christians seen as rejecting social change? A. They see the bible as the word of God and this has caused them to withdraw from worldly concerns such as social justice and equality B. Social change is associated with communism and socialism, both of which reject the church. C. Conservative Christains have an unquestioned acceptance of capitalism as the Christian's economy D. All of the Above

D. All of the Above

Current issues- Intermediate Sanctions

Day Fine Electronic monitoring Shock incarceration

According to labeling theory, what constitutes an illegal, immoral or inappropriate act?

Decided by those in power

When a person is unable to perform his or her roles adequately, whether the problem is on the individual or the institutional level, we speak of the person as being:


Differential Association Theory

Edwin H Sutherland and 1939 Both human nature and the social structure or plastic: a person's behavior and values are consistently changing in response to the group that he or she is interacting with, and groups are constantly changing and her sponsor the people who participate in them

Factors which interact to cause child abuse

Environmental factors Child factors individual parent factors

What is a personality or social trait that may lead to a parrent's maltreatment of their child?

Excessive deprendency

The first of Roosevelt's New Deal legislation was:


Dorothea Dix successfully convinced Congress to appropriate lands for mental institutions. Which president vetoed this measure?


A mother's use of drugs or alcohol during pregnancy causing serious neurological and physiological damage to the unborn child is known as:

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

What is the main difference between the marginal poor and the transitional poor?

For the marginal poor, the rising out of poverty and sinking back into it constitute a longterm pattern and the transitional poor are most likely experiencing a brief episode of poverty.

Dorothea Dix successfully convinced Congress to appropriate lands for mental institutions. Which president vetoed this measure?

Franklin Pierce

The approach whihc views humans in terms of a hierachy of interrelated levels, from subatomic particles all the way to cultures is called

General systems theory

The first executive director...

George Haynes

Treatment programs

Group Integration Project run in the Jewish Community centters Association

What is the leading cause of death in the United States?

Heart disease

Among students, the most segregated minority group is:


Jane Addams and Ellen Gates Starr...

Hull House

Social Control Theory

Human nature is inherently antisocial

As the apprenticeship system declined and the number of dependent children increased during the early nineteenth century where were children placed?


Liberals and radicals tend to view poverty in terms of...


What was the most important factor concerning the feudal system?


As the apprenticeship system declined and the number of dependent children increased during the early nineteenth century where were children placed?

In poorhouses

The frail elderly are those who are:

Incapacitated by the chronic disease or mental functioning

Among the historical factors contributing to the emergence of concern for children in the 19th century are all but: A. Changing conceptiulizations of the child B. Breakdown of the family's and church's ability to manage child deprendence C. The lengthening of childhood D. Increasing tolerance of violence

Increasing tolerance of violence

What do cultural explanations of poverty seek to do?

Individuals are viewed as possessing these characteristics because of the social situations they were born into and in which they were reared and educated

Which of the following statements is true of how conservatives view fiscal inequality?

Inequality in the United States is caused less by unfairness than by the age structure of the labor force. Thus the same person will be at different positions along the Lorez curve during portions of their lives.

Which of the following statements is true of how conservatives view fiscal inequality? The growth of inequality and conclude that it is a fact, that it is getting worse, and that this is a result of unjust social and economic pressures. Inequality in the United States is caused less by unfairness than by the age structure of the labor force. Thus the same person will be at different positions along the Lorez curve during portions of their lives. Both A and B Neither A nor B

Inequality in the United States is caused less by unfairness than by the age structure of the labor force. Thus the same person will be at different positions along the Lorez curve during portions of their lives.

In a 15-year period ending in 1993, the richest 1% of families doubled their income. What happened to their tax rate?

It decreased 23%

In a 15-year period ending in 1993, the richest 1% of families doubled their income. What happened to their tax rate?

It decreased 23%.

What was the most important factor concerning the feudal system?

It provided basic needs.

Why was the Elizabethan Poor Law of 1601 significant?

It represented a compilation and refinement of all the antipoverty legislation of the previous 250 years.

Which of the following provided for the poor mostly through agriculture?


The authors make a case for Jewish agencies having less potential for conflict with social work valued. This is because:

Jews do not seek converts.

What proportion of the population is persistently poor?


An environmental factor that relates to child maltreatment would be:


A backlash against managed care organizations has been attributed to consumer criticisms about

Lack of choice reliance on gatekeepers denial of needed services

What proportion of the population is persistently poor?

Less than 5%

What is the Liberal perspective when talking about the Criminal justice system?

Liberals place the responsibility on social influence People commit crimes because of bad influences in the family, the peer group, or the neighborhood or perhaps because of water social influences such as unemployment or general lack of economic opportunity

Which political party believes that most taxation is legal thievery?


Psychological Control Theory

Location of the causes of crime within the psychological development of the individual rather than his or her genetic make up

Correct Statement

Research data shows that the field of social work is not a "liberal monolith"

Criminal Justice Reform

Rhetroic Reality

Strain Theory

Robert Merton Strain theory reject many of the arguments of cultural deviance and of differential association theory either they abandoned the major American values of success and prosperity are they abandon another key value - obedience to the law

Sometimes parents consciously or unconsciously disavow the responsibilities of parenting, often because they didn't want the child. This type of problem has been termed what?

Role rejection

An example of services for people who are econmically dependent would be:

SSI: Supplemental security income

Different possibilities for intergroup interactions include all but:


How much more likely are female-only headed households than married-couple households to be in poverty?

Six times.

On August 14, 1935, the _____ _____ ___ established a system of old-age benefits for workers, benefits for victims of industrial accidents, unemployment insurance, aid for dependent mothers and children, the blind, and the physically handicapped.

Social Security Act

Which of the following scholarly journals cater to the interests of Catholics in social work?

Social Thought

Which of the following statements explains how liberals view the professional responsibility of social workers

Social work should stress the necessity for broader...

What is true of social workers in the area of housing and community development

Social workers can help seek reason and balance in protecting neighborhoods while considering overall community needs Social workers, whether in community centers or in private agencies, often help people in difficulty to develop social support

Which of the following statements best describe the radical approach to discriminatory practices?

Social workers should address how prejudice is a mask for privilege, or a rationale through which dominant groups maintain their own status quo.

Which of the following statements best describe the liberal approach to discriminatory..

Social workers should stress the necessity of government intervention...

Which of the following statements best describe the conservative approach to discriminatory practices?

Social workers should warn against relying on government regulation to deal with discriminatory practices, being particularly critical of affirmative action policies.

Which of these functions are NOT required to maintain society?


The development of protective services first originated with which organization?

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

The development of protective services first originated with which organization? A. Children's Aid Society B. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals C. American Human Society D. Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to children

Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals

The following statements describes the nature of "stigma" as it relates to welfare

Society values individual characteristics such as self-reliance and a willingness to work hard, welfare recipients are seen as dependent and lazy

"The colonial approach to poor relief was characterized by another idea that reflected the development of a unique culture in the New World." What was this idea?


The marginal poor are sometimes referred to as:


People who are poor because the plant closed and they can't find another job are the:


What is the mission of the New York Children's Aid Society that was established in 1853?

Take homeless children from the streets of New York and transport them to rural regions of the country to be placed with farm families

What is the liberal approach to mental health and developmental disability?

Tends to view mental illness and developmental disability as relating to a combination of individual and social causes

The gap in prescription drug coverage in the Medicare program is known as:

The Doughnut hole

One important contribution the settlements made to the cause of civil rights was their aid in founding

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

What is an event that accelerated social work's shift toward individual treatment?

The application of psychoanalytic theory to social work practice.

As the aging population increases, what will become more important?

The capacity of social security to continue to provide for all the elderly Intergenerational competition for resources poverty among certain groups of the population

NASW Code of Ethics

The code offers a set of rules that prescribe how social work...

Define "Social Darwinism."

The concept of survival of the fittest being applied to the marketplace as well as to the jungle.

In Whose interest is Criminal Law?

The consensus perspective - there is a fundamental agreement about basic social values we are all supposedly an agreement about certain issues, such as that it is all right for people over the age of 21 to drink liquor, but it is not all right for them to use cocaine The conflict perspective - provides an explanation as to why some laws are clearly to benefit certain groups

What is the radical perspective when talking about the Criminal justice system?

The criminal justice system is one of the primary tool that the capitalist ruling class uses to dominate and exploit the rest of the population

What is the punishment approach

The criminal justice system simply should be to impose a penalty on the wrongdoer and to do whatever is possible to write any wrongs that has been done

Cultural Deviance Clifford are Shaw and Henry the McKay

The delinquency rate for any given neighborhood remain remarkably consistent over time, even though the population of the neighborhood often changed dramatically

Summary of Control theories

The four versions and several sub versions of control theory we have reviewed all share a conservative, pessimistic view of human nature. Control. As a group see humans as being aggressive, self-serving, and a moral by nature; people will all commit crimes unless somehow they are controlled. Basically these theories are all pessimistic about The potential for rehabilitating law violators

Which of the following statements is true of how liberals view fiscal inequality?

The growth of inequality and conclude that it is a fact, that it is getting worse, and that this is a result of unjust social and economic pressures.

"The colonial approach to poor relief was characterized by another idea that reflected the development of a unique culture in the New World." What was this idea?

The importance of work ethic

Which of the following statements about is true

The national Association of Social workers...

Which of these is not an adequate description of how social welfare began to emerge as an institution?

The number of people with disabilities with viable job opportunities

How do radicals approach the topic of old age?

Most support a broad extension of social welfare measures for all people, including the aged-particularly those provisions that help to redistribute income

What is NOT a role fuctioning problem in the child-parent network that would be likely lead to a need for child welfare services? A. Parental role unoccupied B. Role rejection C. Interrole conflict


One of the first organizations to bring together charity and settle...

National Conference of Charities and Correc...

An absolute definition of poverty is: a relatively fixed level of income above which a person cannot function in a productive and efficient manner in a give society. poverty is viewed as relative to the wealth of the rest of society. Both A and B Neither A nor B

Neither A nor B

Which of these statements is NOT true? Because of the trend of the secularization of American society, people see fewer things explained in terms of "God's will" and they seek scientific, rational explanations for more of life's events. During the 20th century, the ministry, like many other professions, has come to be considered a specialized profession, with less of an ephasis on counseling or social work. Both A and B Neither A nor B

Neither A nor B

Which one of these statements is NOT true? Liberals, a group that includes most social workers, were generally opposed to the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act and the TANF program it instituted. The Family Support Act of 1988 and the TANF program that replaced it represented a new approach to the problem of public dependency. The first major effort toward welfare reform climaxed in 1988 with the passage of the Family Support Act. None of the above.

None of the above.

The very first type of social insurance passed was:


Case Management is a term that can be used to describe a method or process of service delivery and a set of roles assumed by various providers of health and social services. Some practitioners include:

Occupational Therapist, Nurses, & Social Workers

The strong belief that work is innately good and that hard work indicates a person of quality is called:


All of the following have been major contributors to an increase in poverty, except: A. famine. B. Psychological depression. C. urbanization. D. economic depression.


All of the following are individual explanations of poverty except: A. people are poor because of inferior genetic quality. B. people cannot develop the knowledge, skills and values to compete because of social factors. C. people suffer from psychological problems that inhibit their ability to compete. D. people don't develop the skills they need to compete

People cannot develop the knowledge, skills and values to compete because of social factors

Define "indoor relief."

People were cared for by being taken into some form of custodial care.

What is meant by Children as a special case?

People who have not yet reached the age of majority are treated differently by the criminal justice system and several ways. There is an entire set of acts that are mala Prohibida only for nonadults. Children are not considered responsible enough for their own behavior to be defined as criminals

Victim Assistance

Police Social workers


Quotas on immigrants from particular countries were established:

Which of the following statements is NOT true

Racism is the idea that physical differences..

What do the Radicals mean by redefinition of crime?

Radicals believe that many of the acts currently defined as crimes could be to find a more accurate Lee asked legitimate political asked by people attempting to battle and oppressive social system or as understandable actions of people for whom all legitimate avenues of opportunity have been blocked

The idea that friendly visiting demanded specific skills that could be..

Mary Richmond

The idea that friendly visiting demanded specific skills...

Mary Richmond

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