Ch. 11 Muscular System: Axial and Appendicular Muscles

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From lateral to media, indicate the order of the following erector spinae muscles of the vertebral column

1) illiocostalis group 2) longissmus group 3) spinalis group

Match the movement of the hip joint with the muscles responsible for that action

abduction - gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, tensor fascia adduction - adductor brevis, adductor longus, adductor magnus, gracilis, pectineus extension - gluteus maximus, hamstring region of adductor magnus, long head of the biceps femoris, semimembranosus, semitendinosus

which are the muscles that abduct the toes

abductor digiti minimi dorsal interossei abductor hallucis

abductor digiti minimi

abducts little finger B

abductor pollicis brevis

abducts thumb

Which nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid muscle

accessory nerve

identify the lateral attachments of the trapezius

acromium process of scapula lateral third of clavicle spine of scapula

compartments in the forearm contain muscles with similar

actions at the wrist joints origins

when the gracilis contracts, the thigh is

adducted flexed

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the infraspinatus and teres minor

adduction of the arm lateral rotation of the arm

Identify the actions provided by contraction of the triceps brachii

adduction of the humerus extension of the forearm adduction of the humerus

which are muscles that adduct the toes

adductor hallucis plantar interossei

match each muscle of the medial thigh compartment with its proximal and distal attachment

adductor longus: P, pubis near pubic symphysis. D, Linea aspera of femur adductor brevis: P, inferior ramus and body of pubis. D, upper third of linea aspera of femur gracilis: P, inferior ramus and body of pubis. D, upper medial surface of tibia adductor magnus, hamstring part: P, inferior ramus of pubis and ischial tuberosity. D, linea aspera of femur

when the pectineus contracts, the thigh is

adducts thigh; flexes thigh

when the triceps brachii


match the type of primary action to its best description

agonist - prime mover antagonist - opposes agonist synergist - assists the agonist

the pectoralis minor is one of the _____ thoracic muscles that moves the pectoral girdle


which of the following correctly pairs fivers of the deltoid with their function?

anterior fibers - flex and medially rotate arm posterior fibers - extend and laterally rotate arm lateral fibers - abduct the arm

the serratus anterior superiorly attaches ___

anterior length of the medial border of the scapula.

Anatomically, muscles that move the pectoral girdle are classified as

anterior or posterior thoracic

which are the muscles that flex and/or supinate the arm at the elbow

biceps brachii brachialis brachioradialis supinator

which muscles flex the forearm

biceps brachii, brachialis, brachioradialis

match each forearm muscle of the superficial layer of the posterior compartment with its actions

extensor carpi radialis brevis - extends wrist and abducts hand extensor digitorum - extends the wrist, 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints, proximal interphalangeal joints, and distal interphalangeal joints extensor digiti minimi - extends the wrist, metacarpophalangeal and proximal interphalangeal joints of finger 5

The posterior compartment of the forearm contains muscle that ___ the wrist , the metacarpohalangeal, and interphalangeal joints ??


In very general terms, the posterior forearm muscles of the superficial layer______, whereas the muscles of the deep layer_____ Extend the wrist; extend fingers 1 and 2 The tendons of forearm

extend the wrist extend fingers 1 and 2

bilateral contraction of the splenius capitis, splenius cervicis, semispinalis capitis, and longissimus capitis causes

extension of the neck

Contraction of gluteal muscle results in?

extension of the thigh

bilateral contraction of the quadratus lumborum muscles causes

extension of the vertebral column

Functions of Erector Spinae Muscles

extension of vertebral column maintenance of posture lateral flexion of vertebral column

Which of the following summarizes the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the latissimus dorsi?

extension, ADDuction, medial rotation

In general, muscles in the posterior compartment of the thigh tend to ____

flex the leg at the knee joint extend the thigh at the hip joint

Bilateral contraction of the sternocleidomastoid muscle functions to

flex the neck

Muscles of the abdominal wall work together to

flex vertebral column

when the iliacus contracts, the thigh is _____


when the sartorius muscle contracts, the thigh is

flexed rotated laterally

when the adductor brevis contracts, the thigh is

flexed adducted

when the adductor fibers of the adductor magnus contract, the thigh is ______

flexed and adducted

flexor pollicis brevis

flexes thumb

Which best summarizes the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the deltoid

flexion, abduction, medial rotation, and lateral rotation

which of the following best summarizes the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur when the pectoralis major contracts?

flexion, adduction, medial rotation

which are the muscles that flex the toes

flexor digiti minimi brevis flexor hallucis longus flexor digitorum longus flexor digitorum brevis flexor hallucis brevis

Identify the single muscle of the intermediate layer in the anterior compartment of the forearm

flexor digitorum superficialis

The name of the forearm muscle found in the intermediate layer of the anterior compartment is

flexor digitorum superficialis

Match the intrinsic muscles of the hand on the left with the action(s) on the right

flexor pollicis brevis - flexes the thumb abductor pollicis brevis - abducts thumb opponens pollicis - opposition of thumb adductor pollicis - adducts thumb

Match each stage of pitching a ball from the first column to the rotator cuff muscle in the second column that participates in each stage

follow through; slow the arm after the pitch is thrown- infraspinatus, teres minor 2. delivery of pitch- supraspinatus 3. wind uo- subscapularis

many parallel muscles are cylindrical with an expanded central region called a

gaster or body

match each muscle in the posterior compartment of the leg with its functions

gastrocnemius - flexes the leg and plantar flexes foot soleus - plantar flexes the foot plantaris - weakly flexes the leg and plantar flexes foot tibialis posterior - plantar flexes and inverts foot

The muscle indicated by the black arrow in the picture is the ____ (mouth)

genioglossus (behind chin)

muscles that move the tongue

genioglossus, styloglossus, hyoglossus, palatoglossus

Common intramuscular injection sites

gluteal region

match the muscles of the gluteal group and posterior thigh (hamstring) compartment with its proximal and distal attachments

gluteus maximus - P iliac crest, sacrum, coccyx; D illiotibial tract of fascia latae, linea aspera and gluteal tuberosity of femur biceps femoris long head - P ischial tuberosity; D head of fibula biceps femoris short head - P linea aspera of femur; D head of fibula semitendonosis - P ischial tuberostiy; D proximal medial surface of tibia

Muscle of the thigh's medial compartment


a muscle of the thigh's medial compartment is the


which of the following does not increase the risk of developing a rotator cuff injury

increased blood flow

muscles of the anterior neck that are inferior to the hyoid bone are called _____ muscles.


identify the proximal attachments of the teres major

inferior angle of the scapula inferior lateral border of the scapula

identify the action common to the following muscles: flexor digitorum profundus, flexor digitorum superficialis, flexor pollicis longus, flexor pollicis brevis, and flexor digiti minimi

interphalangeal joint flexion

a transverse line drawn between the ___ partitions of the perineum into an anterior urogenital triangle and a posterior anal triangle

ischial tuberosities

which statements correctly describe the digastric muscle

it has 2 bellies, it attaches to the mastoid portion of the temporal bone, it depresses the mandible, and it attaches to the hyoid bone.

attachment sites of the sternocleidomastoid muscle include

manubrium of sternum and medial portion of clavicle and the mastoid process

Which muscle elevates and protracts the mandibles during mastication


Which muscle elevates and protracts the mandible during mastication

masseter muscle

Which of the following are considered muscles of mastication

masseter muscle lateral pterygoid muscle temporalis muscle medial pterygoid muscle

the diamond shaped region between the lower appendages is called the


the inferior funnel shaped tube that lies behind the oral and nasal cavities is the ___


Identify the location of the triceps brachii

posterior arm

pronator quadratus

pronates forearm

identify the muscles that pronate the forearm

pronator quadratus pronator teres

From lateral to media, the forearm muscles of the superficial layer of the anterior compartment are the ___

pronator teres,flexor carpi radialis,palmaris longus, flexor carpi ulnaris

match each anterior forearm muscle with its action(s)

pronator teres: pronates forearm flexor carpi radialis: flexes wrist and abducts hand palmaris longus: weak wrist flexor flexor carpi ulnaris: flexes wrist and ADDucts hand flexor digitorum superficialis: flexes wrist, 2nd-5th metacarpophalangeal joints, and proximal interphalangeal joints

what are functions of the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles

protract the mandible move the mandible side to side during chewing

Contraction of the pectoralis minor

protracts the scapula, depresses the scapula

genioglossus muscle

protracts tongue

the muscle that is responsible for the wry neck associated with congenital muscular torticollis is the ___

sternocleidomastoid muscle

which extrinsic tongue muscles are innervated by the hypoglossal nerve

styloglossus hyloglossus genioglossus (all but palatoglosseus)

which muscles make up the superficial layer of the urogenital triangle

superficial transverse perineal muscle ischiocavernous muscle bulbospongiosus muscle

which muscle attaches to the posterolateral part of the eye, depresses the eye, and turns the eye laterally when it contracts

superior oblique muscle

which muscle attaches to the anterosuperior part of the sclera and pulls the eye superiorly when it contracts

superior rectus muscle

the serratus anterior

superiorly rotates the scapula stabilizes the scapula

in addition to its role in the compartmentalization of the thigh the fasciae latae

supports and binds the thigh muscles

the ___muscles of the anterior neck are associated with the floor of the mouth


identify the muscles that abduct the arm at the glenohumeral joint

supraspinatus deltoid

the rotator cuff muscles are

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, subscapularis

With regard to extension of the arm, the latissimus dorsi is a(n) agonist; with regard to adducting and medially rotating the arm, the muscles in a(n) _____


Which muscle elevates and retracts the mandibles during mastication

temporalis muscle

The muscle indicated by the black arrow in the picture is the ___ (skull muscle)

temporlis (above ear, circular muscle)

which muscle of the pharynx is innervated by the trigeminal nerve

tensor veli palatini muscle

label the major muscles of the anterior neck

A myohyoid B omohyoid C thyrohyoid D sternothyroid

match the muscle of the pharynx to its function

Levator veli palatini- elevates soft palate when swallowing pharyngeal constrictors- force bolus into esophagus Palatopharyngeus muscle- elevates pharynx and larynx Tensor veli palatini- Tenses soft palate and opens auditory tubes when swallowing or yawning

In the figure, the semimembranosus is indicated by the letter

M (left outermost region from the side)

levator veli palatini

Muscle that prevents food from going into nose

In the figure, the tensor fasciae latae is indicated by the letter ____


in the figure, the sartorius is indicated by the letter

P (topmost muscle above rectus femoris)

Match the letter on the left with the figure on the right that shows the muscle that is contracting

Picture one frown - Depressor Anguli Oris Picture pouted lip - orbicularis oris Picture raised eyebrows 0 occipitofrontalis

In the figure, the rectus femoris is indicated by the letter


Match the letters in the figure to the muscle of the deep gluteal region each indicates

R Priformis S Superior gemellus (right under piriformis) T obturator internus (right under superior gemellus) U inferior gemellus (under obturator internus) Y quadratus femorus (under inferior gemellus)

What are the four muscles of the quadriceps group?

Rectus femoris. Vastus lateralis. Vastus medialis. Vastus intermedius

Which are the muscles of the posterior thigh, commonly referred to collectively as the "hamstrings?"

Semimembranosus biceps femoris semitendinosus

List the pharyngeal constrictors from the innermost (deepest) to outermost (most superficial)

Superior constrictor middle constrictor inferior constrictor

Why is the forearm larger near the elbow than it is near the wrist?

The bellies of the forearm muscles that move the wrist are located near the elbow; the tendons of these muscles extend toward the wrist.

in general, the infrahyoid muscles function to ___

depress the hyoid bone

internal intercostals

depresses ribs during forced exhalation

Match the muscle to its characteristic facial expression

depressor anguli oris - frowning orbicularis oculi - blinking zygomaticus major - smiling orbicularis oris - kissing fronal belly of occipitofrontalis - raising eyebrows platysma - tensing of skin of neck

The dome-shaped muscle that separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominopelvic cavity is the


which muscle acts to elevate the hyoid bone and depress the mandible


when an appendicular muscle is contracting, the less moveable muscle attachment is usually the ___ attachment


styloglossus muscle

draws tongue back and up

The functions of the mylohyoid and stylohyoid muscles are to

elevate the hyoid


elevates and opens pharynx

Contraction of external intercostal muscles

elevates the anterior portion of the ribs. This increases the volume of the thoracic cavity by increasing its AP (anteroposterior) diameter.

which of the following are functions of the scalene muscles

elevation of the first and second rib flexion of the neck

The muscles of the thenar and hypothenar group form fleshy masses, each called _____ a term given to a cirsumscribed area raised above the general level of the surrounding surface.


the broad tendon between the frontalis and occipitalis muscles is called the ___ aponeurosis


What is the action of the muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg? (Foot, Ankle)

eversion of the foot plantar flexion of the foot

A circular muscle is also called


muscles of the abdominal wall are innervated by

spinal nerves

muscles that move the vertebral column are innervated by

spinal nerves

which group of erector spinae muscles attach the spinous processes of vertebrae

spinalis group

Muscle indicated by A in the picture

splenius capitis muscle (thick back from left to midline)

The muscle indicated by the letter A in the picture is the ___ (neck muscles)

splenius capitus muscle

The main muscles of the anterolateral neck are the _____ muscle and the three scalene muscles sternocleido mastoid muscle

sternocleido mastoid muscle

palatoglossus muscle

(muscular structure of anterior faucial pillar) - elevates back of tongue and depresses soft palate

Which of the following best describes the location of the latissimus dorsi?

- posterior of body, inferior part of the back

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the deltoid

-Abduction of the arm -Lateral rotation of the arm -Flexion of the arm -Extension of the arm -Medial rotation of the arm

Contraction of the lateral muscle of the thigh results in ___

-Abduction of the thigh -Medial rotation of the thigh

which of the following are muscles that move the glenohumeral joint that originate on the scapula

-Biceps brachii -Teres major -Coracobrachialis -Triceps brachii -Deltoid

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the triceps brachii (long head)

-Extension of the arm -Adduction of the arm

Which correctly describes the actions of the biceps femoris?

-Flexes leg -Laterally rotates leg

Which of the following best describes the location of the trapezius?

-It is a posterior thoracic muscle -It is superficial to other posterior thoracic muscles that move the pectoral girdle

Muscles that move the pectoral girdle

-Rotate the scapula inferiorly or superiorly -Elevate or depress the scapula -Protract or retract the scapula

Which of the following correctly describes the location of the rhomboids, both minor and major?

-They are posterior thoracic muscles -They are deep to the trapezius -They are inferior to the levator scapulae

Which of the following is/are functions of the intrinsic muscles of the foot?

-abduct and adduct the toes -support the arches -flex and extend the toes

when the gluteus Maximus contracts, the thigh is ______.

-extended -rotated laterally

he subclavius inferiorly attaches on the ___ rib and superiorly attaches on the

1st rib clavicle

Supinator in the figure (forearm)


Flexor Digiti Minimi

A (more inward/parallel to abductor digiti minimi)

The fibularis brevis is indicated by letter ___ and the fibularis longus is indicated by letter ___

A (under bigger middle muscle) B( bigger middle muscle)

Match each letter in the figure (on the left) with the muscles of the arm on the right

A - Biceps Brachii, long head (upper arm, right) B - Brachialis (arm ditch) C - Bachioradialis ( top of forearm parallel to arm ditch) D - Pectoralis major (boob) E - Coracobrachialis (armpit)

Using the figure, match the letter on the left with the posterior leg muscle on the right

A - Plantaris B - Tibialis posterior C - Gastrocnemius D - Flexor Digitorum Longus E - Flexor Hallucis Longus

Match the letter in the figure with the muscle it identifies (forearm)

A - brachioradialis (large left from around elbow to top of forearm) B - Pronator teres (thin topmost right muscle) C - flexor carpi ulnaris ( right under parlmaris longus) D- palmaris longus (right under flexor carpi radialis) E - Flexor carpi radialis (Right under pronator teres)

identify the muscles indicated in the inferior views of the male and female superficial pelvic floor muscles

A - bulbospongopsus B - ischiocavernosus C - levator Ani

Using the figure, match the letter on the left with the muscle on the right (shin muscles)

A - fibularis longus (left upper outer) B - Extensor digitorum longus (lower left middle) C - Gastrocnemius (upper right outer) D - fibularis brevis ( lower left outer)

Using the figure, match the letter on the left with the muscle on the right (butt/thigh)

A - gluteus maximus (butt cheek) B - Illiotibial tract (right most) C - Gracilis (thin, left most) D - Adductor Magnus (upper, to the right of gracilis)

Match each letter in the figure with the intrinsic foot muscle it indicates

A - lumbricals B - Quadratus plantae C - Adductor hallucis D - Flexor hallucis brevis E - Flexor digiti minimi brevis

Identify the extrinsic eye muscles specified in the image of the right eye, lateral view

A - superior rectus B - inferior oblique

label the muscles of mastication indicated in the image, superficial and deep lateral views

A - temporalis B - masseter C - lateral pterygoid

Using the figure, match the letter on the left with the muscle on the right (A-D)

A Fibularis longus (upper right) B Extensor digitorum longus (middle) C Gastrocnemius ( upper left) D Fibularis Brevis (lower right)

Match each letter in the figure to the corresponding forearm muscles

A Flexor digitorum superficialis (left most on left) B Supinator (top left and little nub in the middle) C Flexor Digitorum Profundus (top right muscle) D Flexor Pollicis Longus (left muscle next to flexor digitorum profundus) E - Pronator Quadratus (little hunk of meat on wrist)

Major muscles that move the head and neck anterolateral view

A levator scapulae B sternocleidomastoid C scalenes

Match the letters in the figure with the posterior thoracic muscle that moves the pectoral girdle

A) Trapezius (large left) B) Levator Scapula (uppermost right) C) Rhomboid Minor (right under levator scapula) D) Rhomboid Major (right under rhomboid minor)

Identify the muscles of respiration, which depress the ribss during forced exhalation (A) and elevate the ribs during inhalation (B), in the image of a cadaver, anterolateral view.

A) internal intercostals (higher) B) External intercostals (lower_

Identify the actions provided by contraction of the biceps brachii

A. Flexion of the humerus B. Supination of the forearm C. Flexion of the forearm

In general, muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh tend to

ADDuct the thigh at the hip joint flex the leg at the knee joint

Which of the following best describes the location of the pectoralis major?

Anterior of body, covers superior portion of thorax.

Which of the following identifies the compartments of the thigh

Anterior, posterior, lateral, medial

identify the location of the brachioradialis

Anterolateral forearm

Identify the letter corresponding to the pronator teres in the figure


In the figure, the semitendinosus is indicated by the letter

B (left)

In the figure, the psoas major is indicated by the letter

B (longer muscle on the left from spine to hip)

platysma muscle

Broad muscle extending from the chest and shoulder muscles to the side of the chin; responsible for lowering the lower jaw and lip.

In the figure, the supinator is indicated by the letter C and the extensor indicis is indicated by the letter B


in the figure, the adductor pollicis is indicated by the letter ___ and the palmar interossei are indicated by the letter ___

C (between thumb and pointer finger) D (around knuckles)

The muscle indicated by the letter ___ is the teres major


Using the figure, match the letter on the left with the muscle on the right

E - Adductor longus F - Gracilis G - Rectus femoris H - Sartorius

Which of the following best summarizes the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the teres major

Extension, adduction, and medial rotation

match the muscles of respiration to its corresponding description

External intercostals- 11 pairs of oblique fibers between the ribs; project anteoinferiorly Diaphragm- broad muscle; separates thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities Serratus posterior inferior- Thin intermediate back muscle; splits into four separate muscle segments Transversus thoracis- Inserts on costal cartilages 2-6; assisting in decreasing diameter of thoracic cavity

In the figure, adductor longus is indicated by the letter


which muscle plantar flexes the foot


Which of the following are muscles of the gluteal group of the posterior thigh?

Gluteus minimus Gluteus medius Gluteus maximus

In the figure, gluteus medius is indicated by the letter


The serratus anterior differs from the subclavius and pectoralis minor in that

It inferiorly attaches to the anterior of the thorax, but it superiorly attaches to the posterior of the thorax

Label the indicated extrinsic eye muscles of the right eye, medial view

Item A - superior oblique Item B - medial rectus

In the figure, the long head of the biceps femoris is indicated by the letter


the prime mover of the extension of the arm is the ___


The classification of the muscles of mastication refers to four main muscles including the masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, and lateral pterygoid.

The classification of the muscles of mastication refers to four main muscles including the masseter, temporalis, medial pterygoid, and lateral pterygoid.

digastric muscle

This muscle depresses the mandible. When one opens their mouth they are depressing the mandible.

match the muscle of the abdominal wall to its attachment

Transversus abdominis- originates from the ilac crest, the cartilages of the inferior 6 ribs, the lumbar fascia, and the inguinal ligament. Rectus abdominis- origniates from the superior surface of the pubis near the symphysis External oblique- inserts on linea alba by broad aponeurosis and some to the iliac crest. Internal oblique- inserts on the linea alba, pubic crest, inferior rib surfaces of last 4 ribs and costal cartilages of ribs 8-10

a small muscle that extends across the inner surface of the thoracic cage and attaches inferiorly on ribs 2-6 is the ___

Transversus thoracis muscle

which are muscles that extend and/or pronate the arm at the elbow

Triceps brachii aconeus pronator teres pronator quadratus

which cranial nerves innervate the extrinsic eye muscles


Quadtratus Lumborum

Which muscle is not related to the anterior abdominal wall (around kidneys)

In the figure the gluteus minimus is indicated by the letter


Match the letter on the left with the figure on the right that shows the muscle that is contracting (facial expression)

X - Zygomatic Major (smile) Y - Platysma ( sucked up neck/frown) Z - Orbicularis Oculi (winking/blinking/eyes closed)

match the anterior muscles of the arm with their points of proximal and distal attachment

biceps brachii, long head: P, supraglenoid tubercle of scapula. D, radial tuberosity and bicipital aponeurosis brachialis: P, distal anterior surface of humerus. D, tuberosity and coronoid process of ulna brachioradialis: P, lateral supracondylar ridge of humerus. D, styloid process of radius biceps brachii, short head: P, coracoid process of scapula. D, radial tuberosity and bicipital aponeurosis

Identify the proximal attachments of the pectoralis major

body of sternum medial clavicle costal cartilages of ribs 2 - 6

identify the proximal attachments of the pectoralis major

body of sternum medial clavicle costal cartilages of ribs 2-6

the inferior attachments of the muscles that move the head and neck are the ___

bones of the vertebral column

which muscle compresses the cheek against the teeth, as in chewing, when it contracts?


Match the muscle of the urogenital triangle to its corresponding origin, insertion, and/or action(s)

bulb- stiffens clitioris or penis superfial transervers- support pelvic organ deep transervers- inserts on the median raphe of the urogential diaphragm ischiocavernosus- inserts on pubic symphysis

Match the muscle of the urogenital triangle to its corresponding origin, insertion, and/or actions

bulbospongiosis muscle - stiffens clitoris or penis superficial transverse perineal muscle - supports pelvic organs; originates from the ramus of the ischium deep transverse perineal muscle - inserts on the median raphe of the urogenital diaphragm ischocavernosus - inserts on pubic symphysis; assists in the erection of the clitoris or penis

Match the pattern of fascicle arrangement on the left with its best description on the right

circular - concentrically arranged fibers around an opening parallel - often associated with cylindrical muscles with a central body tendon convergent - have widespread muscle fibers over a broad area that meet on a common attachment site pennate - these fascicles are arranged at an oblique angle to the tendon

bony landmarks of the perineum

coccyx pubic symphysis ischial tuberosities

which type of muscle has widespread muscle fibers over a broad area that collect themselves onto a common attachment site

convergent muscles

identify the muscles that adduct the arm at the glenohumeral joint

coracobrachialis infraspinatus teres major and teres minor latissimus dorsi pectoralis major

the name of the Coracobrachialis indicates that it extends from its proximal attachment, the ----- ------ of the scapula, to its distal attachment

coracoid process

muscles of respiration are

covered by more superficial muscles that move the upper limb

During exhalation, muscles of respiration

decrease the space of thoracic cavity

muscles of the deep layer of the urogenital triangle include

deep transverse perineal muscle external urethral sphincter muscle

Identify the muscles that laterally rotate the arm at the glenohumeral joint

deltoid infraspinatus teres minor

identify the muscles that extend the arm at the glenohumeral joint

deltoid teres major latissimus dorsi triceps brachii

place the posterior forearm muscles in the superficial layer in order from lateral to medial; remember you must recall the position of the arm in the anatomical position in order to get the order of the muscles correct

extensor carpi radialis longus 2. ectensor carpi radialis brevis 3. extensor digitorum 4. ectensor digiti minmi 5. extensor carpi ulnaris

Intrinsic foot muscles of the dorsal group

extensor digitorum brevis extensor hallucis brevis

which are the muscles that extend the toes

extensor digitorum longus extensor digitorum brevis extensor hallucis brevis extensor hallucis longus

match each muscle of the anterior and lateral compartments of the leg with its functions

extensor digitorum longus- extends toes 2-5 and dorsiflexes the foot fibularis tertius- dorisflexes and weakly everts the foot tibialls anterior- inverts and dorsiflexes the foot fubularis longus- events the foot and is a weak plantar flexor

the dorsal group of intrinsic foot muscles contain

extensor hallucis brevis

match the intrinsic foot muscles with its function

extensor hallucis brevis - extends metacarpophilageal joint of great toe abductor hallucis - abducts the great toe adductor hallucis - adducts the great toe flexor hallucis brevis - flexes metacarpophilageal joint of great toe

Name the forearm muscles in the deep layer of the posterior compartment

extensor pollicis brevis extensor indicis supinator abductor pollicis longus extensor pollicis longus

Match each muscle of the deep layer of the posterior compartment of the forearm with its actions

extensor pollicis brevis - extends metacarpophalangeal joints of the thumb and (weakly) extends the wrist extensor indicis - extends metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints of finger 2, and (weakly) extends wrist supinator - supinates forearm extensor pollicis longus- extends the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints of the thumb and (weakly) extends the wrist abductor pollicis longus - abducts the thumb and (weakly) extends the wrist

which muscle of the anal triangle originates from the perineal body

external anal sphincter

Urogenital triangle contains

external genitalia and urethra

Match the muscle of the abdominal wall to its attachment

external oblique - inferiorly attaches on linea alba by a broad aponeurosis and some to the iliac crest Internal oblique - inferiorly attaches on the linea alba, pubic crest, inferior rib surfaces of last 4 ribs, and costal cartilages of ribs 8 - 10 Transversus abdominis - superiorly atttaches on the iliac crest, the cartilages of the inferior 6 ribs, the lumbar fascia, and the inguinal ligament rectus abdominis - superiorly attaches on the superior surface of the pubis near the symphysis

The muscles indicated by the blue arrow in the picture is the ___

external oblique muscles

which muscles protract, retract, and elevate the tongue

extrinsic tongue muscles

which are crural muscles of the lateral compartment of the leg

fibularis brevis fibularis longus

Which muscle everts the foot?

fibularis longus

identify the action common to the following muscles: dorsal interossei, abductor pollicis longus, abductor pollicis brevis, and abductor digiti minimi

finger abduction

identify the action common to the palmar interossei and adductor pollicis

finger adduction

the subclavius inferiorly attached on the ____ rib and superiorly attached on the ____

first rib clavicle

what happens to the scapula when the levator scapulae contracts

it is rotated, inferiorly it is elevated

which of the following compartments contains one or more muscles that move the hip joint but not the knee joint


unilateral contraction of the quadratus lumborum muscle causes ___

lateral flexion of the vertebral column

The muscle indicated by the black arrow in the picture is the ___

lateral rectus

In addition to extending the thigh, the biceps femoris rotates the thigh _________, whereas the semibranosus and semitendinosus rotate the thigh _______

laterally medially

The prime mover of the extension of the arm is the ___

latissimus dorsi

Sternocleidomastoid muscle

left most band parallel to splenius

identify the distal attachments of the teres major

lesser tubercle of humerus intertubercular groove of humerus

the largest and most important collection of muscles in the pelvic floor is the

levator ani muscle

which muscles inferiorly rotate the scapula

levator scapulae and rhomboids (major and minor)

the muscle indicated by the black arrow in this posterior view of the neck

longissimus capitis muscle

internal intercostal muscles

lowers the rib cage during forced expiration

the rhomboid minor laterally attaches on the ____, whereas the rhomboid major laterally attaches on the ____

medial border of the scapula superior to the spine; medial border of the scapula from the spine to the inferior angle.

which muscle attaches to the anteromedial surface of the eye and pulls the eye medially

medial rectus muscle

whcih of the following are considered extrinsic eye muscles

medial rectus muscle inferior rectus muscle superior oblique muscle

superior attachment of pectoralis minor

medial superior surface of coracoid process

Contraction of the subscapularis _____ the arm, and contraction of the supraspinatus _____ the arm

medially rotates, abducts

medial pterygoid muscle

muscle origin- sphenoid bone insertion- angle of mandible, medial surface action- elevates mandible forms sling with masseter; synergist with masseter

Which category is utilized in the naming of the extensor radialis longus muscle

muscle action (extensor)

Sternocleidomastoid muscle get its name from which category for naming muscles

muscle attachments

What are some terms used in naming muscles according to orientation of fascicles?

oblique rectus

the major neck muscle called ___ ____ ____ is indicated by item A in the image of a cadaver, posterior view

obliquus capitis inferior

What is the superior attachment for the muscles that move the head and neck?

on the bones of the cranium

the mnemonic PAD-DAB may help you remember the functions of two of the midpalmar ground of intrinsic hand muscles.________ interossel ________ the fingers, while _______ interossel _________ the fingers.

palmar/adduct dorsal/abduct

Which four of the following characterize the different patterns of fascicle arrangement

parallel pennate convergent circular

Which are muscles of the medial thigh compartment

pectineus obturator externus gracilis adductor longus adductor brevis adductor magnus

which of the following is an example of a convergent muscle?

pectoralis major

the __ depresses the scapula

pectoralis minor

match each muscle of the anterior and lateral thigh compartments with its corresponding proximal and distal attachment

psoas major: P, transverse processes and bodies of vertebrae T12 - L5. D, lesser trochanter iliacus: P, iliac fossa. D, lesser trochanter of femur Sartorius: P, anterior superior iliac spine. D, tibial tuberosity, medial side Tensor fasciae latae: P, iliac crest and lateral surface of anterior superior iliac spine. D, iliotibial band

most muscles of the pelvic floor are innervated by

pudendal nerve 24

which muscle extends the leg

rectus femoris

the rectus abdominis muscles of the abdominal wall are enclosed within a fibrous sleeve called the ____ ____ and consist of right and left portions that are united by a vertical fibrous strip called ____

rectus sheath linea alba

at the wrist, the deep fascia of the forearm thickens and forms fibrous bands termed


functions of the trapezius muscle include

retract scapula depress scapula elevate scapula movement of pectoral girdle extension of head and neck

Collectively, the rhomboids minor and major are oriented inferolaterally from the spinous process of c7-t5 to the medial border of the scapula. When these muscles contract, the scapula is

retracted adducted elevated rotated inferiorly

which of the following is/are points of proximal attachment of the latissimus dorsi

ribs 8-12 iliac crest spinous process t7-t12 thoracolumbar fascia

When the obturator externus contracts, the thigh is

rotated laterally

Contraction of the superficial muscles in the gluteal region results in ___

rotation of the thigh extension of the thigh abduction of the thigh

The pelvic diaphragm extends from the ossa coxae to

sacrum and coccyx

the omohyoid muscle is attached to

scapula and hyoid bone

which of the following are considered extrinsic eye muscles

see figure

triceps bracchi

see graphic

which muscles are contracted when you stand with "poor" posture

serratus anterior and pectoralis minor

which muscle elevates the ribs during inspiration

serratus posterior superior

except for the diaphragm, the muscles of respiration are innervated by ___

thoracic spinal nerves

the superficial layer of the urogenital triangle is composed of ___ muscles and the deep layer is composed of ___ muscles

three two

which muscle extends from the thyroid cartilage of the larynx to the hyoid?

thyrohyoid muscle

which muscle inverts the foot

tibialis anterior

muscles that dorsiflex the foot

tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus

Which of the following correctly describes the superior attachment of the levator scapulae

transverse process of c1-c4

deep to the erector spinae, a group of muscles collectively called the ___ muscles connect and stabilize the vertebrae


The scapula is depressed by the contraction of

trapezius, pectoralis minor

Muscles that retract the scapula

trapezius, rhomboids

Which muscles superiorly rotate the scapula?

trapezius, serratus anterior

True or false: The subclavius is inferior to the clavicle


the tensor fasciae latae is a muscle in the lateral thigh compartment


unilateral contraction of the splenius capitis, splenius cervicis, semispinalis capitis, and longissimus capitis causes

turning of the head

match the type of pennate muscle on the left with an example of the muscle on the right

unipennate - extensor digitorum bipennate - rectus femoris multipennate - deltoid

identify the action common to the following muscles: flexor carpi radialis, flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor digitorum superficialis, and flexor digitorum profundus

wrist flexion

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