Ch 11

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Formalin is an aqueous solution of ____ gas that is used as a potent chemical fixative and microbicide


Growth of microorganisms in the blood and other tissues

4 general cellular targets of antimicrobial agents

Nucleic acid synthesis Protein function The cell wall The cell membrane


Nucleic acids are involved in the process of translation to synthesize ___, chains of DNA encoded amino acids


One of the most widely used phenolics used today is ____


Organic substances that contain a -CHO functional group on a terminal carbon


The bombarding of a substance by waves or particles for diagnosis, therapy, disinfection, or sterilization


The cell ___ is responsible for preventing the loss of imp molecules and stopping the entry of damaging substances


The dehydration of microorganisms in order to inhibit or preserve them


The disruption of proteins from their native state


The general term used for the reduction of the microbial load in order to lower the possibility of infection or spoilage


The goal of regular pasteurization methods is the ___ of the liquid


The heat treatment of perishable liquids to destroy heat sensitize vegetative cells and prevent infection and spoilage

Thermal death point

The lowest temp req to kill all microbes in a sample in 10 min

Slow the activity of microbes

The main effect of cold treatment is to


The physical removal of surface oils, debris, And soil from skin to reduce the microbial load


The process by which materials are subjected to intermittent sterilization

Thermal death time

The shortest length of time req to kill all test microbes at a specified temp

Lipids, proteins

The two types of macromolecules that make up the majority of the cell membrane in organisms


The use of a physical process or a chemical agent to destroy vegetative pathogens but not bacterial endospores Normally only used on inanimate objects


Thymine,uracil, and cytosine are called _____, which are a type of nitrogenous base found in either DNA or RNA

Air, solid surfaces

UV Radiation is effective at disinfecting which types of materials?


Unit radiation is measured in

Inability to penetrate materials

What is the main limitation of UV radiation

Bacterial endospores

What microbial agent is the most resistant to physical and chemical control methods?


Which cellular structure is involved in translation?

Endospores Thermophilic microbes

Which of the following are not usu destroyed or inactivated w regular pasteurization methods?

Cathode rays,gamma rays,X rays

Which of the following are types of ionizing radiation?

Silver, mercury

Which of the following heavy metals are still used in germicidal medicine?


Which of the following is a type of non ionizing radiation?

Inability to produce

Which of the following is the practical def of microbial death

Endospores, viruses

Which of the following microbial forms are relatively resistant to hear?

Cathode Gamma

____&____ X rays are types of ionizing radiation


_____ are applied directly to the skin to destroy or inhibit vegetative pathogens


_____ oxide is valuable for sterilization of heat sensitive objects such as plastics, surgical and diagnostic appliances, and spices, but other related gases are available that are less toxic


_____ radiation is a type of nonionizing radiation and is used to disinfect air and the surfaces of solid objects

Microbiological death

the permanent loss of reproductive capability even under optimum growth conditions

Non ionizing

what type of radiation causes pyrimidine dimers?

Boiling water, pasteurization, nonpressurized steam, steam under pressure

4 ways that moist heat is employed to control microbes


A dry heat method that is commonly used in student laboratories to sterilize inoculating loops and wires


A group of nonmetallic elements with antimicrobial applications, including Bromine, Iodine, Chlorine, and Florine

Non ionizing

A method of microbial control that causes the formation of and normal bonds within the DNA of microbes, increasing the rate of mutation


A process that destroys or removes all viable microorganisms including viruses


Antimicrobial solutions with alcohol or water-alcohol mixtures as the solvent are called _____


Antimicrobial solutions with water as the solvent are called ____ solutions


Antiseptics are ____ agents applied to the skin to inhibit vegetative bacterial cells


Any practice that prevents the entry of infectious agents into sterile tissues and thus prevent infection


Application of chemical agents to exposed body surfaced and surgical incisions to destroy or inhibit vegetative pathogens


Are complexes of iodine and alcohol

Endospores Prions Virus

Are relatively resistant to heat


Bactericides ____ bacteria

Disinfection, sanitization

Boiling water can bc effective means of ___ in the clinic and home

Ionizing radiation

Consists of short wave electromagnetic rays (such as X rays) that cause ejection of electrons from target molecules and the creation of ions


Electromagnetic waves or rays, such as those of light given off from an energy source


Examples of _____ include immersing thermometers in an iodine solution bw uses

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