ch 11,12,13

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Choose reasons why cow's milk is not a good choice to feed infants

-it does not contain enough essential fatty acids -it is too high in calcium, sodium, and protein -it does not contain enough carbohydrate

Emulsifiers- Preservatives- Leavening agents- Flavoring agents-

-keep oily and watery ingredients from seperating. -prevent food spoilage -promote rising of certain baked goods -improve the flavor of foods

List the order which substrates the body used beginning with 1) rest 2) steady-state exercise (moderate-intensity endurance exercise) and 3) a short bust of high intensity exercise

1-fats 2- carbohydrates 3-phosphocreatine

Rank the activites below, begin with the activities that should be done infrequently and are at the top of the physical activity pyramid. End with activities that belong at the base of the physical activity pyramid.

1. Computer games & watching television 2. Recreational activities such as golf, bowling, or baseball 3. Aerobic, strength & flexibility exercise 4. Physical activities such as taking the stairs and raking leaves.

Please list the process, from start to finish, that a food manufacturere must undergo to have a new food additive approved.

1. Identify the new additive 2. Information about chemical composition, how the product was manufactured, and laboratory methods used must be given to the FDA 3. An accepted level for use of the substance on food is set

Please list the stages of development starting from conception and ending at birth

1. Ovum 2. Embryo 3. Fetus

Athletes may have higher protein requirements than the RDA. What is the recommended protein intake for athletes?

1.2-2.0 g/kg

When do most boys begin puberty?

10 to 12 years of age

The average adult female needs about __cups of fluid per day.


What is the same minimum internal temperature for pork( in degrees Fahrenheit)?


In order to prevent obesity in preschool-age children, exposure to TV and digital media should be limited to less than __hours per day


Approximately how much carbohydrate should an athlete consume 3 to 4 before competing?

200 to 300g

Which emergency is considered an immediate medical emergency?


Multiply your weight in kilograms by 6 and then by 10 is used to calculate the:

Recommended range of carbohydrate intake

Meats, eggs, milk, & products made with milk are foods that present a high risk for

food borne illnesses

Women who develop type 2 diabetes during pregnancy have __diabetes


__ is the most useful form of biological fuel


Athletes can consume sports drinks, sugar-sweetened soft drinks, and fruit or fruit juices to restore ____________ stores quickly following an athletic event


Older adults have a __risk of nutritional defeciencies because of physiological changes associated with the normal aging process.


Stomach acid spilling from the stomach into the esophagus causes:


What adverse condition is a frequent complication of heat exhaustion?

heat cramps

Using predatory wasps to destroy insects, growing pest-resistant crops, and using biologically based pesticides are all examples of

integrated pest management

Athletic performance suffers when one is deficient in


Due to heavy menstrual blood loss, adolescent girls may be prone to __deficiency


An adequate intake calcium during adolescence puts a person at increased risk for __


Overweight or obese children are more likely to be __as adults

overweight or obese

A substance that people use to control or kill unwanted insects, weeds, or other organisms is called a ___


What organ provides nourishment to the fetus by transferring nutrients and oxygen from the mother's bloodstream and removing wastes from the fetus?


A __birth, is one that occurs before the 37th week of pregnancy


The ___period encompasses the time from conception, until birth of a full-term infant.


Women who have __are more likely to have good pregnancy outcomes.

prenatal care

The stage of life between conception and birth, when you are pregnant is called the ___

prenatal period

Low birth weight is associated with __births and includes a weight of less than __pounds

preterm; 5.5

According to the American Academy of pediatrics, solid food should not be introduced to infants until they are about __months of age


The treatment goal for managing overweight and obese children is to __the rate of weight gain without interfering with normal growth and development


The potential oldest age a person can reach is referred to as life


The term used to describe the gradual process of shifting an infant from breastfeeding or bottle-feeding to drinking from a cup and eating solid food is called __


A loss in the ability to taste or smell food, tooth loss, depression, and reduced mobility and flexibility all contribute to

weight loss in the elderly

Due to the risk for fetal alcohol syndrome, pregnant women are advised to drink __alcoholic drink(s) per day.


Carbohydrate is primary fuel- Fat is the primary fuel- Protein is the primary fuel-

-200 meter hurdle -walking at slow pace -supplies only a minnor percentage of energy

Fetus- Placenta and amniotic fluid- Maternal tissue and fluids-

-7.5 pounds -3.5 pounds -18 pounds

What are some foods that are most susceptible to rapid growth of microorganisms?

-Dairy products -Eggs -Meat

Which of the following are end products of the complete oxidation of glucose?

-Energy (ATP) -carbon dioxide -water

What are the main functions of food additives?

-Food additives can function as preservatives in foods -Food additives can function as emulsifiers in foods -Food additives can function as flavor enhancers in foods

What are some benefits of food additives?

-Food additives may be used to prevent deterioration of food products from insects and other natural causes. -Food additives may be used to preserve foods

Trichinella spiralis- Anisakis- Cryptosporidium-

-Food sources: pork, wild game; Symptoms: GI problems, fever, abdominal discomfort -Food sources: raw or uncooked fish; Symptoms: tickling sensation in the throat -Food sources: water, contaminated food; Symptoms: watery diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, nausea, & weight loss.

What are three best ways to safely thaw foods?

-Foods may be thawed in the microwave -Foods may be thawed in the refrigerator -Foods may be thawed by placing them under cold potable running water

What are some strategies used to prevent food borne illness when purchasing frozen or perishable goods?

-Frozen foods should be selected last -Pack perishable foods such as meats & fresh produce in separate plastic bags.

Which of the following best describes aerobic activity?

-Low to moderate intensity exercise

When a person has hepatitis A their symptoms will include which of the following?

-Nausea -Jaundice -Fever

Which of the following are recommendations from the CDC that will reduce your risk of contracting TD?

-Only drink milk that is pasteurized -Wash hands with an alcohol-based hand cleaner -Use bottled water to wash hands, brush teeth, and take medications

heat cramps- heat exhaustion- heat stroke-

-Painful muscle spasms -Nausea & vomiting -Dry,hot,red skin

Heat exhaustion- Heat cramps- Heat stroke-

-Profuse sweating; elevated body temperature; headache; dizziness;weakness. -Painful contractions of skeletal muscles -Elevated body temperature; hot, dry skin; poor circulation.

Which of the following are negative side effects of caffeine use?

-Rapid heart rate -Shakiness -Frequent urination

What are some strategies used to prevent food borne illnesses when purchasing canned and/or jarred foods?

-Refrain from purchasing cans with dents in them -Refrain from purchasing jars with cracks in them

How can vegan children get a good source of vitamin D?

-Regular sun exposure -fortified cereal

Drying (dehydration)- Canning- Heating (cooking, pasteurization, aseptic processing)-

-Removes much of the moisture in food that microbes need to survive. -Kills spoilage microbes, destroys enzymes in food that result in spoilae, removed oxygen that certain microbes need to survive. -Kills or deactivates spoilage and pathogenic microbes, destroys enzymes that result in food spoilage.

What are some common ingredients that can be added to foods to help preserve them?

-Salt -Sugar

Which is true about fungi?

-Some are beneficial -Some are edible

In what ways do various pathogens cause food-borne illness?

-Some multiply in your intestinal tract , enter the bloodstream , and invade other tissues -Some secret toxins that irritate your intestinal tract -Some directly inflame your digestive tract tissues

Keeping hot foods __and cold foods __ is a good cooking strategy that may be used in order to prevent the growth of microorganism leading to foodborne illnesses.

-hot -cold

Choose the risks associated with the mother and infant when the mom is overweight during pregnancy.

-hypertension -high-birth-weight infant -type 2 diabetes

Which are considered benefits of physical activity for the older adult?

-increases in strength and mobility -slows bone loss -improved balance -boosts emotional well-being

What are the symptoms most commonly associated with bacterial food borne illnesses?

-intestinal cramps -diarrhea -vomiting

Food-or-water-borne Illness- Stomach flu or influenza-

-intestinal cramps, diarrhea, and vomiting -coughing, fever, weakness, & body aches

What nutrients may be lacking in the diet of a child consuming a strict vegetarian diet?

-iron -vitamin D and calcium -vitamin B-12 -Zinc

Which statements are true about sports anemia and iron-deficiency anemia?

-iron-deficiency anemia is detrimental to performance; sports anemia effect on performance in unknown. -it is hard to distinguish between the two conditions.

Symptoms of heatstroke include

-irritability -confusion

Creatine- Sodium bicarbonate- Caffeine- GHB- Branched-chain amino acids-

-keeps ATP concentration high -counters lactic acid build up -increases use of fatty acids to fuel muscles, promotes mental alertness. -increases muscle mass by acting like an anabolic steroid -important energy source, especially when carbohydrates are depleted.

Environmental factors that contribute to childhood obesity include

-large portion sizes in vending machines -lack set times for physical activity in schools -easy access to empty-calorie foods

Symptoms of Traveler's Diarrhea include

-loose, watery stools -abdominal cramps

What contributes to poor B-12 absorption in older adults and may eventually lead to the development of pernicious anemia?

-low secretions of hydrochloric acid -low levels of intrinsic factor

What lifestyle habits can you adopt to reduce the risk of dying prematurely and for aging successfully?

-maintain a healthy weight -consume a nutritionally adequate diet -obtain regular moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity

USDA enforces wholesomeness and quality standards for

-meat -poultry

In an emergency situation, which of the following can be used as sources of drinking water for humans?

-melted ice cubes -bottled water -Water from the toilet tank

What are some examples of environmental and chemical contaminants that may be found in our food supply?

-mercury -cadmium -lead

What can relatives and friends do to ensure that an elederly person's nutrient needs are being met?

-monitor weight -visit during mealtimes -observe foods that are being offered

Why is it important to limit the number of servings per day of highly fortified energy bars?

-multiple servings per day of highly-fortified foods may lead to nutrient toxicities, especially of fat-soluble vitamins. -unlimited portions of any calorie-containing food May lead to weight gain.

Which of the following are examples of food additives?

-nutrients -preservatives -food colors

Which of the following chronic conditions would be improved by a program of regular exercise?

-obesity -osteoporosis -hypertension -type 2 diabetes

Which of the following is true about a beginning strength training program?

-perform at least one set of 8 to 15 repetitions. -when you can perform more than 15 repititions, increase the weight.

Age-associated decreases in production of hydrochloric acid and intrinsic factor may lead to

-pernicious anemia -poor absorption of vitamin B-12

Exercise- Physical activity- Physical fitness-

-physical activities that are planned and structured. -movement that results from skeletal muscle contraction. -the ability to perform moderate to vigorous intensity activities without becoming excessively fatigued.

Slowing the rate of weight gain in obese children can be accomplished by balancing the calories they use for

-physical activity -their need for growth

Choose the best description for the proper use of a meat thermometer.

-place the thermometer in the thickest part of the meat -keep thermometer away from bone,fat, gristle

Underweight women- Overweight women-

-preterm or low-birth infant -hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and high-birth-weight infant

Eating a bowl of enriched whole-grain cereal with a cup of fat free milk can provide a pregnant women with

-protein -fiber -kcalories

Campylobacter jejuni- Escherichia coli- Salmonella- Staphylococcus aureus-

-raw and uncooked meat; unpasteurized milk; contaminated water -raw ground beef, raw seed sprouts, raw leafy greens, fresh fruit, raw milk, unpasteurized juices, foods contaminated with feces. -meat poultry, seafood, eggs; raw seed sprout s; raw vegetables; unpasteurized juice -meat & meat products, poultry, and eggs; foods made with eggs, such as potato, egg, macaroni, & tuna salads; custards, and cream filled pastries.

Major benefits of using pesticides include

-reduced food costs -improved quality of food products -increased crop yields

Which of the following are benefits of physical activity during pregnancy?

-reduuced edema -improved strength -enhanced muscle tone

The parasite Trichinella is associated with which foods?

-seal -pork -bear

Aseptic processing- Pasteurizing- Irradiation-

-simultaneously sterilizes the food and package separately before the food enters the package -The process of heating foods to kill pathogenic microorganisms and reduce the total number of bacteria. -use of radiation energy on foods to disrupt growth of microorganisms, insects, and parasites.

Who is at risk for delivering low-brith-weight infants?

-smokers -women from 45 to 54 years of age -women under 15 years of age

What are some examples of cravings commonly experienced with price?

-soil (clay) -chalk -laundry starch

Which of the following are important components of an exercise program for a beginner?

-strength exercise -flexibility exercise -aerobic exercise

Which of the following are examples of aerobic activities?

-swimming laps -soccer -cross country skiing

The best practice for thawing meat is to

-thaw under cold running water -thaw in the refrigerators -thaw in the microwave oven

What is the target heart rate zone for moderate-intensity physical activity?

-the heart rate zone that one strives for during aerobic exercise -a range of heart rates between 50-70% (depending on desired intensity) of maximum heart rate.

Factors that influence whether a person gets sick after consuming food that is contaminated include

-the number of pathogens or toxins in the food -High-risk groups such as young children and older adults.

What are some of the major kinds of pathogens that can contaminate food?

-viruses -molds -bacteria

Recommended activites generally considered safe during pregnancy include

-walking -swimming

Pesticides are any substances that people use to control or kill unwanted

-weeds -rodents -insects

Which of these will you try to incorporate into an exercise program for a beginner?

-work toward accumulating 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity 5 days a week. -incorporate short intervals of physical activity daily. -Do more housework, gardening and taking the stairs instead of the elevator.

Which of the following athletes is at risk for iron-deficiency anemia?

-young, female gymnast -long-distance runner -vegan bicyclists

What is the adult RDA for protein?

.8 g/kg

A typical weight gain of about __pound(s) per week is typical during the seconds and third trimesters


In case of disaster, how many gallons of water should be stored per person per day?


Put in correct order the steps of the process that is followed when glucose is converted into ATP

1- Glucose is degraded to pyruvate 2-pyruvate undergoes further degradation in the mitochondria 3-carbon dioxide, water, and ATP are formed.

How long should ground meat be stored in the refrigerator?

1-2 days

Place in the correct order the stage one would follow when beginning an exercise program.

1-Initiation 2- Maintenance 3-improvement

Rank the macronutrients in order of energy contribution, beginning with the macronutrient that contributes the most energy and ending with the macronutrient that contributes the least during low-intensity, long-duration exercise.

1-Protein 2-Fats

Decribe the steps by which ATP is produced from a phosphocreatine (Pcr) molecule

1. The enzyme in muscle cell splits Pcr to phosphate and creatine 2. Energy is released 3. Energy is used to reform aTP from its breakdown products

The goal of the initiation phase of a new exercise program is to

Accumulate 30 minutes of moderate-intensity type of activity 5 days a week.

ATP is formed when an inorganic phosphate group (Pi) bonds with

Adenosine diphosphate

Body cells must convert the chemical energy in carbohydrates, proteins, or fats into ____in order to fuel body functions.

Adenosine triphosphate

What are some advantages and disadvantages of the use of phosphocreatine (PCr) as an energy source by exercising muscles?

Advantage: PCr replenishes ATP at a fast rate Disadvantage: not much PCr is produced and stored in the muscle Advantage: PCr meets the energy demand of fat and powerful actions.

Running, jogging, rapid walking, and swimming are considered ____activities


The main advantages of Anaerobic glucose breakdown is

Anaerobic metabolism supplies ATP quickly

Which of the following is true about antioxidant supplements?

Antioxidants supplements are not recommended for athlete's

Single celled microorganisms that are a common food-borne pathogen are


When consuming a meal one hour or less prior to an athletic event why is it beneficial for this meal to be blended or liquid?

Blended/liquid meals promote rapid stomach emptying.

Which ergogenic aid raises the level of fatty acids in the blood,resulting in the exercising muscle using more fat for energy?


Athletes who are total vegetarians run the risk of having a low intake of:


What mineral is likely to be deficient in the diets of adolescents when they switch from drinking milk to drinking soft drinks?


The Delaney Clause prevents manufacturers from adding __substances to foods?


What food can mold be removed from and still consumed?


Which of the following is the correct definition of catabolize?

Chemical reactions that progressively break down.

___,___,____and ___summarize the for rules set by the USDA as part of the "check your steps!" Program

Clean, separate, cook & chill

What is the major-intestinal tract problem experienced by older adults?


The Norovirus can be passed by which of the following?

Contaminated food & contaminated water

The most reliable way to destroy food-borne viruses and bacteria is through


What is the safest way to ensure food will not contain pathogens that May lead to illness?

Cooking the food

How can you measure your heart rate (beats/minute) during exercise?

Count your pulse for 10 seconds and then multiply this number of beats by 6

The unintentional transfer of pathogenic microbes from one food to another is called


Unintentional transfer of pathogenic microbes from one food to another is called


The use of food preservation techniques __the chance of microbial growth leading to foodborne illness


What is a serious complication of TD?


___food additives are purposely incorporated into food products, whereas __food additives have no purpose and are incorporated into food products simply as a result of packaging, transport, or storage.

Direct; indirect

When should an athlete consume a sports beverages?

During physical activities lasting more than 30 minutes.

Which of the following is helpful in controlling morning sickness?

Eating crackers

Which of the following statements about phosphocreatine is true?

Energy released from the splitting of phosphocreatine is used to form ATP

Alcohol and caffeinated beverages are appropriate sources of clean water to store in case of a disaster situation.


Antiaging therapies such as antioxidants and hormones have been proven to be successful


Placing a meat thermometer so it touches a bone will result in the most accurate internal temperature.


So many people in the United States become sick from food that the food supply is not considered safe


The U.S. attempts to reduce the risk of foodborne illness by monitoring the food supply through agencies such as the American Dietetic Association (ADA) and the National REstaurant Association (NRA).


The U.S. attempts to reduce the risk of foodborne illness by monitoring the food supply through agencies such as the American dietetic Association (ADA) and the National Restaurant Association (NRA).


The trained athlete will oxidize ___earlier during exercise when compared to the untrained athlete, resulting in sparring of glycogen that conserve the athlete's supply of glucose


Which of the following is true about fat intake for a physically active person?

Fat should supply 20-35% of the total energy intake.

TD is spread when pathogens from human or animal ___are in water sources.


An inadequate intake of __can lead to neural tube defects, such as spina bifida.


A __ ___ is incorporated into a food easier to process, more nutritious, able to stay fresh longer, or better tasting.

Food additive

Which statement is true about food borne illnesses?

Food borne illness is caused by the ingestión of food containing harmful substances.

When a pathogen secretes a toxin that contaminates the food, this is called?

Food intoxication

What is a general guideline for fluid intake during exercise to prevent fluid loss greater than or equal to 2% body weight?

For every pound lost, 3 cups of water should be consumed during or immediately after exercise.

Food aditives cos=nsidered safe are included in the ____ ___ as __ (GRAS) list

Generally recognized as safe

when working muscles metabolize glucose anaerobically, a build up of __________ can inhibit activities of key enzymes, slow anaerobic ATP production and cause short-term fatigue


What life stage is it when a child matures physically into an adult?


The ability of your heart and lungs to deliver oxygen to muscles is called:

aerobic capacity

To find your age-related maximal heart rate subtract your __from ___

age from 220

Itchy, swollen, or reddened skin; vomiting and diarrhea; and breathing difficulties are signs and symptoms of a food ___.


Which ergogenic aids has been shown to produce side effects such as: increased risk of cardiovascular disease, mood swings, aggressive behavior, and is banned by many sport organizations.

anabolic steroids

Parasites can rob people of their ___and eventually their lives.


Fermentation uses selected __ and __ to make acids and alcohols

bacteria; yeast

Weight loss surgery in adolescents is called __surgery


The time to remedy faulty lifestyle practices and increase chances of having a healthy pregnancy and baby is __pregnancy


What are scientists called who study the biology of aging?


Why does sports anemia occur?

blood plasma volume increases and dilutes the blood

Children who routinely eat __are moer likely to have better diets and healthier body weights than children who do not


Most women are physically capable of __their infant


What is the predominate fuel supplying energy during maximum exercise?


Manipulatinig your food intake 3-7 days prior to an event in order to increase glycogen stores is a practice known as ___or ___loading.

carbohydrate ; glycogen

Elevated blood pressure, cholesterol and glucose levels are risk factors for __ disease


Babies are at increased risk for dental __when placed in a crib with a bottle filled with juice or milk


The initial form of breast milk that is a yellowish fluid is called


Recommendations to reduce the likelihood of obesity in preschool-age children include

communities should provide opportunities for physical activity -new mothers should breastfeed exclusively for the first 6 months

Excess protein calories are:

converted to fat and stored in adipose tissue

The use of food preservation techniques ___the chance of microbial frowth leading to foodborne illnesses.


Meeting micronutrient needs, which are often higher than those of younger individuals, while eating less food requires older adults to eat food that is nutrient __


Which statement is true with regard to heat, humidity, and the body's ability to cool off?

In hot temperatures, body heat is lost through the evaporation of sweat; in very humid temperatures, evaporation slows and the body can't cool down.

Which dietary factor contributes the most to inadequate calcium consumption among teenagers?

Increased consumption of soft drinks

A part of an animals body that is especially prone to harboring harmful microbes is the

Intestinal tract

Which statement is true about how food irradiation controls microbial growth?

Irradiating foods break chemical bonds, breaks down DNA, links proteins, and destroys cell membranes; therefore, microbial growth is decreased.

Which of the following is characteristic of foodborne illness?

It is a sickness caused by the ingestion of food containing harmful substances.

An advantage of the PCr system is that it provides energy very quickly but a disadvantage is that

It is a very limited supply of energy

Which of the following statements about a physically active lifestyle in older adults is true?

It slows bone loss

Which of the following is an advantage of the degradation of glucose to lactic acid?

Lactate Can be converted to glucose by the liver

A meal eaten one hour or less prior to an event should be in a(n) ___form


Where is lactate converted to glucose & later used as a fuel for exercise?


__concentrations of pesticides found in foods are not known to produce adverse effects in the short term.


Once a person achieves his/her goals they will move into the ___stage of exercise.


Women who receive prenatal care are __likely to have good pregnancy outcomes.


How would you calculate your individual target zone?

Multiply maximal heart rate by 0.50 and 0.70

After cooking meat should it be placed on the same plate that we used before cooking?


At which life stage do people establish their future eating habits and physical activity practices?


How can an athlete avoid losing more than 2% of body weight during physical activity?

The athlete should consume 3 cups of fluid per pound lost during physical activity.

Which statement is correct in terms of pesticide use and the effects on human health?

The effects of pesticide use is affected by the type of chemical, its concentration in the food, and individual vulnerability to pesticides.

Which of the following statements is true regarding a nutritional "fountain of youth"?

There are no nutrients that promise a "fountain of youth"

Viruses do not cause food intoxication because they do no secrete


Although a food has been irradiated, it is still important to follow basic food safety procedures


Amino acids from proteins can be used to fuel muscles


Antioxidant supplements are not recommended for athletes


Ergogenic aids are intended to directly improve exercise performance.


Including daily physical activity in one's lifestyle may help decrease the risk of developing certain types of cancer


Moist conditions favor bacterial growth. Therefore, many food preservatives work to decrease moisture content foods.


The term morning sickness is misleading because the quesy feeling associated with morning sickness can occur at any time of the day


A common route for transmitting harmful microbes involves ___ animals that live near sewage or garbage, such as flies, cockroaches, mice, and rats.


When is raw fish safe to eat?

When it is very fresh before being commercially frozen and then thawed

What type of cutting board is not recommended by the FDA?


The process of food irradiation preserves food by using a high amount of


foods, devices, dietary supplements, or drugs used to improve physical performance are called

ergogenic aids

The foods additives amendment ___GRAS substances as being defined as food additives


Which fuel provides the most energy (kilocalories) per gram?


A food conservation method used to produce foods like yogurt, wine pickles & sauerkraut is


Nutrition-related complications associated with pregnancy (e.g., extreme tiredness, heartburn) usually resolve within a:

few months

The most critical time period for potential problems occur during pregnancy as a result of exposure to toxic compounds and nutrient deficiencies or excesses is during the __trimester


Poor dental hygience, cigarette smoking, and poor dietary practices contribute to:


Pregnancy is often divided into three 13-14 week period referred to as


To alleviate constipation during pregnancy, one should increase fiber and fluid intake


Which are foods that you should not feed an infant?

-honey -soft drinks -unpasteurized milk

Why is the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) unable to ban industrial chemicals, pesticide residues, & mold toxins from foods?

-These substances are unintentional food additives; the FDA can set only an acceptable limit for use of these substances.

3-5 days/week- Most days- 2-3days/week-

-aerobic exercise -physical activity -flexibility exercise

Poisonous human-made compounds that are in the environment and may be in our food include __.

-benzene -polychlorinated biphenols (PCBs)

Adding sugar and salt- Chilling/freezing- Irradiating- Fermenting-

-binds water, decreasing the amount available for microbes -slows molecular movement retarding microbial and enzymatic activity -destroys most pathogens, delays sprouting (potatoes) -produces acids and alcohol that interfere with the survival of unwanted microbes.

Side effects of taking bismuth subsalicylate (BSS) can include

-blackened tongue -constipation -nausea

Routine prenatal health care includes measuring

-blood pressures -blood glucose levels -uterine growth

Which of the following nutrients are increased risk pf deficiency during a vegetarian/vegan diet?

-calcium -iron -B12

an overall exercise program should include

-cardiovascular endurance -muscular strength -flexibility

When storing water for emergency situations

-change stored water every 6 months -keep containers in a cool place -store in tightly sealed, plastic bottles

Chemical disinfectants include

-chlorine -iodine

Nutrition-related signs of pregnancy include:

-constipation -extreme tiredness -morning sickness

Decreased energy needs in the older adult may be attributed to a(n):

-decrease in strength -decrease in basal metabolism

What are the benefits of the warm up prior to the start of an exercise routine?

-decreased risk of injury -increased range of motion

Which foods have been approved by the FDA for the use of food irradiation

-dry vegetable seasonings -seeds -meats -fresh fruits & vegetables

School-age children often do not

-eat recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables -consume recommended amounts of fiber

What are some advantages fof breastfeeding?

-economical -convenient

The U.S. Department of health and Human services recommends that healthy adults under 65years of age perform

-eight to 10 strengthening exercise that focus on major muscle groups twice a week. -moderate-intensity physical activity for 150 minutes a week.

1st trimester- 2nd trimester- 3rd trimester-

-energy requirement is the same as for the nonpregnant state -increase intake by 340 kilocalories per day above the prepregnancy EER -add about 450 kilocalories per day to the prepregnancy EER

Athletes who don't consume sufficient calories can experience

-fatigue -muscle mass loss -loss of bone density

Which factory may contribute to older adults finding it difficult to eat nutritious meals?

-fixed incomes -living alone

What are common nutrition-related problems that affect preschool children?

-food allergies -obesity -iron deficiency -dental caries

What priorities of foods enable microorganisms to grow rapidly.

-food with a slightly acidic and or neutral pH -food rich in protein -moist foods

Underweight- Healthy weight- Overweight- Obese-

-gain 28 to 40 pounds -gain 25 to 35 pounds -gain 15 to 25 pounds -gain 11 to 25 pounds

What types of cutting board surface does the FDA recommend in order to prevent cross-contamination & foodborne illness?

-glass -plastic -marble

Which of the following foods should not be fed to infants?

-goat's milk -raw carrots -whole nuts

Some biological factors that contribute to childhood obesity include

-having overfat parents -having a mother who was overfat during pregnancy -having a mother who had gestation diabetes during pregnancy

.8g/kg/day- 1.2g/kg/day-1.4g/kg/day- 1.2g/kg/day-1.7g/kg/day-

-healthy adults -endurance athletes -resistance athletes

Adolescents who rely heavily on energy-dense foods purchased at fast-food restaurants or vending machines may be setting themselves up for

-heart disease -type 2 diabetes -obesity

A heart-related illness that occurs after intense exercise in hot weather, especially when water and salt intakes have been inadequate is called

-heat exhaustion -heat stroke -heat cramps

If the difference in preexercise and postexercise body weights is more than ___then fluid replacement is necessary.


When preparing to handle food, how long should you wash your hands in hot, soapy water?

20 seconds

For a household of 2 adults and 3 children, it would be prudent to store at least __gallons of water to last 5 days to prepare for a disaster.


When food is kept between ___ and ____ degrees Fahrenheit, this is known as the danger zone

40; 140

About __percent of pregnancies are unplanned pregnancies


Moderate intensity exercise is calculated at what percent of maximal heart rate?


Human milk is sufficient to meet all the nutrient needs of the infant for the first __months of life.


When do most girls begin puberty?

8 to 10 years of age

The "oldest old"--those who are __years of age or older --comprise one of the fastest-growing segments of the U.S. population.


How long should water be boiled to make impure water safe to drink at sea level?

One minute

What hormone triggers the let-down response?


Which of the following is the best location to store an emergency food supply?


Which statement is true about pasteurization?

Pasteurization is a heating process that kills pathogens.

To prevent food borne illnesses, one should only purchase ____milk & cheese.


Disease causing microbes are called


Which of the following is an appropriate item to store for an emergency food supply?

Peanut butter

Eggs and egg products should always be kept in the ___prior to thoroughly them.


During an emergency, water from the bathtub may be consumed, but it must first be __


___refers to declining organ functioning and increased vulnerability to disease that occurs after a person reaches physical maturity.


Giving birth to LBW babies, babies who are at greater risk of SIDS, and babies wiith birth defects are all outcomes from women who __during pregnancy


What is a convenient way to add a source of glucose during lengthy and vigorous physical activity?

Sports drinks

The food supply in the United States is considered safe because of cooperation between __,___ & ___agencies

State, local, & Federal

Aseptic processing uses __to destroy all microorganisms and viruses


There ___much reliable scientific evidence supporting the effective use of dietary supplements as ergogenic aids.

is not

During anaerobic glucose metabolism, pyruvate is converted to

lactic acid

High-acidic foods have a __risk of containing the botulimum microorganisms


Declines in strength and basal metabolism in the older adult may be attributed to a

loss of muscle mass

In spite of a food being irradiated, it is still important to follow food safety procedures during food preparation, especially for


Having a regular __cycle is linked to a healthy bone mineral density in women.


A pregnant women should obtain the extra calories she needs by eating foods that are


A high consumption of fast foods, easy access to energy-dense foods, and a lack of safe areas for playing outdoors all contribute to childhood __


As cells do not store ATP, they must constantly replace their supply by

recycling ADP+Pi

The declining organ function and increased vulnerability to disease that occurs as a person ages is called


When purchasing canned and/or jarred foods you should select items that do not have

severe dents

BMIs for children are plotted on growth charts that are specific for


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