Ch. 12 The Presidency: Leading the Nation

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Before any caucuses or primaries even occur, it is crucial for potential presidential candidates to

raise a lot of campaign money

In recent elections, the Internet has greatly increased the ability of presidential candidates to

raise money for their campaigns

An increase in a president's approval rating often occurs when there is a foreign crisis, an effect called

rallying around the flag.

How many votes does it take to remove the president from the office

two-thirds of the Senate.

According to the stewardship theory of the U.S. presidency,

presidents are free to take any action they wish as long as it is not against the law.

Economic problems usually affect the public's confidence in

American presidents

Disagreement with Congress on Reconstruction policies led to the impeachment of _______________ and almost led to his removal of office.

Andrew Johnson

Which institution has the most effect on presidential success?


Under which of the following presidents did the greatest expansion of presidential authority take place?

Franklin Roosevelt

Which chamber of Congress has the power to impeach the president?


Events leading up to the Iowa caucus create a very important time for potential presidential candidates. The period of time is known as the

invisible primary

In the U.S. presidential campaign of 2012, neither major party nominee chose to use

public campaign financing

The president's top advisers on matters related to foreign policy make up part of the

National Security Council

Who was the only U.S. president to resign from office?

Richard Nixon

Imagine that a major event such as the September 11, 2001, attacks again took place on American soil. What would likely happen to the power of the president?

The president's power would grow

The office within the Executive Office of the President that works most closely with the president in developing policy and communicating the president's agenda is known as the

White House Office

Which president changed the nature of presidency at the beginning of the twentieth century, adopting what he called the stewardship theory of the presidency?

Theodore Roosevelt

Which of the following statements about public financing of U.S. presidential elections are correct?

To qualify, a candidate has to follow certain rules and spending limits. Minor party candidates can qualify if they receive at least 5% of the vote.

Which of the following are true statements about party conventions?

Today, candidates and running mates are likely to have been chosen before the conventions begins. In the past, party conventions were places that had dramatic battles to nominate candidates and determine party platforms.

After Vietnam, Congress sought to limit the ability of the presidents to commit the United States to war by passing the

War Powers Act.

which of the following circumstances help to create a powerful president?

a major national problem. a decisive election victory.

A binding international agreement reached between the United States and other foreign nations that is subject to Senate approval is known as

a treaty

In the Whig theory of leadership, the president serves mainly as

an administrator of the will of Congress

To win the presidency, presidential candidates now need

an electoral majority of votes int the Electoral college

A type of election that gives voters the power to select delegates who choose candidates is called

an indirect primary

A type of election that gives voters the power to select delegates who choose candidates is calleed

an indirect primary

An open party caucus is

an open meeting that allows voters to express their preference for the political party's presidential nominee

The percentage of survey respondents who say that they support the work the president is doing is known as the president's ______________ rating.


Third-party presidential candidates

are not likely to be elected

The relationship American citizens have with their presidents begins

before a president takes the oath of office.

When a president uses the presidential office as an opportunity to speak out on a matter of concern or to push for legislation, the president is using the office as a

bully pulpit

The key to winning modern presidential elections is winning the states that

can provide the most electoral votes

The president shapes and administers the nation's foreign policy while acting in the role of

chief diplomat

Which of these presidential appointees are the most difficult for the president to control?

directors of federal departments and agencies

When public approval of a presidential administration is at high levels, it is usually

easier for a president to pursue initiatives

In general, presidents have more power to act on their own in which policy area?

foreign policy

Article I of the Constitution lists the powers of Congress and Article II lists the powers of the presidency. Compared to Article I, the wording of Article II is more


Most U.S. presidents have

had prior government service. been male been white been protestant

Political scientist Stephen Skowronek believes strong presidents

have a clear plan to achieve their goals. have a clear vision of where they want to lead the nation.

One of the powers that presidents have is that they can appoint

heads of federal agencies

The framers of the Constitution anticipated that presidents would

hold limited legislative power

The beginning of a new presidential administration, which is often characterized by higher levels of public approval, is known as a

honeymoon period

Since the 1790s, the power of presidency has evolved owing to the

increased involvement of the presidency in a range of policy areas.

Progressives sought to give voters more power in choosing the president by

introducing the primary election system

The vice president of the United States

is assigned different roles by the president. typically forms part of the presidential team. holds an elective office separate from that of the president.

In relation to Congress, the president's power

is more effective in setting the national agenda. is limited by the willingness of Congress to act on the president's agenda.

A strong showing in early presidential election caucuses and primaries is known as


President Ronald Reagan was viewed as

more powerful than President Jimmy Carter

In his role as chief diplomat, the president

negotiates treaties with other nations. appoints ambassadors.

Which of the following describes the executive authority that the Constitution assigns the vice president?

no executive authority

Most of America's recent wars have been waged on the basis of a

presidential directive

In recent elections, the choice of the vice presidential candidate has mostly been made by the

presidential nominee

What is the title of the person who heads an executive department?


Presidents might not succeed in achieving certain goals if Congress does not provide the necessary funding them. This illustrates the governemnt's

separation of powers

Members of Congress cannot claim to be the leader of the United States because they

share power with other members of Congress. are elected from different areas and not nationally.

Campaigns primarily use which of the following media to persuade undecided voters?


Which of the following documents revealed that President Lyndon Johnson had presented a falsely optimistic picture of the Vietnam War?

the Pentagon Papers

Which of the following is the part of the Executive Office of the President that consists of the president's closest direct personal advisers?

the White House Office

Which of the following descriptions of the U.S. presidency are true?

the formal powers of the presidency are modest. it operates in a system of divided powers. the degree of leadership the president can exert largely depends on circumstances.

Presidents since the mid-twentieth century have relied heavily on this to convey their images and messages.

the mass media

Studies have shown that many voters decide to vote for a particular presidential candidate during

the national party conventions

The number of electoral voters a states has in the Electoral College is determined by what factor?

the number of members it has in the House and the Senate

Political scientist Richard Neustadt contended that an effective president is successful in using

the power to persuade

What legislative powers does the president possess?

the power to propose legislation to Congress the power of the veto

Who is constitutionally required to see that the laws passed by Congress are faithfully executed?

the president

Who works together to achieve legislative goals?

the president the congress

Which of the following statements about the presidential election process are true?

the president has the greatest claim of any U.S. official to national leadership by virtue of reaching office through a national election.

The best opportunity presidents have to get Congress to pass policy initiatives is when

their party controls both houses of Congress

Presidents have more power in foreign policy making in part because

they have close relationships with the intelligence, diplomatic, and military agencies.

Among the reasons that presidents are less powerful than many Americans assume is that they

ultimately derive their power from the American public itself. face uncontrollable circumstances that can hurt their ability to lead.

All but two states use the ______________ in assigning their electoral college votes. In this rule, the candidate who wins the popular vote in that state receives all the states' electoral college votes

unit rule

According to political scientist Richard Neustadt, a sign of presidential weakness is the


Who is the next person to succeed the president if the president is unable to complete the term of office?

vice president

Which of the following are considered criteria that the average American uses to evaluate presidential leadership?

whether the president prioritizes many of the same issues that concern much of the public. whether the president is a strong leader unafraid to exercise power and to communicate a vision for the nation. whether the president is generally respected around the world.

When do potential presidential candidates often begin positioning themselves for presidential office?

years in advance of election day

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