ch 13: export controls and sanctions
Fundamental Research
Research in science and/or engineering at an accredited institution of higher education in the U.S. where the resulting information is ordinarily published and shared broadly in the scientific community.
multilateral sanctions
Sanctions imposed by more than one country
Electronic Export Information (EEI)
a U.S. electronic form completed by the exporter; it contains basic information about the shipment, including the shipper, products, values, buyer, and country of destination. required for each export shipment leaving US
actual shipment or transmission out of the united states in any manner, or releasing or transferring of technology or software to a foreign person in the US
validated end user program
allows qualified exporters to preapprove shipments to foreign trusted customers, partners and subsidiaries of certain high tech or dual use items without the need for individual export licenses
consolidated screening list
an online compilation of prohibited end users
dual-use items
commercial items that may also have military or "proliferation" uses (relating to the proliferation of nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons)
foreign availability
controlled item, or one of comparable quality is available in fact from non US sources in sufficient quantities so that any attempt to control for national security purposes would be ineffective
Conscious Avoidance
exporter purposely avoided learning the truth about an end user or destination
export control classification number
gives the reasons for control for each and tell whether a license is required for export to specific countries
export controls
laws and regulations that govern the licensing of certain goods and technology exported from the U.S. or transferred to non U.S. citizens
legal responses by governments that make it unlawful for their citizens or companies to participate in a boycott
foreign person
neither a US citizen nor a permanent US resident
Automated Commercial Environment (ACE)
online system of US customs and border protection in collaboration with the US census bureau
organized refusal of one or more nations, often backed by economic sanctions to trade with one or more other nations
regulation that restricts or prohibits certain relationships with specified foreign countries
the information necessary for the development, production, use or operation of items and in almost any form, such as blueprints, drawings, photographs, formulae and engineering designs whether verbal, written or electronic
Deemed Export
the release of technology or source code or that is subject to the Export Administration Regulations, to a foreign national located in the United States.
deemed reexport
the release of transfer of an item from someone who was licensed to receive it to a different foreign person
the shipment or transfer of american controlled items or tech from one foreign country to another foreign country or person
unlawful transfer, trasnshipment rerouting or reexporting of controlled goods or tech from one destination to which the goods or tech were legally shipped to another destination or foreign person who has not be licensed to receive the items