Ch 13 Summary: Final

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Louis XIV considered the revocation of the Edict of Nantes: a. unimportant b. militarily significant c. his most pious act d. good for business e. a necessary evil


The Hohenzollern turned ________ into a powerful state. a. Hungary b. Saxony c. Prussia d. Bohemia e. Silesia

Peter the Great

-Czar of Russia. -He was responsible for the westernization of Russia in the 18th century. -came to the throne at the age of 10, and co-ruled with his sickly half brother, Ivan V. -Overthrew their sister, Sophia -ruled personally henceforth, his half-brother dying in 1696. -inspired by Western European models -a result of his apparently incognito visit into Western Europe. -Determined to copy all he had seen on his travels. -Built naval war ships alike those he had inspected in the ports of England and the Netherlands. -Defeated the Swedes in the Great Northern War, successfully expanding Russian territory. -Later moves his capital from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

Petition of Right

-would give Charles funds IF he recognized this 1. No forced loans w/o Parliamentary consent 2. No free man can be imprisoned w/o cause 3. Troops can't live in private homes -"""of resistance a monarchy's power at local level -Declaration of Constitutional freedom -Charles agreed to this but it was doubtful that he would keep his word


Bishop Bossuet was an ardent supporter of a. constitutional monarchy b. the divine right of kings c. the idea of the social contrast d. radical democracy e. republicanism


In the late 1660's, France was superior to any other European nation in all of the following EXCEPT: a. naval power. b. national unity. c. population. d. administration bureaucracy. e. military power on land.


Jansenists believed that: a. original sin had been redeemed through Christ's death b. Cornelius Jansen should be canonized c. original sin could not be redeemed without special grace from God d. St. Augustine had incorrectly interpreted the concept of original sin e. the pope was the anti-Christ


Louis XIV's absolutism functioned in all of the following areas EXCEPT: a. making war and peace b. regulation of religion c. management of the economy d. direction of court life e. definition of Catholic dogma


Louis XIV's success in expanding royal authority was dependent on his ability to gain the support of the: a. clerical establishment b. merchant classes c. nobility d. wealthy peasants e. vast majority of the French population


Louis XIV's view of the monarchy was influenced by his experience of the revolt known as the: a. Parlament b. Fronde c. Intendant d. Talle e. Jaquerie


Many of Peter the Great's most important policies aimed at: a. reintroducing traditional Russian culture b. making peace with all of Russia's neighbors c. reducing the role of the military in Russian life d. increasing the power of the Russian Orthodox Church e. limiting the power of the traditional Russian nobility


The Ottoman sultans governed their empire through units called: a. millets b. satraps c. janissary d. ulama e. jihads


The basic challenge facing the Habsburg Empire was: a. lack of resources b. the homogeneity of the population c. the profound diversity of the territories contained within the empire d. the weakness of the Habsburg emperors e. the extreme poverty of most central European peasants.


The dominant political power in the Muslim world in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries was the: a. Mughals b. Abbasidians c. Umayyad Empire d. Ottoman Empire e. Golden Horde

English Civil War

~~-Disputes w/ Parliament led to this ~~round-heads prevailing over the Cavaliers -4 years -kings supporters = Cavaliers -parliamentary opposition = Roundheads -2 things made parliament win 1. Alliance with Scotland -made Parliament comit to Presbyterians system of Church government 2. army under Oliver Cromwell

Louis XV

~~Became king at age 5, but his uncle, The Duke of Orleans, ruled for him in the position of a regent ~~Once Louis XV began ruling on his own, he wasn't considered an effective monarch b/c he has his own moral scandals to contend w/His best advisor was Cardinal Fleury, who worked to maintain the authority of the monarchy


~~Defeated by the Roundheads ~~Supported Charles I in Eng Civil War


~~Favored representative presbyteries under local control ~~Started leaving Eng b/c this religious dispute -want more local control, not monarch making decisions -went to Americas and Netherlands for R freedoms -big impact on our constitution -wanted to eliminate R ceremonies -James I rejected them

Jean-Baptiste Colbert

~~Finance minister for Louis XIV ~~Was responsible for introducing economic policies known as mercantilism to France -Financial minister of Louis XIV, furthered - economic policies>> Louis could raise and maintain a large, powerful army. -promoted good farming methods -building roads and canals (infrastructure) -promoted existing industries with tariffs, aided new industries with subsidies - increased mercantilism by establishing French trading posts in India and North American colonies.

Charles I

~~Forced into accepting the Petition of Right (1628) before Parliament would grant new revenues -son of James the first -couldn't get $ from Parliament resorted to extra parliamentary measures -levied new terrifs and duties -attempted to collect discontinued taxes -English property owners>> forced loan -imprisoned people who didn't pay -actions callanged local political intivenie of nobles and landowners -only English monarch to be executed = sign for other monarchs to be careful with legislative bodies -arranged marriage with Henrietta Marie (Cath) -made parliament uneasy

Louis XIV of France

~~Gave Charles II income so he didn't have to call Parliament for revenue ~~Known as the sun King ~~His giant palace at Versailles was evidence of centralized power of the monarchy ~~a furm believer in the "Divine Right of Kings" ~~said "I am the state" or "L'etat c'est moi" ~~His finance minister was Jean-Bapties Colbert -ruled through absolutism and believed in the divine right of kings. -Nicknamed the "Sun King" -he reigned from 1643-1715, the longest in European history -goal = to make the monarchy the most important political institution in France while assuring nobles and other landholders of their social standing and influence on the local level -Ruled through councils -His absolutism functioned primarily in the classic areas of European state action--the making of war and peace, the regulation of religion, and the oversight of economic activity -Believed in the image of a monarch, and worked to achieve superiority over other nobles -Revoked the Edict of Nantes in October of 1685.

Cardinal Mazarin

~~He worked under Louis XIV ~~His and Cardinal Richelieu's efforts helped establish French absolutism ~~They worked to impose direct administration on France -one of Louis XIV's chief ministers -Continued the centralizing powers of Richelieu -failing attempts to increase revenues and expand the state bureaucracy resulted in a widespread rebellion known as the Fronde. - After death, Louis XIV took control of the government at the age of 23 -would not appoint another chief minister. -Therefore, nobles that rebelled would be rebelling directly to the king.

Cardinal Richelieu

~~His and Cardinal Mazarin's efforts helped establish French absolutism ~~He worked under Louis XIII ~~They worked to impose direct administration on France ~~Was actively involved in weakening the power of the nobility in France ~~Fought to diminish rights of the French Protestants ~~Supported Protestants fighting in Germany during the Thirty Years War -French minister and chief minister of King Louis XIII and later Louis XIV -laid the foundation for Louis XIV's absolutism. -tried to impose direct royal administration on France. -circumscribed many of the political privileges Henry IV of France had extended to Huguenots in the Edict of Nantes. -Provoked widespread rebellion among French nobles.

Oliver Cromwell

~~Led and reorganized Parliament's army (New Model Army) -strong and independent R settlement -willing to tolerate majority church only if permitted prot. dissenters to worship outside -lead army in English Civil War -Had new style of Army called New Model Army

James I (Eng)

~~Refused to change the hierarchical Episcopal system of church governance associated w/ the Church of England -son of Mary Stuart, queen of Scots -no opposition to him having the throne b/c Eliz' I = childless -inherited royal debt -divided church -believed in Divine Right of Kings -expected rule w/ minimum consultation beyond royal court -wanted to call parliament as little as possible -developed other sources of income -levying new custom duties: impositions -parliament regarded as affront of their authority over R royal purse -didn't seek srs confrontation

Charles II

~~The Monarchy of England was restored under him ~~Had Catholic sympathies ~~He and Parliament were suspicious of one another, enough that he received income from Louis XIV so he wouldn't have to call Parliament for revenue -when returned to England, there was a great rejoicing -considerate charm and political skill -Eng returned to Status Quo -secret Cath sympathies -favored R toleration -wanted loyal Caths and Puritans to worship freely


~~W/ forces of Parliament, prevailed over Cavaliers ~~A factor that helped their success was their alliance w/ Scotland AKA The Solemn League and Covenant ~~Another factor that helped was Oliver Cromwell, who reorganized Parliament's army -name due to haircut -Parliamentary forces -supported Oliver Cromwell

The Solemn League

~~the alliance between Scotland and Parliament in the Eng Civil War ~~a major factor in the success of the Parliamentary forces

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