Ch 14 Environmental Science
Ocean Dumping Incinerating Open Dumping Waster exporting
Ocean dumping Receives about 25,000 metric tons of packaging per year Incinerating Reduces volume of waste and creates energy and air pollution Open dumping The most prevalent form of waste disposal in developing countries Waste exporting Shipping waste to less-developed countries
Since composting is an aerobic process, what do you need to do to create compost from your own organic waste?
Turn it over or stir it every week or so.
Approximately half of the solid waste produced in the United States is______waste, which is generally recycled into the____ on the farms where it is produced.
agricultural fields
Sites on the NPL are those that ___.
are most in need of remediation
The United States produces about 11 ______ tons of solid waste each year.
The incineration of hazardous waste is relatively quick and easy, yet ___.
can be expensive
Brownfield sites are areas that have been, or have been suspected of being,_____and therefore are abandoned or underutilized.
One of the issues with electronic waste is that much of the ______ is carried out in the developing world where workers have little or no health protection.
disposal and recycling
The Superfund was designed to provide money for immediate response to______ events that pose imminent hazards without having the lengthy court processes that would delay cleanup.
The Superfund was established for NPL sites that ___.
have been orphaned
The amount of e-waste is ___ rapidly every year, and therefore is adding to the amount of hazardous materials exposed to the environment.
The Great Pacific Garbage Patch ___.
is composed mostly of materials disposed improperly or accidentally on land is driven by a vast circulating ocean current known as a gyre has captured 100 million tons of plastic debris
Recycling reduces the stress on ______ for disposal by removing that material from the waste stream.
Everything smaller than sofas and refrigerators are dumped into a _____ giant furnace and burned in a burn furnace.
A ______ landfill compacts and covers solid waste with dirt in order to decrease odors and discourage vermin populations.
Some of the issues with open dumps include ___.
the amount of waste oil poured into them the spread of waste and pollution by wind and rain smell
Hazardous waste is any discarded material that contains substances known to be ___.
toxic, carcinogenic, or mutagenic to humans or other life-forms corrosive fatal to humans or lab animals in low doses