Ch. 16 Hearing

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bending stereocilia toward kinocoilium _______ hair cells and increases their ______ release. This increases impulse frequency on vestibular part of CN ____. Opposite reaction happens if bending is away from kinocilium

depolarizes, transmitter, VIII

loudness is measured in......



depends on wave amplitude (degree of molecular compresion)

tip link pull open ion channel allowing K to diffuse into hair cell and ______ it


if stereocilia is bent toward the kinocilium, the hair cell ________


when head rotates _____ pushes against cupula


high frequency

excite cells in stiff basilar membrane near oval window

hair cell releases more neurotransmitter from its base, _____ the sensory neuron, which can fire action potentials


macula is composed of ___ cells, and supporting cells


vestibular nuclei (superior medulla)

help control reflexive eye movements and balance


houses membranous cochlear duct

if stereocilia is bent away from kinocilium, the hair cell ____-


utricle and saccule detect _________ _____ and _____ ____

scatic equilibrium, linear acceleration

____ dB is threshold for hearing


energy of sound increases ____ times for every 10 dB increase


humans can hear _____ - ________ Hz

20, 20,000

membranous labyrinth contains endolymph, which is similar to intracellular fluid, rich in ____


hair cells are bathed in ____ enolymph that is far more positive than the fluid ______ the cell

K, inside

base of each simicirculuar canal has swollen _____



any hearing loss


awareness and monitoring of head position

cerebelum helps coordinate _______ and ______ tone

balance, muscle

variations in pitch are detectable due to variation in stiffness of _____ membrane from oval window to ________ _____

basilar, cochlear apex

thalamus relays information to cerebral cortex for awareness of _______ ______

body position

the axons of the equilibrium path way terminate in the vestibular nuclei or the ______



contains 2 sacklike, membranous parts called utricle and saccule, innterocnnected and positioned at right angles

semicircular canal

contains membranous semicircular ducts

stereocilia and kinocilia of hair cells are embedded in gelatinous _____


T or F: neurotransmitter release from hair cells stay the same

false, they change

perilymph (inerstitial fluid)

fills most of the bony labyrinth

pitch depends on the _____ of the vibrating object


hair cells in macula have sereocillia and one kinicilium projecting in the ______ _______ ______

gelatinous otolithic membrane

conductive deafness

interference of wave transmission in external of middle ear

louder sounds create _____ movements of basilar membrane


signals from______ or crista ampullaris are conveyed by the vestibular branch of CN VIII


sensorineural deafness

malfunction in inner ear or cochlear nerve

bony labyrinth

mazelike spaces in temporal bone

membranous labyrinth

membrane lined fluid filled tubes within bony labyrinth that contain receptors for hearing and equilibrium

larger movements cause faster rate of _____ _____ and a larger number of stimulated cells

nerve signals, (temporal lobes auditory cortex interprets this as loudness)

macula membrane is covered with _______, which are calcium carbonate crystals



receptor for static equilibrium and linear acceleration

when basilar membrane moves down, the process quickly ______


low frequency

sounds excite cells in flexible basilar membrane near apex

head tilt shifts otolothic membrane and bends _______


when basilar membrane moves up, hair cells are pushed into _____ membrane and their tips are tilted, pulling tip links


vestibular nuclei and cerebellum send signals to _______



the rate of vibration in Hertz (Hz cycles per second)

inner hair cells contain ion channels at their tips, and ____ ____ proteins that connect them

tip link

macula is located in the ______ and ____ of vestibule

utricle, saccule

firing rate changes on ____________ branch of CN VIII


equlibrium is monitored by _______ _______, which are the utricle, saccule, and semicircular ducts

vestibular apparatus

the perception of sound is created by pressure waves of vibrating objects how does this work?

vibration pushes molecules, which transfer energy from one molecule to the next

equilibrium is information sent to our brain to help keep our balance, _____ and ___ help this

vision, proprioception

cupula bends sterocilia and changes hair cell ______


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