Ch. 2-Health

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wellness is....

a choice, way of life, an efficient channeling of energy, the integration of body, mind, and spirit, a process, the loving acceptance of self.


a specific population or group of people living in the same geographic area under similar regulations and having common values, interests, and needs.

health seeking behavior (according to NANDA)

a state in which an individual in stable health is actively seeking ways to alter personal health, habits and/or the environment in order to move toward a higher level of health. examples include individuals, families, communities.

blended family

a traditional family, formed when parents bring unrelated children from previous relationships together to form a new family.

Leavell and Clark's Agent Host-Environment model

aka the ecologic model; 3 interactive elements: agent-any environmental factor or stressor that by its presence can lead to illness or disease. host-persons who may or may not be at risk of acquiring a disease. family history, age, lifestyle influences the host's reactions. environment-all factors external to the host that may or may not predispose the person to the development of disease.

nuclear family

aka traditional family; composed of 2 parents and their children.

illness behavior

any activity undertaken by a person who feels ill, to define the state of his health and to discover a suitable remedy.


any group of people who live together.

extended family

aunts, uncles, grandparents.

pender's health promotion model

based on the social learning theory and emphasizes the importance of motivational factors in acquiring and sustaining health promotion behaviors. this model explores how cognitive-perceptual factors affect the person's view of the importance of health. it also examines perceived control of health, self-efficacy, health status, and the benefits and barriers to health-promoting behaviors.

endogenous factors affecting health attainment across the lifespan

biological factors (genetics, gender, age, race), cognitive factors (lifestyle choices, spiritual/religious beliefs), psychologic factors (mind-body interactions, self-concept).

self-esteem needs

include the need for a person to feel good about himself or herself, to feel pride and a sense of accomplishment, and to believe that others also respect and appreciate those accomplishments.

self-actualization needs

include the need for individuals to reach their full potential through development of their unique capabilities.

love and belonging needs

include the understanding and acceptance of others in both giving and receiving love, and the feeling of belonging to families, peers, friends, a neighborhood, and a community.

health is important to:

individuals, families, and communities. it is important to quality of life.

safety and security needs

involve both physical and emotional components; it means being protected from potential or actual harm.

basic human needs

needs common to all people, and meeting these needs is essential to the health and survival of all people; can be met, or unmet.

health belief model

original intent was to predict which individuals would or would not use preventative measures. was modified to include individual perceptions, modifying factors, and variables likely to affect initiating action.

physiologic needs

oxygen, water, food, temperature, elimination, sexuality, physical activity, and rest--must be met at least minimally to maintain life.


personal experience of feeling unhealthy.

5 major family functions

physical, economic, reproductive, affective & coping, socialization.

components of wellness

physical, social, emotional, intellectual, spiritual.

bauman's criteria for personal illness

presence of symptoms (elevated temp. or pain), perception of how they feel (well, tired, sick, etc), their ability to carry out ADLs (work, school).

exogenous factors affecting health attainment across the lifespan

social groups, culture, standard of living, physical and ecological environment.


specific disorder characterized by a set of signs (obj) and symptoms (subj) attributable to heredity, infection, diets, or environments.

for some, health is a process characterized by:

stability, balance, and integrity of functioning.


status associated with disease.

well being

subjective perception of feeling well.


the conviction to execute a behavior.

holistic model

the whole is more than the sum of the parts. includes biological, psychological, sociological, and spiritual self.

5 levels of needs, with physiologic being the most basic, are as follows:

1: physiologic needs 2: safety and security needs 3: love and belonging needs 4: self-esteem needs 5: self-actualization needs

adaptive model

health is a creative process and disease is a failure in adaptation, aim of treatment is to restore the ability of the person to adapt or cope, Sister Callista Roy's adaptation model of nursing views the person as an adaptive system.

role performance model

health is defined as the ability to fulfill societal roles (work), the assumption is that a person's most importatnt role is the work role.

clinical model

health is defined as the absence of disease or injury, narrowest interpretation of health, also known as the medical model, focus is on curing disease, relief of pain or suffering, relief of signs and symptoms of disease.

parson's sick role

clients are not held responsible for their condition. clients are excused from certain social roles and tasks, clients are obliged to get well as quickly as possible. clients or families are obligated to seek competent help.

smith's 4 models of health

clinical model, role performance model, adaptive model, eudemonistic model.

for some, wellness is a subjective experience of health and as the __________ between the potential and the actual.

congruence (match).

hierarchy of basic human needs

developed by Maslow; used to consider which needs of a person are the most important at any given time.

eudomonistic model

health is a condition of actualization or realization of a person's potential, actualization is the apex of the fully developed personality, Maslow presents this concept of health, in this model, illness is a condition that prevents self-actualization.

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