Ch 2 Tools for Healthy Eating

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According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, an adult woman should consume no more than how many alcoholic drinks per day?


According to MyPlate, how many servings from the vegetable group should a moderately active female who needs 2,000 calories daily consume?


A food is considered high in a nutrient if it provides

20 percent or more of the Daily Value

According to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR), what percentage of your daily calories should be provided by fat?

20 to 35 percent

According to MyPlate, how many cups of fat-free or low-fat milk, or their equivalent, should be consumed daily for all calorie levels?


According to the Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR), what percentage of your daily calories should be provided by carbohydrates?

45 to 65 percent

According to MyPlate, how many servings from the grain group should a moderately active female who needs 2,000 calories daily consume?


The approximate amount of a nutrient that groups of similar individuals are consuming to maintain good health is called the


The reference values for the essential nutrients needed to maintain good health, to prevent chronic diseases, and to avoid excesses are known as the


Which of the following was developed out of concern over the incidence of overnutrition among Americans?

Dietary Guidelines for Americans

The average amount of a nutrient that is known to meet the needs of 50 percent of the individuals in a similar age and gender group is called the


A food guidance system released by the USDA that depicts five food groups using the familiar mealtime visual of a place setting is called


Which of the following does not need to be on a food label?

NOT vitamin D - ?

The average amount of a nutrient that meets the needs of 97 to 98 percent of the individuals in a similar group is called the


Which of the following is not a structure/function claim?

The soluble fiber in beans can help you lower your cholesterol

The highest amount of a nutrient that can be consumed without harm in a similar age and group of individuals is the

Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL)

A food labeled "low in calories" has fewer calories than a food labeled "reduced calories."


A phytochemical is found in plant-based foods, and a zoochemical is found in animal-based foods.


A qualified health claim is less well-established than an authorized health claim.


All foods with a health claim can also be marketed as functional foods.


Based on the EAR, the RDA represents an amount that meets the needs of 97 to 98 percent of healthy individuals in an age/gender group.


It is recommended that protein should comprise between 10 and 35 percent of your daily caloric intake.


The AMDRs are ranges set for carbohydrates, fats, and proteins.


The nutrition facts panel lists the Daily Values for vitamin C and vitamin A.


The highest amount of a nutrient that can be consumed daily without harm is referred to as the


The term fat-free on a food label is an example of

a nutrient content claim

Which of the following is not required on a standard food label?

a nutrient content claim

A health claim linking dietary fat and cancer is an example of

an authorized health claim

Which of the following are reference levels used only on food labels?

daily values

In what order are ingredients listed on a food label?

descending order by weight

A food labeled "calorie free" must have zero calories.


A single serving of a functional food is enough to gain the beneficial effect of the food compound.


An apple is an example of an energy-dense food.


Compounds in animal food products that are beneficial to human health are known as phytochemicals.


Compounds in plant foods, such as lycopene, that have been shown to reduce the risk of certain diseases are called zoochemicals.


Fat should comprise 25 to 35 percent of your daily calories.


Found in dairy products such as yogurt, antibiotics are a beneficial compound found in functional food and may support intestinal health.


If a serving of a food provides 15 percent or more of the DV, it is considered high in that nutrient.


Oils are not represented on MyPlate because they should be eliminated entirely from our diets.


The DRIs are listed on the nutrition facts panel to help consumers make wise choices.


The Daily Nutrients listed on the Nutrition Facts panel of a product are general reference levels for the nutrients listed on the food label.


The Daily Values (DVs) on the food label are based on a 1,500-calorie diet in order to discourage obesity.


The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are issued by the Food and Drug Administration.


The Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) is the average amount of a nutrient that is known to meet the needs of 55 percent of the individuals in a similar age and gender group.


The claim "calcium builds strong bones" is an example of a health claim.


The definitions for the terms "lean" and "extra lean" are based only on the total fat content of the product.


The ingredients on a food label are listed in alphabetical order.


The most recent food guidance system released by the USDA for American consumers is MyPyramid.


Whole milk is more nutrient dense than skim milk.


You should eat equal proportions of fruits, grains, vegetables, protein, and dairy every day.


According to MyPlate, which of these foods would be considered low in nutrient density?

fruit drinks

Which of the following is not the preferred way of preparing meat and poultry?


According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010, what should be the daily sodium intake for a healthy person?

less than 2,300 mg

Which of the following compounds found in tomatoes may reduce the risk of prostate cancer?


MyPlate is a food guidance system that illustrates the recommendations in the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, 2010 and reinforces the important concepts of

meal planning, healthful choices, proportionality, and moderation

Which of the following is not a MyPlate tip for making food choices?

move away from milk

The measure of nutrients per calorie is known as

nutrient density

When estimating portion size, a woman's fist is about

one cup of pasta

All of the following are found on a food label except

polyunsaturated fat

The relationship of one food entity to another is called


A food label claims that the food is a "good source of vitamin C." This means that the food

provides 10 to 19 percent of the Daily Value for vitamin C

Which of the following types of health claim is based on evidence that is still emerging?

qualified health claim

If one cup of reduced-fat milk provides 8 percent of your Daily Value for fat, this means that

the cup of milk provides 8 percent of the total fat allowed in the day

A "reduced fat" cookie must have at least 25 percent less fat per serving than the original type.


A functional food is one that has been shown to have a positive effect on your health beyond its basic nutrients.


A soup labeled "low sodium" would have less sodium than a food labeled "less sodium."


Americans typically don't eat enough fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and iron.


Full-fat cheese is the number-one source of solid fats in the diets of Americans.


Nutrient density refers to the amount of nutrients a food contains in relationship to the number of calories it contains.


The Daily Value for protein is not listed on most labels.


The higher the consumption above the UL, the higher the risk of toxicity.


The range of intakes for the energy-containing nutrients are called the Acceptable Macronutrient Dietary Range.


The sections of the place setting in MyPlate reinforce proportionality, or how much of your total diet should be eaten from each food group.


The three types of claims on food products are nutrient content claims, health claims, and structure/function claims.


Having a diet made of many food groups is known as

varied diet

According to MyPlate, half of your plate should be devoted to which food group?

vegetables and fruits

Which of the following do not have an Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Range (AMDR)?


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