Ch 22- Ch 26 Test 1

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WWII (Steps to war, also divider) what was the lend lease act?

(side note, not on study guide) Steps to war: • We traded 50 destroyers to Great Britain in exchange for us getting more military bases in the pacific. • The congress passed the lend lease act, allowed us to lend and lease equipment to countries that were vital to Americas security. • Atlantic charter- emphasized the four freedoms (all democratic points) and Winston Churchill's 14 points

Know the politics of Cold War Liberalism

- Both parties agreed on Cold War Liberalism o Keep aspects of the New Deal to maintain welfare at home o Fight communism abroad with containment o Fight subversives in the US

The Business Cycle

25% unemployment • The ups and downs of business, recession, depression and upswings • Overproduction and under consumption

Berlin Crisis: The airlift, the tension, and the wall

Berlin crisis: • Berlin was split into 4 different sectors. • Stalin tried to blockade the western berlin form supplies coming in for a year • US dropped in supplies multiple times every day by airplane • Stalin eventually gave up after a year • What happens after the berlin crisis: NATO was created and so was the Warsaw Nations. Berlin wall: • 3 million east Germans fled to west Germany. • They fled mostly through berlin. • Because the soviets were enraged and embarrassed about people leaving east Germany, they created the Berlin wall. • They built this wall to keep people in their country.

Cuba problem: Castro, Bay of Pigs, and Cuban Missile Crisis

Castro: • In 1959 Fidel Castro led the Cuban revolution which evolved into the first successful communist revolution in the Americas. • In response to this America instituted an embargo (didn't trade at all with Cuba) on Cuba and then Cuba asked for help from the Soviet Union. • After Cuba was taken over, the leader took over the companies there as well, this was called Nationalizing • It matters that Cuba fell to communism because it was so close to Florida and they can launch missiles into America. An enemy (soviets) and communism was also drawn closer to America. Bay of Pigs: • Eisenhower gave the CIA permission to train the Cuban exiles, the exiles then went into Cuba and had an invasion. • We landed 1500 Cuban exiles on the bay of pigs. • At the last minute Kennedy canceled US air support in hopes of concealing the fact that we were involved in this. • The attack collapsed without the support of the air force Cuban missile crisis: • The Cuban Missile Crisis started when we noticed that Cuba had built bases to shoot off missiles. Some weapons were already installed • We are hypocrites because we had missiles in Turkey and we were upset out about the missiles in Cuba. • The Soviets agreed to remove Soviet missiles from Cuba if we promise to not invade Cuba • We remove our own missiles from Italy and Turkey.

Know the Republican Presidents and their ideals. Coolidge

Coolidge: • Wanted limited government and wanted to cut taxes for businesses • Wanted government to stand aside and have business conduct its own affairs • Wouldn't spend money and vetoed bills congress made to help farmers Harding, Coolidge, Hoover

Hawley- Smoot Tariff

Created by Hoover and it put a tariff on all other countries products coming in because we wanted to sell more of our products in the US, this caused the countries to put tariffs on us so our things weren't being sold in foreign countries, it was bad for everybody. It was a FAILURE

Know the Republican Presidents and their ideals. Harding

Harding: • what he did: o cut taxes for the rich o increased tariffs o established the Bureau of the budget- all government expenditures had to be put under one budged for congress to review • he was corrupt • promised people normalcy • teapot dome scandal: o The government was illegally selling oil reserves to businesses and getting kickbacks (money from the land that went to them) • he died, ending his presidency-1923 Harding, Coolidge, Hoover

Father Coughlin

He was against the new deal and he would press FDR to change the new deal and make it not so interfering. He had a big following and found the national unit for social justice. He wanted the new deal to go farther (far to the right, conservative)

Know the Republican Presidents and their ideals. Hoover

Hoover: • Believed people should work hard and they should get a salary that matches their work ethic • Businesses shouldn't rely on the government and should be able to repair themselves from economic problems • He cut taxes in hopes of people buying more things and ultimately helping the economy • Believed in the importance of the gold standard o Never removed it because he thought it would devalue the American dollar, ultimately made the depression worse • He did a lot of bad things for the depression but also gave people jobs by instituting public projects • He thought relief for the depression should come from local governments and the states, not the federal government. • "Hoovervilles" were towns made up of unemployed men • bonus march • Hawley smoot- tariff Harding, Coolidge, Hoover

Schechter v. US

It showed how the supreme court denied 2 new deal policies and denied the AAA and the NRA because the government overstepped its boundaries. Specific to the NRA (NRA set prices for products)

Containment in Asia: China, Japans, and the Korean War: Major outcomes

Japan: • The US believed that it was really important to restore Japans economy after the war. • We believed that we needed to do this while limiting their influence to contain communism. • We took away their military. • MacArthur created a democratic constitution which would help with Japanese control. China: • Truman stopped sending help to the nationalists in China fighting the Communists because it was obvious the communists were ahead and that the only way the Nationalists could win and fight the communists would be if we sent troops into China and we weren't ok with doing that. • We knew the communists were going to win so we stopped sending money to them to help. Korean war: • North Korea was communist and supported by the soviets. • They invaded south Korea, we sent MacArthur with support from the UN but didn't ask congress. • He took back all the land that was taken from South Korea and went up to China, this annoyed the Chinese so they helped North Korea and it was a back and forth. Eventually they all ended up back where they began. Major outcomes: • It was really significant that Truman sent troops without the approval of congress (it was an undeclared war). • Truman also expanded containment into a global policy (we got involved in many other communist problems). • We didn't drop an atomic bomb which set the ground rules for the cold war. • Ended Truman's resistance to military buildup. Lots more money was used for defense weapons (Military Industrial Complex, mass producing weapons).

An Arms Race and a Space Race: Sputnik and its consequences

Sputnik • It was the world's first satellite that was orbiting around the world. • The feared that they would now be able to reach us with rocket launched missiles. • Russia now appeared supreme in the space area. • It proved that the Soviet Union had the same space technology as we had. • Nasa was created to get us ahead in the nuclear arms race and space area.

Union Issues- Taft-Hartley Act, what were the provisions? What was the Treaty of Detroit? I don't have notes for Taft-Hartley Act

Treaty of Detroit: during war time labor unions and laborers they have a good time because the governments want them to work hard so they get better conditions. After the war everything gets stripped away from them. The labor unions strike. The corporations agreed to not cut their wages as long as the workers wouldn't go on strike. This was important for the automobile industry because it brought in a lot of money so it wouldn't just stop Taft-Hartley Act: restricts the activities and power of labor unions. - Taft-Harley Act was to weaken unions because unions seemed communistic

Early Involvement in Vietnam: The Geneva Accords

Vietnamese revolt up against the French colonization - US goes into to help France - Vietnamese forces defeat France at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu which results in the Geneva Accords o Agree to partition Vietnam at 17th parallel and have relections 2 years later - US disagrees with Geneva Accords, sends in CIA, establishes pro-american government in S. Vietnam - US puts in anticommunist Ngo Dinh Diem and gives financial aid - US dictator suppresses his people - vietnam is an example of how the US went against its ideals of self-determination

Teapot Dome Scandal

o The government was illegally selling oil reserves to businesses and getting kickbacks (money from the land that went to them) • Happened under Harding

Understand the social, economic, and political changes that WWII brought on. How does it fundamentally change the United States at home and it's role in the world?

potential essay question? Idk what to put...

Fair Labor Standards Act (1938) and the Wagner Act

• Fair labor standards act set minimum wages. It was one of the last new deal policies. They got paid for overtime, they could only work for 40 hours per week • Wagner act: allowed workers to be in and create unions. (R?)

Reconstruction Finance Corp

• Put on by Hoover • Federal government provided loans for banks and railroads • Wasn't effective enough to help the great depression

How was WWII funded?

• 50% of the war was funded by taxes

What were the causes of the Cold War? What were the actions taken by both sides?

• Actions taken by Stalin that increased tensions: o Says he wants to expand into Eastern Europe (to create a buffer) o Stalin put troops into Poland and said that they couldn't have free elections, we put troops into eastern Europe to prevent this but Stalin's troops were stronger so they weren't allowed to have free elections and this starts the cold war. Poland fell to communism. • Actions taken by Truman that increased tensions: o Truman came into office and knew that he needed to oppose communism so he started threatening Stalin. Truman does talk about the atomic bomb to Stalin (when they were allies) in a threatening way and this leads to tension. o (came into office after FDR) Side note: Stalin wanted more land and wanted to expand so they could have a buffer zone. This means that he wants his country to be less attacked by Germany. They were attacked a lot. He had a separate agreement with FDR that this would happen. Truman walked in and said that this wasn't going to happen and that free elections in Europe were going to have to happen.

Racial tension. How would it start in the north?

• African Americans were lynched and treated horribly in the south so they began to migrate north because they believed that it was the "promise land" • This was called the great migration • Black people started to take white people's houses and jobs. This upset the white people and created the tensions in the north. • It led to more riots and death in the north

Isolationism and neutrality laws.

• Before WWII we were isolationists o Isolation wasn't that real, we heavily supported Britain • In the inter war period the American government was pretending to be isolationists • The Neutrality Act of 1935 stated that Americans traveling on foreign ships traveled at their own risk and it put an embargo (restriction/ban) on selling weapons to countries at war.

Congress of Industrial Organizations

• CIO- Congress of Industrial Organizations: separated workers into a category (industry), then they would be in same union; unskilled janitors and skilled machinists.

Henry Ford and the Assembly Line

• Created the assembly line • Made everything more efficient • Made cars more affordable- more people could buy them • With more people having cars it changed their lives- boosted economy, more people traveled, produce was more easily transported etc.

HUAC and McCarthy, you should be able to discuss the second red scare.

• HUAC- House Un-American Activities Committee o helped start the Red Scare by holding public hearings on how communists were coming into the movie industry. • Joseph McCarthy delivered a speech where he said that he had a list of 205 names from the government which shows members of the Communist Party. • The speech created hysteria and when it was proven to have some truths in it created more hysteria. • McCarthy blacklisted a bunch of Hollywood actors and they couldn't find jobs o He also targeted the army. That was his downfall. • The Loyalty-Security Program said that they could investigate anyone in the government who looked suspicious.

Marcus Garvey- Where did he say African Americans should go? What was his organization?

• He led the UNIA (Universal Negro Improvement Association) o Had 4 million followers • He said the African Americans should go back to Africa because he thought they would never be treated well in countries run by white people and he also wanted to defeat black separation • Significant because he gave African Americans and idea of a unified Africa

Hundred Days

• In the first 100 days FDR was able to pass a lot of new acts to combat the depression. o He was able to do this because of a sympathetic congress o The first 100 days focused on bank reform, agricultural issues, telling businesses what to do, helping with unemployment

Tension with the Japanese

• Japan desired to match the overseas empires of Britain, France, Holland and the US. • Japanese troops invaded Indochina o we froze their assets and stopped all trade with them including oil which was imperative for Japan and made up 80% of their consumption. • This act led to war because this led to the bombing of pearl harbor and then ultimately to Roosevelt asking congress for a declaration of war against Japan.

A huge legacy of WWII=MIC, what is it, what is the impact? Understand the impact of WWII on labor and business (more details?)

• MIC- military industrial complex which is continuing to make weapons after WWII • MIC produced more immigration to the sunbelt • After WWII we continued to manufacture weapons non-stop, this was the MIC • The MIC provided lots of jobs • The government made deals with the corporations saying that if they built weapons for the war then they would get to keep the factories the government provided for them after the war • We started to make lots of money off of the weapons

Huey Long

• Major critic on the left • increased taxes on corporations and lowered the bill of consumers for utilities. • He also built new things like highways, hospitals and schools. • Believed that we needed to do more- created "Share Our Wealth Society" tax people who made over $1 million 100%

Identify and know the Nye Committee

• Merchants of death- weapon manufacturers • Run by Gerald Nye o Proposed that weapons manufactures should stop selling weapons during WWII o Justified it by arguing that the weapon manufacturers were the people who influenced president Wilson to bring the US into WWI o Made everybody scared because they had just experienced WWI, they didn't want to have it again o By selling weapons you were backing war • Isolationist- didn't want to be in war

Must know the National Origins Act and its precursor, the quota laws of 1921, also the nativism that led to this.

• National Origins Act- set the quotas for the immigration act of 1924 • It led to the immigration act of 1924 which only let in 2% of each race from the census taken in 1890 • This was crafted to only allow WASPS in and they specifically were isolating Asians, Southeastern Europeans, Russian Jews, Italians (unskilled) and Irish (unskilled) • Nativism- culture wars, the idea that the first people who settled in America were the best. Europeans and other people weren't as good as the original Americans

Prohibition (18th amendment) and the Volstead Act

• No more liquor was allowed in the US • Created because it was good for heath and went with the beliefs of the Christians • It was also unpatriotic to drink beer because it was made in Germany • It was a failure- everyone ignored the law and speakeasies popped up everywhere • Volstead Act instituted prohibition into the US

Palmer Raids

• Palmer led the red scare and it all started when there was a bomb sent to his doorstep • He raided all immigrants because they weren't native, had different beliefs and were a threat because of "communism"

Consumerism- Advertising, the automobile, radio.

• People bought things a lot more because they had access to credit- buy now pay later • Lots of people started buying things like the car and radio • The massive sale of cars boosted the economy • Production of cars created lots of jobs • Gas stations and drive in restaurants began to come up • Steel, rubber and chemical industries grew because of the car • New form of leisure activities • The radio allowed people to hear news and new things

Know the basics of the GI Bill

• Protects veterans after the war • They get education, job training pension • After they join the army they get $50,000 for education • They also got loans for their houses (could pay $1 for down payment)

Atlantic Charter

• Roosevelt met with Winston Churchill and they together and a joint press release and it was known as the Atlantic Charter. • This gave people the foundation of the Western cause. • It stemmed from Winston's 14 points and Roosevelts 4 freedoms. • It would become the base for a new transatlantic alliance after the war's end.

Truman's Fair Deal: Similar to New Deal? What new idea is shot down?

• Similar: it expanded social welfare, education and national health insurance. • A lot of the policies he tried to issue were looked as socializing and making everything equal, because of this it was turned down (because of the hysteria about communism because of the 2nd red scare at the time). • Minimum wage was increased • The Fair deal didn't work as well because it was during the second red scare. (people were afraid of the ideas that Truman brought up)

Know the various causes of the depression (8)

• Stock market crash o Black Thursday and black Tuesday ♣ Black Thursday- lots of selling on Wall street (prices were at their highest) stock prices plunged ♣ Millions of dollars of stock was bought by bankers to stabilize the prices ♣ People continued to sell stock on Monday ♣ Black Tuesday- bottom fell out, everyone sold but no one bought • Uneven distribution of income o Wages weren't raised with the success of businesses, rich got richer, poor became poorer and didn't buy goods. This harmed the economy and businesses. Companies laid people off, continuous cycle. • Stock Market Speculation o People bout stocks on the margin (credit) in hopes of them gaining in value and they would make money to pay off the loan. Prices dropped, everyone sold but there were no buyers. • Excessive use of credit o People used lots of credit, led to bank failures and people not being able to pay off their loans • Overproduction of consumer goods o Companies produced lots of goods but the workers wouldn't be able to buy them because of low wages • Weak farm economy o Never were prosperous, harsh weather just made it worse • Government policies o Government created tariffs instead of controlling the businesses. Banks failed, they instituted the gold standard which freaked people out so they just withdrew more money from the banks • Global economic problems o We insisted Europe pay off their loans and we instituted tariffs which contributed to world depression SWUSO EGG

Be able to characterize business of the 1920's

• Struggles between workers and businesses o Workers wanted unions and shorter hours • There was a business boom in the 1920's • Manufacturing was made more efficient with the invention of the assembly line by Ford • There was more use of oil and electricity o Both used to power factories • Governments favored the big businesses and cut taxes for them • Dollar diplomacy- we loan money to weaker countries, they buy our goods, when they can't pay us back we send in troops, they pay us back with interest

Suburban lifestyles, and how the GI Bill contributed to the overall economic boom

• Suburban lifestyles • Levittown helped create the suburban area • Levitt created a standard house with 4 rooms, 2 bathrooms (?) and a kitchen and appliances and it was being sold for $8 thousand. • Thousands of people flocked here and started suburban life • The GI bill allowed us to have a highly educated workforce • It helped train dentists, doctors, engineer's nurses and scientists. • Better education higher paying jobs consumer spending boosts postwar economy. (these are more suburban notes in general than lifestyle)

What were the themes of immigration in the 1950's? Who was coming? Who did they finally relax about?

• The 1952 McCarran-Walter Act ended the exclusion of Japanese, Koreans and Southeast Asians. • The Displaced Persons Act of 1948- this allowed 415,000 Europeans to enter America, a lot of them being Jewish refugees. • We also removed the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1943 in a gesture to an important war ally. • Latinos and Asians are the biggest groups coming into America from 1940-2000.

Know the Beat Generation

• The Beats were a group of white writers and poets in NY and San Francisco. • They disdained materialism. • They dissented from culture because they glorified sexual adventures, drugs, spontaneity and spirituality. • They were rebels and they would inspire more people to be rebels in the political and cultural realms. (prob not important)

The CIA and John Foster Dulles

• The CIA would organize coups and go into forcing countries and influence more nationalism and capitalism, avoiding communism. • The CIA would assassinate people who would be upcoming leaders of communism. • It also increased the US's interference on a global level John Foster Dulles • The Dulles brothers were two men involved in the government. One was Eisenhower's secretary of state (John) and the other ran the CIA (Allen Dulles).

Harlem Renaissance- Know the basic theme of this cultural movement

• The Harlem renaissance was a re-birth of the African American culture • New art, music and literature all representing their daily goals and emotions • It started in Harlem, NY after the great migration and Harlem became famous for its concentration of talented actors, artists, musicians and writers. • Black people migrated there because it was their symbol of liberty

Understand the lasting legacy of the New Deal. What is the main result? Understand the impact of the New Deal on business and labor, as well as the New Deal as a turning point (go over separately)

• The New Deal's long-term legacy was that it created many social-welfare programs and created a "safety net" for the American people to fall back on • Another thing that happened is that many people switched over to the democratic party. There were now immigrants and African Americans in the democratic party. Organized labor also followed the democratic party. People who benefited from the social security act also were a part of the democratic party. The New Deal created the northern Democratic party and started a big wave of liberal changes that would soon come. • It was the start of social programs

Know the Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, Eisenhower Doctrine. Similar or different?

• The Truman Doctrine stated that we needed to support free peoples who are fighting against outside parties or minorities o Directly addresses the conflicts in Turkey and Greece o The Truman doctrine sent money to Greece and Turkey so they can help protect themselves from communism. In the Truman doctrine we back them with money and WEAPONS. • Marshall Plan o Marshall plan goal: To keep communism out of Western Europe and to help get their industries back on their feet so people would make money and then purchase our goods. o With the marshal plan we gave almost $13 billion for the marshal plan and it worked and recovered both Western Europe and the US. European industrial production increased by 64% and the desire for communism went down. o Made cold war tensions stronger • Eisenhower doctrine: Eisenhower Doctrine stated that American forces would help any nation that needed help to overcome aggression from a nation under Communism o helped put down a revolt in Lebanon. o It also was evidence the US had extended our reach of containment and that we needed to protect our supplies of oil. There were lots of oil reserves in the middle east, if they became communist we wouldn't be able to trade with them for the oil and we would lose that resource. If oil reserves were nationalized, then we wouldn't be able to access it. Eisenhower doctrine: promising military or economic aid to any Middle Eastern country needing help in resisting communist aggression. Similar

The Baby Boom! Consumerism in the 50's. Think about the houses, cars, children section of Henretta

• The baby boom happened after WWII, the marriage age dropped and lots of people were having babies at the same time • Impact of the BB: when the kids competed for jobs the labor market became tight. When they began to have kids the birthrate jumped and eventually when they retire there will be lots of funding problems for Social Security and Medicare. • After the baby boom the consumer culture catered to their generation o Ex: They created instant formulas and disposable diapers for when the baby boom children were born. Later, there were new TV shows, board games, fast food, TV dinners and other toys (toddlers). When the kids grew to be teenagers there was rock music, Hollywood films and a new "teen culture" with clothes, hair styles etc. • Houses, cars and children all fueled what people bought in the 50's o Appliances, different forms of transportation and baby boom products mentioned above

Ku Klux Klan and their revolution

• The goals of the KKK: enforce prohibition laws and boost their power over blacks, immigrants, Catholics and Jews • A lot of the states were governed by Klan supporters o Indiana. Texas especially • People followed them because... o They promised that men with good character will rule the earth again o It was anti-sematic (many protestants were attracted to this) o They had fun times together- they would dance, swim and picnic together o People who wanted America to only be protestant would've liked the KKK because they wanted all other religions and races gone • Had 5 million members by 1925 by using modern advertising • Most of its support was from lower-middle-class white protestants in small cities and towns • In some places they were also against Catholics, Jews, foreigners and communists • Tactic: o Burn crosses o Dressed in white hoods o Whips. Tar and feathers, nooses • Ended after their leader of Indiana's Klan was convicted of murder in 1925

Bank Holiday

• The one day when the president closed the banks • FDR wouldn't let them reopen unless they had a certain amount of money

Red Scare

• The red scare: people being afraid of communism • Mainly attacked immigrants palmer

The Movement to the Sunbelt, why, where?

• The sunbelt was the south west and the south • They moved there because the taxes were lower, mild weather, and they were suburbanizing there (houses were cheaper). • Cheaper because air-conditioning was less than heating • The Sunbelt also offered lots of jobs for people because of the MIC (we continued to make defense weapons and those weapons were made in the Sunbelt)

Supreme Court reorganization plan, and the general response by the court in the first New Deal and the second. (need info on how the supreme court reacted to the 2nd new deal)

• The supreme court at the time was mostly older conservatives and FDR's New Deal laws were barley passing. • His plan was to pass a law that would have all members over the age of 70 replaced, this would get rid of all the conservatives o Wasn't passed • However, towards the end the more conservative members of the supreme court resigned so this gave Roosevelt the opportunity to appoint people who he wanted. • The position of the court was now more lenient towards Roosevelt and his New Deal ideas.

Labor Issues- Know the AFL and know welfare capitalism, as well as the other responses by labor DON'T HAVE ANSWER TO WELFARE CAPITALISM

• The workers wanted unions and shorter hours- businesses didn't like this • The labor unrest and worker's strikes were linked to communism because people feared the workers would lean towards communism in hopes of gaining equal pay • AFL- American Federation of Labor: focused on organizing workers by class • CIO- Congress of Industrial Organizations: separated workers into a category (industry), then they would be in same union; unskilled janitors and skilled machinists.

What was the impact of the Highway Act of 1956?

• They connected making the highways to the cold war. People could evacuate if there was a nuclear bomb or we could leave before the radiation affected us • The highways mixed up the cities and it brought jobs like trucking and petroleum. • The highways help the suburbanization. • Good synthesis: the rivers being the highways first • The highways also started the semi trucking businesses which revolutionized the way that goods traveled to people. • More American families were going on vacation. • Took away the popularity from the small towns along the old roads like route 66

Who were the Dixiecrats and what upset them?

• They lived in the south • Southern democrats • They didn't vote for Truman • Most of them voted towards more conservative candidates than Truman

Lost Generation- Why were they so lost? What did they write about?

• They were the writers of the 1920's • They were young during the war • They were people who just experienced WWI • They were disgusted by war • They were alienated and hated WWII and were disgusted by war and violence

Relief, Recovery, and Reform (know each program, which category it fell under too)

• This was the objective of the New Deal • Relief: CWA, CCC, WPA o CWA: Civil Works Administration, made by Roosevelt. Put 2.6 million men into jobs by repairing bridges, and making public buildings and highways. o WPA: the works progress administration. It employed 8.5 million people. It matched people with their talents. This helped individuals with their specific needs. employed artists and writers o CCC: (longer permeant alternative to the CWA) The Civilian Conservation Corps. put 250,000 people to do conservation and reforestation work. They also built bridges, roads, trails and things in parks. • Recovery: o NRA- National recovery administration: they set prices, regulations and wages. The supreme court believed this was unconstitutional because the federal government was telling the business what they had to pay their workers. o AAA: they paid farmers to not grow crops so that overproduction would go down. Declared unconstitutional because the government was overstepping • Reform: o Social security: It payed the elderly required workers, widows or disabled people and it payed unemployed workers. o SEC: The SEC attempted to regulate the stock market. It tried to determine how stocks and bonds were sold. They also set limitations on how much credit you could use. They also tried to stop sales of certain stocks because of their insider information. o FDIC: Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. This insured deposits up to $2,500. It also stopped banks from giving loans or investing in people who were unreliable and risky. Wagner act: allowed workers to be in and create unions. (R?)

Importance of Election of 1928

• This was when Hoover was elected • It was important because of the conflicts over race, religion and ethnicity at the time • Hoover won by a landslide and beat Al Smith o Al smith had beliefs that favored the urban middle class o Urban people started to vote for the democrat • Voting patterns changed- 5 southern democratic states voted for the republican president because they didn't want the president to be catholic

Bonus March

• Veterans wanted pensions to be paid, government didn't have the money, they protested • Hoover sent in soldiers to burn down their campground • Footage got to theatres and he lost popularity immediately

Japanese internment was flat out wrong. How was this a violation of basic civil liberties?

• We discriminated against the Japanese Americans because we were afraid of spies after pearl harbor • We took them and put them into internment camps across the country • Roosevelt issued the Executive Order 9066 which made the Japanese Americans move out of their homes and be relocated into camps for the rest of the war.

How did women benefit from the war? How did African Americans fare? What about other minorities?

• Women also took up former men's jobs during the war. They received a lower wage than men. After the war women were encouraged back into the home and they received less jobs. Their true callings were raising a family. • Women got jobs Women were building planes and ships, the only ones who were allowed into the combat zone if they were nurses o If they were pilots, they brought in supplies o Women were sexually harassed at work and they weren't paid as much as the men • The army was segregated, but the army was the first time blacks and whites had to work together and have the same purpose and perspective • WWII changed the black Americans perspective and sparked the mindset for the civil rights movement • All minorities helped in the war effort but they weren't treated the same o They all got jobs left behind by white men

Understand what occurred at Yalta and Potsdam

• Yalta and Potsdam (NTK) showed that the US and the Soviet Union had many different views and goals. • Yalta: o FDR and Stalin were there o Agreed to separate west and east Germany o They decided to split berlin (?) o Russia would help US in fighting Japan o Stalin agreed to allow three elections in Poland • Potsdam conference o Truman and Stalin o Stalin took back what he previously said and said that he wouldn't allow free elections at all

20th amendment

• earlier inauguration date

Keynesian Economics

• its ok for the government to spend a lot of money and go into debt if it means getting us out of the depression. This is okay because then the money from the people will go back to the government and everything will be the same. Drought, Dust Bowl, etc

Modernism vs. Traditionalism, know the examples where they clashed.

• the cultural war: how liberals voted for modern ideas and how conservatives voted for traditional ideas • Ex "Scopes" monkey trial (modernism): biology teacher taught the theory of evolution, was arrested for it. (religion vs. science) • progressivism: urban dwellers, liberal reforms with traditionalists and religionists. • Modernists were members of Hollywood and traditionalists were people who felt threatened by them

Drought, Dust Bowl, etc. What were shelterbelts?

• there was a severe drought in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Colorado, Arkansas and Kansas. • Farmers stripped the land, pushed it to its limits and the land was really dry so when the winds came around, the dust blew everywhere • Because of the dust bowl people started to move to California • Roosevelt took action to prevent this from happening again: he created the Soil Conservation Service which taught the farmers to till their land. • Biggest program: Shelterbelts. This was the planting of 220 million trees.

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