CH. 24

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Which groups were part of the New Deal political coalition?

- Black people in urban areas - the working class - Western and Southern farmers - liberals and progressives

Which statements about Roosevelt's commissioner of Indian affairs, John Collier, are true?

- He drew heavily on the concept of cultural relativism. - He promoted legislation that restored the rights of Native American groups to elect tribal governments. - He was influenced by the work of twentieth-century anthropologists.

The Indian Reorganization Act of 1934 accomplished which of the following?

- It gave Native American groups the right to elect tribal governments. - It restored the right of Native American groups to own land collectively.

Conservatives who disapproved of Roosevelt's policies said that ______.

- his strategies would lead to enormous concentration of power in the hands of appointed officials - he was no longer protecting individual freedom and was instead promoting fascism and communism - he was moving away from the nation's traditions

The Roosevelt administration established work-relief programs that ______.

- planted trees and developed parks - constructed roads, dams, and other infrastructure projects

Roosevelt's proposed reform of the tax system in 1935 ______.

- would have created the highest peacetime tax rates in history - seemed to be an attempt to undermine the appeal of his political rival, Huey Long

Huey P. Long was known for ______.

-serving as the governor of Louisiana, and later as a senator -Strident attacks on banks, oil companies, utilities, and conservative politicians. -Promoting a radical plan to stimulate the economy by taking money from wealthy citizens and giving it to the lower classes

What effects did the New Deal have on the American economy?

> It elevated new interest groups that could challenge the power of corporations. > It increased the regulatory functions of the federal government over the economy.

Which statements are true regarding the legacy of the New Deal on America's welfare system?

> It was the beginning of the American welfare state. > It failed to solve the problem of poverty. > It reinforced of patterns of gender and racial discrimination.

The National Recovery Administration did which of the following?

> made child industrial labor illegal > set floors under prices > set a standard for the maximum hours a person could work in a week > established a minimum wage for labor

Who was Roosevelt's principal challenger in the presidential election of 1936?

Alf M. Landon

The Munich conference of 1938 was precipitated by a crisis over ______.


Who was the most influential advocate for Black Americans and racial justice in the Roosevelt administration?

Eleanor Roosevelt

The Social Security Act omitted all provisions for direct, need-based assistance.


As a result of a sit-down strike of autoworkers in late 1936 and early 1937, ______.

General Motors recognized the United Auto Workers union

The administrator of the Works Progress Administration was ______.

Harry Hopkins

How did Roosevelt respond to the issue of war debts?

He ended the payment system Hoover had established and allowed the issue to die.

Which accusations were characteristic of those levied against Roosevelt in the so-called whispering campaign of 1935?

He was a drug addict. He was insane.

What was the status of the New Deal by early 1935?

It began to face fierce public criticism.

How did the Second New Deal differ from earlier programs?

It was less friendly to corporate interests.

Which of the following are true of the Agricultural Adjustment Act?

It was partially struck down by the Supreme Court. It helped to bring about a rise in prices for farm commodities.

Which of the following refers to the broad array of reform initiatives launched during the administration of Franklin Roosevelt in the 1930s?

The New Deal

By the end of 1938, what was the status of the New Deal?

The New Deal had essentially come to an end.

What was one long-term consequence of the New Deal?

The national government began to assume a responsibility for the basic welfare of the people.

Some of the isolationist sentiment of the 1930s was the result of a Senate investigation led by Gerald Nye of North Dakota that claimed to have evidence that ______.

U.S. involvement in World War I was the result of pressure by Wall Street and munitions makers

In general, New Deal programs reflected which basic assumption about women in the workforce?

Women should withdraw from the workplace when men are seeking work.

What prompted the emergence of a powerful trade union movement during the 1930s?

a combination of government effort and increased worker militancy

Two days after taking office, Franklin Roosevelt closed ______ for four days.

all the nation's banks

To calm the financial panic that was sweeping the nation, Roosevelt ______.

began to construct a diverse and ambitious program of legislation

Regarding the money supply, Roosevelt ______.

believed the United States needed it to be more fluid

Among conservatives, the greatest hatred of Roosevelt came from ______.

businessmen and financiers

The Black administrators appointed by Roosevelt were known collectively as the Black ______________


Roosevelt's first task upon taking office was to ______.

calm the panic that was creating chaos in the financial system

A treaty to make the United States a member of the World Court was ______.

defeated by isolationist senators

Roosevelt's attempt to install new justices on the Supreme Court ______.

failed in Congress

In response to President Franklin Roosevelt's first days in office and his call for a bank holiday, the American people ______.

felt a mixture of relief and hope.

The basis of much of the economic development in the West was ______.

government funding for water projects

In the 1930s, American workers ______.

grew more militant and powerful

President Franklin Roosevelt's Court-packing plan arose out of ______.

his desire to change the ideological balance of the Court

The Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) was intended to ______.

improve the economy of the entire Tennessee River valley increase the productivity of local farms encourage the growth of local industries

Roosevelt's favorite relief project, the Civilian Conservation Corps, put the unemployed to work ______.

in rural and wilderness areas

As a result of their inclusion in New Deal programs and aid, Black voters ______.

joined the Democrats in overwhelming numbers

Sit-down strikes involved sitting down in the workplace and refusing to work or leave, a tactic that ______.

kept the company from being able to use strikebreakers

The terms of the Agricultural Adjustment Act favored

large landowners over small ones

The terms of the Agricultural Adjustment Act favored ______.

large landowners over small ones

In response to the growing criticism of the New Deal, Roosevelt ______.

launched Second New Deal legislation

Under the terms of the Agricultural Adjustment Act, the government paid fees to farmers for ______.

leaving some of their land idle

Huey P. Long's Share-Our-Wealth Society proposed to confiscate and redistribute some of the assets of the ______.

nation's wealthiest individuals

The Social Security Act included which of the following?

need-based assistance for low-income aging adults, those with disabilities, and dependent children and their mothers insurance for the unemployed a pension program for workers

Neville Chamberlain was ______ the Munich agreement.

prime minister of Great Britain and one of the chief architects of

The National Recovery Administration focused on ______.

regulating a wide range of businesses

On which of the following issues did Franklin Roosevelt break most sharply with Hoover?

relations with Europe

The Federal Emergency Relief Administration disbursed cash grants to support bankrupt ______.

relief agencies

During his first two years in office, Franklin Roosevelt was ______ among the general public.

remarkably popular

In the 1930s, organized labor was ______.

strengthened by New Deal legislation

What was completed under the New Deal and was, upon completion, the largest public works project built to date?

the Grand Coulee Dam

What was the New Deal federal agency that called on businesses to accept the regulation of wages, hours, and prices in order to stabilize the economy, maintain the workforce, and reduce competition?

the National Recovery Administration

Huey Long's program of wealth redistribution was known as ______.

the Share-Our-Wealth Plan

Which region of the country received the most New Deal funding per capita?

the West

What impact did the New Deal have on American politics?

the creation of a coalition among Democrats that would dominate for more than thirty years

Who was Frances Perkins?

the nation's first female cabinet member

By the end of 1938, Roosevelt was beginning to grow most concerned about ______.

the need to prepare for the possibility of war

The Holding Company Act of 1935, a major antitrust effort, was aimed primarily at ______.


Until the 1930s, ______ were largely successful in blocking public development of the nation's power and water resources.

utility companies

As a result of the Court-packing episode, Southern Democrats ______.

were increasingly unwilling to support Roosevelt

In the presidential election of 1936, Roosevelt ______.

won in a landslide

The Works Progress Administration established a system of ______.

work relief for the unemployed

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