Ch 27 fire and life safety initiative

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Preincident plan of exterior and interior access

Addresses all possible issues including How many roads lead to building, hydrants, any security barriers, any gates or codes, trees in way Lockbox to keys of building, any security guard, where is fire alarm annunciantor,


Adopt and enforce a full set of codes that cover a range of areas and that are designed to establish basic health and safety standards including building, electrical, plumbing

Building codes

Enacted to limit fire growth and spread as well as provide many other safety features. Establish safety requirements that apply to the construction of new buildings and almost always include fire protection requirements intended to minimize the development and spread of fire and smoke

What is EDITH

Exercise that shows residents importance of properly installed and working smoke alarms and how they alert residences to a fire giving them more time to escape Stresses importance of keeping doors closed during sleeping hours, preventing smoke and hear from entering, emphasizes two escape routes from each bedroom, and benefits of closing doors as you exit, checking warmth of door, staying low, and calling fire department once out

During life safety survey in garage is, basements, storage areas

Explain importance of good housekeeping and need to clear a junk out of these areas so that equipment operating with an open flame doesn't ignite junk. Need proper storage of gasoline, preferable outside and more extinguishers

If the quantity of the hazardous material on hands exceeds a specific limit

Federal and state regulations require property owners to provide the local fire department with current inventories and SDS

Type 1

Fire resistive construction, made of non-combustible materials of specified fire resistance including concrete steel beams masonry blocks


For those who fail to correct violations within a specified time

In kitchens, by cooking

From 2011-2015 almost half of reported home structure fires were caused by_________

international code council


Horizontal evacuation

If necessary to move patients from a dangerous area, on the same floor


Preincident survey should identify any potential of this. Defined as any building or item that might be in danger if a fire occurs in another building or area Includes other buildings, vehicles, outside storage,

Public education programs

Programs to teach techniques to reduce the risks of deaths or injury in event of a fire and prepare for other hazards such as severe weather, or prevent all accidents that fire service responds to Stop drop and roll Close your door safety initiative Crawl low under smoke EDITH installation of smoke alarms Fall prevention

The most challenging problem during an emergency incident at a healthcare facility is

Protecting non-ambulatory patients

Preincident planning

Provides responding fire crews with vital information needed to make fire ground operations safer and more effective and helps your fire department make better come in decisions because important information is assembled before the emergency occurs

Stop drop and roll

Public fire and safety education program can be taught to children and adults about what to do when clothing ignites


Created Fire and building codes

Preincident survey is an excellent opportunity to identify the best locations for placing

Ground ladders or using aerial apparatus

A pre-incident survey should obtain a complete description of all

Hazardous material, where there stored used and produced at the property and appropriate actions in the event of a spill, leak, fire or other emergency incident

Type 1V

Heavy timber, buildings for the exterior walls are made of non-combustible or limited combustible materials, interior walls and floors are made of combustible materials, dimensions of interior materials are greater than those of ordinary construction

One of the most effective means of avoiding the loss of lives and property is

Increase the focus on the prevention of fires rather than efforts and resources committed to extinguishing them

Type 111

Ordinary, building were exterior walls are made of non-combustible or limited combustible materials but the interior floors and walls are made of combustible materials

Good systematic approach with preincident survey

Starts with the roof and works down through the building, covering every level of the structure including basement Should have drawings

Citizens who don't legally oblige with all rules and regulations set by such an authority

A series of penalties can be imposed, beginning with a verbal warning or written notice

Mobile water supply apparatus

A vehicle designed primarily for transporting (pickup, transporting, and delivering) water to fire emergency scenes. It's used in areas without municipal water systems, the alternative water supply to fight a fire Tankers, water tenders a preincident survey must include sites for filling and discharging their loads

Every kitchen should be equipped with a:

ABC rated fire extinguisher

Exit drill in the home

Public fire and safety education program teaches residents how to safely get out of their homes in the event of a fire or other emergency. Shows residents importance of properly installed and working smoke alarms. Stresses importance of keeping doors closed during sleeping hours, preventing smoke and hear from entering, emphasizes two escape routes from each bedroom, and benefits of closing doors as you exit, checking warmth of door, staying low


Publish the two primary sets of "model codes" that are adopted throughout the U.S. Codes are intended to address wide a range of issues relating to fire and life safety

Fire codes

Regulations that have been legally adopted by a government body with the authority to pass the laws and enforce safety regulations Enacted to ensure minimum level of fire safety in home and workplace environments

Healthcare facilities

Require special preincident planning when it comes to hospitals with large and different areas from operating rooms to clinics. Special planning with nonambulatory patients

NFPA 72 (National fire alarm and signaling code)

Requires all smoke alarms be replaced every 10 years after the manufacturing date or if failed the monthly test

NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm and Signaling Code

Requires new residences to have at least one smoke alarm one each level of the house, once centered in the corridor or hallway outside each sleeping area, one in each bedroom Make sure to alert deaf people

Parts of a fire extinguisher

Picture of extinguisher

"16 Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives"

- Mission "to honor and remember America's fallen fire heroes, to provide resources to assist their survivors in rebuilding their lives, and work within the fire service community to reduce firefighter deaths and injuries." - Also known as Everyone Goes Home Reinforce commitment and describe steps needed to be taken to change the current culture of the fire service to help make it safer work environment

The combination of working smoke alarms and a residential sprinkler system reduces the chance of a death from a home fire by _____

Eighty percent out of one hundred

Fire safety survey

A "community service" or A voluntary inspection that an occupant requests of a residence or occupied structure to identify fire and life safety hazards No legal requirements and violations are cited or imposed because it's intended to educate citizens about the risks of fires

A Preincident plan

A collection of data that is used by responding personnel to effectively and safely manage an emergency at a particular location. Done for larger properties or present unusual risks.

A Preincident plan should be prepared for every property that poses

A high life-safety hazard to its occupants and safety risks to responders

Municipal water system

A network of pipes, pumps, and storage and treatment facilities designed to deliver potable water to homes, schools, businesses, and other users in a city or town. Water system is used for water supply to fight fires

When statice water sources are used

A pretty incident plan must identify drafting sites (locations were in engine can draft water directly from the static source) and be able to measure the distance from the water source to the fire building

During interior surveys

After exterior inspection for hazards. During what survey should you explain why different situations are considered potential fire hazards, overloading electrical circuit for example. Mention EDITH

Preincident survey should identify which type of system is involved, where the fire ___________ and _________ are located and if system is remotely monitored

Alarm control panel, remote annunciator

Smoke alarms are powered by

Alkaline batteries

Older vs newer buildings

Are constructed of noncombustible materials and designed to confine a fire within a limited area Vs buildings generally included automatic sprinklers, smoke detection, and alarm systems, emergency generators, elevator control systems, smoke control systems and building control systems

Preincident planning should anticipate incidents that can occur

At locations like airports, bridges, tunnels, railroad lines, highways, construction sites Special locations so like Gas or liquid fuel transmission pipelines Electrical transmission lines Ships and waterways Subways and tunnels

Preincident survey should determine whether the building has ____________ system, locations of valves that control water flow to different sections

Automatic sprinkler

During a Home fire safety survey

Be on the lookout for potential nonfire safety hazards in the home. Poisoners, possible drowning, falls, toppling furniture, hoarding

Conducting fire station tours

Beforehand make sure all areas are safe, nothing broken slippery or wet. Leave every group tour with both a message and materials, reinforcing simple prevention to have more awareness of fire safety to help them in situations

Highest priority as a firefighter

Educate the public about fire risks and other hazards

Important during response phase

Building layout and access information from preincident plan, identification of the most efficient route for the apparatus to take to the building and an alternate route if the time of day and local traffic patterns might affect the primary route. Make sure building address is also clearly visible. If apartment- best sure to each individual room

Preincident plan has diagrams of

Building location and layout, entry points, lockbox locations, access points, FDCs for sprinklers and standpipes and hydrant locations. Special hazards should be identified

Second major consideration during size up and preincident survey

Buildings use and occupancy that present different problems and hazards Knowing will determine if rescuing is necessary and determine the contents of the building Know classification for characteristics first is The ongoing observation and evaluation of factors that influence the objectives, strategies, tactics for fire suppression

Photoelectric smoke alarms

Can be installed in kitchen areas

nonambulatory patients

Cannot move themselves to an area of safety during an emergency, owing to their physical condition, medical treatment or other factors

Common causes of living room fires include

Careless use of smoking materials, fireplaces, overloaded electrical circuits, portable heating appliances

Firefighters should expect to encounter hazardous materials at

Chemical companies, garden centers, swimming pool supply stores, hardware stores, labs

Public assembly

Classification of a building including theaters, auditoriums, churches, arenas, stadiums, meeting halls, bars and restaurants


Classification of a building including: retail stores, industrial factories, warehouses, parking garages, offices


Classification of a building, including hospitals and nursing homes, schools

Preincident survey

Completed by one of the crews that would respond to an incident at the location, it's the information going into the plan. Conducted with fire inspections Begins with outside of building with gathering info on geographic location and features, access points

public fire and life safety education program

Covers the proper installation and maintenance of smoke alarms. During this presentation stress the importance of having enough working smoke alarms throughout the house. Covers the importance of residential fire sprinkler systems in preventing residential fire deaths Discusses the selection and use of portable fire extinguishers (for adults only)

For large industrial and commercial complex

Details and arrangements of private water supply systems must be determined during Preincident survey, and if off site hydrants should be used if the private hydrants would compromise the water supply to sprinkler systems if fire departments use rhem

Preincident planning for ventilation

Important to determine whether the heating, air conditioning HVAC system can be used to remove smoke without circulating it throughout the building Knowing roof construction helps determine this

Conducting a fire safety survey

In private dwellings, can't be conducted without occupants permission. The survey is to help teach people how to protect their things in the event of a fire. During the survey, point out hazards and make recommendations. Make sure any fire equipment is properly installed and working. Make sure exterior of house is properly addressed and clean

Fire codes

Include regulations designed to prevent fires from occurring, provide for safe egress of occupants, eliminate fire hazards, protect lives and property. Apply to all old and new buildings related to fire risks, include regulations for dispensing flammable liquids and storing them, along with prohibiting parking in a fire lane or obstructing fire hydrant

Smoke alarms shouldn't be installed near

Kitchens, fireplaces, garages, windows, exterior doors, heating, air conditioning ducts

During life safety survey and living rooms

Look for indications of careless smoking or improperly installed home entertainment equipment, such as multiple devices plugged into a light duty extension cord, overloaded electrical outlets. Make sure fireplace or sources of heat have no combustibles nearby Stress importance of using power strips containing circuit breakers to prevent overloading of extension cords

During life safety survey in kitchens

Look for signs afraid wires on appliances, combustible towels or potholders stored too close to the stove, cooking oil store near the stove, anything that can be ignited placed on cooking surface

Fire prevention

Measures taken toward avoiding the inception of fire.

Pre incident plans are usually prepared for

Multi family residential properties such as apartment complexes and condominiums

Type 11

Noncombustible, buildings were the structural members are made but not of fire resistant protection, unprotected steel beams

defend in place strategy

Occupants are relocated to a safe place within the structure making the facility itself designed to protect the patients from the fire

By their nature, detention and correctional facilities are designed to ensure

Occupants can't leave the building Pre incident plan must consider technology of removing inmates from a facility and the security concerns

Interconnected smoke alarms

Offer the best production. Because when one smoke alarm sounds, all alarms sound. Older residences may need additional ones

Pre incident survey for search and rescue

Operators need to know locations of occupants of a building including all entrances and exits to the building, fire scapes come over for exits Knowing information about floor plan can be life saving Along with locations where forcible entry may be required

Fire officer, IC

Performs Preincident plan, and __________ uses information gathered to direct operations more effectively

Defend in place

Philosophy used when designing fire protection for these facilities, approach presumes that patients will not be able to escape from a fire without assistance and that there may not be enough staff present to move all the patients out of the structure

You would go into an emergency situation blind without this

Preincident plan

During response, preincident plan

Should have designated entrance where fire alarm annunciator panel is or meeting security guard for guidance, for the first arriving unit

High rise buildings with pre incident survey

Should identify both the building construction and any special features that have been installed Fire protection features vary depending on age and fire code requirements

Preincident survey should note locations of utilities including

Shut off's for electricity, water, natural gas, propane gas, fuel oil, other energy sources along with procedure for contacting appropriate utility company

Countless fires can be prevented by

Teaching safe behaviors and eliminating unsafe conditions. Reduction strategies like conducting inspections to enforce fire codes

The most common cause of fires in bedrooms are

The improper use of smoking materials. These areas have lot of combustible materials, and occupants need to know the importance of keeping ignition sources away from these materials and keeping doors closed incase of fire

Important size up for preincident plan

The ongoing observation and evaluation of factors that influence the objectives, strategies, tactics for fire suppression Includes: building construction, heat, occupancy, presence of hazmat materials, fire protection system, water supply info with standpipes, fireballs Should have features inside building that are not visible from outside, like attics

Remodeled buildings

These types of renovated structures have unique hazards, because they could be constructed from removal some of the original built-in fire protection and create new hazards, vulnerable to fire, unfinished construction is open and lacks many fire resistant features and detection

Smoke alarms can save lives only if

They are properly installed and maintained. Tested each month.

Effectively reducing outbreak of fires and limit consequences of fires occurring

Through the use of fire and life safety strategies such as public education, code enforcement, fire investigations

One of the most important reasons for developing a preincident plan

To identify special hazards and providing that information including chemicals, structural conditions resulting in a building collapse, industrial processes, high voltage electrical equipment and confined spaces May be necessary to contact specialists for advice

Most jurisdictions don't inspect residences after they're built

Unless there is reason to believe it's unsafe

Geographic Information System (GIS)

Used to collect data on geographic environment such as population characteristics, types of occupancies, roadmaps

lightweight construction

Uses assemblies of small components such as trusses, fabricated beams that are strong and cost less than traditional construction methods but may fail quickly during a fire, can be found in newer buildings and older buildings with remodeling

Type V

Wood frame, building swear exterior walls, interior walls, floors, roof are made of combusble with materials

Fire codes

have different Inspection durations for different buildings Authorize local jurisdiction to conduct fire inspections in all buildings during construction phase and prior to issuing an occupancy permit

Public education

referred to as goals of fire and life safety education, to help people understand how to prevent the loss of life, injury, and property damage from occurring to teach them how to react in an appropriate manner if an emergency occurs

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