Kinesiology test 1

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What is the significance of the lumbar vertebrae's body size?

Their larger size helps to support more body weight.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the superficial flexors?

They all have an origin point on the medial epicondyle of the humerus.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the posterior muscles that move and stabilize the shoulder?

They all insert on the scapula.

Which of the following statements accurately describes a characteristic of all elbow flexors

They are located on the anterior side of the humerus.

Which of the following statements accurately describes a characteristic of all elbow flexors?

They are located on the anterior side of the humerus.

What is the function of the costal facets of the thoracic vertebrae?

They attach the thoracic vertebrae to the ribs.

Which of the following statements accurately describes how the splenius muscles rotate the head?

They draw the head to one side and rotate it to face the same side.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the action of the scalenes?

They elevate the first and second ribs and bend the spinal column laterally.

What is the action of the quadriceps muscles?

They extend the leg at the knee joint.

If you were explaining the functions of the abdominal muscles to a friend while studying for an exam, which of the following would not be included in your explanation?

They extend the vertebral column.

All of the following statements accurately describe the extensor digitorum brevis and extensor hallucis brevis except

They insert into proximal phalanges of the toes.

Which of the following statements is true regarding the erector spinae muscles?

They lie parallel to the spine and extend the back.

All of the following statements accurately describe the semispinalis muscles except

They rotate the face to the same side.

What is a function of the abdominal muscles?

They rotate the trunk.

What impact do the rhomboid major and rhomboid minor muscles have on the scapula?

They steady the scapula.

Which way does the longissimus capitis turn the face?

Toward the same side

In elbow extension, the is the agonist and the is the antagonist.

Triceps brachii, biceps brachii

Which of the following statements would you use to explain what happens when a muscle contracts to a friend who does not understand this concept?

When a muscle contracts, the belly or middle part of the muscle shortens and moves one bone toward the other.

How many cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae are there?

7 cervical vertebrae, 12 thoracic vertebrae, and 5 lumbar vertebrae

The internal intercostals the ribs, aiding in

Depress, forced expiration

What is one of the actions of all the anterior lower leg muscles?

Dorsiflexion of the foot

The pronator muscles turn the palm

Down, up

All of the following are actions performed by the sternocleidomastoid except

Drawing the head directly backward.

All of the following are actions of the trapezius except

Elevating the arm.

Which of the following are paired and opposing muscle actions?

Elevation, depression

The interspinales the vertebral column, and the intertransversarii the vertebral column.

Extend, flex

If your instructor asked you to list the bones of the lower limb, from thigh to foot, which of the following would be the correct order?

Femur, patella, tibia and fibula, tarsals, metatarsals, phalanges

The insert into the posterior surface of the calcaneus via the Achilles tendon.

Gastrocnemius, soleus

Which of the following joints is a ball-and-socket joint?

Hip joint

How does the sacrum differ in the male and female body?

In the female, the sacrum is shorter and wider than in the male and directed more obliquely backward, increasing the size of the pelvic cavity.

Which part of the spine includes the atlas and axis?

Cervical spine

Which bone marking distinguishes the thoracic vertebrae from the other types of vertebrae?

Costal facets

The lateral rotators of the hip are located ___ to the gluteus maximus ___ and to the gluteus minimis.

Deep, inferior

If you tore your Achilles tendon, you would be unable to perform all of the following muscle actions except

Pulling your knees to your chest.

In elbow flexion, the biceps brachii pulls the ___ upward toward the humerus.


Which of the following muscles is involved neck flexion?


Which of the following muscles is involved in maintaining upright posture?

Psoas major

The is an elbow flexor, whereas the is an elbow extensor.

Brachialis, triceps

If you were explaining to a friend how the wrist joint moves, you would include all of the following motions in your explanation except


The is an elbow flexor, whereas the is an elbow extensor.

Brachialis, triceps brachii

What is the primary action of the muscles in the medial compartment of the thigh?


Muscles that perform the main force of an action are called and muscles that perform the paired action are called

Agonists, antagonists

The flexors of the hand are located on the part of the forearm, whereas the extensors of the hand are located on the

Anterior, posterior

All of the following statements accurately describe the gracilis except

It adducts, flexes, and laterally rotates the thigh.

If you were explaining the diaphragm to your lab partner, you would likely make all of the following points except

It compresses the thoracic cavity and expands the abdominal cavity when it contracts.

All of the following statements accurately describe the biceps brachii except

It extends the elbow.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the action of the quadratus femoris?

It externally rotates and adducts the hip.

All of the following statements accurately describe the extensor digitorum muscle except

It inserts into the dorsal digital expansion of the proximal phalanx of digit 5.

Which of the following distinguishes the semitendinosus from the semimembranosus?

It inserts into the medial surface of the superior shaft of the tibia.

All of the following statements accurately describe the deltoid muscle except

It is a rotator cuff muscle.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the manubrium of the sternum?

It is broad, thick, and triangular in shape.

All of the following statements are true of the latissimus dorsi muscle except

It laterally rotates and flexes the arm.

What is the action of the multifidus?

It stabilizes the vertebrae in local movements of the vertebral column.

The ____ of the tibia and the ___ of the fibula are responsible for making the protrusions of the ankle, just above the foot.

Medial malleolus, lateral malleolus

Since the scapula is a ___ bone, it must be ____ in order for the arm to be able to move.

Moveable, stabilized

How does the skeletal system facilitate body movement?

Muscles attach to the bones and cause movement when they contract.

Which of the following accurately lists two actions shared by the sternocleidomastoid and scalene muscles?

Nodding and shaking the head

Which of the following is a type of bone that is present in both the upper and lower limbs?


The fibularis (peroneus) longus and fibularis (peroneus) brevis ___ and ___ the foot.

Plantarflex, evert

All of the following are functions of the thoracic cage except

Protecting the spinal cord.

The erector spinae are back muscles that act as prime movers in of the vertebral column.

Superficial, extension

Which of the following accurately lists the rotator cuff muscles?

Supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis

Skeletal muscles are attached to the skeleton by


Which of the following muscles is part of the first and most superficial plantar layer of foot muscles?

The abductor hallucis

If you were explaining the atlas to a friend, you might include all of the following points except

The atlas is the second of the cervical vertebrae.

In elbow flexion, which of the following muscles is the agonist?

The biceps brachii

All of the following are part of the pelvic girdle except

The coccyx.

All of the following are parts of the sternum except

The coccyx.

Which of the following is a muscle of the shoulder girdle?

The coracobrachialis

All of the following parts of the scapula attach to rotator cuff muscles except

The coracoid process.

Which muscle marks the anatomical division between the thoracic and abdominal cavities?

The diaphragm

Which muscles are primarily responsible for inspiration?

The diaphragm and external intercostals

If you were swinging a baseball bat, which muscles would you be using?

The external and internal obliques

All of the following abdominal muscles play a role in forceful expiration except

The external obliques.

If you were rowing a boat, you would use all of the following muscles except

The external obliques.

Which of the following is an anterior lower leg muscle?

The fibularis (peroneus) tertius

Which of the following statements accurately compares how the anterior compartment muscles of the thigh move the knee?

The four heads of the quadriceps femoris extend the knee, whereas the sartorius flexes and internally rotates the knee.

Which of the following statements accurately compares the gluteal muscles?

The gluteus maximus is innervated by the inferior gluteal nerve, whereas the gluteus medius, gluteus minimis, and tensor fasciae latae are innervated by the superior gluteal nerve.

All of the following statements accurately describe bone markings of each scapula except

The greater and lesser tubercles are rounded projections that attach to muscles and ligaments.

If your lab partner asked you to explain how the hamstrings and quadriceps are involved in climbing stairs, which of the following would you most likely say?

The hamstrings are involved in raising the body up and lifting a leg, whereas the quadriceps are involved in stepping up to the next step.

All of the following are part of the vertebral column except

The hyoid.

All of the following are insertion points of the rectus abdominis except

The iliac crest.

All of the following muscles play a role in forced inspiration except

The internal intercostals.

All of the following are origin points of the trapezius except

The lateral third of the clavicle.

All of the following muscles originate from the scapula except

The latissimus dorsi.

All of the following statements accurately compare the long and short heads of the biceps femoris except

The long and short heads extend the hip.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the origin of the long and short heads of the biceps brachii?

The long head originates from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, and the short head originates from the coracoid process of the scapula.

Which of the following statements accurately compares the origins of the long and short heads of the biceps brachii?

The long head originates from the supraglenoid tubercle of the scapula, whereas the short head originates from the coracoid process.

What structure articulates with the clavicle?

The manubrium of the sternum

All of the following are bones of the lower limb except

The metacarpals.

Which of the following statements accurately compares the scalp and eyebrow muscles?

The occipitofrontalis and corrugator supercili muscles move the forehead and eyebrows, whereas the levator palpebrae superioris and orbicularis oculi muscles open and close the eyes.

Which muscle that moves and stabilizes the shoulder girdle can elevate the ribs to assist in more forceful inspiration?

The pectoralis minor

Which muscle depresses the lower jaw?

The platysma

All of the following statements accurately describe the pronator teres and pronator quadratus muscles except

The pronator teres pronates the hand, whereas the pronator quadratus pronates and flexes the forearm.

Which muscle plays a role in taking a bow after a performance?

The rectus abdominis

If your lab partner asked you to distinguish between the rhomboid major and rhomboid minor muscles, which of the following points would you likely make?

The rhomboid major originates from the spinous processes of TO2-TO5, whereas the rhomboid minor originates from the spinous processes of C07-T01.

All of the following muscles are part of the quadriceps group except

The sartorius.

If you were standing upright, you'd be using all of the following muscles except

The scalenes.

All of the following muscles are part the erector spinae group except

The semispinalis muscles.

All of the following muscles are involved in elevating your body on your tiptoes except

The semitendinosus.

Which of the following statements accurately compares the serratus posterior superior and serratus posterior inferior muscles?

The serratus posterior superior assists in forceful inspiration, whereas the serratus posterior inferior assists in forceful expiration.

All of the following posterior thigh muscles originate from the ischial tuberosity except

The short head of the biceps femoris.

All of the following muscles are part of the transversospinales group except

The spinalis muscles.

What is the origin point of the rhomboid major?

The spinous processes of T02-TO5

Which of the following statements accurately compares the splenius capitis and semispinalis capitis?

The splenius capitis rotates the face to the same side, whereas the semispinalis capitis rotates the face to the opposite side.

Which muscle that moves and stabilizes the shoulder girdle is located on the anterior side of the body?

The subclavius

Which of the following statements accurately describes the origin of one of the lateral rotators of the hip?

The superior gemellus originates from the ischial spine, with the upper part of the tendon of the obturator internus.

Which muscle does not insert onto the femur?

The tensor fasciae latae

All of the following are muscles of the rotator cuff except

The teres major.

All of the following muscles flex the elbow except

The triceps brachii.

Which of the following statements accurately compares the true and false ribs?

The true ribs articulate directly with the sternum via individual costal cartilages, whereas the false ribs attach to the sternum via shared cartilage.

Which of the following is part of the sternum?

The xiphoid process

All of the following statements describe the structure of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae except

Their body consists of paired pedicles and laminae.

If you were explaining the quadriceps muscles to your lab partner, you would likely make all of the following points except

Their contraction causes lateral rotation of the hip.

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