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1.3 billion

How much rain does a desert receive?

10 inches of rainfall or less per year

% in cities

13 % live in slums

War for Independence

1775-1783; also called "Revolutionary War"; war between Britian and the American colonies; American victory.

India has projected to overtake China in


One rotation of the earth

24 hours


3.1 mil sq km excluding Kashmir

temp of tropical wet climate

32 Degrees F (0 Degrees C)

Revolution, or Earth's yearly trip around the sun is _________________

365 days

life expectancy

67 years for men, 70 for women

Averages for temp and rainfall for tropical wet cimates

80 Degrees F Rainfall averages from 50 to 260 in of rain


A business that is owned by the members it serves and is managed in their interest.


A chemical intended to kill insects and other organisms that damage crops.


A collective farm in Israel

Syrian Desert

A desert in Southwest Asia covering much of the Arabian Peninsula between the Mediterranean coast and the Euphrates River.


A form of autocracy with a hereditary king or queen exercising supreme power ex: The king of Saudi Arabia is an absolute monarch.


A general who ruled Japan in the emperor's name supported by samurais


A giant wave usually caused by an earthquake beneath the ocean floor.

In what way is a globe more useful than a map? In what way is a map more useful than a globe?

A globe shows all properties accurately. A map is a flat representation of all or part of the planet.

federal system

A government that divides the powers of government between the national government and state or provincial governments

unitary system

A government that gives all key powers to the national or central government

Gulf of Mexico

A large gulf off the southeastern coast of North America. There is no dry season. Maple, oak, and pine trees are plentiful, and many types of mammals, reptiles, and amphibians are common.


A large sea between two continents, southern Europe and northern Africa

Northern China Plain

A large, lowland region of eastern China that is watered by the Huang River; birthplace of Chinese civilization.

Explain the advantages of the 3 map projections.

A planar projection is most accurate accurate at the center. A cylindrical projection is most accurate at the Equator because shapes and distances are increasingly distorted when moving away from the Equator and toward the Poles. A conic projection is the Earth's surface projected onto a map formed into a cone. Shape is relatively accurate on such projections, and straight lines drawn on them approximate great circle routes if distances are not great.


A religion and philosophy developed in ancient India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being who takes many forms

Euphrates River

A river in southwestern Asia that flows through the southern part of the Fertile Crescent.


A structure that carries water over long distances


A sub-varna in the caste system that gave people of sense of community because they usually consisted of people working in the same occupation.


A system that determines the precise position of something on Earth through a series of satellites, tracking stations, and receivers.

The three main categories of economic systems

A traditional economy, market economy, mixed economy, and command economy.


A tropical cyclone occurring in the western Pacific or Indian oceans

Indus River Valley

A valley and early civilization along the Indus River, one of the longest rivers in the world.


A village council in India

Aquaculture and fishing quotas

A-use floating and anchored fish cages FQ-used to prevent overfishing by limiting fish harvest both used to increase fish

How do reference points differ for geographers and historians?

Absolute location and relative location

Why is the use of absolute location more specific than relative location?

Absolute location shows exactly where your destination.

home to some of the world's most ancient surviving civilizations

Afghan frontier to jungles of Burma

Public Health

Africa is low on there _____________________ ____________

Lake Victoria

Africa's largest lake

Where are the less developed countries?

Africa, Asia, and Latin America

where are tropical savannas?

Africa, Central and South America, Asia, and Australia

A tall, jagged mountain range, the ___________, runs across the southern part of the region.



Also called Holy Land. Biblical name, Canaan. an ancient country in SW Asia, on the E coast of the Mediterranean.


An agreement to stop fighting


An area of grassland with scattered trees and bushes

wildlife reserve

An area of land set aside by the government for wild animal to live in protection

Quinto, Ecuador

An elevation of more than 9,000 feet near the Equator.


An imaginary line that runs through the center of the Earth between the North and South Poles. It is tilted. runs from the North Pole to the South Pole example: The Earth is tilted at 231/2 degrees


Any system of government in which the power and authority to rule belongs to a single individual ex: _____________ are the oldest and one of the most common forms of government. Most autocrats achieve and maintain their position of authority through inheritance or by the ruthless use of military or police power.

Ring of Fire

Area around the Pacific Ocean known for frequent earthquakes and volcanoes

Changes in the U.S. economy since the 50's

As the 1950s began, the manufacturing sector became a driving force of the economy. Manufacturers helped the economy by turning from wartime production to the manufacturing of cars, televisions, and appliances.

Two most densely populated continents

Asia and Europe

greenhouse gases

Atmospheric gases such as water vapor, methane, and carbon dioxide

India and Pakistan released from Britain in

August 1947

What Peninsula is bounded by the Adriatic and Ionian Sea?



Belief in one God


Belief that God does not exist


British arrive

How is a location's economic activity related to its physical geography?

By their activities.


Capital of North Korea


Capital of South Korea

What is exchanged in the process of world trade?

Capital, labor, goods, and services

Coriolis effect

Causes moving air and water to turn left in the southern hemisphere and turn right in the northern hemisphere due to Earth's hemisphere.

what locations experience marine west coast climates?

Chile, Australia, the British Isles, and the Pacific Coast of North America

Religion in Northwestern Europe



City in Southern India


Climate zone in which the weather is characterized by hot dry summers and cool dry winters

_______________ environmental condition of Gulf of Mexico

Commercial fishing

How do maps made using GIS make use of computer technology?

Data is entered into a digital database.

acid rain

Destroys forests


Destruction of forests


Direct British rule in India


During the 19th century, industrialization spread significantly to new places in Europe, the United States, to Russia, and also to this East Asian country.

Our planet, ____ is part of a physical system called the solar system


What causes different places on Earth to get different amounts of sunlight?

Earth's tilted axis.


Earth's yearly trip around the sun, taking 3651/4 days. This causes the seasons example: Affects the amount of sunlight that reaches different places

How do earthquakes occur?

Earthquakes are causes by tectonic plates rubbing against one another

Plateau of Tibet

East Asia's highest plateau region

Twice a year, around March 21 and September 23, the sun's direct light falls on the ______________.


Mostly densely populated countries

Europe and Asia


Europe's Largest Mountain system

____________ is the changing of liquid water into vapor, or gas. It is driven by energy from the ___.

Evaporation, sun

What are Mercury and Venus made of?

Extremely hot gasses

Kenya's Population policy

Family size has been somewhat reduced since, but is still larger than in the West

What kinds of technology can help societies cope with rapid population growth?

Fertilizers, irrigation systems, and new crops


First five books of the Hebrew Bible

Grapes of Southern France

France is famous for wine

solar radiation

Gives different amounts of heat to different parts of the Earth. This factor has one of the greatest effects on weather patterns. greenhouse effect

___________________________ - shows accurate dist's b/w land features

Goode's Interrupted Equal Area Map Projection

The __________ or ______________, is an area of flat land

Great European Plain.

________________ sells coffee to other countries everywhere. It is its ____________

Guatemalla, key export


Hindu nationalist BJP party

major languages

Hindu, English, and 20+ more

Major Religions

Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism

Great Lakes

Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, Superior

Examples of renewable resources

Hydroelectric energy, solar energy, wind power

What extends off of southwestern Europe?

Iberian Peninsula


Identity with a group of people that share distinct physical and mental traits as a product of common heredity and cultural traditions.

High Latitude Climates

If the polar areas are facing the sun, they receive continuous, but indirect sunlight. They stretch from 60 degrees North to 90 degrees North and 60 degrees South to 90 degrees South.

Remote sensing is most useful in collecting what kind of info.?

Images of things that cannot be seen by the unaided human eye.

largest group of foreign born residents

In 2012 the Census Bureau reported that 13 percent of the total U.S. population was foreign born and that more than half of the foreign-born population came from Latin America.


In Hinduism and Buddhism, the process by which a soul is reborn continuously until it achieves perfect understanding

impact of European colonization

In recent years, European hunters have continued to pursue African game for sport, profit, and food.

11 out of 12 most polluted cities on a World Health Organization list were


2500 BC

India home to several ancient civilizations and empires

The Himalaya Hindu Kush and karakoram range

India is located on a subcontinent, which is separated from the rest of Asia by


India split into two

The change to power-driven machines, factories, and mass production is the _________________

Industrial Revolution

The ______________ caused _______________

Industrial Revolution, cultural diffusion

_____________ relate to individual's perception of the world

Internal maps

How does the burning of fossil fuels destroy forests?

It causes acid rain

How does hot magma come to the Earth's surface and what does it form?

It comes to the surface because of volcanoes or earthquakes which form ridges.

What is the "Ring of Fire" and where is it located?

It is one of the most earthquake prone areas located around the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean.

How does migration play a role in population increase and decrease?

It is the movement of people from place to place

How can a physical map help explain the historical development of a country?

It shows location and topography.

Italy occupies what Peninsula?

Italian Peninsula

United Nations

Its goals are to help countries cooperate when it comes to international law, international security, economic development, social progress, human rights, and achieving world peace.

Indian forces face resistance in

Jammu and Kashnir

Wani's social media videos called attention to


India has its worst



Korea's main crop

_____________ is an important element of culture, because people use it to communicate


U.S. subarctic climate

Large parts of Alaska have a _______________________ with frigid winter temperatures of -70°F (-57°C) in some places.

Ganges River

Located in India, this river is considered sacred to Hindus and is used for spiritual cleansing, funeral rites, and other Hindu rituals.

_________________ - distance north and south of the Equator


Agriculture in India

Lots of cotton. British took over and turn crops to cash crops. British brought Techniques to help crops be more sustainable

What types of vegetation are found in tundra climate regions?

Low bushes, very short grasses, mosses, and lichens.


Mahat ma Gandhi heads campaign of non-violent protest


Major winds in the Indian Ocean that blew into India for half the year, and blew away from India for the other half. Helped facilitate trade in the Indian Ocean.

cottage industry

Manufacturing based in homes rather than in a factory, commonly found before the Industrial Revolution.

The Iberian Peninsula separates the Atlantic Ocean and what Sea?


What region in North America, South America, Europe, and Australia live?

Metropolitan areas

__________________ is a less developed country



Middle East

level of economic development in the US, Sweden, and South Korea

More developed countries

How did industrialized countries reduce their death rates?

More food, better health care, access to health care and tech, and better housing

Earthwatch, Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife fund


City-states are unified under what?


__________________, the belief that the individual's loyalty to the nation or state is above all other beliefs, can lead to war if it reaches extremes.



Nationalism can breed conflict if it reaches fanatical levels.

emerging markets

Nations with social or business activity in the process of rapid growth and industrialization

Republic of India

New Delhi


North Korea has the largest __________ deposits.


Once this South Korean City was retaken the goals of the U.N mission in Korea were considered to have been met.

The Mississippi River

One of the longest rivers in North America. It flows 2,350 miles (3,782 km) from its headwaters, or source, in Minnesota and reaches a width of 1.5 miles (2.4 km)

Jordan Rift Valley

One of the lowest places on land- 1000 ft below sea level

Gobi Desert

One of the worlds largest deserts, covers part of China and present-day Mongolia.


One of two days (about March 21 and September 23) on which the sun is directly above the Equator, making day and night equal in length. daytime and nighttime hours are equal example: "Equal night"

Asian and Pacific Islander's residency

Pacific coast cities provide important links to the rest of the world, especially to the growing Asian economies.

India blamed



People light candles and lamps and goes over 5 days in Oct or Nov and is celebrated by Hindus and Jains

East africa's cultural diversity

Persian, Islam, Arabic, Chinese, Portugese, and African

food security

Physical, social, and economic access at all times to safe and nutritious food sufficient to meet dietary needs and food preferences for an active and healthy life.

Manchurian Plain

Plain in northeast china

What is the process that scientists think forms Earth's physical features, and what does it mean?

Plate tectonics - the activities of continental drift and magma flow.

The greatest variation in the amount of sunlight occurs near the ____


____________ are borders

Political boundaries

_______________, or borders, may change as a result of wars or disputes.

Political boundaries

What is the difference between population density and population distribution?

Population density is the number of people living on a square mile or square kilometer of land. Population distribution is the variations in population that occur across a country, a continent, or the world.

The process of water falling from the clouds to Earth is called ________


_____________ is a change in regular weather patterns in the Pacific Ocean that affects climates all around the world.

Prevailing winds

What are primary and secondary economic activities?

Primary uses natural resources and secondary uses raw materials

citrus fruits

Produced in the warmer areas of South Korea

Many different religions

Protestant. Judaism, Islam, and Buddhism are among the other religions practiced in the United States. About 16 percent of the U.S. population today is not affiliated with any organized religion.

Green Revolution

Rapid diffusion of new agricultural technology, especially new high-yield seeds and fertilizers.

Another important part of identity for many people is their ___________.


What happened to Italy in the Middle Ages?


East Africa's natural resources

Rich in resources and has a diversity of climates

3 major map projections

Robinson, Mercator, Goode's Equal Area

Eastern Ghats

Rolling mountains east of the Deccan Plateau in Southern India.

What type of languages did all of Italy, Spain, and Greece speak?

Romance Languages

Yellow Sea

Separates Korean Peninsula and China, Yellow river runs into it

Tiananmen Square

Site in Beijing where Chinese students and workers gathered to demand greater political openness in 1989. The demonstration was crushed by Chinese military with great loss of life.

What is the difference between site and situation?

Site is a city's exact location or physical characteristics. Situation is a more general location.

coastal and deep-sea fishing.

South Korea

Tok Islands

South Korea also claims a group of rocky islets that Koreans call the ____________. Japan also claims them.

What are three kinds of perspective that geographers use to look at the world?

Spatial, geographic, ecological, and experience.

What are the two main types of dry climates and how're they distinguished from each other?

Steppes and deserts

Great Plains

Stretch from 300 miles (483 km) to over 700 miles (1,126 km) wide. The land of the plains is higher in the west and slopes downward until it reaches the Central Lowlands. The plains continue eastward to the base of the Appalachian Mountains, the oldest mountain range on the North American continent. This range extends 1,500 miles (2,414 km), from Canada into the state of Alabama.


System of government in which a small group holds power ex: Today the governments of communist countries, such as China, are mostly _____________.


System of government in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens ex: The ancient Greeks used the word __________ to mean government by the many in contrast to government by the few.


System of government in which those who rule are regarded as divinely inspired ex: a government of officials believed to be divinely inspired.

What are tertiary and Quaternary economic activities?

Tertiary provides services. Quaternary is concerned with the processing, management, and distribution of information

Largest Petroleum Reserves

Texas and Alaska

What might cause a person's mental map to change?

That person's individual experience and perception of people, places, regions, and environments.

Kingdom of Silla

The ______ defeated rival kingdoms and united the entire Korean Peninsula in A.D. 668

China's Sorrow

The flooding of the Huang He (Yellow) River killing many people


The highest mountains in the world; located in the far north region of India.

What causes the freezing temperatures of the high-latitude subarctic climate?

The lack of sunlight

commercial fishing

The large _______________________________ companies and small family businesses provide employment for many people, as well as food for domestic consumption and for export.

Name 4 tools of geography

The map title, compass rose, line symbols and colors.

Asia and Europe

The most densely populated continents.


The most sacred river in India


The number of people in an area exceeds the capacity of the environment to support life at a decent standard of living.


The process whereby regions within a state demand and gain political strength and growing autonomy at the expense of the central government.


The restoration (replanting) of a forest that had been reduced by fire or cutting

What determines which type of plants and animals can survive in a tropical dry climate?

The severity of the dry season


The spinning of Earth on its axis when one side is facing the sun is warmer and the other is colder

2008 economic downturn

The subprime mortgage crisis caused an economic downturn that the stock market became unstable and unemployment rose. The bad home loans led to failures of some banks that required the government to bail them out. This had a negative impact on other countries because they relied on the United States.

Christianity and Islam

The two dominant religions in East Africa are

What do Mexico, South Africa, and China have in common?

They are newly industrialized countries.

What are the ways plates move?

They can crash into each other, pull apart, or grind and slide past each other.

How can geographers gather info without interviewing the whole population?

They can interview a small group people.

What type of question does geospatial technology help geographers to answer? Which cannot be answered with geospatial technology?

They can provide images and data related to a location. They cannot show mental maps.

Why might a geographer choose present information in a map rather that with statistics or in writing?

They provide more info

Greenpeace, Oceana, and Seas at Risk

Three NGO's that are working to protect, restore, and improve the marine and coastal ecosystems are _______________, ___________, and _________________________.

Name two uses of a GPS

To determine absolute location and show where you are.

Why would a geographer want o collect a city's historical information like census data and natural disasters?

To see what humans do in their environment.

The sun's direct rays strike the ___________, at latitude 23.5 Degrees North, around June 21, and marks the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere.

Tropic of Cancer

Low-latitude zone includes

Tropic of Capricorn, Tropic of Cancer, and the Equator

The sun's direct rays strike the ___________, at latitude 23.5 Degrees South, around Dec. 22, and marks the beginning of winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

Tropic of Capricorn.

types of climates and biomes

Tropical heat characterizes much of the subregion, with savanna vegetation predominant. North of the savanna is the semi-arid steppe. North of the semi-arid steppe is the arid desert. Finally, the high mountains of the subregion have warm, humid subtropical climates.

What is an element that is found along the Atlantic Ocean and the Pyrenees?



Underwater agriculture

What is the continental shelf?

Underwater extension of the coastal plain


Used to find relative location

poor soil quality

Which factor most threatens farmers in India?

_________________ is concerned with a free trade area compromising many European countries

World Trade Organization


a bend in layers of rock, sometimes caused by plate movement bends example: Magma comes through these


a body of mountain ranges formed by fault-line activity

fall line

a boundary in the eastern United States where the higher land of the Piedmont drops to the lower Atlantic Coastal Plain

geometric boundary

a boundary that follows a geometric pattern

geometric boundary

a boundary that follows a geometric pattern example: which often follow straight lines and do not account for natural and cultural features—exist between Libya, Egypt, and Algeria.

culture hearth

a center where cultures developed and from which ideas and traditions spread outward

culture hearth

a center where cultures developed and from which ideas and traditions spread outward example: Egypt, Iraq, Pakistan, China, and Mexico.

Functional region

a central place and the surrounding territory linked to it incorporates a central node example: A cell tower provides the central node for a surrounding area in which cell phone users can obtain phone reception


a challenge in Africa


a chemical or natural substance added to soil or land to increase its fertility

world city

a city generally considered to play an important role in the global economic system

lingua franca

a common language used among people with different native languages

habitat loss

a consequence of deforestation


a cooperative settlement of small individual farms in Israel

Newly industrialized country

a country that has begun transitioning from primarily agricultural to primarily manufacturing and industrial activity

newly industrialized country

a country that has begun transitioning from primarily agricultural to primarily manufacturing and industrial activity example: The U.S and Canada

More Developed Country

a country which has a highly developed economy and advanced technological infrastructure relative to other less developed nations

Less Developed Country

a country which, according to the United Nations, exhibits the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development

Less Developed Country

a country which, according to the United Nations, exhibits the lowest indicators of socioeconomic development example: Africa, Asia, and Latin America.

rift valley

a crack in Earth's surface created by the shifting of tectonic plates


a crack or break in


a crack or break in Earth's crust occurs in earthquakes example: The San Andreas Fault in California

What can population pyramids show?

a diagram that shows the distribution of a population by age and gender

natural boundary

a fixed limit or extent defined along physical geographic features such as mountains and rivers

natural boundary

a fixed limit or extent defined along physical geographic features such as mountains and rivers example: The Mississippi River forms the borders between several U.S. states. Natural boundaries are often more defensible and easy to identify.


a form of autocracy with a hereditary king or queen exercising supreme power example: The king of Saudi Arabia, for example, is an absolute monarch. Absolute monarchs are rare today, but from the 1400s to the 1700s, kings or queens with absolute power ruled most of Western Europe.


a fuel derived directly from living matter.


a general movement

cultural boundary

a geographical boundary between two different cultures

cultural boundary

a geographical boundary between two different cultures example: When Britain partitioned India and created Pakistan, it created a religious cultural boundary. Muslims were reorganized into Pakistan and Hindus into India.


a globe-shaped body largest objects in the solar system example: There are 8 planets that orbit the sun


a large body of ice that moves across the surface of the Earth causes erosion example: They can remove forests, carve out valleys, alter the courses of rivers, and wear down mountain tops


a large waterfall

Tropic of Cancer

a latitude line about 231/2 degrees North that passes through Mexico, North Africa, and India

Tropic of Capricorn

a line of latitude about 23 degrees South that runs through South America, the tip of Africa, and Australia.

pollution hot spot

a location where pollution and other human activities have led to the degradation, or even death, of an ecosystem

industrializing country

a manufacturing and well ____________ country

Cylindrical projection

a map created by projecting Earth's image onto a cylinder most accurate at the Equator example: The Mercator projection

Conic projection

a map created by projecting an image of Earth onto a cone placed over part of an Earth model accurate at shapes example: Straight lines approximate great circle routes if distances are not great.

Planar projection

a map created by projecting an image of the Earth onto a geometric plane also known as an azimuthal projection example: This is mostly used for the Poles.

Thematic map

a map that emphasizes a single idea or a particular kind of information about an area shows various natural and human-made features example: Focuses on a single topic

Map projection

a mathematical formula used to represent the curved surface of the Earth on the flat surface of a map it distorts properties of size, shape, distance, or area. example: You must know which properties are distorted in order to understand this


a mountain range extending the length of the Italian peninsula

Global Positioning System (GPS)

a navigational system that can determine absolute location by using satellites and receivers on Earth determines exact, or absolute, location of something on Earth example: Helps you find your way back to a campsite

Underground Railroad

a network of safe houses in the United States that helped thousands of enslaved people escape to freedom

horn of Africa

a peninsula of northeastern Africa (the easternmost part of Africa) comprising Somalia and Djibouti and Eritrea and parts of Ethiopia

El Nino

a periodic reversal of the pattern of ocean currents and water temperatures in the mid-Pacific region does not occur every year example: Pressure drops over the eastern Pacific


a person who comes to a country where they were not born in order to settle there


a person who has been forced to leave their country in order to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster


a person who leaves their own country in order to settle permanently in another.


a plausible general principle offered to explain observed facts helps geographers example: A meteorite stuck a Russian forest


a professional warrior of preindustrial Japan

Formal region

a region defined by a common characteristic, such as production of a product features a unifying characteristic example: The Corn Belt is a band of farmland stretching from Ohio to Nebraska in the United States

Perceptual region

a region defined by popular feelings and images rather than by objective data uses a looser standard of characterization example: The term "heartland" refers to a central area in the United States in which traditional values of family and hospitality are believed to predominate

fossil fuels

a resource formed in the Earth by plant and animal remains

cultural divergence

a separation of people or societies, with regards to beliefs, values, and customs due to a division under different political systems.


a shift from a previous condition changes from previous time example: Geographers can collect information from historical sources regarding census data, economic output, birth and death rates, natural disasters, and disease.


a special purpose


a standard for political principles


a steep cliff or slope between a higher and lower land surface


a storm with heavy rains and high winds that blow in a circular pattern around an area of low atmospheric pressure


a substance used for destroying insects or other organisms harmful to cultivated plants or to animals.


a substance, such as manure or a chemical mixture, used to make soil more fertile


a system in which factors of production are privately owned

free enterprise

a system in which private individuals or groups have the right to own property or businesses and make a profit with limited government interference example: People have the ability to make as much money as they can.

Traditional Economy

a system in which tradition and custom control all economic activity; exists in only a few parts of the world today example: It was a tradition in the Inuit society of northern Canada that a hunter would share the food from the hunt with the other families in the village

command economy

a system of resource management in which decisions about production and distribution of goods and services are made by a central authority example: Public taxes support social services.

mixed economy

a system of resource management in which the government supports and regulates enterprise through decisions that affect the marketplace example: No country has a pure market economy system.


a tax on imported goods


a thin layer of gases that surrounds Earth holds the air we breathe example: The atmosphere is composed of 78 percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen, and small amounts of argon and other gases

rift valley

a valley formed by the separation of tectonic plates


a very small island


a visible chemical haze in the atmosphere

Spatial Perspective

a way of looking at the human and physical patterns on Earth and their relationships to one another focuses on how individual places or people are related to each other across the Earth example: Used to determine why things are located where they are

US immigrants

absorbed, challenged, and ultimately reshaped American culture

The shift of hunting and gathering to farming was called the

agricultural revolution.

cool (temperature)

air gets thinner

Following bombing of India would take

all diplomatic steps

Forest Rights Act of 2006

allows local areas to restrict commercial logging.


an Islamic political party

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

an alliance of 16 Euro-Atlantic countries.

Kyoto Protocol

an amendment to the international treaty on climate change designed to reduce the amount of greenhouse gases emitted by specific countries

Asian elephant

an animal at risk due to the loss of its natural habitat

national park

an area set aside by a nation's government to protect natural beauty, wildlife, or other remarkable features


an area that receives less than 25 centimeters of rain or less per year

market economy

an economic system based on free enterprise, in which businesses are privately owned, and production and prices are determined by supply and demand example: People, as shoppers, choose what products they will or will not buy, and businesses produce more of what they believe consumers want.

stateless nation

an ethnic group without a formal country


an extremely rare heavy-metal element essential in high-tech industry

Great Circle Route

an imaginary line that follows the curve of the Earth and represents the shortest distance between two points indicate actual distance between two points example: Ship captains and airplane pilots can use this to reduce travel time and conserve fuel


an independently governed community consisting of a city and the surrounding lands, notably present in ancient Greece

World Trade Organization

an international body that oversees trade agreements.


an overthrow of the government

negative population growth

annual death rate exceeds the annual birthrate


any coastal mid-latitude climate

quaternary economic activity

are concerned with the processing, management, and distribution of information.

Northern European Plain

area of relatively flat and low-lying land.

conservation area

area that is protected because of big value


area with conditions suitable for certain plants or animals to live

poor sanitation

areas of bactiria

culture region

areas that have certain traits in common example: They may share similar economic systems, forms of government, or social groups. Their histories, religions, and art forms may share similar influences.


arising outside of change the Earth's surface example:winds and water

Greek and Roman Empire and Renaissance

arts started

Other objects that have orbits in the Solar System are _____________, _____________, and ______________.

asteroids, comets, and meteoroids

The sun's radiation passes through the __________


The thin layer of gas that surrounds Earth surface is called the _______________


winds occur because sunlight heats the earths _____________________________ and _____________________________ unevenly

atmosphere, surface

Central Place Theory

attempts to explain the reasons behind the distribution patterns, size, and number of cities and towns around the world.

A gov in which power to rule belongs to a single person is an __________. Forms of this government included a _______________, in which the decisions are made by by a single leader, and a _________, in which a king or queen exercises supreme powers of government.

autocracy, absolute dictatorship, monarchy


began preaching that people should turn away from sin and worship the one true God.


being the only one; without a like or an equal


belief that different cultures in a nation should be respected and preserved

Approximately 25 percent of the Netherlands is ________________________.

below sea level

The part of Earth that supports life is called the _______________


The numbers are different because of

birth and death rates

Sea of Japan

body of water separating Japan from North and South Korea and China

Sea of Japan

body of water separating Japan from the Koreas & China

East China Sea

body of water south of Japan and east of China

North Atlantic Current

brings warm water up from the Caribbean

edge city

business district located in a suburban area

Pakistan shot down an Indian fighter jet in Feb amid north tensions following a

car bomb attack

Rivers in Northern Europe

caused by glaciers

Internal factors such as new ideas, lifestyles, and inventions create ____________ within culture.



chemical or physical processes that break down rocks into smaller pieces breaks down rocks example: Weather

World Cities

cities generally considered to play an important role in the global economic system

What was Ancient Greece a collection of?


_____________ refers to the average weather conditions as measured over many years


What is a contributing factor to defrostation?

climate change

Tiny droplets of water come together to form ______


Northwestern Europe's abundant __________ and ____________ made it possible for industrial development to take place beginning in the 1700s.

coal, iron

Lands along the ______________ areas of continents experience less changeable weather while the _______________ regions of continents experience extremes in seasonal temperature

coast, interior

export agriculture

coffee, tea, spices, and cashews

Ocean currents distribute energy around the planet. Cold currents from polar areas move ___________ ocean water towards the Equator. Warm ocean currents move __________ ocean water away from the Equator.

cold, warm

Capitalism falls under a _______ economy


Socialism and communism fall under a ___________ economy.


Rome relies on what?


Geographic Information System (GIS)

computer programs that process and organize details about places on Earth and integrate those details with satellite images and other pieces of information performs advanced geographical analysis example: Can show multiple layers of information at one time

Water vapor changes into liquid water through a process called


overwhelming social problems in east Africa

conflict from unrealistic borders/ resource management, bad healthcare, poverty, bad government

Northwestern Europe has ________ and ______ trees

coniferous, deciduous

How did Pangea break apart?

continental drift

midnight sun

continuous daylight, a time when the sun is visible at midnight during the summer in either the Arctic or Antarctic Circle caused by the tilt of Earth's axis example: Revolves around the sun

Different maps can accurately show the same place with different


The 3 layers of the earth are

core, mantle, crust

Taklimakan Desert

covers most of the Tarim Basin

Britain's partition of India and Pakistan is an example of a ___________, which separates areas with cultural differences.

cultural boundary

The spread of new knowledge from one culture to another is called

cultural diffusion


cultural diffusion has been a ___ factor in cultural development since the beginning of human history.

The ________ of a group is understood by looking at their language, religion, daily life, history, art, and economy.


early centers of civilization whose ideas and practices spread to surrounding areas

culture hearths

Geographers divide the world into ________, which are areas in which people share a similar way of life, including language, religion, economic systems, and values.

culture regions

Cities tend to be centers of _____________ and_______________

culture, creativity

What is a growing concern in Europe?


A _________ is a system of government in which leaders rule by the consent of the citizens.


_______________ is the study of population


The process of _____________, while controversial, makes more fresh water available to people.


___________ burn ________________ which damage forests

desalination plants, fossil fuels

portions of the low-latitude zone receive the sun's __________________________ year round which gives them warm to hot climates

direct rays

Himalaya range

divided into three ranges: the Greater Himalaya to the north, the Lesser Himalaya in the center, and the Outer Himalaya to the south. The Greater Himalaya soar the highest, averaging over 20,000 feet (6,096 m) in elevation.

tertiary economic activity

do not involve directly acquiring and remaking natural resources.

What do lines of longitude measure?

east and west of the prime meridian

At all latitudes, ________________ has a cooling effect on the climates there, because air cools as it rises to higher altitudes.


European Union trade

eliminating tariffs and trade barriers

Then, it is radiated as ______________ back into the atmosphere.


Rapid urbanization has caused ______________ and ___________ changes

environmental, social

What is are 2 threats to the natural balance of an ecosystem?

erosion and the loss of top soil

An _______ is a group of people who share a common language, history, or place of origin.

ethnic group


ethnic group that dominates the Middle East and northern Africa

In the Netherlands, __________ keep back the waters

extensive coastal dunes

There is no life on any other planets because of ________________

extreme temp.'s


forest destruction that results from human activity

unitary system

form of government in which all key powers are given to the national or central government example: The United Kingdom and France both developed unitary governments as they emerged from smaller territories during the late Middle Ages and early modern times.

federal system

form of government in which powers are divided between the national government and state or provincial governments example: The United States developed a federal system after the thirteen colonies became independent from Great Britain.

Non-renewable resources energy sources

fossil fuels


found on almost every continent and home to a diverse variety of grasses.


founded by Deng Xiaoping


free to accede to India or Pakistan

About 97 percent of all water on Earth is _____________

fresh water

Most of Earth's fresh water is ___________ into glaciers and ice caps


The larger a city is, the more people it has, and the more numerous and highly specialized its _________ tend to be


Economic Activities

geographers study how a culture uses its nat resources to meet needs

Central Place Theory

geographical theory that seeks to explain the number, size, and location of human settlements in an urban system

A __________________ often follows straight lines and does not take into account natural or cultural features.

geometric boundaries


gigantic; exceedingly large one big expanse example: The five oceans

India plays a role in

global economy and seen emergence of a new elite and a burgeoning middle class


global trade and investment

Without the greenhouse effect process, the surfaces of the ocean would be _____



goods and services coming into a country.


goods and services sold to other countries ex: food

The purpose of a ______________ is to maintain order, and to protect the people who live under it.


3 ways people use geography at work

government, business, and education.


grazing so heavily that the vegetation is damaged and the ground erodes

The atmosphere is like a ______ because it traps and reflects the right amount of radiation to ensure that the Earth isn't too cold or doesn't overheat.


social classes

groups of people ranked according to ancestry, wealth, or education.

Colonial New England Economy

had rocky soil and a short growing season, but the area's harbors and an abundant supply of timber and fish made shipbuilding and fishing important industries.

Poverty and air pollution go

hand in hand


has been an independent republic since 1991


haze caused by the interaction of ultraviolet solar radiation with chemical fumes from automobile exhausts and other pollution sources

the rivers of India are

held in great reverence by the Hindus


help geographers to understand a culture. __________ do the following: maintain order, provide protection from outside dangers, and supply services to the people.

Internal map

his or her perception of features of the Earth's surface mental maps can be applied to local or global scales example: Memorizing different locations


huge wave

__________________________ study the relationships b/w humans and inanimate objects

human geographers

India's climate zones

humid subtropical

What physical process could geographers track with an arrow on a flow-line map?

hurricanes and glaciers

Italy and Spain benefited from what?


oceans, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water make up make up Earth's ____________


The _________, ____________, and _____________ form the biosphere, where life exists on Earth.

hydrosphere, lithosphere, and atmosphere


illegal hunting


important part of culture beliefs vary a great deal around the world provides an impo sense of identity


in Islam, a house of worship

India has the worlds' largest democracy

in the world is expected to overtake China's population in 2028

The latest turning point, which occurred at the end of the 20th century, is called the

information revolution


innermost layer of the Earth made up of a super-hot but solid inner core and a super-hot liquid outer core under enormous amount of pressure example: The outer core is not under a lot of pressure


inspires fear and is any violent and destructive act committed to intimidate a people or a government.

Isolation of the Balkan Peninsula

invasions of people from Asia

Primary economic activity

involve taking or using natural resources directly from the Earth.

world trade

is the exchange (movement) of capital, labor, goods, and services between countries.


key element or part of a culture's development people communicate info and expirences through this

limits to agriculture

lack of arable land

A lake is surrounded on all sides by ______________.


Earth's surface has many types of natural ________________, such as continents, mountains, plains, and valleys.


3 Human Characteristics that can be used to describe a region

language,religion, and population distribution

language family

large groups of languages having similar roots example: English, Spanish, and Russian are all members of the Indo-European language family.

Pacific Ocean

largest and deepest ocean

African elephant

largest land mammal

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

led to the end of asbestos dumping in the Nashua River and spurred the construction of wastewater treatment plants.


legal proceeding in which a borrower's rights to a property are relinquished due to his or her inability to make payments on the loan

Relative location

location in relation to other places uses reference points to identify one place in relation to another example: The relative location of the city of Lyon can be described as southeast of Paris.

The southern edge of the plains is covered in _______.


_____________ are also known as ___________________

longitudal lines, parallels

Gangetic Plain

lowland, northeastern India, farming, rich alluvial soil

Social system

made up of groups that help members of a culture work together. family is an impo group in this

Central Uplands

made up of low rounded mountains, hills, and high plateaus, with scattered forests


main diet of pandas


major type of ecological community defined primarily by distinctive plant and animal groups defined primarily by distinctive natural vegetation and animal groups example: They overlap with each other

Mid-Atlantic Ridge

marks the boundary between the Eurasian and North American tectonic plates.

Region that includes a central city and its surrounding suburbs

metropolitan area

Most of Northwestern Europe has a ___________ climate.


14 February

militant attack was deadliest

Industry in Japan

mixed market system


moisture that falls to the Earth as rain, sleet, hail, or snow depends on air temperature and wind conditions example: Falls in streams and goes back into the oceans.


molten rock that is located below Earth's surface molten rock example: Comes from volcanoes

_____________ - piles of rocks and debris left when glaciers melt


A ______________ is a country with a lot of people

more developed country

Bigger population centers make

more pollution.


musical form that developed in the United States in the early 1900s, blending African rhythms and European harmonies

What was Ancient Greece famous for?



native to a place

A ______________ follows physical geography features such as mountains or rivers.

natural boundaries

drift nets

nets that drift free in the water and indiscriminately catch everything in their path


nomads from Europe and Asia who migrated to India and finally settled; vedas from this time suggest beginning of caste system

What do lines of latitude measure?

north and south of the equator

there is always a serious threat of

nuclear escalation

both have

nuclear powers


nuclear test


number of births per year for every 1,000 people

death rate

number of deaths per year for every 1,000 people

Negev Desert

occupies most of Israel

West Coast Marine Climate

ocean winds bring cool summers and cool,damp winters.

The vast expanse of water that surrounds all the continents consists of 5 ________ These ___________ are the ________, _______, ____________, __________, and _________________.

oceans Pacific, Atlantic, Indian, Artic, and the Southern Ocean


of first rank, importance, or value needs to be produced example: Corn

An ______________________ is a system of government in which power is held by a small group. A ____________________ is a type of this government where officials are believed to be divinely inspired.

oligarchy, theocracy


one of two days (about June 21 and December 22) on which the sun's rays strike directly on the Tropic of Cancer or Tropic of Capricorn, marking the beginning of summer or winter. ended by the equinox example: Lasts a long time

1 child policy

only being able to have 1 child per couple

Mercury, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune are the _______________________

other planets


outer layer of the Earth, a hard rocky shell forming Earth's surface hard, rocky shell forming Earth's surface example: Carries the Earth's oceans and continents


paramilitary group dedicated to destroying Israel

Continental shelf

part of a continent that extends out underneath the ocean underwater extension of the coastal plain example: ___________ _______ slope out from land for as far as 800 miles (1,287 km)


people of a culture share ______ ways of thinking, believing, and living.

ethnic group

people who share a common language, history, or place of origin. example: an Indian tribe


people with common interests living in a particular area example: food shortages in production and availability continue to be an issue


permanently frozen layer of soil beneath the surface of the ground permanently frozen subsoil example: Brief summer growing seasons may support needled evergreens


person believed to be a messenger from God


philosophy emphasizes harmony with nature and simple living.

Two types of weathering

physical and chemical. Physical weathering occurs when large masses of rock are physically broken down into smaller pieces. Chemical weathering changes the chemical makeup of rocks.


piles of rocky debris left by melting glaciers form long ridges of land example: Dams hold back water

Spheres called ___ orbit the ___

planets, sun

world city

play an important role in the global economic system

economic, social, and environmental issues


The high-latitude zone includes Earth's distant ______ areas which contain continuous, but indirect, sunlight.



politics, especially international relations, as influenced by geographical factors.

deterioration of soil conditions

poor farming in Africa erodes away at the soil.

cities all over the world face many of the same problems: _____________, _________, ________________, and _____________

poor housing, homelessness, pollution, and social problems.

Currently, the world's urban _____ is growing faster than its rural population.



population tops 1 billion

Tiger numbers have dramatically decreasing

population trend


power to influence or command thought, opinion, or behavior.

physical geographers

predict precipitation patterns


process by which magma wells up between oceanic plates and pushes the plates apart causes deep cracks example: Underwater volcanoes


process by which oceanic plates dive beneath continental plates, often causing mountains to form on land forms mountains example: Magma comes out of the ground


process in which arable land becomes desert


process of cracking that occurs when the folded land cannot be bent any further breaks into huge blocks example: Earth's crust shakes

New Orleans levees

raised embankments, around the city has destroyed wetlands that once protected the area from flooding.

What did the Greeks value?



rebirth; the period in European civilization characterized by a surge of interest in classical learning and values

The sun's radiation is ________ by the Earth's surface


metropolitan area

region that includes a central city and its surrounding suburbs

Water cycle

regular movement of Earth's water from ocean to air to ground and back to the ocean water goes through multiple changes example: The sun over bodies of water


relationship between two places in which one produces something the other needs, resulting in an exchange

Geographers focus on ___________ and _______________

religion and race

Farmers in India

rely on intense labor methods

rain shadow

result of a process by which dry areas develop on the leeward sides of mountain ranges causes dry areas example: Might make deserts

Earth's _________ around the sun, combined with its tilted axis, affects how much sunlight reaches different places on earth at different times of year.


What are three indicators of climate change?

rising global temperatures, severe weather changes such as intense heat waves and changes in precipitation, an increase in severe weather events and rising sea levels

The ____ systems and ___________ soil make the area good for farming.

river, fertile

Cities usually develop near_____________




Desalination helps solve the problem with _________________________________________

scarcity of freshwater

Most cities in Northwestern Europe are w/n 300 mi of a ___ or ________ coast

sea, ocean

Three types of smaller bodies of salt water are ____________, _________________, and ____________.

seas, gulfs, and bays

Daniel Markey believes escalation is more


What do undocumented migrant workers fill?

service industry

Sociologists, economists, and geographers have developed ____________ to explain where people and businesses exist in an urban setting.

several models

NAFTA Environmental Issues

shifted environmental concerns south to the U.S. - Mexico border.

Describe the humid subtropical climate

short, mild winters and year-round rain

What are problems presented by rapid population growth?

shortages of water, housing, and clothing.


situation in which land is repeatedly farmed so that the soil nutrients are depleted


slow process in which an oceanic plate slides under a continental plate, creating debris that can cause continents to grow outward makes debris in trenches example: Continents go outward


small area in a desert where water and vegetation are found area of lush vegetation example: Temperatures vary here

Village Houses in India

small houses with one or two rooms

"This years rain is last years snow"

snow consists of frozen water and becomes rain at higher temperatures

Japan's alternative energy

solar power, wind, biomass, and small hydroelectric and geothermal

A ____________ is made up of a group of planets revolving around the same sun

solar system.


something constructed or arranged in a definite pattern of organization


something that motivates one to act.

Districts of Rhur, Middle Rhine, Lorraine-Staar

sparked growth of heavy industry.

Habitat losses are serious threats to the

species' survival

urban sprawl

spreading of urban developments on undeveloped land near a city

Fresh water flows in _______ and ____________

streams, rivers

Occupation of Japan

stripped empire of its territories and militaries

Indian warplanes crossed Line of Control and

struck targets in Pakistan

J and K have

stunning surroundings

More than 40 Indian soldiers died on Feb 14 in

suicide attacks ended hope of thaw


suitable for growing crops

When its __________ in the Southern Hemisphere, it is ___________ in the Northern Hemisphere


The ___ is the center of the solar system, and is the largest object in it.


The position of Earth in relation to the _______ directly effects climate


Gangetic Plain

supports large religious group


system of government in which a small group holds power. example: Today the governments of communist countries, such as China, are mostly oligarchies. Leaders in the Communist Party and the military control the government.


system of government in which leaders rule with consent of the citizens example: Islamic sharia law is imposed in parts of North Africa and Southwest Asia


system of government in which one person rules with unlimited power and authority example: Autocracies are the oldest and one of the most common forms of government.


system of government in which the officials are regarded as divinely inspired example: People hold sovereign power.

Agriculture of Southern Europe

takes place on coastal plains that receive more rainfall and develop a thicker topsoil as a result of runoff and sediment left by rivers.

Reasons why international trade is more costly than domestic commerce

tariffs, border delays, country differences

_____________ perform _________ activities

teachers, tertiary

higher elevation

temperature will drop and air gets thinner


term used to refer to trees that produce seed-bearing cones and have thin leaves shaped like needles

The type of political conflict known as _______________ uses random violence to intimidate a people or a government.


What lies north to the Italian Peninsula?

the Alps

What runs down the Italian Peninsula?

the Apennines

What are characterized by massifs?

the Piernees


the action of clearing a wide area of trees.

population density

the average number of people living on a square mile or square kilometer of land example: Both Tunisia and the Czech Republic have about 10.5 million people. Tunisia, with a larger land area, has only 169 people per square mile (65 people per sq. km). However, the Czech Republic has 349 people per square mile (134 people per sq. km).


the business of buying and selling or exchanging items

What did Athens introduce?

the concept of democracy

lower labor costs

the costs of labors are going down


the cultivation of seafood

What is urbanization?

the desire of rural people to find jobs and a better life in more prosperous urban areas.

foreign investment

the direct ______________ b/w China and Africa


the directness of routes linking pairs of places

Columbia Plateau

the dry area between the Pacific Ranges and the Rocky Mountains formed by lava

Science and Technology

the emphasis on all education

Absolute loction

the exact position of a place on the earth's surface. gives precise reading of where a place is using latitude and longitude example: The absolute location of the famous Tokyo Tower is 35°39' 30.96" N latitude and 139°44' 43.59" E longitude.


the falling to earth of any form of water (rain or snow or hail or sleet or mist)

waterfalls for factories

the first factories harnessed power from ________________.


the geographic position of a place in relation to other places or features of a larger region refers to a more general location example: San Francisco's _____________ is on the Pacific coast, close to California's agricultural lands.

natural increase

the growth rate of a population; the difference between birthrate and death rate

largest mangrove forest

the heartland of northern India


the height of land surface above the level of the sea the height above sea level example: Colors are used for identifying water features such as oceans, lakes, or rivers; land features such as deserts, valleys, plains, or mountain ranges; and human-made features such as roads, parks, or streets.

Mount Paektu

the highest peak on the Korean Peninsula; located between North Korea and China

access to fresh water

the magnet to people in EA

demographic transition

the model that uses birthrates and death rates to show how populations in countries or regions change over time example: Death rates can fall quickly as a result of more abundant and reliable food supplies, improved health care, access to medicine and technology, and better living conditions. Birthrates decline more slowly because the declines result from changes in cultural traditions that can often take longer.


the monotheistic religion of the Jews.


the movement of people from one place to another


the movement of weathered rock and material by wind, glaciers, and moving water wears away at the Earth's surface example:Wind, glaciers, and moving water


the part of Earth where life exists all life lives within the atmosphere example: Life outside this needs technology to survive

inner planets

the planets closest to the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Mars

carrying capacity

the population that an area will support w/o undergoing deterioration


the practice and business of recreational travel based on concern for the environment


the process by which excess water vapor turning into liquid water when air cools tiny drops of water come together to form clouds example: Storms


the process of converting liquid into vapor, or gas caused by the sun example: Warm air can hold more water vapor than cooler air

Meiji Restoration

the rapid modernization of Japanese society, including its government, economy, military, education, and legal systems.


the removal of salt from seawater to make it usable for drinking and farming


the removal of salt from seawater to make it usable for drinking and farming to remove salt from ocean water or groundwater example: To make water safe to drink

Coriolis effect

the resulting diagonal movement, either north or south, of prevailing winds caused by the Earth's rotation the strength of the _____ _____ is proportional to the speed of Earth's rotation at different latitudes. example: Causes changes in wind

Remote sensing

the science of obtaining information about an object or an area from a distance, typically from instruments in aircraft or satellites any technique used to measure, observe, or monitor a subject or process without physically touching the object under observation example: Scientists use this when they analyze images from satellites, telescopes, and cameras in airplanes and spacecraft.


the specific location of a place, including its physical setting refers to the exact location example: The _____ of San Francisco is at the end of a peninsula in northern California

cultural diffusion

the spread of culture traits, material and non-material, from one culture to another

cultural diffusion

the spread of culture traits, material and non-material, from one culture to another. example: trading


the study of statistics such as births, deaths, income, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing structure of human populations.

Plate tectonics

the term scientists use to describe the activities of continental drift and magma flow, which create many of Earth's physical features refers to the physical processes that create many of Earth's physical features example: Makes mountains

Continental drift

the theory that the continents were once joined and then slowly drifted apart believed that every continent formed Pangaea example: 500 million years ago the Earth did not look like what it did today

doubling time

the time required for a population to double in size example: a husband and wife in a rural agricultural area may choose to have several children who will help farm the land.


the unwanted fish and other marine creatures caught during commercial fishing for a different species


the upper layer of land has been moving for hundreds to millions of years example: Wind and water occur on the _______

drift-net fishing

the use of fishing nets of great length and depth


the variation in elevation across an area of Earth's land shows difference in elevation between different land forms example: An elevation key

population distribution

the variations in population that occur across a country, a continent, or the world. example: related to Earth's physical geography


the watery areas of the earth, including oceans, lakes, rivers, and other bodies of water the Earth is made up of water and land example: 70 percent of Earth is water


the way of life of a group of people who share similar beliefs and customs example: a particular culture can be understood by looking at language, religion, daily life, history, art, government, technology, and economy.


thick middle layer of the Earth's interior structure consisting of hot rock that is dense but flexible soft example: Releases 80 percent of the heat coming from the inner core

rural population

those people not living in urban areas, including sparsely populated areas along the fringes of cities

rural population

those persons not living in urban areas

Large river systems may go on for _________________

thousands of miles


to bring into being or cause to exist volcanoes are made by plate tectonics example: Earthquakes


to gain or acquire, usually by planning or effort gather data example: Interviewing a group of people


to govern or direct according to rule


to send from one place to another sends data from space to Earth example: Helps a GPS know where you are

European Union economy



trade b/w _____ and Africa

People depend on rivers for ________, ________, and _______.

transportation, trade, recreational act.

______________ and __________ help countries work together to resolve conflict and share resources.

treaties, international organizations

decidous trees

trees that shed their leaves and grow new ones each year


unchanging rain varies from year to year example: The amount of water that evaporates into the sky is the same amount that falls back


underground water-bearing layers of porous rock, sand, or gravel _________ and groundwater are important sources of freshwater example: Slow flows of water


uppermost layer of the Earth that includes the crust, continents, and ocean basins includes the ocean basins, or the land beneath the oceans example: 30 percent of Earth is land

secondary economic activity

use raw materials to make a tangible product that is new and more valuable than the original raw material.

California Aqueducts

used to carry water for hundreds of miles to more than 25 million Californians and to 750,000 acres (303,515 ha) of irrigated farmland


war of East Pakistan to Bangladesh

The _____ is the process by which water moves from the oceans to the air and back to the oceans.

water cycle

The ________________ is driven by the ___________

water cycle, sun


water located underground within the Earth that supplies wells and springs freshwater under Earth's surface example: Comes from rainwater and melted snow

What made the Grand Canyon?

water or wind erosion

The amount of ___________________ on Earth is basically constant, or unchanging.

water vapor

________________ is the condition of the atmosphere in one place over a short period of time.


Three factors that determine the type of soil that can develop in an area

weathering, erosion, and biological activities

tropical wet

wet and dry seasons.

Florida Everglades

wetland severely damaged by algae

Three basic economic questions

what should be produced, how it should be produced, and for whom it should be produced.

Poverty remains


Three forces that can cause erosion

wind, glaciers, and moving water

Precipitation generally falls on the _______________ side of a mountain, the side that faces the wind.


Shortest day of the year is the ___________________________.

winter solstice

Japan's traditional ways

writing system, art, sciences, and governmental structure.

Vegetation of the Tropical Rainforest

● Broad-leaved evergreen trees and shrubs ● Many layers to the rain forest including emergent, canopy, understory and forest floor

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