Ch. 6, GEOL 100 Exam #3 Review (Chps. 6, 9, 10, and 11)
What type of volcanic eruption is shown in this photograph? IMG:
A pyroclastic column
This figure shows two sections that represent the same age range and contain some of the same fossils. If you compare the two sections, what conclusions do you come to? IMG:
B. Some units were deposited in the left section but not in the right one or were eroded away.
Which of the following sites would most likely have less dangerous volcanoes? A is on an island arc, B is in the Andes, C is near Hawaii, D is along a mid-ocean ridge.
C and D
What types of rocks would be common in the volcano in this figure? IMG:
E: All of these choices are correct (welded tuff, felsic and intermediate lava flows, nonwelded tuff, volcanic domes)
columnar joints
The igneous rocks shown in this photograph are forming
Which of the numbered features is a lahar?
a rising plume of hot mantle material
A hot spot is interpreted to have formed from
At which of the sites shown in this figure would melting probably be caused by introduction of water into hot rocks?
At which points on this graph is the magma under the highest amount of pressure and highest temperature?
the fluid cascade of lava
Comparing these two photographs, which eruption has lower viscosity magma?
What is the main type of eruption that formed the volcano in this photograph? similar-ish IMG:
Fluid lava flows
a pyroclastic column.
The type of volcanic eruption shown in this photograph is
eruption of a pyroclastic flow that forms a thick and hot deposit
This igneous rock contains flattened pieces of pumice and small crystals of quartz and feldspar. What type of eruption probably formed this rock?
welded tuff
This igneous rock contains flattened pieces of pumice and small crystals of quartz and feldspar. What type of rock is it?
mid-ocean ridge
Which of the following settings is most likely to have eruptions of basalt?
A and B
Which of the following sites has volcanoes related to subduction? A is on an island arc, B is in the Andes, C is near Hawaii, D is along a mid-ocean ridge.
C, D, and E
Which of the magma systems shown is most likely to include felsic or intermediate magmas?
In geology, determining time equivalency in rocks is called
Mount Pelée, a composite volcano on Martinique, destroyed the town of St. Pierre in 1902, killing about 30,000 people with
pyroclastic flow
Which site on the island is the most dangerous? IMG:
the location of Rock 1
Which site on the island has evidence for collapse of a volcanic dome? IMG:
the location of Rock 3
Which numbered feature in this figure is the youngest? IMG:
the upper volcanic unit (1)
How did an oxygen-rich atmosphere develop from a carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere?
through photosynthesis by cyanobacteria
This photograph shows three rock layers separated by two disconformities, as exposed in the walls of the Grand Canyon. One disconformity is above the reddish lens of Devonian sedimentary rocks, and the other disconformity is below the reddish lens of Devonian sedimentary rocks. Drag the events so that they are in the correct order, from oldest at the bottom (6) to youngest at the top (1).
1: Erosion that formed the Grand Canyon in which the layers are exposed 2: 3: 4: Deposition of Devonian sedimentary rocks 5: 6:
This photograph shows an angular unconformity in a canyon in Colorado, with Paleozoic sedimentary layers resting on vertical Precambrian layers. Drag the events so that they are in the correct order, from oldest at the bottom (6) to youngest at the top (1). IMG:
1: Erosion that formed the canyon in which the layers are exposed. 2: Deposition of Paleozoic sediments above the unconformity. 3: Erosion along the unconformity prior to burial. 4: Uplift of the metamorphic rocks from deeper levels of the crust to the surface, accompanied by erosion of any overlying rocks. 5: Metamorphism and tilting of the metamorphic rocks. 6: Formation of the Precambrian rock prior to metamorphism.
Which of the numbered features is a lahar? IMG:
Which of the following are differences between an eruption column and pyroclastic flow?
A pyroclastic flow forms when the gas flux cannot support the column.
Which of the following form different layers from season to season and can be used to determine how many years the layers represent?
All of these choices are correct. (tree rings, layers in ice cores, varves)
Of the following numbered units, which is the oldest? IMG:
B. the granite (4)
This figure shows the main subdivisions of the geologic timescale. Which of these is the Paleozoic? IMG:
This photograph shows light-colored granite and darker diorite (both igneous rocks). Which of the following statements is true? IMG:
C. The granite is younger because it crosscuts the diorite.
Where is the oldest layer in this tilted sequence of sedimentary rocks? IMG:
C. The layers on the lower left part of the photograph.
in the mantle and in the crust
Continental rifts have a diverse suite of igneous rocks associated with them because melting occurs
This figure shows the main subdivisions of the geologic timescale. Which of these is the Precambrian? IMG:
D (bottom one)
From this cross section of the Grand Canyon, what is the youngest rock or structure of the ones listed below? IMG:
Hurricane fault and faults along the Grand Walsh Cliffs
be explosive
If bubbles cannot escape easily from a magma, the resulting eruption is likely to
From this cross section of the Grand Canyon, what is the boundary between the various Precambrian rocks and the Paleozoic sedimentary units? IMG:
It is an angular unconformity in most places and a nonconformity where it overlies granite.
the more explosive an eruptions it is likely to produce
The higher the gas pressure builds in a magma,
The igneous feature shown in this figure is a
The igneous feature shown in this figure is a
release of water from the subducting plate
The main cause of melting along subduction zones is the
rhyolite or obsidian
This dark gray igneous rock is glassy and elsewhere contains small vesicles and flow bands. What type of rock is this?
For the volcanic eruption in this photograph, complete the two missing parts of the sentence using the type of volcanic feature and type of magma.
This figure shows a lava flow (type of volcanic feature) that forms from eruption of low-viscosity, mafic lava (type of magma). IMG:
For the volcanic eruption in this photograph, complete the three missing parts of the sentence using the viscosity, composition, and resulting rock type.
This figure shows an eruption of high-viscosity (viscosity) magma that probably has a felsic or intermediate (composition) and would form rhyolite or andesite (resulting rock type). IMG:
large, less frequent mudflows
What is the main volcanic hazard at site 1?
pahoehoe lava flow
What type of basaltic feature is shown in this photograph?
volcanic bomb
What type of basaltic feature is shown in this photograph?
lava fountain
What type of eruption formed the small volcano in this photograph?
All of these
What type of material likely composes this volcano? -felsic to intermediate lava flows -pyroclastic flows -volcanic mudflows and landslides
basaltic lava flow
What type of volcanic eruption is probably shown in this photograph?
scoria and other vesicular basalt
What types of rocks would be most common in the small volcano in this photograph?
partial melting produces a magma that is more felsic than the source
When melting forms magma
an increase in confining pressure
Which of the following acts to keep a rock solid (instead of melting)?
Viscous magma prevents gas from escaping easily.
Which of the following are ways that viscosity affects gases in magma?
fewer silicate chains in the magma
Which of the following causes magma to be less viscous?
from A to B
Which of the following changes in conditions would cause melting of a solid rock?
destruction by fast-moving lava
Which of the following hazards is probably NOT associated with this volcano?
Which of the following is NOT a factor that affects the viscosity of magma?
all of these
Which of the following is likely to be true about the magma that formed the left volcanic feature compared to the right one in this figure? -the magma has a higher viscosity -the magma has a higher silicate content -the magma is probably more felsic
a volcano that contains andesite and welded tuffs
Which of the following is the best indicator that a volcano might be very dangerous?
Solid asthenosphere rises as plates move apart.
Which of the following is true about igneous processes along oceanic divergent boundaries as shown in this figure?
A and B
Which of the following sites would most likely have composite volcanoes? A is on an island arc, B is in the Andes, C is near Hawaii, D is along a mid-ocean ridge.
C and D
Which of the following sites would most likely have less dangerous volcanoes? A is on an island arc, B is in the Andes, C is near Hawaii, D is along a mid-ocean ridge.
Which of the numbered features is a pyroclastic column?
Which of the numbered features is a pyroclastic flow?
What type of eruption formed this unit composed of volcanic blocks and volcanic ash? IMG:
a pyroclastic eruption
What type of eruption formed this flow-banded obsidian? similar to this image:
a viscous lava flow
Isotopes that decay slowly are used to date
ancient rock.
Where are the oldest rocks in the column of sedimentary rocks shown in the diagram? IMG:
at the bottom
Eruptions of scoria cones are commonly associated with
basaltic lava flows and lava fountains.
Volcanic mudflows can be detected remotely by monitoring
characteristic rumbling produced as they rush down valleys.
What is a main hazard of this type of volcano? IMG:
destruction by moderately fluid lava flows that can flow far from the volcano
Ash layers from the three most recent caldera-forming eruptions at Yellowstone (2.1, 1.3, and 0.64 million years ago) stretch
from Canada to Mexico
Finding several species of fossils, rather than just one, in the same rock layer is more useful to geologists because
it indicates the sediments must have been deposited at the same time when all the species were present.
Long, thin lava flows are typically produced by
low-viscosity lavas
Missing geologic time caused by erosion is called a (an)
Of the following numbered units, which is the youngest? IMG:
unit 9
what type of basaltic feature is shown in this photograph? IMG: