Motor Behavior

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Which of the following occurs in the cognitive stage of learning?

a learner tries to understand the nature goal of an activity

In the context of fundamental motor movements ___ is a movement occurring at the joints of the body in which body parts are brought closer together.


In the context of motor learning, how can instructors help learners understand the task to be learned?

by helping learners establish an executive or motor plan for action

According to Fitts and Posner, the first stage of learning is the ___.

cognitive stage

In the context of motor learning, instructors help learners understand the task to be learned by ___.

giving succinct, accurate instructions in conjunction with other techniques such as demonstrations

Gallahue developed and continues to refine ___ to illustrate how development is a continued process.

hourglass model

According to Magill and Anderson, a performance characteristic associated with skill learning is ___.


Identify the process within the information processing model of motor learning by which the information from the environment is obtained through the senses.


Identify a characteristic of bending.

it may be done in several directions

The skills in which the body moves through space are called ___.

locomotor skills

The ___ marked the beginning of the growth of motor development as an area of study within physical education.

maturational period

Identify a necessary condition to promote the learning of motor skills and improvement of performance.

practice sessions should be structured to promote optimal conditions for learning

In the context of nonlocomotor movements, ___ is a forceful action directed toward increasing the distance between the body and an object.


During the maturational period, early researchers focused on the ___.

sequences of motor development in young children

Which of the following would be considered a locomotor skill?


Identify a true statement about a person performing a closed skill.

the individual performing the skill is self-paced

True or False: The study of motivational focuses on the causes of behavior, specifically those factors that influence the initiation, maintenance, and intensity of behavior.

true reason: this is true. motivation is a basic factor in learning. the study of motivation focuses on the causes of behavior, specifically those factors the influence the initiation, maintenance, and intensity of behavior.

Since the 1970s, motor control researchers have focused on ___.

trying to determine how movements are coordinated

Identify the goals of motor control as summarized by Thomas and Thomas.

understand how the muscles and joints are coordinated during movement understand how a sequence of movements is controlled

The effectiveness of a pull can be enhanced by ___.

widening the base of support

Identify a performance characteristic associated with skill learning as identified by Magill and Anderson.


Skills performed in a predictable, stable environment are called ___.

closed skills

True or False: According to the hourglass model, sand enters an hourglass from two containers, where the environment container has a lid and the heredity container has no lid.

false reason: this is false. according to Gallahue's hourglass model, sand enters an hourglass from two containers, which symbolize the hereditary and environmental contributions to the process of development. the heredity container has a lid, relfecting that the amount of sand in the container is fixed. the environment container has no lid; thus, more sand can be added to it from the environment.

In the context of the information processing model of motor learning, ___ is the process of obtaining information from the environment.


Rank the processes of the information processing model in order of which they occur.

input decision making output feedback

___ refers to a condition within an individual that initiates activity directed toward a goal.


___ is concerned with the learning or acquisition of skills across the lifespan.

motor behavior

___ is the study of the neurophysiological and behavioral processes affecting the management of skilled movements.

motor control

The information processing model explains ___ in terms of cognition and the processing of information.

motor learning

In the context of the history of motor learning and motor control, identify a true statement about the events that took place in the middle period (1940-1970).

motor learning research focused more on application, investigating such areas as transfer of training

Which of the following is a characteristic of the initial stage of the developmental sequences approach to understanding how fundamental motor skills are acquired?

movements comprising a skill exhibiting improper sequencing of parts of the skill

In the context of fundamental motor skills, ___ skills are typically done from a relatively stationary position, using a stable base of support.


___ in children is the development of the necessary strength, flexibility, and endurance, as well as development of the various organ systems, to such a degree that children can control their bodies in exercise activities.

physiological readiness

How should practice sessions be structured to promote optimal conditions for learning?

practices should be organized so that distracting elements are eliminated from the setting

The effectiveness of a push is enhanced by ___.

proper body position

In the context of nonlocomotor movements, ___ is a forceful action designed to decrease the distance between the body and an object.


___ can be defined in terms of physiological and psychological factors influencing and individual's ability and willingness to learn.


In the context of the history of motor learning and motor control, which of the following statements is true of the middle period (1940-1970)?

the start of the middle period was marked by a surge of interest in motor learning

Identity a characteristic of the initial stage of the developmental sequences approach to understanding how fundamental motor skills are acquired.

there is little body rotation or sometimes exaggerated use of the body

Identify the goals of motor behavior as identified by Thomas and Thomas.

to understand how motor skills are learned to understand how motor skills are controlled

In the context of fundamental motor movements, ___ is a rotation of the body or a body part around its axis while maintaining a fixed base of support.


Which of the following would be considered a nonlocomotor skill?


The range of a twisting movement is determined by the ___.

type of joint

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