ch 7

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How is Marx's theory of surplus connected to his sociological analysis of capitalism?

Analysis of the sources of surplus value provided marx with a precise definition of exploitation. Surplus created by workers but skimmed off by capitalists. By discovering the advantage of increasing productivity marx thought he had uncovered the hidden dynamic of capitalism that would lead to increasing exploitation of proletariat more frequent industrial arises and overthrow capitalist system itself

What is capital?

-a communal social organization in which there is a collective control over the means of production -capital: dominant productive force -divides members among societies -income producing assets

Who are the proleteriat?

-represent the majority of society - the class of modern wage laborers who have no means of production of their own - reduced to selling their wage labour in order to live -have the reduced ability to achieve class consciousness

who are the bourgeoisie?

-represent the minority of society -modern capitalists that own the means of social production, employers of wage laborers -developed of the burghers in the end of the middle ages - discovery of new markets and inspired new discoveries; fueled trade and commerce -hold political influence -own instruments and relations production -increasingly exploit the proletariat

What are Marx's two most famous predictions with regard to the ultimate demise of the capitalist system?

1. -capitalism is inheritably unstable, demise b/c econ growth and high employment are followed by economic decline and unemployment "business cycle" is endemic to capitalism 2. Proletarian would become increasingly impoverished and alienated under capitalism a. Proletariat become appendages to the machine b. They will become class conscious and overthrow the entire system especially as they live through cycles of recession and depression where their lives are made increasingly unstable

1.The Characteristics of All Society

1. Humans, unlike animals produce sustenance from the environment to live and thereby "make history" a. Material things(thru production) using tech to manipulate the environment b. Means of Sustenance, "Existence of human beings" c. Soc theory- explains how ppl produce means of sustenance not just ideas

and especially the four characteristics of Marx's dialectical materialism.

1. Society is a social structure (system) a. Interrelated parts, classes, social institutions, culture value etc i. Make a whole(interrelated parts), diff angles have specific angles and others have the opposing ii. In the end the proletariat and bourgeoisie connect iii. Production/consumption "the economy" occur simultaneously iv. Economy is connected to stratification v. Class relations are reflected in all areas of social behavior vi. Marx worked not only economic it analyzed social struct. Function and change

2nd characteristic of society

2. People create new needs over time; tools/instruments for needs periodically improve yielding more/better consumer goods a. Production/consumption cumulative: as one set of needs is satisfied, new ones emerge(amenities) b. Animals satisfy "immediate physical needs" but man produces when he is free of physical needs and only truly produces in freedom therefrom c. MARX believed ppl are prevented from expressing their human potential through work b/c the exploitation and alienation inherent in the division of labor prevent it

2nd characteristic of marxs dialect materialism

2. Social Change is inherent in all societies as ppl make history satisfying their ever increasing needs a. Change comes from within NOT outside society i. Internal change- force is contradiction inherent in the system b. Inherent contradictions cause opposites to develop ex: feudalism->capitalism

3rd characteristic of society

3. Production is based on a division of labor a. Hierarchical stratification structure--exploitation/alienation i. Tasks are divided among members of the society b. Bases of division was private ownership of land/capital called "means of production" i. Non owners- exploit/alienation can't control work/made products c. Proletariats are forced to return their wages to the capitalists " Animals become human, humans become animals i. Human task feel like animal b/c cant control process/result d. Division of Labor: Proletarians Recreate (enslaves); control of capital by the few e. Social theory had to focus on who benefits from existing social arrangements by systematically describing the structure of stratification that accompanies private ownership of means of production i. Only collective ownership could eliminate problems

3rd characteristic of marx dialectical materialism

3. Social Change evolves in a recognizable direction a. Historical development of a more complex social structure (capitalism) is inherent in the nature of a less complex one b. Direction of history is less more complex soc structures c. Marx child of enlightenment believed in the INVEITABILITY of Human Progress d. Utopia after evolutionary development communist society

4th characteristic of marxs dialectical materialism

4. Freely acting ppl diversely shape the direction of history given the predictable patterns of opposition and class conflict that develop from the contradiction in society a. Class opposed to one another b/c of stratification, but classes are still connected

4th characteristic of society

4. Ideas/values emerge from division of labor; result from ppls practical efforts at obtaining sustenance, creating needs, and working together a. Ideologies justify status quo i. Ideologies- systematic views of the way the world ought to be b. Everyone has a right to the means of production for their own rather than collectivity's benefit c. Religion "opium of the masses" i. Dominant blind ppl to exploitation and political interests d. Soc theory: must focus on both the structural sources or dominant idea & the extent to which such beliefs influence ppl


Eventually he believed, communism would emerge, as a classless society in which all would give according to their ability and take according to their needs

· Primitive communism · ·

First stage Marx believed that humans originally lived in "hunting and gathering societies" in which everyone worked at the same tasks. Private property did not exist nor did the division of labor. Hence there were no classes and no exploitation space on class. These societies, in short, were communist with all members contributing according to their ability.

revolutionary (marx)

He sought to overthrow the existing order and substitute collective control of society so that in a cooperative context ppl could be free to develop their potential as human beings (proletariat should overthrow capitalism

How did capitalism emerge?

It emerged inevitably from feudalism

Why is Marx's methodology unique?

Marx theoretical task is to make ppl realize their class interests, unite, and produce a communist revolution • Important: His theoretical methodology combines determinism (direction) with human freedom: communist revolution is predictable by freely acting ppl who recognize and act in their own interest • In a communist society everyone will act cooperatively and freely ● criticism of capitalism

Why is Marx unique as a classical sociologist?

Marx was a unique classical sociologist because he acted as a revolutionary and a social scientist ; A combination that that constitutes the greatest weakness in sociology

Finally, be able to discuss the section "Is Marx still Relevant" and how the book answers this question in the affirmative

Marx's saw, more than any other scholars of the last century, that the economy is a driving force of society, we predicted that capitalism with spread and become a global force. He understood that economic power and political power are highly correlated and those with power could disproportionately influence the formation of ideologies and the other elements of culture. He explained the incredible wealth generating capacities of free markets, but this dynamism is tempered by the inequalities, exploitation, and alienation generated by such a system, as well as by the inherent tendency of the system to cycle in and out of ever deeper recessions and depressions. Moreover, he even anticipated the power of big capitalism standardized activities, impoverish small businesses and artisans, and the destruction of all cultures in the relentless drive to make production more efficient and to penetrate all markets. Thus Marx had a very good sense for many of the outcomes of capitalism, once unleashed.

Was capitalism a historical accident?

No, result of ppl acting in their own interests, the rise of trade/exchange constitutes a new and powerful productive forces, nobility wanted new amenities

How does it provide him with a precise measure to show that workers are exploited?

Simple reproduction-proleterians not only reproduce commodities , their pwn wages and surplus value, but as caplitalist social relations:exploited and alienated workers on one side and capitalist on the other Conversion of surplus value into capitalism -reinvest with proleteriats surplus value, higher form of society become inevitable


The feudal system gave way to the capitalism. Two great classes are the proletariat and the bourgeoisie. -Capitalists hire proletariats only if they generate profit, which is why capitalists are often described as leeches in boxes writing. He believed that capitalism would grow over the entire globe, until nearly all human activity became debase because it was a commodity subject to purchase.

What did Marx believe about different social orders?

The life of the proletariat has to be structured around the bourgeoisie, Marx believed that in every social order those who own means of production always oppress those who do not. Sociiety is splitting up more and more into two great hostile camps bourgeoisie and the proletariat. Bourgeoisie maintain status quo and the proletariat complete reorganization of society so that production can benefit collectively as a whole Dialect materialism

Read and know the sections on the "Nature of Social Theory" and the "Characteristics of All Societies

The nature of social theory • Theoretical analysis should be empirically based • Unlike animals we can manipulate the environment to satisfy their needs • Means of Substanance physical organ • "conscious self"-self reflective (from experience) o Act rationally in own interests • Hegel believes morality, religion, and other awareness exist independently of human beings • MARX is asserting ppl produce ideas about the world in light of the SOCIAL STRUCTURE in which we live in and the EXPERIENCES that they have in these structures • SOCIAL CHANGE= CHANGE in content of ppls ideas & consciousness • NOT a single minded materialist orientation o Active, response/change in materialist world • Social theory: should focus on how ppl influence and are influenced by their material conditions • EMPHASIS: fundamental epistemology break with idealism • Hegel right side up by transforming philosophy into empirical social science


Third stage, Feudalism in which landless serfs and land-owners represented two great classes. Again, they had opposing interests. -Those who own the land wanted to increase productivity and, overtime, to generate more cash income. - Serfs were obliged to work the land under the presumption that they would share in the portion of his bounty. The interest was to retain as much control over their crops the possible. ·


Works argued that as the contradictions inherent in capitalism through, it would collapse and be replaced by socialism. -He describe this stage as a transition to a dictatorship of the proletariat - Communist Party would take control of the state in the name of the working class and expropriate private property.

Slavery(roman empire)

· Second stage was the slavery system, in which ownership of other human beings determine rank and position. Enslave societies the interests of owners and slaves were obviously opposed. -Slave owners at interest in maximizing daily work, minimizing exponentials for food and other maintenance costs, making it difficult for slaves to escape bondage, and ensuring the inherited ability of slave's status. -Slaves had an interest in minimizing daily work demands, improving their living conditions, providing mechanisms by which they can work their way out of bondage, and preventing the inherited ability of slave status.

Why was the concept of private property so important in Marx's scheme?

• Abolition of private property goal of communists. Communist revolution would abolish bourgeoisie control over capital without substituting a new form of private ownership. Capital exploits wage labor. Proleteriat are destined to rise again stronger, firmer, mightier, ready for battle • It is an inevitable evolutionary battle. • Means of production have to be a collective product controlled by united action of all members of the society -only possible under communism

Social Scientist:

• Collective control was historically inevitable • Historical direction CAN be observed • Historical Direction is said to lead to a communist society" free development of each is the condition for the free development of all • Few will NO LONGER exploit the many conflict theorist social change - he was an activist advocated change - activist FREE UTOPIA WORKING CLASS OVERTHROW

Why did Marx say that "the history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggles?"

• it illuminates Marx's theory of base and superstructure; that is that changes in the economic base (the mode of production) lead to changes in the superstructure of political system, religion, art (in short culture) and not the other way around. Later, we'll look at what some other theorists have to say about this. • it points to Marx's theory of dialectical (or historical) materialism.

Read over the section on Marx's "The Labor Theory of Value." Know what a commodity is, what surplus value is and the difference between relative and absolute value.

● It is a writing in capital, determine source of value, it says value of commodity is = to labor required to produce commodity, ties in to why he thinks capitalism will be overthrown Bourgeoisie sell things higher than actual value Surplus value (left over b/w price and labor to produce product) ● early economist were engaged in this theory ● Commodity "is an object outside of us, a thing that by its properties satisfies human wants of some sort or another ● the value of a commodity is determined by how long it takes to take the commodity - labor/time determines value of product ● commodity is anything bought and sold - labor is included ● surplus value - difference for what you pay and what the commodity is worth, in other words, profit ● ABSOLUTE VALUE- capitalist lengthen the working day to increase laborers productivity ● RELATIVE VALUE -happens when capitalist increase increase laborers productivity by enabling them to produce more in the same amount of time -factories using advanced tech

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