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1) A antigens & anti-B antibodies: 2) B antigens & anti-A antibodies: 3) A and B antigens; neither anti-A or anti-B antibodies: 4) Neither A or B antigens; anti-A and anti-B antibodies:

1 = Type A 2 = Type B 3 = Type AB 4 = Type O

events in order of coagulation in proper sequence:

1)activation of factor XII 2)formation of prothrombinase 3)prothrombin → thrombin 4)fibrinogen → fibrin

Platelets develop DIRECTLY from __________.


Macrophages are derived from ____________.


Low blood oxygen levels stimulate erythrocyte production by increasing the formation of _________________ by the kidneys.


Rupture of a red blood cell is called hematopoiesis.


The plasma component that forms fibrin, the insoluble protein, in a blood clot is


A clot is usually dissolved within a few days after it is formed by a process called __________.


The process of blood cell production is called __________.


The __________ of hemoglobin is converted into biliverdin and then bilirubin by macrophages.

heme without iron

All formed elements of the blood are derived from a single population of stem cells called _________.


The main component of the red blood cell is the pigmented protein __________, which occupies about one-third of the total cell volume and accounts for its red color.


transports oxygen in the blood:


The stoppage of blood loss, or __________, is very important to the maintenance of homeostasis.


The only formed elements that possess a nucleus when mature are the:


If an individual had a reduction in the overall number of white blood cells, they would have __________.


__________ migrate to lymphatic tissue.


contain hemoglobin in their cytoplasm:

mature erythrocytes

Which blood component is NOT correctly matched with its function?

platelets - phagocytize bacteria

The most abundant formed elements are the __________.

red blood cells

plasma proteins:

regulate osmotic pressure

An immature erythrocyte is called a __________________.:


Which cell type is an immature red blood cell?:


An increased amount of heparin in the blood might:

slow down the clotting process.

Plasma is 91% _________.


A monocyte is an ___________.


The most abundant plasma protein is ____________.


Which plasma proteins is most abundant?


The hematocrit is:

the percentage of RBCs in a given volume of blood

Agglutination of red blood cells means:

they clump together.

The total blood volume in the average adult is about __________ in males and __________ in females.

5-6 L; 4-5 L

58% of plasma protein, regulate water movement b/w tissue and blood: 38 % plasma protein, provide protection against microorganisms: 4 % plasma protein, forms blood clots: Fibrinogen Albumin Globulins

58% of plasma protein, regulate water movement b/w tissue and blood: ALBUMIN 38 % plasma protein, provide protection against microorganisms: GLOBULINS 4 % plasma protein, forms blood clots: FIBRINOGEN

A person with type B blood has anti-__ antibodies:


is a product of the kidney:


Leukocytes are the largest (size) of the formed elements:


Which blood type is considered the universal recipient?:

Type AB

Has both A and B antigens on the red cells:

Type AB blood

A person with type O blood should receive a blood transfusion from a donor with:

Type O blood

__________ is the immediate but temporary constriction of a blood vessel that results when smooth muscle within the wall of the vessel contracts.

Vascular spasm

A person with an increased eosinophil count might be suffering from:

an allergic reaction

If an individual has a deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, they would have ___________.


To prevent unwanted clotting, the blood contains several __________, which prevent clotting factors from initiating clot formation under normal circumstances.


The majority of carbon dioxide is transported in the blood as _______________.

bicarbonate ions

Hemoglobin transporting carbon dioxide is called __________.


The combination of hemoglobin and carbon dioxide is ____________.


What type of tissue is blood?

connective tissue

Hemoglobin containing no oxygen is called ___________.


The ability of white blood cells to leave the circulation and enter tissues is called _______________.


The most abundant leukocytes are ___________.


White blood cells that function primarily as phagocytotic cells?

neutrophils and monocytes

The oxygenated form of hemoglobin is called _________.


RhoGam injections are given to:

prevent sensitization of the mother

Red blood cells will develop from _________.


Platelets play an important role in preventing blood loss by ____________________.

promoting the formation of clots to seal off wounds in vessels.

Which of the following functions is associated with the blood? delivery of oxygen to tissue cells


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