ch.2 -Suffixes-Suffixes That Pertain to Pathological Conditions
-lexia dys/lexia
M: diction, word, phrase D: Condition in which an individual has difficulty in reading and comprehending written language
-lepsy narc/o/lepsy
M: seizure D: Chronic condition with recurrent attacks of uncontrollable drowsiness and sleep
-emesis hyper/emesis
Meaning: Vomiting Definition:Excessive vomiting
-ectasis bronch/i/ectasis
Meaning: dilation, distention Definition: Chronic dilation of a bronchus or bronchi, with a secondary infection that usually involves the lower portion of a lung
-cusis presby/cusis
Meaning: hearing Definition: Impairment of hearing that occurs with aging
-cele cys/o/cele
Meaning: hernia, tumor, swelling Definition: Hernia of the bladder that protrudes into the vagina
-itis burs/itis
Meaning: inflammation Definition: Inflammation of a bursa (padlike sac between muscles, tendons, and bones)
-kinesis hyper/kinesis
Meaning: motion Definition: excessive muscular movement and motion; inability to be still; also know as hyperactivity
-algia condition: dent/algia
Meaning: pain, ache Definition: Pain in a tooth; toothache
-dynia ot/o/dynia
Meaning: pain, ache Definition: Pain in the ear, earache
-ion in/fect/ion
Meaning: process Definition: Process whereby a pathogenic (disease producing) microorganism invades the body, reproduces, multiplies, and causes disease
-derma xer/o/derma
Meaning: skin Definition: Dry skin
-edema papill/edema
Meaning: swelling Definition: Swelling of the optical disk, usually caused by increased intracranial pressure (ICP)
-betes dia/betes
Meaning: to go Definition: General term used to describe diseases characterized by excessive discharge of urine
-asthenia condition: neur/asthenia
Meaning: weakness Definition: Abnormal condition characterized by nervous weakness, exhaustion, and prostration that often follows depression