Ch.4 Relational Database Model

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Identify the component that could cause a bottleneck if there is high utilization in which this component could be too slow for the amount of work performed and can affect all processes running on the system. a.) Network b.) Hard disk c.)RAM d.)CPU


Identify the component that could cause a bottleneck if there is not enough of this component available. Without enough, this component is shared among all running processes and moving data among components have to compete for it. a.) Application code b.)RAM c.) Hard disk d.) Network


Identify the component that depends on this component's speed and data transfer rates. This component is used for more than just storing the end-user data. The OS can also use this component for virtual memory. a.)CPU b.) Network c.) Application code d.) Hard disk

B. Flat files have more data to read through so accessing and searching through them can be slow due to redundancy. These files can be quite large due to that repeated data. The security of them depends on the underlying OS to handle. The data has to be repeated and can lead to more inputting errors and inconsistencies without data integrity. The flat files can be more flexible with the data contents than a database but can lead to other problems with the varying content.

Identify which of the following represents the issue with flat files in which data could be repeated. a.) Data integrity b.) Redundancy c.) Flexibility d.) Security


Identify which of the following represents the issue with flat files in which the file sizes could be much larger due to repeated information. A. Security B. Data integrity C. Flexibility D. Redundancy

D. Flat files have more data to read through so accessing and searching through them can be slow due to redundancy. These files can be quite large due to that repeated data. The security of them depends on the underlying OS to handle. The data has to be repeated and can lead to more inputting errors and inconsistencies without data integrity. The flat files can be more flexible with the data contents than a database but can lead to other problems with the varying content.

Identify which of the following would represent the issue that databases do well to control varying levels of access to the tables and rows. a.) Computerized file systems b.) Relational databases c.) Object relational database d.) Flat file systems

A. Flat files have more data to read through so accessing and searching through them can be slow due to redundancy. These files can be quite large due to that repeated data. The security of them depends on the underlying OS to handle. The data has to be repeated and can lead to more inputting errors and inconsistencies without data integrity. The flat files can be more flexible with the data contents than a database but can lead to other problems with the varying content.

Identify which of the following would represent the issue with flat files that requires the operating system to handle the protection of the data. a.) Security b.) Flexibliity c.) Data integrity d.) Redundancy

schema, subschema

The ______is considered as the conceptual organization of the database. This includes the complete data model of the relationship. This is the view that a database administrator that is able to see the complete database would see. The _______ on the other hand would be the part of the database that the applications would be able to see rather than the entire database.

B Business rules help set the stage to properly identify entities, attributes, relationships, and constraints.

What do business rules not help set the stage to define the identification of within a data model? a.) Entities b.) Users c.) Attributes d.) Constraints


What does end-user data consist of in the context of a database? a.) Raw facts of interest to the end user b.) Computer structure that holds a collection of related data c.) Process that focuses on data collection, storage, and retrieval d.) Data about data


Which data model(s) depicts a set of one-to-many relationships in which a parent can have many children and a child can only have more than one parent? a.) Neither b.) Network c.) Hierarchical d.) Both hierarchical and network


Which data model(s) depicts a set of one-to-many relationships in which a parent can have many children but a child can only have one parent? a.) Both hierarchical and network b.) Network c.) Hierarchical d.) Neither

D The hierarchical data model came first and represented its relationships as a set of 1 to many between a parent and its children. Each parent can have multiple children but a child could only have one parent. The network model was created to represent data relationships that were more complex and effective than the hierarchical model. Although it also used a one-to-many relationship, child records could have multiple parents. The network model also introduced schemas, subschemas, DML, and DDL statements.

Which data model(s) depicts a set of one-to-many relationships? a.) Neither b.) Network c.) Both hierarchical and network d.) Hierarchical

A In order to comply to ANSI standards, all commercial databases must support the UPDATE, DELETE, SELECT, INSERT, and WHERE commands in the same way.

Which of the following commands must be supported in the same way by the commercial database management system to comply with ANSI standards? a.)SELECT b.)ADD c.)CREATE TABLE d.)CREATE INDEX


Which of the following criteria was a key milestone for the object relational model created in the mid-1980s? a.) Creation of a relationship database management system. b.)One of the milestones during this period was that web databases became more common. c.)One of the milestones during this period was introducing the subschema. d.)One of the milestones during this period was introducing the schema.


Which of the following criteria was a key milestone for the object relational model created in the mid-1980s? a.)One of the milestones during this period was focusing on managed records rather than relationships. b.) One of the milestones during this period was the use of star schema support for data warehousing. c.)One of the milestones during this period was the model being created based on mathematical set theory and representing data as independent relations by E.F. Codd. d.)One of the milestones during this period was introducing the subschema.

C. In the period in which the object relational model was created, one of the key milestones was the creation of a data model that closely represented the real world. In this approach, objects were created in which both data and its relationships were all contained in one place. These data models were becoming a norm to be stored on the web. They also incorporated support for star schemas within data warehouses. Classes would consist of similar structures that consisted of shared attributes and behaviors.

Which of the following criteria was a key milestone for the object relational model created in the mid-1980s? a.)One of the milestones during this period was introducing the schema. b.)One of the milestones during this period was the creation of a tuple or a table row within a relation. c.)One of the milestones during this period was the use of Unified Modeling Language to represent the data models. d.) One of the milestones during this period was focusing on having support for large databases at a terabyte size.


Which of the following criteria was a key milestone for the relational model created in the mid-1970s? a.) One of the milestones during this period was that web databases became more common b.) One of the milestones during this period was introducing the schema c.) One of the milestones during this period was introducing the subschema d.) One of the milestones during this period was the creation of a relationship database management system


uses the one-to-many relationship but a record in the _____ model was able to have more than one parent


w does the following business rule(s) affect the database design?A customer can generate multiple invoices. An invoice is only generated by a single customer. a.)The business rules define that there isn't a need for a relationship between the CUSTOMER and INVOICE entities as the relationship isn't a strong one. b.) The business rules define that there is a relationship between CUSTOMER and INVOICE and an M:N relationship between those two entities requiring a bridge table. c.)The business rules define that there is a relationship between CUSTOMER and INVOICE and a 1:1 relationship between those two entities. d.)The business rules define that there is a relationship between CUSTOMER and INVOICE and a 1:M relationship between those two entities.

non - relational

A _________ database is focused more so in a document-oriented structure. As such, all of the information is stored within the document with all of the data that's listed out about that particular object. This type of __________ database is one that is less structured and confined in terms of format. It does offer high scalability, flexibility with data models and adaptability to the needs of the organization.

data warehouse

The ___ _________is a specialized type of database that stores the underlying data in a format that's optimized for decision support rather than transactions


The ______ model basically is a set of one-to-many relationships where each parent segment can have many children, but each child segment can only have one parent.


The following type of user oversees the database general operations. a.) Database designer b.) System analyst c.) System administrator d.) Database developer


These types of _______ databases focus on time sensitivity. This means that purchases on a website or shipment of inventory need to have that data reflected in the database in real-time for those day-to-day operations.

C. The metadata is data about data in which the end user data is integrated and managed.

What does metadata consist of in the context of a database? a.) Body of information and facts about a specific topic. b.) Computer structure that holds a collection of related data c.) Data about data d.) Process that focuses on data collection, storage and retrieval.

B Unlike ANSI SQL that uses /* */ for comments, MySQL and MariaDB use -- to indicate a comment. Anything after -- is considered a comment and is thrown out.

What happens if we run the following command in MySQL: UPDATE order_details SET quantity = quantity --10? a.)The quantity in the order_details table for all records are decremented by 10. b.)The order_details table has all of the quantity set to the same value as it previously had. c.) The quantity in the order_details table for all records is incremented by 10. d.)An error is thrown due to the --.

C. In MySQL, if you access a column from a table to be updated, the update uses the current value in the column. The assignments are set in order whereas ANSI SQL uses the original values.

What happens if we run the following command in MySQL?UPDATE order_details SET quantity = quantity - 1, original_quantity = quantity; a.)The original_quantity is set to the current value of quantity. Then the quantity is deducted by 1. b.)The quantity is updated to the current value of quantity minus 1. The original_quantity is updated to the newly calculated quantity value. c.)The statement creates an exception as you can't reference the same column twice. d.)The quantity is updated to the current value of quantity minus 1. The original_quantity is updated to the original quantity value.

C In MySQL, if you access a column from a table to be updated, the update uses the current value in the column. The assignments are set in order whereas ANSI SQL uses the original values.

What happens if we run the following command in MySQL?UPDATE product SET price = price + 1, updated_price = price; a.)The statement creates an exception as you can't reference the same column twice. b.)The original_price is set to the current value of price. Then the price is incremented by 1. c.)The price is updated to the current value of price plus 1. The original_price is updated to the newly calculated price value. d.)The price is updated to the current value of price plus 1. The original_price is updated to the original price value.


What happens in an SQLite database if you insert 'abcd' into a column that is of type integer? a.)SQLite will store the actual string value in the column. b.)SQLite will convert the column to type string. c.)SQLite will convert 'abcd' to an integer. d.)SQLite will throw an error.

D. A database is a shared and integrated computer structure that holds a collection of related data. The database consists of two types of data with raw facts and metadata.

What is a database? a.) Raw facts of interest to the end user b.) Process that focuses on data collection, storage, and retrieval c.) Body of information and facts about a specific topic d.) Computer structure that holds a collection of related data

D. A database ideally should be created if it is a new tool that may need to have multiple types of users access it to be able to insert, update, delete and query from. If there is an existing application or database, it's best not to create a new one but make use of the existing options to avoid data redundancy. New tables could be added as well in lieu of creating a new database. If there is no third party to store the data or an existing database to add to, a new database needs to be created.

What is the best example of a scenario in which a new database should be created to support the business? a.)An organization would like to use a web application to help manage their mailing lists. The web application uses an existing database to store their eCommerce and user table data. All users would register through that site and the reporting would be accessed through that site. b.)An organization would like to be able to send their users emails from an existing mailing list file provided by a third party. c.)An organization has assigned a single individual to keep track of users that would like to join a mailing list at their physical store. The customers would inform the individual of what their email address is upon purchase. The list should be sent to a third party to have emails sent out. d.)An organization would like to build a web form to permit users to sign up to a mailing list and unsubscribe as needed. Admin should be able to view the subscribers and see when they registered and use the list to send them emails.


What is true about storage limitations with databases? a.)All paid commercial databases have the same database storage size limitations. b.) Most commercial databases do not have the same database storage size limitations. c.)All commercial databases can support unlimited data for storage. d.)All commercial databases have the same database storage size limitations.


What type of scenario would fall under a data loss or corruption issue in relation to database migration challenges? a.) Having databases in different departments b.)Having the physical drives get damaged during migration c.) Having disparate databases that exist within various parts of the company d.) Having the database schemas be converted for consistency


What type of scenario would fall under a siloed database issue in relation to database migration challenges? a.) Having the data connection dropped during transfer b.) Having data be read from a third party during the transfer c.)Having the physical drives get damaged during migration d.) Having databases in different geographies

D Siloed databases are one common problem with database migration. There may be disparate databases that could exist in different departments, locations, geographies, or have different purposes. Data loss and corruption is another issue with data migration in which we have to ensure that we test for data loss or corruption during the transfer, or ensure the drives aren't damaged. Security is another issue as it is critical that the data is secure. Organizations typically will encrypt the data or even remove personally identifiable information as part of the migration process.

What type of scenario would fall under a siloed database issue in relation to database migration challenges? a.)Having the physical drives get damaged during migration b.) Having personally identifiable information be acquired c.) Having data be read from a third party during the transfer d.) Having disparate databases that exist within various parts of the company


Which of the following criteria was a key milestone for the relational model created in the mid-1970s? a.) One of the milestones during this period was the creation of a tuple or a table row within a relation b.) One of the milestones during this period was the use of Unified Modeling Language to represent the data models c.) One of the milestones during this period was introducing the schema d.) One of the milestones during this period was focusing on having support for large databases at a terabyte size


Which of the following criteria was a key milestone for the relational model created in the mid-1970s? a.)One of the milestones during this period was focusing on managed records rather than relationships. b.)One of the milestones during this period was the use of a star schema support for data warehousing. c.)One of the milestones during this period was introducing the subschema. d.)One of the milestones during this period was the model being created based on mathematical set theory and representing data as independent relations by E.F. Codd.


Which of the following is a key feature of a non-relational database like NoSQL? a.) Ensures strong consistency such that applications should be able to read what has been written to the database immediately b.) High scalability and performance that can enable almost unlimited growth c.) Efficiently uses indexes as a means to provide efficient access to data and is supported directly in the database rather than maintained in the application code d.) Uses expressive query languages to be able to access and modify the data


Which of the following is a key part of conceptual design in an entity relationship model? A. This model has normalization that occurs. B. In this model, no attributes are specified. C. In this model, all table structures including column names, data types, column constraints, primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships are included. D. This model converts entities into tables.


Which of the following is a key part of conceptual design in an entity relationship model? a.)This model is a global view of the entire database that describes the main objects while avoiding details. b.)This model includes all entities and relationships between those entities. c.)This model uses table names instead of entity names. d.) This model includes all table structures including column names, data types, column constraints, primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships.


Which of the following is a key part of conceptual design in an entity relationship model? a.)This model may introduce denormalization based on user requirements. b.)This model defines the data types for the columns. c.)This model defines the primary keys for each entity. d.)This model provides a means for identification and high-level description of the main data objects.


Which of the following is a key part of conceptual design in an entity relationship model? a.)This model provides a bird's eye view of the data environment so that it is easy to understand. b.)This model defines attributes. c.)This model adds all of the attributes for each entity. d.)This model is both hardware and database management software dependent.


Which of the following is a key part of logical design in an entity relationship model? A. This data model includes all table structures including column names, data types, column constraints, primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships. B. This model resolves the many-to-many relationships to multiple one-to-many relationships. C.This model converts attributes into columns. D.This model does not depend on the database management software or the hardware used to implement the model.


Which of the following is a key part of logical design in an entity relationship model? a.) This model provides a means for identification and a high-level description of the main data objects. b.)This model defines the data types for the columns. c.)This model defines the primary keys for each entity. d.)This model may introduce denormalization based on user requirements.


Which of the following is a key part of logical design in an entity relationship model? a.)This model is a global view of the entire database that describes the main objects while avoiding details. b.) This data model includes all table structures including column names, data types, column constraints, primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships. c.)This model simply states the relationship but does not specify them. d.)This model includes all entities and relationships between those entities.


Which of the following is a key part of logical design in an entity relationship model? a.)This model uses table names instead of entity names. b.)This model adds all of the attributes for each entity. c.)This model provides a bird's eye view of the data environment so that it is easy to understand. d.)This model is both hardware and database management software dependent.


Which of the following is a key part of physical design in an entity relationship model? a.)This model simply states the relationship but does not specify them. b.) This data model includes all table structures including column names, data types, column constraints, primary keys, foreign keys, and relationships. c.)This model includes all entities and relationships between those entities. d.)In this model, there is a global view of the entire database and describes the main objects while avoiding details.


Which of the following is a key part of physical design in an entity relationship model? a.)This model will have the same design regardless of what relational database management system it's for. b.)This model provides a bird's eye view of the data environment so that it is easy to understand. c.)This model is both hardware and database management software dependent. d.)This model adds all of the attributes for each entity.


Which of the following is a key part of physical design in an entity relationship model? a.)This model defines the primary keys for each entity. b.)This model defines attributes. c.)This model may introduce denormalization based on user requirements. d.) This model provides a means for identification and a high-level description of the main data objects.


Which of the following is not a reason to identify and document business rules? A. It can allow the designer to create appropriate constraints. B. It can allow the designer to create appropriate relationships C. It can allow the designer to understand business processes. D. It can solve issues that are enforced by the application software.

D The primary key constraint is the same as the unique constraint in SQLite. Due to a bug, the primary keys were allowed to be null. Once the problem was discovered, so many different databases were already had null values that depended on the bug that there was the decision made to keep that bug. Integer or primary key columns without rowid however must not be null.

Which of the following is unique about SQLite compared to ANSI SQL? a.)Integer primary keys can be null. b.)Primary keys without a rowid can be null. c.)No primary keys can be null. d.)Primary keys can sometimes be null.


Which of the following is unique about SQLite compared to ANSI SQL? a.)Keywords must be quoted to be used as identifiers. b.)Keywords cannot be used as identifiers. c.)Only some keywords can be used as identifiers as long as they aren't used in the SQL statement. d.)Keywords can be often used as identifiers without being quoted.


Which of the following terms focuses on the operating system, database management system, application programs, and utilities? a.) Hardware b.) Software c.) Procedures d.) People


______ databases emphasize correct and consistent data while keeping the speed of the operations in the database.


______ databases on the other hand focus on historical data and business metrics. There's a lot of data manipulation on the data to help produce information that's needed for the organization to help produce some of the key analysis of the data such as sales forecasts or market strategies

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