chap 2

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Place the events of the Greek-Persian Wars in chronological order, beginning with the earliest and ending with the latest.

1 Ionians revolt against Persian rule 2 Greeks and Persians battle on the plane of Marathon 3 A Greek warrior runs 26 miles with news of victory 4 Greeks build a fleet of warships 5 Greeks defeat the Persians at Salamis

What is the Parthenon?

A Greek temple dedicated to Athena

During the Hellenistic Age, the engineer and mathematician named____ Of Syracuse invented the


In the ----, Plato's most famous treatise, he explored the meaning Of justice and the nature Of a just society


Which of the following are associated with the Mycenaean citadels on mainland Greece?

"Cyclopean" Stone lions Symbols of royal power

Which of the following were common characteristics of the Greek city-states?

-Common religion-Autonomous-Shared language

Which characteristics are associated with lyric poetry?

-It was meant to be sung-It expressed deep emotions

Which of the following apply to the military strategy of Alexander the Great?

-equipped with superior weapons-had an army of 35,000-army composed of Greeks and Macedonians-used catapults and battering rams

How did the Athenian statesman Solon set Athens on the path toward democracy?

-he abolished the custom of debt slavery -he educated citizens in the activities of government -he encouraged lower classes to serve in public office

What characteristics were most likely true about music in ancient Greece?

-it was monophonic-it lacked harmony as we know it

What is the term for the system of notation and reasoned thought Aristotle formulated for reaching a conclusion without reference to specific content?

A syllogism

Which Of the following are associated With the Greek Sophists?

Aimed to define the limits of human knowledge Masters of formal debate Traveling scholar-teachers

what city was the cultural center of the Hellenistic world?


Sculptures on the east pediment Of the Parthenon narrate the birth Of which god(dess)?


After the Greeks won the Persian War, the cit-State Of_____ became both politically and commercially dominant


Why did the human nude form dominate Classical Greek art?

Because the human body was seen as nature's perfect creation

Which materials were used in the construction of the Parthenon?

Bronze clamps Marble Dowels

What was the new emphasis of freestanding Hellenistic sculpture?

Capturing human emotion

which of the three programs of architectural design, or orders, was most ornate?


Which of the following relate to the ancient Greek shrine of Apollo?

Described as the "navel" of the earth Located at Mt. Olympus Seen as the center of the universe

Which Of the following was a concern Of the Greek naturalist philosophers?

Describing physical reality

Which of the following are associated with the Greek origin myth?

Deucalion Hellen Zeus

An ideal sculpture of the Late Classical period shows what features?

Dreamy gaze Smooth body curves Subtle counterposition of shoulders and hips

What qualities are embodied in the Doryphorus, or Spear-Bearer sculpture?

Energy Confidence Simultaneous motion and repose

In the Republic, what concept is Plato seeking to explain, through the use of allegory?

Eternal truths called Forms

Which are characteristics of Greek tragedy?

Featured psychological intimacy Dealt with human conflicts Spread the story out over a period of many days. Involved commentary of a chorus

According to current theory regarding Greek drama, what was the source from Which tragedy evolved?

Fertility rituals related to death and decay Of crops

Which reasons made Aristotle question the viability Of democracy?

Governments should function in the interest of the state, not any one individual or group. Demagogues could achieve extreme influence, passing poor laws. Power lay in the hands of the poor masses.

The Iliad and the Odyssey became the national poems of ancient ---


What was the driving force behind the evolution of Greek Classical style?

Harmonious order

Which descriptions can be said of Aristotle?

He founded a school called the Lyceum. He was a student Of Plato. He was Macedonian. He was known as the "peripatetic philosopher."

Which Of the following are facts about Alexander the Great?

He named many Of the cities he founded after himself. He was a military genius. He was a student of Aristotle. He created an empire. His empire reached from Greece to the borders Of modern India.

What were the circumstances of Socrates' death?

He was tried for subversion and sentenced to death.

The era that followed Alexander's death and the splitting Of his empire is referred to as the---


Which value is central to the Iliad?

Heroic action

The Greek physician named ___ is thought Of as "the father Of medicine."


Though ____ has long been considered the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey, the authorship of both epic poems is in question


Which of the following were characteristics of the early Greek dramas?

Involved music, dance, and mime Theaters built into hillsides Audiences of up 27,000 people Performed in open-air theaters

Which are the three orders Of architectural design developed by the Greeks?

Ionic Corithian Doric

How does the sculpture, Laocoön and His Sons, sum up the Hellenistic aesthetic?

It features dramatic movement.

What qualities of dance were praised by the Greeks?

It induced good health Its inherent moral value

How was the Greek temple different from the Mesopotamian ziggurat?

It united the religious and the secular.

What were Greek theaters designed to celebrate?

Life here on earth

Which of the following relate to the Classical concept of "ideal form," as suggested by Socrates?

Lifelike in appearance Based in canon of proportion Free of incidental details

The maritime civilization that flourished on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea during the Bronze Age— that is, between 2000 and 1400 B.C.E.—was referred to as___


Which maritime Aegean civilization flourished around 2000 and 1400 B.C.E.?


What qualities are present in Aristotle's principle of the Golden Mean?

Moderation Balance

What is the term for the Greek musical system of scales characterized by particular patterns of pitch and tempo?


The ___ recounts the Story Of a hero Of the Trojan War and his adventure-packed sea journey back to his home, family, and kingdom.


In its early history. Athens was a(n) ____, meaning that an elite minority controlled the government


The Greek ____ games promoted both individual excellence and communal pride.


Which was fundamental to Athenian democracy With regard to voting?

Only citizens could vote

Which was fundamental to Athenian democracy with regard to voting?

Only citizens could vote

Which Of the following were characteristics Of Athenian democracy?

Only landowning men Older than 18 were considered Citizens. Citizens had the power to approve State policy. Citizens had the power to make the laws.

Who is considered the leading proponent of Athenian democracy?


Which elements create unity of time and action, as described by Aristotle in his Poetics?

Plot consists Of a single action comprised Of closely connected incidents. All action of the story takes place within a single day.

How is Minoan culture best described?

Prosperous and seafaring

The Greek man named ___ was the founding father pure mathematics


Which of the following were qualities of the Greek gods?

Quarrelsome Immortal Amorous

Who is recognized as the greatest lyric poet Of Hellenic culture?


Which facts are known about the Greek woman named Sappho?

She was born into an aristocratic family. She taught other women to write lyric poetry. She lived on the island Of Lesbos. She was a lyric poet.

What characteristics were prized in depicting human form in sculpture of the Classical period?

Solemn facial expression Greater weight distribution on one leg Rotation Of torso

What characteristic of the Mycenaeans of ancient Greece differentiated them from the Minoans?

The Mycenaeans were militant and aggressive.

What enrages Achilles and prompts his vengeance in the Trojan War?

The death of Patroclus

How did the pre-Socratic Greek philosophers' view of nature differ from that of the Mesopotamians and Egyptians?

The pre-Socratic Greeks had the more scientific view Of nature.

Our knowledge of the Peloponnesian Wars is largely based on the writings which Greek historian?


The ten-year-long battle between Mycenae and ___provided the historkal context for the Iliad and the Odyssey


Which of the following did the Sophists argue?

Truth and justice were relative

What questions did the earliest Greek philosophers ask?

What substance lies behind the world Of appearance? What is everything made Of? How do things come to exist?

Which of the following can be said of the Greek polis of Sparta?

Women enjoyed more freedom than Athenian women. Its leaders were elected annually. It was led by an oligarchy Of five Officials. Military training began at age seven.

Which Of the following were gods in the Greek pantheon?

Zeus Apollo Poseidon Athena Hera

Which gods were viewed as the ruling deities by the ancient Greeks?

Zeus and Hera

What are the three principal musical instruments of ancient Greece, as revealed from vase paintings?

aulos kithara lyre

In the dualistic model Of Platonic idealism, the mind belongs to the world Of the eternal Forms, whereas the ___ belongs to the sensory world.


The set of rules that Greek artists and architects established for determining physical proportion is called a(n)


Greek tragedy gave expression to the worst kinds of human experience, while ________ was rooted in incongruities and unexpected


The natural. graceful pose depicted in Classical Greek sculpture was later called ___by Italian Renaissance artists.


Following the teachings of Socrates, Plato wrote his treatises using the ___ method


The ancient Greeks were the first masters in the art of ___, the literary genre that tells a story through the imitation of action.


Aristotle's practice of basing conclusions on very careful observation and direct experience are the basis of ---- method.


One of Aristotle's significant is the branch of philosophy known as ___, which sets forth principles for human conduct.


True or false: In the literary genre of tragedy, the protagonist emerges as a tragic hero because Of the multiple catastrophes he or she must face.


True or false: The Vigorous question-and-answer technique that Socrates employed With his peers is known as the humanist method.


True or false: The most famous fresco from the Minoan palace at Knossos features the sport Of pole vaulting


Plato referred to the higher reality of eternal truths as ____, which were distinct from transient sensory Experience


Greek art is said to be___because it focuses so consistently on the actions of human beings.


The Greek philosophers who made the transition from exploring matter to exploring the mind established the ______ direction of Greek philosophy.


Archaic Greek painters and sculptors strove for a balance between real and ___


In analyzing specific examples to arrive at general principles or universal truths, which type of reasoning did Socrates use?


Both vocal and___music were common in Greek life


Determine which Of the following characteristics applies to Ionic columns and Which applies to Corinthian.

ionic originated in Asia minor slender columns terminating in paired scrolls Corinthian often found on victory monuments capitals consists of acanthus leaves

according to Pythagoras, what formed the foundation of music?

mathematical ratios

According to Greek mythology, the ___ presided over the arts and sciences


We refer to the Greeks Of the sixth century B.C.E. Who explored intellectual inquiry and reason as ___, Which literally means •lovers Of Wisdom."


what quality was prominent in the sculptural portraits of the Hellenistic age?


The foremost philosopher Of Athens was ..., Who Vigorously opposed the views Of the Sophists, especially their view that truth and justice were relative concepts.


What is the Doctrine of Ethos

the belied that music influences moral character

What is a central theme of the Parthenon's sculptural program?

the victory of intellect over passion

True or false: Because their aim was greater naturalism, Hellenistic sculptors created portraits of the young, the old, and even the deformed.


Which of the following was a strategy the architects of the Parthenon used to achieve their aesthetic goals?

use of post-and-lintel construction

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