Chapter 1: Professional Orientation and Ethical Practice- Green Book

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Section H: Resolving Ethical Issues

addresses the responsibility of counselors to know their ethical standards and explains procedures for resolving and reporting suspected ethical problems.

Privacy Policy

all patients must be given a copy of the HIPAA privacy policy which outlines their rights with whom their Protected Health Information (PHI) that is- individually identifiable health information- might be used or shared.

Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)

all students with disabilities must be given this and it addresses their individual needs and helps ready them for higher levels of education or employment.

Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)

also known as a managed care organization, is a health care organization that allows members to access health and mental health services at a lower cost than many standard health insurance plans.

Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA)

also pertaining to counselors who work in educational settings, this act is a civil rights law passed to guarantee that students with disabilities receive the services they need to gain the benefits of education. Applies to any school that receives federal funding.

Collective trauma

an entire community's reaction to a crisis

Directory Information

an exception to the preceding rule is that schools have the ability to give out this info about students without consent. This info includes the student's name, address, telephone number, date of birth, place or birth, honors or awards, and dates of attendance at school. A notice goes out to students or parents informing them that they have the right to have their info or their child's info barred from release.

Child Protective Services (CPS)

any counselor who suspects child abuse or neglect is required by law to report the suspicion to the local CPS agency within 72 hours from the time of the first awareness of the potentially abusive or neglectful event. Counselors also must submit a written report to CPS after submitting the initial account.

National Board for Certified Counselors (Code of Ethics)

applies directly to professional counselors who have been certified by its board. the most recent revision of this is 7 parts: 1) NCC's Take appropriate action to prevent harm. 2) NCC's promote only those services for which they have education and qualified experience 3) NCC's promote the welfare of clients, students, and supervisees, or the recipients of professional services provided 4) NCC's communicate truthfully 5) NCC's recognize that their behavior reflects on the integrity of the profession as a whole, and thus, they avoid actions which can reasonably be expected to damage trust 6) NCC's recognize the importance of and encourage active participation of clients, students, or supervisees 7) NCC's are accountable in their actions and adhere to recognized professional standards and practices.

Marriage and family therapist

approaches working with individuals, couples, and families from a systems theory perspective., helping clients to develop more effective patterns of interaction with significant others and family members.

SECTION 1.1 Introduction to professional orientation and ethical practice: Ethics

are developed by associations to help members practice in a reputable manner

Counselor supervisiors

are experienced professionals who train new counselors and help them in the development and improvement of their clinical skills.


are included in the penal code and often carry more serious consequences when individuals fail to comply with them

SECTION 1.4 Ethical and Legal issues- Ethics

are moral principles that guide an individual's behavior. For professional counselors, ethics and more specifically codes of ethics are what guide professional practice to ensure that the welfare and safety of clients and counselors are secure.

Association for Counselors and Educators in Government (ACEG)

became a division of ACA in 1984. formed to connect counselors and educators working in government and military settings, ACEG's mission is to provide adequate support to it's members so counselors and educators can work effectively with their clients.

Social Workers

characterized by his or her commitment to pursuing social reform and social justice, and affecting public policy

Association for Adult Development and Aging (AADA)

chartered by ACA in 1986, was created to improve the counseling services available to adults at all stages of life through advancing counselor education and preparation related to human development and aging.

Section C: Professional Responsibility

contains standards related to competence. It emphasizes the importance of advertising services and credentials in an accurate manner. It also addresses the counselor's responsibilities to the public.

College Counseling

counselors also assist with counseling for college. Many college representatives come to visit during the college fair, college planning night, and athletic scholarship night. The students can obtain college information, SAT and AP prep books, and scholarship information. college counselors in higher education work in counseling centers on college campuses to support students with mental health educational concerns.

Self Care Strategies

counselors that burnout lack the ability to sufficiently meet the needs of their clients so self-care should be a top priority.

Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development (AMCD)

created in 1972 to raise awareness about multicultural issues in counseling. like ALGBTIC encountered difficulty in its attempts to become a division of ACA and receive the association's official recognition and supports. The mission is to foster the growth and mental health of all individuals by working to identify and eliminate obstacles preventing the development of clients.

Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA)

defines child abuse and neglect as "any recent act or failure to act on the part of a parent or caretaker which results in death , serious physical or emotional harm, sexual abuse or exploitation; or, an act or failure to act which presents an imminent risk of serious harm."

SECTION 1.3 Professional Organizations: Professional associations

demonstrate the scope and diversity of this profession, many of wish are affiliated with ACA

Section G: Research and Publication

describes research responsibilities, informed consent practices, and the reporting of research results. A range of issues is covered from protection of human subjects to ethical procedures in seeking publication.


diagnoses and treats psychological , learning and behavioral disorders in a variety of settings, including clinics, schools, hospitals, counseling centers, and private and group practice

Major Life Activity

eligible individuals must have a physical or psychological impairment that substantially limits at least one of these.

Developmental supervision approaches

emphasize counselor-trainees' progress through a series of stages as they become more experienced, competent, and indepedent

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

enacted in 1974 this act, also known as the Buckley Amendment, is a federal law that affects any counselor who works in an educational setting that receives funding from the U.S. Department of Education.

Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

every student who is eligible to receive special education services under IDEA must have this. School systems convene meetings of multidisciplinary teams to create the IEP. This delineates what services the student will receive; when and how often; and goals for the student's learning, which are updated and reviewed yearly.

Theory-base models of supervision

extend the basic counseling theories to the supervisory relationship. a counselor using a cognitive behavioral approach would concentrate on teaching new skills to their trainees encouraging them to practice their skills.

College Admissions Counseling

focuses on helping students maneuver through the college admissions process to select and ideally, to secure entry into suitable postsecondary educational institutions


helps clients resolve psychological issues through psychoanalysis-an intervention developed by Sigmund Freud- a long term process that attempts to help clients remedy and alleviate their symptoms through exploring their unconscious conflicts.

504 Plan

if a student is eligible this plan is constructed which dictates the accommodations or other special considerations the student is entitled to receive. The team looks at multiple sources of info when determining students eligibility including any test scores, grades, educational records, and medical documentation.

3) Benefience

in contrast to nonmaleficence, means doing only good. for counselors this means being proactive in advancing the health and well being of their clients.


in the counseling field emerged in the 1970's in an effort to validate the counseling profession by passing state laws controlling who could legally practice counseling.

Liability Insurance

in the field of counseling this has become something of a necessity for all counselors, counseling students, and counselor educators. In the event counselors find themselves in a legal dispute or the subject of a complaint, having liability insurance can be instrumental in the protection of their assets.

Elder Abuse

involves three different forms of maltreatment toward a vulnerable or incapacitated older adult.: physical , sexual , or verbal abuse; financial exploitation, and neglect of a caregiver to provide proper care.

Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification (CRCC)

is a nonprofit organization that was formed in 1974to certify rehabilitation counselors who meet particular professional standards and have achieved adequate education and work experience related to rehabilitation

Mental Health Practitioner

is a person trained to treat individuals with mental health issues and mental illnesses.


is a process that eligible educational institutions and organizations can elect to undergo to demonstrate that the institution meets set standards. Although accreditation applies to many careers and professions for the purposes of this study guide we are concered with educational accreditation.

4) Justice

is characterized by fairness. will not discriminate against clients and will ensure that all clients have equal treatment.

Advocacy Counseling

is concerned with supporting and promoting the needs of clients (individuals, groups, and communities) and the counseling profession at all levels (local, state, regional, and national).

The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC)

is the chief credentialing organization in the United States for professional counselors seeking certification. Founded in 1982 as the result of a ACA committee recommendation.

Chi Sigma Iota (CSI)

is the international honor society for professional counselors, counselor educators, and counseling students. created in 1985 to foster achievement and scholarship within the profession and to acknowledge exceptional leaders in the field.


is the legal responsibility of the counselor to act with due care in a professional practice.

National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC)

is the professional association for individuals who work in this specialization. NACAC is not affiliated with ACA.

Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)

is to enhance counseling services in all speculations through the promotion of quality education, supervision, and credentialing of counselors.


liability-generating conduct associated with the adverse outcome of patient treatment and negligence.

Unintentional tort

meaning that the counselor did not plan or aim to cause harm to the client

5) Fidelity

means being faithful and loyal. for counselors this means facilitating trust, keeping ones word, and fulfilling any obligations they make to clients

National Career Development Association (NCDA)

one of the founding associations of ACA in 1952. was established in 1913 to champion the career development issues faced by people of all ages and to serve as the leading association for individuals who provide career services

Section F: Supervision, Training, and Teaching

presents guidelines for counselor educators and trainers, counselor preparation programs, and students and supervisees. Guidance is provided on issues such as relationship boundaries, evaluation, and endorsement of students to enter to profession.

Educational Record

refers to any document or information kept by the school relating to a student such as attendance, achievement, behavior, activities, and assessment.

Responding to crises: Individual trauma

refers to one person's ability to cope with a crises

Principles of ethical codes (5): 1) Autonomy

refers to the ability of clients to exercise free will and act independently. For counselors, this means respect for clients rights to make their own decisions, even if the counselor does not agree with them or believe it is in their best interest.

Psychological First Aid (PFA)

requires the professional counselor to first meet clients' essential survival needs (Food, water, shelter, safety) then their psychological needs (active listening, showing empathy, and reflecting) then establish contact with friends and family so the person isn't lonely or isolated.

Discrimination Model

requires the supervisor to be aware of the supervisee's intervention, conceptualization, and personalization skills and address supervisee needs by adopting the role of either teacher, counselor, or consultant as needed.

Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)

seeks to help individuals with disabilities work through personal and vocational issues they may encounter as a result of their impairment. Due to accidents, birth defects, or illness

ACA Code of Ethics (8 parts)

since 1961 when it was created it has been through 5 revisions. There are 8 parts: A) The Counseling Relationship B) Confidentiality, Privileged Communication, and Privacy C) Professional Responsibility D) Relationships with Other Professionals E) Evaluation, Assessment, and Interpretation F) Supervision, Training, and Teaching G) Research and Publication H) Resolving Ethical Issues

Minor Consent Laws

some states allow minors of a certain age to consent to various community health services, including mental health treatment, without parental consent. These laws however, vary between states so it is essential to becoming very familiar with the laws governing the state where you are practicing or plan to practice.

Accreditation and the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP)

the association in charge of the accreditation for the majority of counseling and counseling-related programs and undergo its accreditation process.

American School Counselor Association (ASCA)

the division of ACA that serves as the professional association for school counselors committed to increasing student achievement and success. Hosts professional development classes and seminars, publishing cutting-edge research on effective programs, providing helpful and practical resources to members, and promoting ethical behavior.

2) Nonmaleficence

the foundational principle on which counselors operate. It means do no harm to clients.

Mandatory Ethics

the lowest standards to which all members must comply to behave ethically

Association for Spiritual, Ethical, and Religious Values (ASERVIC)

the mission is to promote the incorporation of spiritual, religious, and ethical values into counselors' educational programs and professional practice.

National Employment Counseling Association (NECA)

was chartered by ACA in 196. the mission is to make strides in the field of employment counseling by providing members with helpful resources. promoting research and knowledge related to effective career counseling techniques, and tools to best serve jobs seekers and society, and network team to share ideas

American Association of State Counseling Boards (AASCB)

was created to connect states that has licensure boards in order to promote communication to the public and collab among states regarding licensure laws and legal matters

National Rehabilitation Counseling Association (NRCA)

was created to help individuals with disabilities become as independent and self-reliant as possible through counseling interventions and advocacy.

Association fro Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling (ALGBTIC)

was established in 1975 in the midst of gay activism of the 1970's to fight in the crusade for recognition of sexual minority issues within the counseling profession.

Association for Creativity in Counseling (ACC)

was established in 2004 and has become a division of ACA. ACC champions imaginative and creative approaches to counseling and comprises counseling professionals from diverse specializations, including dance, art, music and play therapy. Their mission is to increase recognition and appreciation of creative approaches to counseling within the profession.

Association for Humanistic Counseling (AHC)

was formed in 1931 and became one of the sounding organizations of ACA in 1952. AHC has evolved over the years to become "the heart and conscience of the counseling profession"

American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA)

was formed in 1976 and became a division of ACA in 1978 to help mental health counselors establish a clear and unified identity separate from other counseling professionals

International Association of Marriage and Family Counselors (IAMFC)

was founded in 1986 at Ohio University and chartered by ACA in 1989. the mission is to encourage leadership and distinction in marriage and family counseling.

Informed Consent

when counseling minors, particularly in a non-school setting, it is crucial for counselors to obtain this from the parents or legal guardian and assent or agreement of minors before any counseling begins.

Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)

which was mandated to allow as many students as possible to remain in regular classrooms if their needs could be met there with only limited accommodation.

School Counseling

work in elementary, middle, and high schools to serve the personal-social, career and academic needs of the school's students. Began as a profession dedicated primarily to vocational guidance. Now the role outlined by ASCA is an educator with special training in counseling who is committed to increasing student achievement and success.

Ethical Decision Making (10)

1) Identify the problem or concern 2) Study pertinent codes of ethics and research 3) reflect on the principles of autonomy, nonmaleficence, beneficence, justice, and fidelity. 4) Consult with other professionals 5) Maintain an awareness of your emotions to ensure that emotions do not cloud your judgment 6) include the client in the decision-making process whenever feasible 7) Decide how you would like to see the situation resolved and brainstorm courses of action 8) Examine the possible consequences for all courses of action and then select the one you would like to take. 9) Assess your chosen course of action 10) Take action

Aspirational Ethics

A higher level of ethical practice that addresses doing what is in the best interests of clients. Professions can inspire members to work on continually improving their own knowledge base and skills to advance their practice and the reputation of the profession itself.

SECTION 1.2: Counseling Specializations: Professional Counselor

A professional counselor works in diverse settings with diverse clientele including colleges, hospitals, clinics, private practices and schools. Also career and substance abuse counselors

National Counselor Examination (NCE)

An exam that a counselor must pass to receive the National Certified Counselor (NCC) credential

Section A: The Counseling Relationship

Client welfare, informed consent, clients served by others, avoiding harm and imposing values, prohibited non counseling roles and relationships, managing and maintaining boundaries and professional relationships, roles and relationships and individual, group, institutional, and societal levels, multiple clients, group work, fees and business practices, fees and business practices, termination and referral, abandonment and neglect.

ICollnterest assessments

Facilitate students' personal exploration of career options in concert with their interests.

Clinical Mental Health Counselor

First surfaced in the 1940's and 1950's but did not benefit from formal training or employment until the Community Mental Health Act of 1963 was passed. - master's degree in counseling - provide therapy, alcoholism and substance use treatment, psychoeducational and prevention programs, crisis management

Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

HIPAA is a federal law passed in 1996 to protect the privacy of individuals' medical and mental health records. Health organizations were to be compliant with this law by 2003. Under this patients are given the rights to control who can view their health records as well as the ability to inspect their own medical record and request that changed may be incorporated. Applies to doctors, nurses, hospitals, clinics, insurance companies, health maintainance organizations (HMOs), Medicare, Medicaid, mental health porfessionals, and a variety of health care providers.

National Certified Counselor (NCC)

NBCC offers counselors general and specialty credentialing options and the premier credential is this one

American Counseling Association (ACA)

The largest professional association for counselors. ACA was established in 1952, to promote the growth and development of the profession.

U.S. Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504)

a civil rights act that protects individuals with disabilities from being discriminated against or denied equal access to services and opportunities because of their disability, IDEA being one of those protections.

American College Counseling Association (ACCA)

a division of ACA chartered in 1991 to unify counseling professionals working at a postsecondary institutions in support of the mental health and growth of students

American Rehabilitation Counseling Association (ARCA)

a division of ACA is the professional association for rehab counselors, educators , and students. The missions are to foster quality practice, education and research within the profession,; advocate for the removal of barriers for people with disabilities , improve the lives of people with disabilities.

Association for Specialists in Group Work (ASGW)

a division of ACA since 1973 was founded to serve as the international association for group workers. create standards of ethical group practice, promote group work, encourage research on counseling groups and inspire members to become leaders.

Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ)

a division of ACA since 2002, was established with the mission of "confronting oppressive systems of power and privilege." relevant to counselors and their clients.

International Association of Addiction and Offender Counselors (IAAOC)

a division of ACA was chartered in 1974. comprises substance abuse and corrections counselors, students and counselor educators who are dedicated to helping individuals with addictions and those who have engaged in adult or juvenile criminal behaviors

Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling (AARC)

a division of ASCA since 1965, was founded to guide the proper development, training, and use of assessment. research , and evaluation in the realm of counseling and education.

Crisis team

a group of professionals from different backgrounds (mental health professionals, medical professionals) who have been trained to respond to those in crisis


a legal response to harm against an individual person or property


a medical doctor who works with clients with severe psychological disorders. provide psychotherapy, prescribe medications, perform physical examinations, and order lab testing for clients.

Psychiatric Nurses

a specialization within the nursing profession. They are trained to deliver counseling services to patients with severe psychological disorders, develop nursing care programs and in many states prescribe medications.

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