chapter 10

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Question 2 10 / 10 points The history of public relations is divided into four stages—early public relations, the propaganda-publicity stage, early two-way communication, and: Question options: the modern technological era advanced two-way communication the cyberage the laissez-faire approach View Feedback

advanced two way communication

Question 6 10 / 10 points __________ refers to a fake grassroots organization; that is, one funded in secret by those with a vested interest in the issue at hand. Question options: Greenwashing VNR Spin Astroturf View Feedback


Question 7 10 / 10 points Sensing that the future of computing was in personal computers and that computers' power would reside not in their size but in the software that ran them, _____________ dropped out of Harvard University in 1975 and, with his friend _____________, founded Microsoft Corporation. Question options: Steve Jobs; Stephen Wozniak Bill Gates; Paul Allen Paul Baran; Paul Allen Steven Bellovin; Vinton Cerf View Feedback

bill gates, paul allen

Question 8 10 / 10 points Computers that reduce information to a code made up of the digits 1 and 0 for storage and manipulation are said to use a _____________ code. Question options: abacus binary plenary primary View Feedback


Question 7 10 / 10 points A _____________ is a personal Web page that comments on the news and provides links to stories that back up the commentary with evidence. Question options: dialog blog usenet listserv View Feedback


Question 7 10 / 10 points PR efforts on behalf of charities, relief groups, or other organizations serving publics in need are called _________________. Question options: do-good PR cause marketing viral PR lobbying View Feedback

cause marketing

Question 9 10 / 10 points According to Marshall McLuhan, the computer is an extension of our ___________: Question options: eyes central nervous system feet skin View Feedback

central nervous system

Question 1 10 / 10 points The "Father of the Computer" was _____________, an Englishman, who in 1836 produced designs for a "computer" that could conduct algebraic computations using stored memory and punch cards for input and output. Question options: John Napier Blaise Pascal Gottfried Leibnitz Charles Babbage View Feedback

charles babbage

Question 4 10 / 10 points The electronic tracking of the choices people make when they are surfing the Net is their: Question options: click stream MUD cybertrail cookie View Feedback

click stream

Question 1 10 / 10 points The first electronic digital computer, _____________, was developed by the British during World War II to help break the German's secret code. Question options: ENIAC UNIVAC Colossus ARPA View Feedback


Question 3 10 / 10 points In the cyberworld the issue of privacy has two important dimensions: the use of private, personal information people willingly give online; and the protection of: Question options: communication people wish to keep private credit card information important business/customer data hard discs from snooping software View Feedback

communication people wish to keep private

Question 9 10 / 10 points In 2012, the Internet industry and federal government responded to users' fear for their personal privacy with ________________—voluntary guidelines asking sites to place a "do not track" button on their Web pages. Question options: network neutrality opt-out opt-in Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights View Feedback

consumer privacy bill of rights

Question 10 10 / 10 points _____________ is the massive collection, distillation, and distribution of consumer data willingly given by consumers. Question options: Direct marketing Authorized data sale Dataveillance Clipping View Feedback


Question 9 10 / 10 points The lack of technological access among people of color, the poor, the disabled, and those living in rural areas is called the: Question options: information gap digital divide information slow lane technology gap View Feedback

digital divide

Question 2 10 / 10 points People who have never known a world without the Internet are known as: Question options: Baby Boomers Generation X Generation Y Digital natives View Feedback

digital natives

Question 9 10 / 10 points The first "full-service" electronic computer, _____________, was based on the work of Iowa State University's John V. Atanasoff and introduced by scientists John Mauchly and John Presper Eckert of the University of Pennsylvania in 1946. Question options: ENIAC UNIVAC Colossus ARPA View Feedback


Question 2 10 / 10 points Instances in which copyrighted material may be used without permission or payment are referred to as: Question options: commodification of information fair use blogs listservs View Feedback

fair use

Question 1 10 / 10 points When people go online, the click streams they leave provide them with privacy protection. Question options: True False View Feedback View Feedback


Question 10 10 / 10 points Although some critics see the Internet as possibly harmful to the democratic process, more traditional media—radio, for example—were universally hailed as bringing more people into the political process. Question options: True False View Feedback


Question 3 10 / 10 points It is illegal for social media Web pages to collect personal information. Question options: True False View Feedback


Question 4 10 / 10 points Public relations is a relatively modern development, beginning in earnest with the massive PR campaign to win the public's support for World War I. Question options: True False View Feedback


Question 6 10 / 10 points The "Father of the Computer" is considered to be German Gottfried Leibnitz. Question options: True False View Feedback


Question 7 0 / 10 points There is little doubt that municipal Wi-Fi is a fundamental right that should be available to all citizens. Question options: True False View Feedback


Question 8 10 / 10 points Personal computer, microcomputer, and terminal are all synonymous. Question options: True False View Feedback


Question 4 10 / 10 points McLuhan's idea that new communication technologies will permit people to become increasingly involved in one another's lives is his concept of the __________. Question options: Extensions of Man Fairness Doctrine Coom Medium Global Village View Feedback

global village

Question 6 10 / 10 points Of the top 20 U.S. websites, number 1 is: Question options: Facebook Google YouTube Twitter View Feedback


Question 2 10 / 10 points Computers that link individual personal computer users to the Internet are called: Question options: terminals mainframes ARPANET hosts View Feedback


Question 6 10 / 10 points The global network of interconnected computers that communicate freely and share and exchange information is called the: Question options: Information Superhighway protocol World Wide Web Internet


Question 9 0 / 10 points The "network of networks", consisting of LANs (Local Area Networks—networks connecting two or more computers, usually within the same building) and WANs (Wide Area Networks—networks that connect several LANs in different locations), is called the: Question options: provider World Wide Web Internet host View Feedback


Question 8 0 / 10 points There are many publics with whom PR professionals interact, including the _____________, without the trust and goodwill of whom very little communication with an organization's various publics can occur. Press packets, briefings, and facilitating access to organization newsmakers build that trust and goodwill. Question options: employees stockholders communities media View Feedback


Question 5 10 / 10 points McLuhan's idea that the media do not bring the world to us, but instead are technologies that permit us to experience the world with a scope and depth otherwise impossible is known as: Question options: hot and cool media the global village media as extensions of our bodies the medium is the message View Feedback

media as extensions of our bodies

Question 3 10 / 10 points Internet privacy has become a large debate. _____________, the requirement that all ISPs allow the free and equal flow of all web traffic, is at the center of the fight over SOPA(Stop Online Piracy Act) and the PIPA(Protect Intellectual Property Act). Question options: Network neutrality Opt-out Opt-in Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights View Feedback

network neutrality

Question 3 10 / 10 points The ideas of the communication and technology theorist of the 1960s, Marshall McLuhan, are receiving renewed interest because: Question options: of new communication technologies like the Internet his research results have been newly interpreted modern computers do a better job of analyzing the data on mass communication he collected his writing has been translated into English View Feedback

of new communication technologies like the internet

Question 7 10 / 10 points The software that tells a computer how to work is called its: Question options: microprocessor MITS WAN operating system View Feedback

operating system

Question 5 10 / 10 points In 1962, _____________ of the Rand Corporation proposed a packet-switching system that would allow the military to maintain command over its missiles and planes in the event of a nuclear attack. It is the basis of what we know today as the Internet. Question options: John Mauchly Paul Allen Paul Baran Steve Jobs

paul baran

Question 5 10 / 10 points The heart of the Web lies in the _____________ (common communication rules and languages) that define its use. Question options: software operating systems protocols search engines View Feedback


The public relations activity of getting media coverage for clients is called: Question options: public affairs lobbying promotion publicity


Question 3 10 / 10 points Finding information on the Web is easy thanks to _____________, which provide on-screen menus, making navigation of the Web as simple as pointing and clicking. Question options: software links operating systems protocols search engines

search engines

Question 6 10 / 10 points The development of the _____________—with its small size, absence of heat, and low cost—made personal computers possible. Question options: terminal microcomputer vacuum tube semiconductor View Feedback


Question 5 10 / 10 points Websites that function as online communities of users are called ____________________. Question options: listservs VoIP Usenet social networking sites View Feedback

social networking sites

Question 4 10 / 10 points _____ is identifying code placed on a computer by a website without permission or notification. Question options: A cybersnoop Spyware A link Censorware View Feedback


Question 8 10 / 10 points The Apple II personal computer was developed by: Question options: Steve Jobs and Stephen Wozniak Bill Gates and Paul Allen Paul Baran and Paul Allen Steven Bellovin and Vinton Cerf View Feedback

steve jobs and stephen wozniak

Question 1 10 / 10 points Computer stations connected to large, centralized mainframes or minicomputers are called: Question options: personal computers terminals microcomputers LANs View Feedback


Question 8 10 / 10 points _____________ is a form of technologically imposed censorship, in which people without the new communication technology have diminished access to the information it makes available. Question options: Cyberdemocracy The information gap The Information slow lane The technology gap View Feedback

the info gap

Question 5 10 / 10 points The widening disparity between the communication technology haves and have-nots is referred to as: Question options: flat rate billing the information gap the information slow lane the technology gap View Feedback

the technology gap

Question 2 10 / 10 points According to long-time New Yorker columnist A. J. Liebling, freedom of the press is guaranteed to: Question options: all the media literate those who own the presses citizens in a democracy View Feedback

those who own the presses

Question 10 10 / 10 points Early PR practitioner Ivy Lee is credited with changing his industry from one primarily interested in publicity to one more interested in providing information. Question options: True False


Question 10 10 / 10 points Tablet computers are expected to eclipse the sale of personal laptops by 2015. Question options: True False


Question 10 10 / 10 points The first successful commercial computer, used in the 1950s by the Census Bureau, was UNIVAC. Question options: True False View Feedback


Question 2 10 / 10 points Tim Berners-Lee developed the hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP). Question options: True False


Question 4 10 / 10 points Software programs loaded onto users' computers and used to download and view Web files are known as browsers. Question options: True False View Feedback


Question 5 10 / 10 points Greenwashing is the PR activity of countering criticism directed at clients by environmental groups. Question options: True False View Feedback


Question 8 10 / 10 points The massive collection and distillation of consumer data is referred to as dataveillance. Question options: True False View Feedback


View Feedback Question 4 10 / 10 points The first successful commercial computer, used by the Census Bureau in 1951, was: Question options: ENIAC UNIVAC Colossus ARPANET View Feedback


Question 10 10 / 10 points Each file or directory on the Internet (that is, on the host computer connected to the Internet) is designated by an address, called its: Question options: Packet Locating Number (PLN) Uniform Resource Locator (URL) Local Area Network (LAN) Internet Information Locator (IIL) View Feedback


Question 9 10 / 10 points The PR strategy that relies on targeting specific Internet users with a given communication and relying on them to spread the word is referred to as: Question options: spreading the news interconnecting essential publics Web-based marketing viral marketing

viral marketing

View Feedback Question 7 10 / 10 points Telephone over the Internet in which voice messages are transmitted in digital packets is __________. Question options: IM Web telephony routing VoIP View Feedback


Question 3 10 / 10 points In 1896, presidential contenders William Jennings Bryan and _____________ both established campaign headquarters in Chicago, where they issued news releases, position papers, and pamphlets. Question options: Wendell Wilkie Abraham Lincoln William McKinley Teddy Roosevelt View Feedback

william mckinley

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