Chapter 10: A Violent Pulse: Earthquakes

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Most occur along faults -Crust fractures move rock masses -Movement is called DISPLACEMENT (offset, or slip) -markers can reveal amount of offset

Short Term

No reliable short range predictions -Water levels in wells -Gases in wells -unusual animal behavior -Crustal strain -crustal foreshadows -stress triggers

Rayleigh Waves

P-waves interesecting the surface -like rippling on a pond

San Andreas Fault

Pacific meets North American plate Very active strike-slip fault -hundreds per year -1906- San Fran destroyed -1959 world series

Body Waves

Pass through earths interior Compressional or Primary (P) waves -push & pull (compress & expand) motion -go through solids, liquids, and gas -fastest

Shear Waves

Pass through earths interior Secondary Waves (S) waves "Shaking" motion -goes through only solids, not liquids (not core) Slower


Earthquakes are linked to tectonic boundaries -Shallow- divergent and transform boundaries Intermediate & Deep- Convergent boundaries

Measuring Size

Energy released can be calculated M6.0- energy of hiroshima M8.9- Annual energy released by all other quakes Small quakes are frequent -100,000 magnitude 3 per year Large quakes are rare -32 magnitude 7 per year

Displacement Can Be Visible

Fault Trace - surface tear Fault Scarp- small cliff Blind Faults- invisible


Faults are like planar breaks in blocks of crust -most slope, some vertical On sloping faults, blocks classified as: Footwall (block below the fault) Hanging Wall (block above the fault)

Fault Motion

Faults move in jumps once starts, stop quickly due to friction Eventually strain builds up again, casuing failure This is called STICK-SLIP BEHAVIOR When rocks break, elastic strain released Engery is sent as a wave, vibrating causes motion Foreshocks and aftershocks common, radiates at hypocenter

Disease Outbreak

Food, meds, water scarce Sanitation disabled Hospitals and healthcare gone

Travel time

Graph plots distance of station to epicenter Requires 3 stations to pinpoint an epicenter -draw a circle around each epiceneter and find the intersection to get the epicenter


Ground shaking damage -arrive in discrete sequence P-waves- 1st -rapid up and down S-Waves- back and forth motion, stronger than P-waves, extensive (sometimes more) damage Surface Waves- After s-wave, love waves first to follow (writhing like shake) R-waves Last - ripples in pond, may be larger than original. SLower & more damage

Normal Fault

Hanging wall goes down relative to footwall -due to crustal stretching

Reverse Fault

Hanging wall goes up relative to footwall -due to crustal shortening -slope (dip) of fault is steep

Oblique Slip Fault

Hanging wall slips diagonally -combo dip-slip and strike-slip -most display oblique character -PURE dip-strike or strike-slip are rare


Instrument to record seismicity -detect them worldwide Reveals the size and location of earthquakes

Mercalli Scale (intensity)

Intensity- designed for scale based on damage -Roman numerals measure the level of degree -Occur in zones -Damage diminishes with distance


Land surface point above the hypocenter

What is an Earthquake

Rapid release of energy -tectonic stresses cause rocks to break -outward or expanding sphere of waves Destroy buildings and kill people -3.5 million in 2000 yrs

Several Magnitude Scales

Richter Moment (dont know for test) Magnitude scales are logarithmic -Increaes 1-unit means goes up ten fold in ground motion

Love Waves

S-waves intersect the surface -back and forth like writhing snake


Shape of the area hit determines destruction broad, shallow -supressing deep- quick, maximum condition Low Lands, broad- more damage Steep rise- less damage

Landslides and Avalances

Slopes fail Rockslide and wno avalances follow quakes Quake causes landslide that released Mt St Helen

Strike Slip Fault

no vertical motion -one (laterally, slides past the other) -near vertical fault -caused by near vertical shear

Seismic Gaps

places where an active fault as not slipped for a long time. It may be more dangerous.


seismic waves, no tidal waves -change in sea floor Normal faulting drops sea bed, -Displace overlying water when it snaps back -Start water moving on sea surface -Jet-liner speed, imperceptible in deep water -Education helps, sensors -Growth of humans in coastal areas and islands causes causulties

Hypocenter (focus)

spot within Earth where earthquake waves originate -usually on fault surface -waves outward from here

Annual Probability

1/recurrence interval


Earthquake Study


Slabs disconnect, bridges topple and come apart, buildings collide Anchorage Alaska- Tsunami killed Hawiians

Severity of the Shake and Damage

-Magnitude (energy) of quake -Distance from hypocenter -Intensity duration of vibrations -Natures Materials -Bedrock transmit quickly- less dense -Sediments bounce waves- amplified damage


-Motion along formed crustal fracture (fault) , motion on exisiting fault -Sudden change in mineral structure, inflation of magma chamber, volcanic eruptions, landslides, meteorite impacts, nuclear detonations

Intermediate & Deep Earthquakes

-Subduction zones -Wadati-Berioff zone -Intermediate- 20-300 km (plates brittle, move downward) -Deel-300-670 km, mineral transform -Below 670 are rare, mantle is ductile

Shallow Earthquakes

0-20 Km Mid-Ocean Ridge, transform, shallow trench parts, continental crust

Interplate Earthquakes

5% quakes are not near plate boundaries Not well understood -old crust weakness? -Stress transmitted inward -Isostatic Adjustments

Common in Crust

Active - ongoing stresses make motion Inactive- Motion occured in geologic past

Surface Waves

Along Earths surface -Slowest waves and most destructive


Amount of energy released -Max amplitude of motion for the graph -Greater the value the more pen deflection

Recurrence Interval

Average time between sucessive events. Combine this with the idenfitication of seismic zones

Fault Types

Based on relative block motion

Convergent Boundaries

Cites near subduction zones have frequent earthquakes


Common hazard -Topples stoves, candles -breaks gas and fuel tanks to ignite in CONFLAGRATION -Infrastructure to put out fires is destroyed -Fire fighters powerless

Predicting Earthquakes

Could estimate -Can predict probability (10-10000s of years) -Cant predict (hours to months) Long Term Probability- 30-100 yrs, repetative premise, can determine seismic zones


Deformities on the sea floor Change in thickness Hard to predict

Thrust Fault

Special kidn of reverse fault -hanging wall goes up relative to footwall -crustal shortening -slope (dip) of fault is not steep

Stick-slip Behavior

Stick- friction prevents motion Slip- friction briefly overwhelmed by motion

Fault Initiation

Tectonics add force to unbroken rocks -rocks deform slightly (elastic strain) -continental stress causes crack growth -eventually crakcs growto point of failure -When rocks break, elastic strain transforms into BRITTLE DEFORMATIOSN releasing earthquake energy

Continental Crust

Transform Faults (San Andreas, Antatolian, Turkey Continental Rifts (Basin & Range, East Af Rift) Collision Zones (himalayas, Alps) Inter plate Settings- ancient crust weakness


Two means of determining -Magnitude and Intesnsity


Varies small to large -large events tear huge faults 100s of kms long -Maximum near hypocenter/epicenter -diminishes with distance -may cause up lift or subsidence -measurable using interferometry


Water filled sediments are liquefied -High pressure forces grains apart releasing frictoin -flows as SLURRY (quicksand) -Sands bcome quicksand, clay becomes "quick-clay" Ex: Sand dikes, sand volcanos, contorted layers Becomes a mobile fluid -land slopes and flow -buildings and foundations topple over

Seismograph Operation

Wave arrival times and magnitude P-waves - first S-waves- second Surface - last P and S waves travel different velocities, depends on (distance?)

Can Be Ready

codes for builldings train community Map active faults Understand what happens in earthquakes Regulate land use

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