Chapter 10, Latin America test review

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A large portion of the population are _____ which is a mix of Spanish and Native heritage


achieved independence from Portugal in September 1822. This ended Portuguese rule that lasted from 1500-1822 Brazil has become a great industrial power


and tobacco were also produced


10th largest economy in the world Minerals - tin, bauxite aluminum, iron ore, manganese, gold, silver Hydro-electric power - Amazon flows at 4 million gallons per minute. Oil and natural gas reserves Leading producer of automobiles, cars use ethynol


1492 - Columbus lands on ______ (Haiti/Dominican Republic) giving Spain first claim to "New World" land

Life Today

Carnival is most colorful feast day in Brazil People dance to Samba music Rid de Janeiro is center of culture Sao Paulo is economic heart and largest city High poverty level and large income gap lead to high crime rate and drug abuse in Rio.


Cortes captured _______and by 1521 had defeated the Aztecs

Central America/ Caribbean

Cultural Hearth as well as Crossroads Mayans built a great civilization that spread throughout the region from Mexico to northern Central America Center of Mayan civilization was located in Guatemala at the pyramids of Tikal

Slave Triangle

Due to European diseases, native populations died and were replaced by African slaves =


Everything changes in 1519 when _____ landed on the Mexican coast and the Spanish conquest began

Santa Anna

Iturbide ruled until 1833 when Antonio Lopez de____ was elected President in Mexico

1494 - Treaty of Tordesillas

Gave Spain all lands west of 46'30" on the globe, Portugal received lands to the east.

Government by the few

Governments of many countries characterized by Oligarchy and military rule Harsh authoritarian rule in South America slowed the development of democracy for many years Strong militaries, underdeveloped economies and social class divisions still exist today


Inspired by the American Revolution(1776), and French Revolution(1789), the South American countries sought independence from Spain in the early 1800's. Spanish capital was Lima. 1820's - Simon Bolivar led many countries to independence. Jose de San Martin helped liberate Argentina, Chile and Peru. Argentina and Chile were the first to gain independence, due to distance and geography from Lima, Peru. But, geography created problems for their new governments = failure.

Porfirio Diaz

Juarez was succeeded by _______who was essentially a crook. He ruled for 30 years


In 1821 they achieved _______ from Spain and Augustin Iturbide proclaimed himself to be Emperor in 1822


In 1835-1836 Santa Anna led Mexico into the war with ____ and was defeated causing Mexico to lose the Texas territory


In 1929 the ___ rose to power and they have helped to maintain political stability in Mexico

Treaty of Tordesillas

June 7, 1494, divided the newly discovered lands outside Europe between the Spanish and the Portuguese along a north-south meridian 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde islands (off the west coast of Africa).


Large gap between rich and poor. Migration to cities reflects change from agricultural base, to industrial base. 75% of the population live in cities Government built Brasilia (new capital) in the interior to force people to move inland Due to movement, people are cutting down rain forest = deforestation

Portugal Influence

Looked for gold but found nothing Created sugar plantations which made Portugal very wealthy Natives forced to work plantations until they died out, then African slaves were imported Today millions of Brazilians are of mixed European, African and native ancestry

Cultural Blends

Major cultures of Central America are natives and Spanish settlers Major cultures of the Caribbean islands are Natives, Europeans, Africans and mixed ancestry Major religions in islands include Santeria, Voodoo and Rastafarianism

U.S./Mexican border

Many factories built along ______ = Maquiladoras, products shipped to U.S.


Many new factories are located along the US border. They do not produce products, they assemble imported products and then export those products


Many people have moved to the ____ for better opportunities which has overpopulated many of the cities


Mercado Comun del Sur (Southern Common Market) Trade group promoting a common market among member nations Designed to increase trade within the region while decreasing dependence on unstable world market Established in 1985 Chile is greatest economic success story in South America


Mexico got a new constitution in ___ that distributed almost of the farmland to the peasants


Mexico's _____ struggles with two main problems: how to close the huge income-gap between the rich and the poor and trying to develop a modern industrial economy to move away from their traditional agricultural roots


Mexico's modern culture is still heavily dominated by the


Most economies based on agriculture and mining One advantage is that this region has many different resources: Colombia/Venezuela have oil Peru has great fishing Ecuador is big in shrimp Argentina produces grain and livestock Uruguay/Paraguay exports farm products Many countries involved in Mercosur


Native American Indians who migrated to North America from Siberia, then south to South America. They established their civilization at Cuzco, Peru until the Spanish arrived in 1532.


North American Free Trade Association

Toltecs (residents of Teotihuacan) Mayas in the Yucatan Peninsula Aztecs

Original native peoples (In mexico) included:


Ruled by several European nations Spanish, French, British, Dutch and Danish all claimed islands and began to profit from the sugar trade. 1st independence movement was a slave revolt on Haiti led by Toussaint L'Ouverture Islands began achieving independence in 1804 and ended in 1962

Benito Juarez

Santa Anna was overthrown by ______ ____ in 1855 and went into exile

Spanish Control

Spain ruled until 19th century Ruled from Mexico 1823 region declared independence from Mexico (who had declared independence from Spain in 1821) and called itself the United Provinces of Central America By the 1830's United Provinces had split into several separate nations


Sugarcane created the production of


U.S./Mexico/Canada trade agreement Allows products from Mexico to be shipped to U.S./Canada without tariff Created jobs for millions


____led a reform movement and tried to make the distribution of land more equitable for the peasants


came from Panama on 3 separate expeditions before finding the riches he desired in 1532. After the conquest of the Inca, they were forced to work in mines, on farms, and ranches.


became part of the Spanish empire for several centuries

The Spanish

brought their language and the Catholic religion to Mexico

Mexican culture

is a blend of Spanish and native peoples.


is an important part of the economy and profits have aided the manufacturing sector


is the most important income for many countries - Jamaica, Belize, Cuba, Cancun, Cozumel, Puerto Rico, and the Lesser Antilles are tourist destinations for millions of people. Creates jobs, income, push-pull effects, pollution, destruction of historic sites, and environmental problems. Music reflects Spanish impact Calypso began in Trinidad and combines African, Spanish and Caribbean influence Reggae developed in Jamaica and deals with social issues and religion


plantations were established by Spanish, French, British, Dutch, and Danish.


was so corrupt that he was overthrown in a civil war by Madero, Zapata and Pancho Villa


was the language of the Inca, but the Spanish forced their language and Catholic religion on them. Today, millions of native people still speak Quechua. Spain ruled this region for 300 years

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