Chapter 10&11

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From lateral to medial, indicate the order of the following erector spinae muscles of the vertebral column.

iliocostalis group longissimus group spinalis group

Smooth muscle is found in which of the following locations?

in wall of the uterus around blood vessels in the wall of the small intestine

Compartments of the thigh ______.

include muscles with similar actions are anatomically defined by the fascia latae include blood vessels and nerves for a single compartment

During inspiration, muscles of respiration ______.

increase the space of the thoracic cavity

Multiunit smooth muscle cells are stimulated ______.


The rhomboid major rotates the scapula ______.


The rhomboid muscles are directed ______ from the vertebrae to the scapula.


As swallowing ends, the anterior neck muscles that contract to influence the position of the hyoid bone and the larynx are the ______ muscles.


Muscles of the anterior neck that are inferior to the hyoid bone are called ______ muscles.


cardiac muscle cells are ______ like skeletal muscle fibers


When a nerve impulse reaches the end of an axon of a neuromuscular junction, calcium flows ______ the synaptic knob.


Smooth muscle contraction is under ______ control


If you strain to push on a wall that does not move, your muscles are in a type of contraction


Which statements correctly describe the digastric muscle?

it depresses the mandible it has two bellies it attaches to the hyoid bone

What happens to the scapula when the levator scapulae contracts?

it is rotated, inferiorly it is elevated

Unilateral contraction of the erector spinae muscles causes ______.

lateral flexion of the vertebral column

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the infraspinatus and teres minor.

lateral rotation of the arm adduction of the arm

The __________ dorsi is also called the "swimmer's muscle."


The prime mover of the extension of the arm is the ______.

latissimus dorsi

Identify the muscles that adduct the arm at the glenohumeral joint.

latissimus dorsi teres major and teres minor infraspinatus coracobrachialis pectoralis major

The prime movers of the glenohumeral joint are the ______.

latissimus dorsi and pectoralis major

In order to predict how much tension a muscle can produce when contracting, it is important to consider the ______ relationship of thick and thin filaments.


What are included in the four subgroups of intrinsic hand muscles within the midpalmar group?

lumbricals dorsal interossei adductor pollicis palmar interossei

tensor veli palatini

mandibular division of CN V (trigeminal nerve, V3)

The most powerful and important muscle of mastication is the ______.


The process of chewing is called


Which muscle both elevates and protracts the mandible?

medial pterygoid

Which muscle adducts the eye?

medial rectus

Contraction of the lateral muscle of the thigh results in ______.

medial rotation of the thigh abduction of the thigh

Contraction of the subscapularis ______ the arm, and contraction of the supraspinatus ______ the arm.

medially rotates; abducts

muscle fiber

metabolic activities; contraction

Slow fibers have a relatively large number of ______. This permits slow muscle fibers to produce a greater amount of ______ than fast muscle fibers while contractions are underway.

mitochondria; ATP

Neurons that stimulate muscle contraction are called ______ neurons.


In a motor unit, a single __________ neuron typically controls numerous muscle fibers in a muscle.

motor or somatic

A single motor neuron and the skeletal muscle fibers it controls is called a ______.

motor unit

What is the force generated when a skeletal muscle is stimulated to contract called?

muscle tension

After the age of 30, the number of ______ in existing muscle fibers decreases.


The sarcoplasm of a skeletal muscle fiber contains hundreds to thousands of long, cylindrical structures called ________ that extend the length of the cell.


Muscle fibers contain cylindrical structures called myofibrils, which are composed of


Termination of the nerve impulse at an NMJ results in the passive sliding of ______ back to their original state.


Muscle cells store oxygen bound to a __________ molecule?


The serratus anterior inferiorly attaches ______.

on ribs 1-8, anterior and superior margin

Muscles of respiration are located ______.

on the anterior and posterior surfaces of the thorax

The serratus anterior superiorly attaches ______.

on the anterior surface of the medial border of the scapula

What is the superior attachment for the muscles that move the head and neck?

on the bones of the cranium

Which of the following are intrinsic hand muscles of the thenar group?

opponens pollicis flexor pollicis brevis abductor pollicis brevis

Extrinsic muscles of the wrist and hand ______.

originate in the forearm flex or extend the thumb and fingers flex or extend the hand

Which are the forearm muscles found in the superficial layer of the anterior compartment?

palmaris longus flexor carpi ulnaris flexor carpi radialis pronator teres

The ________ major is the principal flexor of the arm.


The coracobrachialis is a synergist muscle to the ______.

pectoralis major

Which muscles move the glenohumeral joint and originate on the axial skeleton?

pectoralis major latissimus dorsi

The primary pharyngeal muscles are the ______.

pharyngeal constrictors

The ______ is commonly called the throat.


The inferior funnel shaped tube that lies behind the oral and nasal cavities is the ______.


Most of the ______ compartment muscles are wrist and finger extensors.


The pharynx lies ______ to the oral and nasal cavities.


Identify the location of the triceps brachii.

posterior arm

Which of the following best describes the location of the latissimus dorsi?

posterior of body, inferior part of the back

To locate the teres major, where would you look?

posterior of body, inferior to rotator cuff muscles

Which include all of the forearm muscles in the deep layer of the anterior compartment?

pronator quadratus, flexor pollicis longus, flexor digitorum profundus

The superficial anterior muscles of the forearm include ______.

pronator teres palmaris longus flexor carpi radialis flexor carpi ulnaris brachioradialis

Which are functions of the medial and lateral pterygoid muscles?

protract the mandible move the mandible side to side during chewing

Which are the muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh?

psoas major sartorius iliacus rectus femoris

The four paired muscles of mastication are the temporalis (a broad, fan-shaped muscle), the masseter (a short, thick muscle), and the lateral and medial ___________


As you struggle to twist open a jar, more motor units are called into action until you finally generate enough force to open it. This is an example of ______.


What are some terms used in naming muscles according to orientation of fascicles?

rectus oblique

'' An internal membrane complex in skeletal muscle cells that is similar to the smooth endoplasmic reticulum of other cells is called the sarcoplasmic


At the wrist, the deep fascia of the forearm thickens and forms fibrous bands termed


Contraction of the minor and major rhomboids results in which of the following movements of the scapula?

retraction rotation, inferiorly elevation

The genioglossus ______ the tongue.


Which of the following are posterior thoracic muscles that move the pectoral girdle?

rhomboid minor rhomboid major trapezius levator scapulae

The inferior attachment of the pectoralis minor is ______.

ribs 3-5

Muscles that move the pectoral girdle ______.

rotate the scapula inferiorly or superiorly elevate or depress the scapula protract or retract the scapula

Contraction of the deep muscles of the gluteal region results in ______.


Within a myofibril, Z discs separate the functional contractile units known as


Within a myofibril, each ______ shortens as the muscle fiber contracts.


The cytoplasm of a skeletal muscle cell has a specific name and is known as


'' If a skeletal muscle is injured, surrounding __________ , Unavailable cells may be stimulated to differentiate and assist in its repair and regeneration.


During the development of skeletal muscle cells, some myoblasts do not fuse and instead become ______ cells.


The prime mover of scapular protraction is the ______.

serratus anterior

Cardiac muscle cells are ______ and thicker than skeletal muscle cells, and they have only ______ nuclei.

shorter; 1-2


site of metabolic processes for normal muscle fiber activities site of metabolic processes for normal muscle fiber activities

Somatic motor neurons innervate ______ muscle.


The ___________ filament theory explains how muscle fibers shorten during contraction.


The overall, general function of all of the muscles of the rotator cuff is to ______.

stabilize the glenohumeral joint

The main muscles of the anterolateral neck are the ______ muscles and the three scalene muscles.


sarcoplasmic reticulum

stores calcium ions needed for muscle contraction

The only muscle of the pectoral girdle that superiorly attaches on the clavicle is the ______.




Identify the muscles that medially rotate the arm at the glenohumeral joint.

subscapularis latissimus dorsi deltoid teres major pectoralis major

A "step-wise" increase in the force of contraction of a single muscle fiber or single motor unit due to repeated stimulation is called


Usually during axial muscle contraction, the more moveable muscle attachment, the ______ attachment is pulled toward the less moveable muscle attachment


Which of the following are the deep muscles of the gluteal region?

superior gemellus obturator internus piriformis quadratus femoris inferior gemellus

The serratus anterior ______.

superiorly rotates the scapula stabilizes the scapula

Identify the actions provided by contraction of the biceps brachii.

supination of the forearm flexion of the forearm flexion of the humerus

Which muscle of the posterior forearm compartment perform(s) a function unlike that of all the others?


The muscles of the anterior neck that are superior to the hyoid bone are called ______.

suprahyoid muscles

delivery of pitch


The rotator cuff muscles are ______.

supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor, and subscapularis

The primary pharyngeal muscles are the pharyngeal constrictors. They initiate the process of ______.


A neuromuscular junction contains a(n) ______.

synaptic knob synaptic cleft motor end plate

With regard to extension of the arm, the latissimus dorsi is an agonist; with regard to adducting and medially rotating the arm, this muscle is a(n)


Skeletal muscles are grouped according to their primary actions into which of the following three types?

synergists antagonists agonists

Identify the muscles that extend the arm at the glenohumeral joint.

teres major deltoid triceps brachii latissimus dorsi

follow-through: slows the arm after the pitch is thrown

teres minor

As a result of ACh stimulation, calcium ions are released from the ______ of the sarcoplasmic reticulum.

terminal cisternae

Which nerve innervates the sternocleidomastoid muscle?

the accessory nerve

The superior attachment of the pectoralis minor is ______.

the coracoid process of scapula

Which muscles extend inferomedially from the superior rib to the adjacent inferior rib?

the external intercostal muscles

Which of the following are considered muscles of mastication?

the medial pterygoid muscle the temporalis muscle the lateral pterygoid muscle the masseter muscle

Which muscle elevates and retracts the tongue when it contracts?

the styloglossus muscle

The scapula is depressed by contraction of ______.

the trapezius and pectoralis minor

Slow-twitch and fast-twitch muscle fibers differ primarily in ______.

their ATPase which splits ATP

Put in simple terms, the intrinsic muscles of the hand are classified anatomically as the group at the base of the thumb (the ______ group), those found at the base of the little finger (the ______ group), and everything in between (the ______ group).

thenar; hypothenar; midpalmar

Which of the following correctly describe(s) the location of the rhomboids, both minor and major?

they are deep to the trapezius they are inferior to the levator scapulae they are posterior thoracic muscles

Single unit muscle cells contract ______. Multiple choice question.


reading this your muscles, even your relaxed ones are not completely relaxed and soft. This is because they have some background tension called resting muscle ______.


The deep invaginations of the sarcolemma that extend into the sarcoplasm of skeletal muscle fibers as a network of narrow membranous tubules are called ______.

transverse tubules

Which muscles superiorly rotate the scapula?

trapezius serratus anterior

The __________ brachii is on the posterior surface of the arm


The _________ brachii extends the arm.


Which muscles extend the forearm?

triceps brachii anconeus

The muscles of mastication are innervated by the mandibular division of the _____________ cranial nerve.


As the troponin changes shape (due to binding calcium), it moves the ______ molecule to which it is attached, thus exposing the active sites on the G-actin molecules.


Calcium ions bind to what protein in a thin myofilament?


If the sarcoplasm of a muscle cell is flooded with calcium ions, to which protein will they bind?


True or false: Muscles that insert on the pectoral girdle stabilize the clavicle and scapula and increase the range of motion of the arm.


True or false: The attachments of the deltoid form a fan-shaped muscle responsible for the rounded contour of the shoulder



two intertwined strands; cover myosin-binding sites


two intertwined strands; each bead has a myosin-binding site

Thick filaments are about ______ the diameter of thin filaments.

two times

'' Smooth muscle contraction is ________, resistant to ___________ and usually sustained for an extended period of time.

Blank 1: slow or involuntary Blank 2: fatigue

At the end of muscle contraction, calcium ions are moved back into the reticulum by ATP-driven ion pumps.


At the end of muscle contraction, calcium ions are moved back into the ______________ reticulum by ATP-driven ion pumps.


Deep invaginations of sarcolemma are called ______.


Why is the forearm larger near the elbow than it is near the wrist?

The bellies of the forearm muscles that move the wrist are located near the elbow; the tendons of these muscles extend toward the wrist.

When calcium ions bind to troponin, which of the following then occurs?

The myosin-binding sites on actin are exposed.

The tensor fasciae latae is a muscle in the lateral thigh compartment.


True or false: Most muscles contain a combination of all three muscle types, slow oxidative, fast oxidative, and fast glycolytic.


True or false: Skeletal muscle is usually attached to the skeleton, but it is also found at the openings between the digestive tract and the external environment and the urinary tract and the opening to the external environment.


A single contraction and relaxation of a muscle fiber is referred to as a muscle _________


Compartments in the forearm contain muscles with similar ______.

actions at the wrist joint origins

The pectoralis major is an ______ of the arm.


Slow and intermediate fibers require oxygen to produce ATP, so the metabolic reactions within these fibers are termed ______.


When the triceps brachii extends the elbow, its action is considered to be that of which of the following?


In a muscle cell, the short-term energy is supplied by ______ respiration, whereas long-term energy is supplied by ______.

anaerobic; aerobic

Which are muscles that extend and/or pronate the arm at the elbow?

anconeus pronator teres pronator quadratus triceps brachii

Identify the location of the pronator quadratus.

anterior forearm

Which of the following best describes the location of the pectoralis major?

anterior of body, covers superior portion of thorax

Which of the following identifies the compartments of the thigh?

anterior, posterior, lateral, medial

Identify the location of the brachioradialis

anterolateral forearm

The scapula is elevated by contraction of ______.

any and all of the posterior thoracic muscles

Smooth muscle is found where in the respiratory system?

around the bronchioles

The ___________ brachii flexes the elbow joint.


thin filament

bind to thick filaments and cause contraction bind to thick filaments and cause contraction

thick filament

bind to thin filaments and cause contraction bind to thin filaments and cause contraction


binding site for myosin to shorten a sarcomere binding site for myosin to shorten a sarcomere

The inferior attachments of the muscles that move the head and neck are the ______.

bones of the vertebral column


bound to tropomyosin; can bind calcium ions

Which muscles flex the forearm?

brachioradialis biceps brachii brachialis

Which are muscles that flex and/or supinate the arm at the elbow?

brachioradialis biceps brachii supinator brachialis

Which can cause muscle fatigue?

build up of intracellular Pi Na+ or K+ imbalances insufficient Ca2+

Functionally, troponin provides a binding site for ______ ions.


Flexor tendons of the digits and the median nerve pass through the tight space between the bones and the flexor retinaculum, which is called the ________ tunnel.


The sarcolemma of smooth muscle cells has small invaginations called ______.


The innervation of the scalene muscles is ______.

cervical spinal nerves

thin filament (2)

composed of actin, troponin, and tropomyosin

thick filament (2)

composed of myosin


contain myofilaments that are responsible for muscle contraction contain myofilaments that are responsible for muscle contraction

Identify the muscles that flex the arm at the glenohumeral joint.

coracobrachialis deltoid biceps brachii

myofibrils (2)

cylindrical organelles specialized for contraction

The anterior fibers of the _______ are the primary flexors of the arm and medially rotate the arm.


Identify the muscles that laterally rotate the arm at the glenohumeral joint.

deltoid infraspinatus teres minor

Identify the muscles that abduct the arm at the glenohumeral joint.

deltoid supraspinatus

What are some terms used in naming muscles according to shape?

deltoid trapezius rhomboid

Which of the following are muscles that move the glenohumeral joint that originate on the scapula?

deltoid triceps brachii biceps brachii coracobrachialis teres major

Functions of the trapezius muscle include ______.

depress scapula movement of the pectoral girdle retract scapula elevate scapula extension of the head and neck

In general, the infrahyoid muscles function to ______.

depress the hyoid bone

The subclavius ______ the clavicle.


The anconeus muscle is ______ to the triceps brachii muscle.


When an appendicular muscle is contracting, the less moveable muscle attachment is usually the ______ attachment


In an isometric contraction, the muscle ______ body movement.

does not produce

tropomyosin (2)

double-stranded regulatory protein

Which are functions of the digastric muscle?

elevating the hyoid bone and depressing the mandible

The muscles of the thenar and hypothenar group form fleshy masses, each called a(n) ______, a term given to a circumscribed area raised above the general level of the surrounding surface.


In a muscle there are concentric layers of connective tissues. From deep to superficial these connective tissue layers are the

endomysium perimysium epimysium

The three connective tissue layers surrounding the individual components of a muscle are the

epimysium, perimysium, endomysium

The muscles of the anterior compartment of the thigh flex the thigh and ______ the knee.


In very general terms, the posterior forearm muscles of the superficial layer ______, whereas the muscles of the deep layer ______.

extend the wrist; extend fingers 1 and 2

The posterior compartment of the forearm contains muscles that _________ the wrist, the metacarpophalangeal joints, and interphalangeal joints.

extend, supinate

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the deltoid.

extension of the arm abduction of the arm flexion of the arm medial rotation of the arm lateral rotation of the arm

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the triceps brachii (long head).

extension of the arm adduction of the arm

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the latissimus dorsi.

extension of the arm adduction of the arm medial rotation of the arm

Identify the actions provided by contraction of the triceps brachii.

extension of the humerus extension of the forearm adduction of the humerus

Contraction of gluteal muscles results in ______

extension of the thigh

Which of the following summarizes the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the latissimus dorsi?

extension, adduction, medial rotation

Which are forearm muscles in the superficial layer of the posterior compartment?

extensor digitorum extensor carpi radialis brevis extensor carpi ulnaris extensor digiti minimi extensor carpi radialis longus

Name the forearm muscles in the deep layer of the posterior compartment?

extensor pollicis longus abductor pollicis longus supinator extensor pollicis brevis extensor indicis

The muscles that assist the serratus posterior superior muscles in expanding the thoracic cavity, by elevating the ribs, during inhalation are the ______ intercostals.


Most muscles in the forearm are called ______ muscles of the hand and wrist because these muscles arise from the forearm, not the wrist or hand.


Which tongue muscles end in the suffix -glossus?


Which muscles end in the suffix -glossus, meaning tongue?

extrinsic tongue muscles

Which muscles protract, retract and elevate the tongue?

extrinsic tongue muscles

True or false: All of the rotator cuff muscles either medially or laterally rotate the glenohumeral joint.


Fill in the blank question. Overall, as aging progresses, muscle strength and endurance are impaired, and the individual has a tendency to _________ quickly.


The subclavius inferiorly attaches on the _____________ rib and superiorly attaches on the __________.

first clavicle

Posterior compartment thigh muscles ______ the knee.


The anterior muscles of the neck ______ the neck


The anterolateral neck muscles function to ______.

flex the head and neck

When the iliacus contracts, the thigh is ______.


When the psoas major contracts, the thigh is ______.


Contraction of the long head of the biceps brachii results in a single type of movement of the glenohumeral joint: What type of movement is this?

flexion of the arm

Identify the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the coracobrachialis.

flexion of the arm adduction of the arm

Contraction of anterior muscles of the thigh results in ______.

flexion of the thigh rotation of the thigh

Which best summarizes the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur with contraction of the deltoid?

flexion, abduction, medial rotation, and lateral rotation

Which of the following best summarizes the movements of the glenohumeral joint that occur when the pectoralis major contracts?

flexion, adduction, medial rotation

The anterior compartment of the forearm is the ______ compartment.


Which are muscles of the hypothenar group of intrinsic hand muscles?

flexor digiti minimi brevis opponens digiti minimi abductor digiti minimi

Which are the forearm muscles in the deep layer of the anterior compartment?

flexor digitorum profundus flexor pollicis longus pronator quadratus

Identify the single muscle of the intermediate layer in the anterior compartment of the forearm.

flexor digitorum superficialis

The name of the forearm muscle found in the intermediate layer of the anterior compartment is the ______.

flexor digitorum superficialis

Smooth muscle cells are ______ in shape.


In addition to the compartments, muscles in two other groups move the hip joint/thigh, the ______.

gluteal group and deep muscles of the gluteal region

Which are muscles of the medial thigh compartment?

gracilis adductor brevis adductor longus pectineus obturator externus adductor magnus

If a muscle cell is stimulated to contract, allowed to partially relax, then stimulated again, its force of contraction the second time will be ______.


In which activities are muscles in an isometric contraction?

holding a yoga pose sitting up very straight pushing on a locked door

The diameter of a muscle fiber will predict ______.

how much power it will produce

You make a New Year's resolution to work out more and by March notice your muscles are getting bigger. This is a result of muscle ______.


In a sarcomere, the ______ zone (or band) is the light, central region of the A band.


The posterior compartment of the forearm consists of a total of ______ muscles distributed between ______ layers.

10; superficial and deep

The glenohumeral joint is crossed by ______ muscles.


Each myosin protein molecule in a thick filament consists of ______ strands.


Muscles of the ___________ compartment of the thigh adduct the thigh.

: medial

Glycolysis and aerobic respiration are used to generate ______ in muscle fibers.


superior pharyngeal constrictor

CN X (vagus nerve)


Choice, CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve) CN IX (glossopharyngeal nerve)

actin (2)

Choice, double-stranded contractile protein double-stranded contractile protein


Choice, regulates entry and exit of materials regulates entry and exit of materials


Choice, transports the action potential from the sarcolemma throughout the entire muscle fiber transports the action potential from the sarcolemma throughout the entire muscle fiber


Covers the active sites on actin when muscle cell is at rest

The pectoralis minor muscle is ______ to the pectoralis major muscle.


The trapezius is a large, ______-shaped muscle


In a normally functioning muscle, the inability to contract and produce tension is called muscle


A skeletal muscle cell is also called a muscle


At maximal contraction of a muscle fiber, the thin filaments are pulled into the ______ zone which disappears.


In a relaxed muscle fiber there are no thin filaments overlapping the thick filaments in the ______ zone


The serratus anterior helps to the scapula against the ______ side of the rib cage.


From lateral to medial, the forearm muscles of the superficial layer of the anterior compartment are the ______.

Pronator teres flexor carpi radialis palmaris longus flexor carpi ulnaris

The anterior group of thoracic muscles ______ the scapula.


As you hold a barbell and begin to flex your arm in a curl, your biceps brachii slowly lifts the weight by using more and more motor units. This phenomenon, which increases the strength of the contraction, is referred to as


After stimulation of ACh receptors, a muscle impulse spreads quickly along the _________ and into the muscle fiber along T-tubules.


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