Chapter 11 - 13 Test Review

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The 25th Amendment provides what mechanism?

- It allows the vice president to assume the presidency in the event of a presidential disability - It allows the vice president and a majority of the Cabinet to declare that the president is disabled and allow the vice president to assume the job - It allows for the replacement for the vice president should that office become vacant

Written Question 3. Explain the difference between judicial activism and judicial judicial restraint.

1) Judicial Activism : the need to defend individual rights and liberties, and they aim to stop actions and laws by other branches of government that they see as infringing on these rights. 2) the concept of a judge not injecting his or her own preferences into legal proceedings and rulings. -- Judicial activism is the assertion (or, sometimes, the unjustified assertion) of the power of judicial review to set aside government acts. Judicial restraint is the refusal to strike down such acts, leaving the issue to ordinary politics.

Written Question 2. Explain three (3) examples of Presidents who have expanded traditional powers due to a war.

1) Mexican War = James Polk manipulated Congress into declaring war on Mexico using the war power 2) Civil War = Abraham Lincoln's Blockaded the enemy, Increased the size of the army and navy, authorized the Treasury to spend $2m on military supplies 3) WW1 = Woodrow Wilson controls railroads and phone lines, seizes mines and factories 4) Korean War = Harry Truman ordered US ground, air, and naval forces to aid South Korea against the invasion of North Korea without a congressional declaration of war

Written Question 1. Explain the difference between the three (3) ways a member of the House & Senate can see themselves and how they vote.

1) Trustees - follow their own judgement, voting based on their consciences and the broad interests of the nation 2) Delegates - vote according to their constituents desires, regardless of personal views 3) Politicos - Combine both roles, attempting to strike a balance between the interests of their constituents and their own judgements

Steps to pass a bill

1. Legislation is Introduced 2. Committee Action 3. Legislation is placed on the calendar 4. Floor Action 5. Debate 6. Vote 7. Conference Committee 8. The President 9. The Bill becomes a law

The president's budget must be prepared how long before it is enacted?

16 months

By which of the following can override a presidential veto?

2/3 majority of each house of Congress

Which of the following limits the president to two elected terms?

22nd Amendment

How many United States Supreme Court Justices are there?


Which of the following legislative skills must a president have in order to successful lead Congress?

A president must know the legislative environment Presidents must have a high quality legislative liaison office A president needs a good sense of timing Presidents must establish their priorities and know where to concentrate their energies.

Which of the following is true of the Congressional Seniority?

All of the Above - It is based on the length of continuous serve in congress - It can affect the amount of office space a member is granted - It can affect the deference shown a member during floor debate It can affect committee assignments

What is the duty (or duties) of the Speaker of the House?

All of the Answer - Next in line to succeed the president after the vice president - Nominated by the majority party - Duty was established by Article I, Section 2 of the Constitution - Presiding officer of the House of Representatives

Which of the following entities is part of the President's National Security Council?

All of the answers - Any other officials the president may wish to add - The secretary of Office - Vice President - Secretary of Defense

Which of the following applies to the Executive Office of the president?

All of the answers - It includes the council of economic advisers - It includes the National Security Council - It includes the office of management and budget - It was created in 1939 to serve as the managerial arm of the presidency.

Responsibilities of senior White House aides involves which of the following tasks?

All of the answers - Keeping check on the bureaucracy - Giving the president broad gauged advice not influenced by a departmental or interest group perspective - Setting legislative Strategy - Reviewing the performance of Cabinet and Sub-Cabinet officials.

Which of the following statements about how a bill becomes a law is true?

All of the answers - Should the president veto the bill, Congress may pass the bill into law by a two-thirds vote in each house. - Most legislation begins as similar proposals in both houses. - At each step along the way a bill can be stymied. - All bills must go through both House and Senate before reaching the president.

Which of the following are true of ex post facto laws?

All of the answers - They are prohibited by the Constitution. - They are laws that make an act a crime after it was committed. - They are laws that increase the punishment for a crime already committed. - They are in violation of personal liberties.

How is the contest between the president and the media seen?

As a standoff

What compromises the national court system?

Both federal and state courts

The following Act requires the secretary of state to submit to the Senate the final text of any executive agreement and allows agreements concerning sensitive national security matters to be submitted privately to the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs committees.

Case Act

Constitutional amendments, statutory amendments, impeachment and appointment of new justices with Senate confirmation may be used to do which of the following?

Check Judicial Power

Article II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution, names the president as the commander-in-chief. This means that the president is which of the following?

Civilian head of the U.S. Military Forces

The 3/5 Majority vote that ends a debate in the Senate is called


Only ______________ can approve legislation and send it to the House of Senate floor for consideration.


What of the following is required in order for the Supreme Court to be effective?


Each opinion of the Court represents the consensus of the majority. Justices in the majority may write one or more ____________ opinions when they reject the majority's reasoning while accepting its result, or they simply may have other thoughts to add.


The Government Accountability Office is a

Congressional Agency

Established by the Employment Act of 1946 as a part of the Executive Office of the President, this entity's primary task is to analyze economic issues, make economic forecasts, and prepare the president's annual Economic Report to Congress:

Council of Economic Advisors

Which of the following adjudicates controversies concerning the classification and valuation of imported merchandise?

Court of International Trade

There are thirteen of which types of courts in the United States?

Courts of Appeals

What is the difference between courts of limited and general Jurisdictions?

Courts of limited Jurisdictions are the lowest level in a state's judicial system, and courts of general jurisdiction receive appeals from courts of limited Jurisdiction

When a judge issues a formal statement that disagrees with the majority opinion it referred to as a ______

Dissenting Opinion

What is the biggest difference between distributed and redistributive policies?

Distributive policies provide considerable benefits to a few people and relatively small costs for many whereas redistributive polices produce considerable benefits to some segments to society but high costs to others.

As a way of reducing the volume of cases in the district courts, Congress has considered repealing which of the following laws?

Diversity Jurisdiction

In special situations, how are cases heard with an entire circuit's bench sitting at once?

En Banc

The national courts are usually referred to, somewhat misleadingly, as _______________.

Federal Courts

The president's power to pardon is limited to which laws?

Federal laws

The typical organization of state courts includes the following hierarchy: I. Court of Last Resort II. Courts of Limited Jurisdiction III. Courts of General Jurisdiction IV. Intermediate Appellate Court(s)


The president cannot commit troops to combat longer than 60 days according to which legislation?

IDK Not Cold War Act

The Constitution gives Congress the power to do which of the following?

IDK Not None of the Answers

Often times the President's Chief of Staff will present many different viewpoints to the president in order to inform the president's decision making process. According to your textbook, this is referred to as?

IDK Not Staff Analysis

The Iron triangle is a combination of ___, ___, and ___ seen as extremely influential in determining the outcome of political decisions

Interest group representatives, legislators, government administrators

Unlike the Speaker of the House, The president pro tempore of the Senate does what?

Is mostly a ceremonial role

What is the function of the war power?

It allows Congress the power to declare war rather than make war.

What is the congressional franking privilege?

It is free postage for official business.

The bureaucracy is defined as doing which of the following?

It is often involved with interest groups and congressional committees in sub governments

What was the affect of the Cold War?

It was a period when presidential war-making authority grew.

The authority of a court or agency to act is called ___


All except which of the following statements about the President's Removal Power are true?

Just as the president can appoint Supreme Court Justices, he can also dismiss them.

Generally, what is the minority leader's role?

Leader and chief spokesperson for the minority rule

A congressional aide who analyzes bills, drafts laws, writes speeches, and prepares position papers is called a

Legislative Assistant

____ is when members of Congress exchange votes to help each other.


What is the process in which a legislative committee sets the precise language and amendments of a bill called?

Mark - Up

General Jurisdiction courts usually head what types of cases?

Maybe Most criminal cases

A combination of electing and appoint judges is part of which document?

Missouri Plan

The "plasticity" of the presidency refers to the tendency of the office to be viewed as what?

Molded according to the energy and personality of its occupants in combination with the needs and challenges of the day.

The speaker assigns pieces of major legislation to two or more committees with strict deadlines. What is the known as?

Multiple Referrals

How is the office of the Speaker of the House generated?

NOT ! Established by the members

Which agency focuses on the formulation, coordination, and implementation of economic and domestic policy?

NOT ! Office of Management and Budget

The constitutional theory of the presidency calls for which interpretation?

Narrow Interpretation of presidential powers

A member of Congress who intervenes with the government on behalf of individual constituents is referred to as which of the following?


What does the Committee of the whole refer to?

Parliamentary device used by the House to facilitate floor consideration of a bill

Who acts as an assistant to majority or minority leaders?

Party Whip

All of the following shape and influence Supreme Court Decisions except ____

Personal Emotions

The manner of representation in which members of Congress attempt to strike a balance between the interests of their constituents and the dictates of their own judgment and conscience is which of the following?

Politico Style

___ is the concept of getting national government spending in a member's district.

Pork Barrel Politics

For posiition that require confirmation, the Senate generally allows presidents to select people with who they feel comfortable, personally and ideologically. This is called the Presidental

Power of Appointment

During the Watergate affair, what did President Nixon attempt to increase? This is the right of the president to refuse information requested by Congress or the courts.

Power of Executive Privilege

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was unique in that it granted which of the following?

President Johnson the authority to undertake military activities in Southeast Asia

The Speaker follows the vice president in the line of succession for the presidency according to which of the following documents?

Presidential Succession Act of 1947

The Constitution ___________ passing bills of attainder by Congress.


The Supreme Court ruled that the president's removal power applied only to which of the following?

Purely Executive Offices

Senator Carlin extends support to Senator Pryor's legislation with the expectation that the favor will be returned. This is an example of which legislative norm?


The purpose of the conference committee is to ___ the House and Senate versions of a bill.


According to the textbook, the president and the media go through all except which of the following phases?


Which of the following is not a member of the inner cabinet?

Secretary of the Interior

Today, the _____ is highly unlikely to approve a nominee who is not a law school graduate and a member of the bar?


The United States Congress is considered bicameral because it is divided between which two branches of government?

Senate and the House

What is the practice that allows home-state senators considerable control over the fate of presidential nominees?

Senatorial Courtesy

A criminal case pits an individual against what entity

Society at large

This rule allows Congress to correct the Court's interpretation of a statute:

Statutory Amendment

Under the ________________ theory of presidential power, presidents may undertake any act as long as it is not prohibited by a specific provision of the Constitution or statutory law.


President Theodore Roosevelt developed the ____ of the presidency

Stewardship theory

The power to originate tax bills established in the Constitution was solely given to which of the following?

The House

Congress is sometimes referred to as which branch of government?

The People's Branch

Which of the following is the correct order of events regarding how a bill becomes a law in the U.S. House of Representatives?

The bill is introduced in the House and referred to a House committee that holds hearings and recommends passage. Then the Rules committee sends the bill to the House floor. The House debates and passes the bill, and then the Senate and House confer and offer the same Legislation. Finally, the president signs it into law.

All EXCEPT which of the following are justifications enhancing the changes for review by the Supreme Court?

The case involves the President of the United States, such as impeachment

Which of the following is not true about the Supreme Court?

The ideology of the nominee for the Supreme Court seems to have little influence on a president's choice

The Senate majority leader spends much times accommodating the hectic schedules of which political entity?

The individual sectors

The media plays which of the following roles?

The media tends to develop themes in news stories that can oversimplify issues or treat personalities as stereotypes.

The president's inner cabinet differs from his outer cabinet in which way?

The officers of the inner cabinet handle issues of board national importance while those in the outer deal with sharply defined programs.

The president power to Pardon includes all except which of the following?

The right to grant a pardon for violations to state or local laws

A minimum of four justices must agree to accept a case for review. What is this is called?

The rule of four

For members of Congress to get re-elected they must cultivate the support and trust of which of the following?

Their Constituents

Which of the following is true about the Senate versus the House?

There are fewer Senators, and they have longer terms

Which of the following is true of the members of Congress?

They remain predominantly male

Which of the following is one of the major responsibilities of the Office of Management and Budget?

To clear legislative proposals submitted to the president by various departments

Among other cases, what do courts of limited jurisdiction hear?

Traffic violations

Select the following convictions may result in impeachment for the president, vice president, and other civil officers of the United States?

Treason, Bribery, Misdemeanors Not Fraud

Which office confirms U.S. Supreme Court Justices?

US Senate

Tax and approximation bills are placed on which congressional caledar?


The government's lawyer before the Supreme Court is ___

Usually the Solicitor General

In the event of a tie in the U.S. Senate, who may cast the tie breaking vote?

Vice President

What do "delegate" representatives do?

Vote for their constituents' desires

Almost all divorce and personal injury cases ___

are heard in state courts.

Franklin Roosevelt made ___ a serious tool for foreign policy

executive agreements

What is the purpose of appellate Jurisdiction?

review decisions from lower courts

Fact discretion is most visible in which court?

trial court

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