Chapter 11:Workplace Violence

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The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health

-NIOSH -defines workplace violence as "violent acts directed toward persons at work or on duty" -in health care the most common workplace violence is client aggression toward caregivers

Workplace violence Prevention Measures for Employers: Administrative controls

-design staffing patterns to prevent personnel from working alone and to minimize pt waiting time -restrict the movement of the public in hospitalls by card-controlled access -develop a system for altering security personnel when violence is threatened

Workplace violence Prevention Measures for Employers: Environmental designs

-develop emergency signaling, alarms, and monitoring systems -install security devices such as metal detectors to prevent armed persons from entering -install other security devices, such as cameras and good lighting, in hallways -provide security escorts to the parking lots at night -design waiting areas to accommodate and assist visitors and pts who may have a delay in service design the triage area and other public areas to minimize the risk of assault (provide staff restrooms and emergency exits, install enclosed nurses' stations, install deep service counters to increase distance from pt or bullet-resistant and shatter-proof glass enclosures in reception areas, arrange furniture and other objects to minimize their use as weapons)

Hospital Violence

-differ from workplace violence in general -results from pts and occasionally from family members, who fell frustrated, vulnerable and powerless

Effects of Violence

-effects go further than the actual injuries and psychological trauma t-may also have negative organization outcomes, such as low worker morale, increased job stress, increased worker turnover, reduce trust of management an coworkers, and a hostile working environment -both employer and employee have a responsibility to decrease violent occurrences

Workplace violence Prevention Measures for Employees: Be alter

-evaluate each situation for potential violence when you enter a room or begin to relate to a pt or visitor -be vigilant throughout the encounter -don't isolate yourself with a potentially violent person -always keep an open path for exiting- don't let the potentially violent person stand between you and the door

Workplace Violence

-not limited to physical assault, but also includes verbal abuse -according to 2005 estimated by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS); 5% of all establishments surveyed had an incident of workplace violence in the past 12 months -hospital nurses,nursing assistants, EMTs, hospital safety officers are higher risk of becoming victims of workplace violence (all health care providers) -range from offensive or threatening language to homicide

Workplace violence Prevention Measures for Employees: Maintain behavior that helps diffuse anger

-present a calm; caring attitude -Don't match the threats -Don't give orders -acknowledge the person's feelings (ex. "I know you are frustrated") -avoid any behavior that may be interpreted as aggressive(ex. moving rapidly, getting too close, touching, or speaking loudly)

Workplace violence Prevention Measures for Employers: Behavior modification

-provide all workers with training in recognizing and managing assaults, resolving conflicts, and maintaining hazard awareness

Workplace violence Prevention Measures for Employees: Takes these steps if you can't defuse the situation quickly

-remove yourself from the situation -call security for help -report any violent incidents to your management

Workplace violence Prevention Measures for Employees: Signals associated with Impending Violence

-verbally expressed anger and frustration -body language such as threatening gestures -signs of drug or alcohol use -presence of a weapon

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