Chapter 12 College Speech
Changes in a speakers rate, pitch, volume, and pauses are referred to as
vocal variety
________ is based on a persons use of voice and body, rather than on the use of words
Nonverbal communication
One of the advantages of using the extemporaneous method of delivery is that it
encourages conversational quality
As your textbook explains, upon reaching the lectern to start a speech, you should
makes eye contact with you listeners
In witch of the following situations will the personal appearance of the speaker have an impact on the audience perception of the speaker
A) a police officer presenting an educational talk B) a concerned citizen being interviewed on the news C) a lawyer addressing a jury This is the correct answer. D) all of the above
Sloopy_____ is the failure to form particular speech sounds crisply and distinctly
______ is a variety of a language distinguished by variations of accent, grammar, or vocabulary.
An________ speech is a carefully prepared and rehearsed speech that is presented from a brief set of notes
The best rate for effective public speaking is 110 words per minute
The primary rule of using gestures in a speech is to gesture frequently and emphatically so listeners notice what you are doing
____ are changes in the pitch or tone of a speakers voice
When accuracy is essential and a speech must be delivered word for word__________ delivery is most appropriate
Speakers who lack variety are said to speak in a____
As Mark noted, "The right word may be effective as a rightly timed____"
_________ is the lowness of happiness of the speakers voice
Violating the accepted standard of sound and rhythm for words in a given language is an error in
"Conversational quality" refers to speech delivery that sounds spontaneous no matter how many times it has been rehearsed.
Good delivery does not call attention to itself
Research shoes that speakers in the United States who fail to establish eye contact may be seen by listeners as insincere or even dishonest.
When practicing your speech delivery, you should do all the following except.
Try to lean your speech word from word
An______ speech is delivered with little or no immediate preparation
When you end your speech, you should
A) maintain eye contact for a few moments after you stop talking. B) collect your notes and any visual aids you may have used. C) maintain a cool, collected demeanor as you return to your seat. This is the correct answer. D) all of the above.