Chapter 12

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The four problems that affect the most adolescents are

(1) drug abuse (2) juvenile delinquency (3) sexual problems, (4) school-related problems. The adolescents most at risk have more than one of these problems. Researchers are increasingly finding that problem behaviors in adolescence are interrelated

Thus, many ethnic minority adolescents experience a double disadvantage:

(1) prejudice, discrimination, and bias because of their ethnic minority status; and (2) the stressful effects of poverty

Why would the self-esteem of girls decline during early adolescence?

1. girls' negative body images during pubertal change. 2. greater interest young adolescent girls take in social relationships and society's failure to reward that interest

Late bloomers comprise approximately

10 percent of 17- to 19-year-olds who say that they have had no experience with romantic relationships and another 15 percent who report that they have not engaged in any romantic relationships that lasted more than four months.

In a 2010 national study of American college freshmen, _________ percent said they had attended religious services frequently or occasionally during their senior year in high school, down from a high of ______ percent in 1997.

73 percent in 2010; 85 percent in 1997

A study of U.S. and Chinese young adolescents found that adolescents' disclosure to parents was linked with a higher level of...?

Academic competence (better learning strategies, autonomous motivation, and better grades)

One study found that Asian American adolescents were less likely to have been involved in a romantic relationship in the past 18 months than

African American or Latino adolescents

Latino and Asian American cultures have more conservative standards regarding adolescent dating than does

Anglo-American culture

Consolidating dyadic romantic bonds at about 17 to 19 years of age

At the end of the high school years, more serious romantic relationships develop. This is characterized by strong emotional bonds more closely resembling those in adult romantic relationships. These bonds often are more stable and enduring than earlier bonds, typically lasting one year or more. .

Exploring romantic relationships at approximately 14 to 16 years of age

At this point in adolescence, two types of romantic involvement occur: (a) Casual dating emerges between individuals who are mutually attracted. These dating experiences are often short-lived, lasting a few months at best, and usually endure for only a few weeks. (b) Dating in groups is common and reflects embeddedness in the peer context. Friends often act as third-party facilitators of a potential dating relationship by communicating their friend's romantic interest and determining whether this attraction is reciprocated.

Girl/Boys are given more independence than boys/girls.


Overall, (fewer/more) adolescents around the world die from infectious diseases and malnutrition now than in the past Santrock, John. Life-Span Development (p. 385). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kindle Edition.


Adolescents also say they depend more on (parents/friends) than on (friends/parents) to satisfy their needs for companionship, reassurance of worth, and intimacy.

Friends; parents

Adolescent (girls/boys) are more likely to disclose information about problems to a friend than are adolescent (girls/boys)

Girls; Boys

Eriksonian researcher James Marcia reasons that Erikson's theory of identity development contains four statuses of identity, or ways of resolving the identity crisis. What are the four statuses of identity?

Identity Diffusion Identity Foreclosure Identity Moratorium Identity Achievement

AAccording to Erikson, adolescents who do not successfully resolve this identity crisis suffer from

Identity confusion

What are some of the circumstances immigrants face that challenge their adjustment?

Immigrants often experience stressors uncommon to or less prominent among long-time residents, such as language barriers, dislocations and separations from support networks, the dual struggle to preserve identity and to acculturate, and changes in socioeconomic status.

Conflict with parents often escalates during early adolescence and then lessens as the adolescent reaches 17 to 20 years of age.

In a recent study of Chinese American families, parent-adolescent conflict increased in early adolescence, peaked at about 16 years of age, and then decreased through late adolescence and emerging adulthood

Intensive individualized attention

In successful programs, high-risk adolescents are attached to a responsible adult who gives the adolescent attention and deals with the adolescent's specific needs (Plourde & others, 2017). This theme occurs in a number of programs. In a successful substance abuse program, a student assistance counselor is available full-time for individual counseling and referral for treatment.

Identity confusion (erikson) takes one of two courses:

Individuals either withdrawal, isolating themselves from peers and family OR they immerse themselves in the world of peers and lose their identity in the crowd

Two countries where parent-adolescent conflict is lower than in the United States

Japan and India

Early identification and intervention.

Reaching younger children and their families before children develop problems or at the onset of their problems is a successful strategy.

What is the psychological profile of the suicidal adolescent?

Suicidal adolescents often have depressive symptoms (du Roscoät & others, 2016; Thompson & Swartout, 2018). Although not all depressed adolescents are suicidal, depression is the most frequently cited factor associated with adolescent suicide (Thapar & others, 2012). A sense of hopelessness, low self-esteem, and high self-blame also are associated with adolescent suicide.

Harry Stack Sullivan (1953) said

Sullivan, friends become increasingly important in meeting social needs.

Community-wide multiagency collaborative approaches.

The basic philosophy of community-wide programs is that a number of different programs and services have to be in place (Trude & others, 2018). In one successful substance-abuse program, a community-wide health promotion campaign has been implemented that uses local media and community education, in concert with a substance-abuse curriculum in the schools.

Psychosocial Moratorium (Erikson)

The gap between childhood security and adult autonomy.

Many individuals who develop positive identities follow what are called "MAMA" cycles. What are "MAMA" cycles?

Their identity status changes from moratorium to achievement to moratorium to achievement.

In one study, both boys and girls had particularly high self-esteem in childhood BUT

Their self-esteem dropped considerably during adolescence...girl's self esteem declined more than girls

The everyday conflicts that characterize parent-adolescent relationships may actually serve a positive developmental function.

These minor disputes and negotiations facilitate the adolescent's transition from being dependent on parents to becoming an autonomous individual.

Bicultural Identity

They identify in some ways from ethnic minority and in other ways with the majority culture

Entry into romantic attractions and affiliations at about 11 to 13 years of age.

This initial stage is triggered by puberty. From 11 to 13, adolescents become intensely interested in romance and it dominates many conversations with same-sex friends. Developing a crush on someone is common and the crush often is shared with a same-sex friend. Young adolescents may or may not interact with the individual who is the object of their infatuation. When dating occurs, it usually occurs in a group setting.

Rite of Passage

a ceremony or ritual that marks an individual's transition from one status to another. Most rites of passage focus on the transition to adult status.

In a longitudinal study, Joseph Allen and his colleagues (2009) found that secure attachment at 14 years of age was linked to

a number of positive outcomes at 21 years of age, including relationship competence, financial/career competence, and fewer problematic behaviors.

Crisis (most researchers use the term exploration)

a period of identity development during which the individual is exploring alternatives.

a recent study found that higher levels of parent-adolescent conflict were associated with higher levels of...?

adolescent anxiety, depression, and aggression, and lower levels of self-esteem.

Although questions about identity may be especially important during adolescence and emerging adulthood...

adulthood, identity formation neither begins nor ends during these years

A New Zealand longitudinal study assessed the self-esteem of adolescents at 11, 13, and 15 years of age and then assessed the adjustment and competence of the same individuals when they were 26 years old. What were the results?

adults with poorer mental and physical health, worse economic prospects, and higher levels of criminal behavior were more likely to have had low self-esteem in adolescence than their better-adjusted, more competent adult counterparts.

In a recent study of Chinese American families, parent-adolescent conflict was linked to a sense of

alienation between parents and adolescents, which in turn was related to more depressive symptoms, delinquent behavior, and lower levels of academic achievement

Ethnic Identity

an enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group, along with the attitudes and feelings related to that membership.

A recent study of 10- to 18-year-olds found that lower adolescent disclosure to parents was linked to

antisocial behavior


are larger than cliques and less personal

The label juvenile delinquent is applied to an adolescent who

breaks the law or engages in behavior that is considered illegal. Like other categories of disorders, juvenile delinquency is a broad concept, encompassing legal infractions that range from littering to murder.

Mitchell Prinstein and his colleagues (Prinstein, 2007; Prinstein & Dodge, 2008; Prinstein & Giletta, 2016) have conducted research that found adolescents who feel uncertain about their social identity, which may be evident in low self-esteem and high social anxiety, are most likely to .

conform to peers

In another longitudinal study, parental psychological control (extent to which parents use guilt, anxiety, love withdrawal, and other psychologically controlling behaviors) was linked to

decreases in adolescents' autonomy and relatedness with friends between 13 and 18 years of age and lower levels of autonomy and relatedness with romantic partners at 18

One study found that romantic activity was linked to

depression in early adolescent girls.

In one study, researchers initially assessed U.S. adolescents when they were 16 to 17 years of age and then again every two years until they were 26 to 27 years of age (Naicker & others, 2013). In this study, significant effects that persisted after 10 years were

depression recurrence, stronger depressive symptoms, migraine headaches, poor self-rated health, and low levels of social support.

A recent study found that adolescents who were isolated from their peers and whose caregivers emotionally neglected them were at significant risk for

developing depression

When parents engage in positive parenting practices, adolescents are more likely to....?

disclose information.

About 40 to 50 percent of U.S. adolescents' waking hours (not counting summer vacations) is spent in

discretionary activities, compared with 25 to 35 percent in East Asia and 35 to 45 percent in Europe.

The National Longitudinal Study on Adolescent Health surveyed more than 12,000 adolescents and found that those who did not eat dinner with a parent five or more days a week had

dramatically higher rates of smoking, drinking, using marijuana, getting into fights, and initiating sexual activity

Most gay and lesbian youth have had some same-sex sexual experience, often with peers who are...?


Researchers have found that adolescent (boys/girls) are more religious than are adolescent (boys/girls).

girls; boys

a study of tenth-graders revealed that the more romantic encounters they had experienced, the more likely they were to report

high levels of social acceptance, friendship competence, and romantic competence; however, having more romantic experience also was linked with a higher level of substance use, delinquency, and sexual behavior. However, in some cases, romantic relationships in adolescence are linked with positive developmental changes.

In a recent study of fifth- to eighth-graders, a higher level of parental monitoring was associated with students having...?

higher grades

Early Bloomers include

include 15 to 20 percent of 11- to 13-year-olds who say that they currently are in a romantic relationship and 35 percent who indicate that they have had some prior experience in romantic relationships.

Screen Time

includes how much time individuals spend watching television or DVDs, playing video games, and using computers or mobile media such as iPhones

a number of adolescent health-compromising behaviors (especially illicit drug use and unprotected sex) are

increasing in frequency

A recent study also found that from 16 to 20 years of age, adolescents perceived that they had increasing

independence and improved relationships with their parents

A recent meta-analysis also found that higher levels of parental monitoring and rule enforcement were linked to later... ?

initiation of sexual intercourse and increased use of condoms by adolescents

In another study, adolescents who engaged in a higher level of intimate disclosure at age 10 reported a higher level of

intimate disclosure at age 10 reported a higher level of companionship in romantic relationships at 12 and 15 years of age.

Narrative Approach

involves asking individuals to tell their life stories and evaluate the extent to which their stories are meaningful and integrated


is personal investment in identity

Identity achievement

is the status of individuals who have undergone a crisis and made a commitment.

Further, in a recent study of Latino families, a higher level of secure attachment with mothers was associated with

less heavy drug use by adolescents

Accord to Harry Stack Sullivan, if adolescents fail to develop such close friendships, they experience

loneliness and a reduced sense of self-worth.

teenagers typically prefer to have a (smaller/larger) number of friendships that are teenagers intense and intimate than those of young children.

more intense and intimate than those of young children.

How do old models of parent-adolescent relationships differ from new models of parent adolescent relationships?

old model of parent-adolescent relationships suggested that as adolescents mature they detach themselves from parents and move into a world of autonomy apart from parents suggested that parent-adolescent conflict is intense and stressful throughout adolescence. Whereas The new model emphasizes that parents serve as important attachment figures and support systems while adolescents explore a wider, more complex social world. The new model also emphasizes that in most families parent-adolescent conflict is moderate rather than severe and that the everyday negotiations and minor disputes not only are normal but also can serve the positive developmental function of helping the adolescent make the transition from childhood dependency to adult independence

Researchers have found that adolescents' disclosure to parents about their whereabouts, activities, and friends is linked to

positive adolescent adjustment

And in a research review, the most consistent outcomes of secure attachment in adolescence involved

positive peer relations and development of the adolescent's capacity to regulate emotions

Researchers also have found that early dating and "going with" someone are linked with adolescent

pregnancy and problems at home and school

Dating can be a form of

recreation, a source of status, or a setting for learning about close relationships, as well as a way of finding a mate.


refers to a self-centered and self-concerned approach toward others. `

Narrative identity

refers to the stories people construct and tell about themselves to define who they are themselves and others.

a recent study found that mother-daughter conflict in Mexican American families was linked to an increase in daughters'

romantic involvement

Among the reasons for this gender difference are that females tend to

ruminate in their depressed mood and amplify it; females' self-images, especially their body images, are more negative than males'; females face more discrimination than males do; and puberty occurs earlier for girls than for boys.

In some traditional cultures, rites of passage are the avenue through which adolescents gain access to

sacred adult practices, to knowledge, and to sexuality.

A research review concluded that drug therapy using

serotonin reuptake inhibitors, cognitive behavior therapy, and interpersonal therapy are effective in treating adolescent depression HOWEVER in this review, the most effective treatment was a combination of drug therapy and cognitive behavior therapy.


small groups that range from 2 to about 12 individuals and average about 5 or 6 individuals. The clique members are usually of the same sex and about the same age. .

Harry Stack argued..?

the need for intimacy intensifies during early adolescence, motivating teenagers to seek out close friends.

Identity Moratorium

the status of individuals who are in the midst of a crisis but whose commitments are either absent or are only vaguely defined.

Identity foreclosure

the status of individuals who have made a commitment but not experienced a crisis. This occurs most often when parents hand down commitments to their adolescents, usually in an authoritarian way, before adolescents have had a chance to explore different approaches, ideologies, and vocations on their own.

Identity diffusion

the status of individuals who have not yet experienced a crisis or made any commitments. Not only are they undecided about occupational and ideological choices, they are also likely to show little interest in such matters.

According to Larson (2001), U.S. adolescents may have too much unstructured time because when they are given a choice they typically engage in

unchallenging activities such as hanging out and watching TV. Although relaxation and social interaction are important aspects of adolescence, it seems unlikely that spending large numbers of hours per week in unchallenging activities would foster development.

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