Chapter 13: The Ear Section 1
Staped/o is the combining form for:
a middle ear bone
The semicircular canals and vestibule:
are part of the bony labyrinth that contribute to balance.
All of the following are combining forms for the ear EXCEPT:
External structure located on each side of the head:
The outer region of the ear, external to the tympanic membrane, contains glands that secrete protective earwax, called:
The _____ connects to the oval window in the middle ear:
In the medical term aural, the word root means:
The _____ equalize(s) air pressure on both sides of the eardrum:
eustachian tube
The anatomic structure of the ear that contains the glands that secrete earwax is the:
external auditory meatus
The ear is the organ of:
hearing and balance
The combining form representing the inner ear is:
The bones of the middle ear, which carry sound vibrations, are the:
All of the following are structures of the middle ear EXCEPT the:
The _____ contain(s) receptors and endolymph, which help the body maintain its sense of balance.
semicircular canals and vestibule
The combining form that refers to a middle ear bone is:
The combining form tympan/o refers to :
the eardrum
The eardrum is also called the:
tympanic membrane