Chapter 14: Conflict

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five steps of negotiation process

(1) preparation and planning, (2) definition of ground rules, (3) clarification and justification, (4) bargaining and problem solving, and (5) closure and implementation.

Implications for managers

- Choose an authoritarian management style in emergencies, when unpopular actions need to be implemented, and when the issue is vital to the organization's welfare. Be certain to communicate your logic when possible to make certain employees remain engaged and productive. - Seek integrative solutions when your objective is to learn, when you want to merge insights from people with different perspectives, when you need to gain commitment by incorporating concerns into a consensus, and when you need to work through feelings that have interfered with a relationship.

Contrast Distributive and Integrative Bargaining

- Compromise might be your worst enemy in negotiating a win-win agreement. - The reason is that compromising reduces the pressure to bargain integratively. - , if you or your opponent caves in easily, it doesn't require anyone to be creative to reach a settlement. Thus, people end up settling for less than they could have obtained if they had been forced to consider the other party's interests, trade off issues, and be creative.

How Individual Differences Influence Negotiations

- Culture in Negotiations - Do people from different cultures negotiate differently? Yes, they do. - People generally negotiate more effectively within cultures than between them. - In cross-cultural negotiations, it is especially important that the negotiators be high in openness. - Negotiators need to be especially aware of the emotional dynamics in cross-cultural negotiation.

outline the conflict process

- Differences across countries in conflict resolution strategies may be based on collectivistic tendencies and motives. - Collectivist cultures see people as deeply embedded in social situations. - They will avoid direct expression of conflicts, preferring indirect methods for resolving differences of opinion.

gender differences in negotiations

- Gender Differences in Negotiations - Men and women negotiate differently and these differences affect outcomes . - There is some merit to the popular stereotype that women are more cooperative, pleasant, and relationship-oriented in negotiations than are men. - These gender differences can be lessened at both the organizational and individual level.

outline the conflict process:

- Groups that resolve conflicts successfully discuss differences of opinion openly. - The most disruptive conflicts are those that are never addressed directly. - Managers need to emphasize shared interests in resolving conflicts. - Groups with cooperative conflict styles and an underlying identification to group goals are more effective than groups with a more competitive style.

How Individual Differences Influence Negotiations

- Personality Traits in Negotiation - Can you predict an opponent's negotiating tactics if you know something about his/her personality? - The evidence says "sort of." - Moods/Emotions in Negotiation - Influence negotiation, but the way they do appears to depend on the type of negotiation.

negotiating in social context

- Reputation: the way other people think and talk about you. - Develop a trustworthy reputation - competence and integrity. - Relationships: think about what's best for the other party and the relationship as a whole. - Repeated negotiations built on trust provide more options.

contrast distributive and integrative bargaining

- Research shows that when you're engaged in distributive bargaining, one of the best things you can do is make the first offer, and make it an aggressive one. - Shows power. - Establishes an anchoring bias. - Another distributive bargaining tactic is revealing a deadline.

Contrast distibutive and integrative bargaining:

- Why don't we see more integrative bargaining in organizations? - Need the right conditions: Parties who are open with information and candid about their concerns. - A sensitivity by both parties to the other's needs. - The ability to trust one another. - A willingness by both parties to maintain flexibility. and ability to trust and these conditions dont exist in most organizations

Stage V: Outcomes

-Outcomes, which is Stage V of Exhibit 14-2, may be functional, that is, improving group performance, or dysfunctional in hindering it. -Conflict is constructive when it... - Improves the quality of decisions, stimulates creativity and innovation, encourages interest and curiosity, provides the medium through which problems can be aired and tensions released, and fosters an environment of self-evaluation and change. - Conflict is destructive when it... - Breeds discontent, reduces group effectiveness, and threatens the group's survival.

Contrast distributive and integrative bargaining

An example of distributive bargaining is buying a car. You go out to see the car. It is great and you want it. The owner tells you the asking price. You do not want to pay that much. The two of you then negotiate over the price. The most identifying feature of distributive bargaining is that it operates under zero-sum conditions. Exhibit 14-7 shows that the essence of distributive bargaining is negotiating over who gets what share of a fixed pie. By fixed pie, we mean a set amount of goods or services to be divvied up. When the pie is fixed, or the parties believe it is, they tend to bargain distributively. In contrast to distributive bargaining, integrative bargaining assumes that one or more of the possible settlements can create a win-win solution. Integrative bargaining is preferable to distributive bargaining because the former builds long-term relationships. Integrative bargaining bonds negotiators and allows them to leave the bargaining table feeling they have achieved a victory. Distributive bargaining, however, leaves one party a loser. It tends to build animosity and deepen divisions when people have to work together on an ongoing basis.

Implications for Managers

Build trust by accommodating others when you find you're wrong, when you need to demonstrate reasonableness, when other positions need to be heard, when issues are more important to others than to yourself, when you want to satisfy others and maintain cooperation, when you can build social credits for later issues, to minimize loss when you are outmatched and losing, and when employees should learn from their own mistakes.

How Individual Differences Influence Negotiations

Can you predict an opponent's negotiating tactics if you know something about his or her personality? The evidence says "sort of." It suggests that overall agreeableness is weakly related to negotiation outcomes. Why is this the case? Because the degree to which agreeableness, and personality more generally, affects negotiation outcomes depends on the situation. The importance of being extraverted in negotiations, for example, will very much depend on how the other party reacts to someone who is assertive and enthusiastic. Research also suggests intelligence predicts negotiation effectiveness, but, as with personality, the effects aren't especially strong. Moods and emotions influence negotiation, but the way they do appears to depend on the type of negotiation. It appears that negotiators in a position of power or equal status who show anger negotiate better outcomes because their anger induces concessions from their opponents. Anxiety also appears to have an impact on negotiation. For example, one study found that individuals who experienced more anxiety about a negotiation used more deceptions in dealing with others. Another study found that anxious negotiators expect lower outcomes from negotiations, respond to offers more quickly, and exit the bargaining process more quickly, which leads them to obtain worse outcomes.

What is conflict?

Conflict: a process that begins when one party perceives that another party has negatively affected, or is about to negatively affect, something that the first party cares about. - If no one is aware of a conflict, then it is generally agreed no conflict exists. - Also needed to begin the conflict process are opposition or incompatibility and interaction.

Implications for managers

Consider compromising when goals are important but not worth potential disruption, when opponents with equal power are committed to mutually exclusive goals, and when you need temporary settlements to complex issues. Distributive bargaining can resolve disputes, but it often reduces the satisfaction of one or more negotiators because it is confrontational and focused on the short term. Integrative bargaining, in contrast, tends to provide outcomes that satisfy all parties and build lasting relationships.

Types of conflict:

Contemporary perspectives differentiate types of conflict based on their effects. - Functional conflict supports the goals of the group and improves its performance. - Conflicts that hinder group performance are dysfunctional or destructive forms of conflict.

three loci of conflict:

Loci of Conflict: - Another way to understand conflict is to consider its locus, or where the conflict occurs. There are three basic types: - Dyadic conflict is conflict between two people. - Intragroup conflict occurs within a group or team. - Intergroup conflict is conflict between groups or teams.

implication for managers

Make sure you set aggressive negotiating goals and try to find creative ways to achieve the objectives of both parties, especially when you value the long-term relationship with the other party. That doesn't mean sacrificing your self-interest; rather, it means trying to find creative solutions that give both parties what they really want.

gender differences in negotiations

Men and women negotiate differently and these differences affect outcomes. A popular stereotype is that women are more cooperative, pleasant, and relationship-oriented in negotiations than are men. There is some merit to this. Men tend to place a higher value on status, power, and recognition, whereas women tend to place a higher value on compassion and altruism. Moreover, women do tend to value relationship outcomes more than men, and men tend to value economic outcomes more than women. These differences affect both negotiation behavior and negotiation outcomes.

loci of conflict 2

Nearly all the literature on task, relationship, and process conflict considers intragroup conflict (within the group). That makes sense given that groups and teams often exist only to perform a particular task. However, it doesn't necessarily tell us about the other loci of conflict. Another intriguing question about loci is whether conflicts interact or buffer one another. Intense intergroup conflict can be quite stressful to group members and might well affect the way they interact. Thus, understanding functional and dysfunctional conflict requires not only that we identify the type of conflict; we also need to know where it occurs.


Negotiation is a process in which two or more parties exchange goods or services and attempt to agree upon the exchange rate for them. We use the terms negotiation and bargaining interchangeably.

managing functional conflict

One of the keys to minimizing counterproductive conflicts is recognizing when there really is a disagreement. - Many apparent conflicts are due to people using different language to discuss the same general course of action. - Successful conflict management recognizes these different approaches . -Attempts to resolve them by encouraging open, frank discussion focused on interests rather than issues.

managing conflict 2

One of the keys to minimizing counterproductive conflicts is recognizing when there really is a disagreement. Many apparent conflicts are due to people using different language to discuss the same general course of action. For example, someone in marketing might focus on "distribution problems," while someone from operations will talk about "supply chain management" to describe essentially the same issue. Successful conflict management recognizes these different approaches and attempts to resolve them by encouraging open, frank discussion focused on interests rather than issues (we'll have more to say about this when we contrast distributive and integrative bargaining styles).

Types of conflict:

Researchers have classified conflicts into three categories: - Task conflict relates to the content and goals of the work. - Relationship conflict focuses on interpersonal relationships. - Process conflict is about how the work gets done.

outline the conflict process: 2

Stage III involves intentions, or decisions to act in a given way that intervene between people's perceptions and emotions and their overt behavior. Why are intentions separated out as a distinct stage? Merely one party attributing the wrong intentions to the other escalates a lot of conflicts. One author's effort to identify the primary conflict-handling intentions is represented in Exhibit 14-3 along two dimensions. First is cooperativeness or the degree to which one party attempts to satisfy the other party's concerns. Second is assertiveness, which is the degree to which one party attempts to satisfy his or her own concerns. Five conflict-handling intentions can be identified: competing, collaborating, avoiding, accommodating, and compromising. Keep in mind that intentions are not always fixed. They might change because of reconceptualization or because of an emotional reaction. However, individuals have preferences among the five conflict-handling intentions. We can predict a person's intentions rather well from a combination of intellectual and personality characteristics.

Outline the conflict process: 3

Stage IV is where conflicts become visible. The behavior stage includes the statements, actions, and reactions made by the conflicting parties. These conflict behaviors are usually overt attempts to implement each party's intentions. At the lower part of the continuum, conflicts are characterized by subtle, indirect, and highly controlled forms of tension. Conflict intensities escalate as they move upward along the continuum until they become highly destructive. If a conflict is dysfunctional, what can the parties do to de-escalate it? Or, conversely, what options exist if conflict is too low and needs to be increased?

types of conflict studies:

Studies demonstrate that relationship conflicts, at least in work settings, are almost always dysfunctional. It appears that the friction and interpersonal hostilities inherent in relationship conflicts increase personality clashes and decrease mutual understanding, which hinders the completion of organizational tasks. Of the three types, relationship conflicts also appear to be the most psychologically exhausting to individuals. While scholars agree that relationship conflict is dysfunctional, there is considerably less agreement as to whether task and process conflicts are functional.

outline the conflict process:

The conflict process has five stages: potential opposition or incompatibility, cognition and personalization, intentions, behavior, and outcomes. As shown in Exhibit 14-2, in Stage I, potential opposition or incompatibility is present. Here, communication as a source of conflict represents those opposing forces that arise from semantic difficulties, misunderstandings, and "noise" in the communication channels. The potential for conflict increases when either too little or too much communication takes place. The term structure includes variables such as size, degree of specialization, jurisdictional clarity, member-goal compatibility, leadership styles, reward systems, and the degree of dependence. Personal variables include personality, emotions, and values. People high in the personality traits of disagreeableness, neuroticism, or self-monitoring are prone to tangle with other people more often, and to react poorly when conflicts occur. Emotions can also cause conflict even when they are not directed at others. In Stage II, the potential for opposition or incompatibility becomes actualized. Because a disagreement is a perceived conflict, however, does not mean it is personalized. It is at the felt conflict level, when individuals become emotionally involved, that they experience anxiety, tension, frustration, or hostility. Stage II is important for two reasons: because it's where conflict issues tend to be defined, where the parties decide what the conflict is about; and because emotions play a major role in shaping perceptions and therefore our reactions to the conflict.

outline the conflict process 4

This brings us to techniques of conflict management. Exhibit 14-5 lists the major resolution and stimulation techniques that allow managers to control conflict levels. Under ideal conditions, a person's intentions should translate into comparable behaviors.

Implication for managers

While many people assume conflict lowers group and organizational performance, this assumption is frequently incorrect. Conflict can be either constructive or destructive to the functioning of a group or unit. Levels of conflict can be either too high or too low to be constructive. Either extreme hinders performance. An optimal level is one that prevents stagnation, stimulates creativity, allows tensions to be released, and initiates the seeds of change without being disruptive or preventing coordination of activities.

Roles and Function of Third-party Negotiations 2

To really understand negotiations in practice, then, we must consider the social factors of reputation and relationships. Your reputation is the way other people think and talk about you. When it comes to negotiation, having a reputation for being trustworthy matters. In short, trust in a negotiation process opens the door to many forms of integrative negotiation strategies that benefit both parties. The most effective way to build trust is to behave in an honest way across repeated interactions. Then, others feel more comfortable making open-ended offers with many different outcomes. This helps to achieve win-win outcomes, since both parties can work to achieve what is most important to themselves while still benefitting the other party. What type of characteristics help a person develop a trustworthy reputation? A combination of competence and integrity. Negotiators higher in self-confidence and cognitive ability are seen as more competent by negotiation partners. They are also considered better able to accurately describe a situation and their own resources, and more credible when they make suggestions for creative solutions to impasses. Individuals who have a reputation for integrity can also be more effective in negotiations. They are seen as more likely to keep their promises and present information accurately, so others are more willing to accept their promises as part of a bargain. Finally, individuals who have higher reputations are better liked and have more friends and allies—in other words, they have more social resources, which may give them more understood power in negotiations.

Roles and Function of Third-party Negotiations

When individuals or group representatives reach a stalemate and are unable to resolve their differences through direct negotiations, they may turn to a third party. A mediator An arbitrator A conciliator

Apply the Five Steps of the Negotiation Process

When it comes to preparation and planning, first, do your homework. What is the nature of the conflict? What is the history leading up to this negotiation? Who is involved, and what are their perceptions of the conflict? What do you want from the negotiation? What are your goals? You also want to assess what you think are the other party's goals. Once you have gathered your information, use it to develop a strategy. Determine your and the other side's Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement, or BATNA. Your BATNA determines the lowest value acceptable to you for a negotiated agreement. Any offer you receive that is higher than your BATNA is better than an impasse. Next, define the ground rules. Who will do the negotiating? Where will it take place? What time constraints, if any, will apply? To what issues will negotiation be limited? Will there be a specific procedure to follow if an impasse is reached? During this phase, the parties will also exchange their initial proposals or demands. When initial positions have been exchanged, explain, amplify, clarify, bolster, and justify your original demands. This need not be confrontational. You might want to provide the other party with any documentation that helps support your position. The essence of the negotiation process takes place in the bargaining and problem solving phase. This is the actual give-and-take in trying to hash out an agreement. Concessions will undoubtedly need to be made by both parties. The final step is formalizing the agreement that has been worked out and developing any procedures that are necessary for implementation and monitoring. Major negotiations will require hammering out the specifics in a formal contract. For most cases, however, closure of the negotiation process is nothing more formal than a handshake.

contrast distributive and integrative bargaining


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